Today was a snow day with no school or internet or phone connection so I had to rely on old-fashioned forms of entertainment such as "books" and "television" instead. It was a revelation of an experience that taught me a lot about what's important in life. And like, I totally know what it's like to be Amish now.

And so, I made another real-life moodboard (others I've done here & here) on the desk in my room based around this necklace contraption that the folks at Proenza Schouler recently sent my way. Summer camp/friendship bracelets/bike lock/bungee chord/backyard streams/geology vibes. I really wish it was summer.

So about this necklace, which is a bit too clunky for the delicate connotations that the word necklace implies -- it is beautiful summer camp perfection. Usually when I wear it I just stare at the rocks and zone out. And probably the best part about the non-necklace-ness is that I don't have to be really careful when wearing it. A complain I'd like to file, however, is that the size isn't adjustable. You'd think that when half of it is made out of bike lock/bungee chord material there would be some clever and simple way to adjust it. I've taken to latching the large loops onto the smaller ones sticking out of the side. Maybe that's what you're supposed to do, actually? Hmph.
The necklace is displayed here against a record I bought at the Salvation Army because for some reason it seemed really necessary to own a record of a high school band from an Illinois suburb in the 70's.

Lizard bracelet is from a watch I bought at Target in like 5th grade and the other bracelets my friend made. Meagan gave me this Risto skirt and, like her with her eyebrow glasses, I got extremely Double Rainbow over it. Which would be appropriate, considering the Proenza necklace is from their stoner collection.

Top also sent to me by Proenza.
Finally, if you live in Chicago and have nothing to do Friday night, I'm part of a fun interview lineup at the Hideout! Do you enjoy small venues with friendly people? How about alcoholic beverages? Were you a member of the Wheaton Central High School Band in 1977 and want to know what I thought of your tuba playing? If you answered yes to any of these questions, come say hi! Especially the tuba player -- I have a lot of notes for you.

you used one of my all-time favorite songs as your post title? immediately enamoured.
no snow over here in warm los your real life moodboards, inspired to do one of my own. started putting some random little things like cassette tapes and henna and stickers and such in a shoebox I decorated with collage when I was fourteen though
digging the nostalgic/nature/summer vibes. that proenza shirt pattern is killer. wow, wish I could go to that interview thing it sounds fantastic! good luck with it (how could anyone resist interesting conversations and gospel jazz?)
This makes me reminiscent of fraggle rock
job extremely well done sassy!
you are brilliant!
We had a snow day in Toronto too! Well... I actually just decided it was a snow day on my own accord but my prof. cancelled class in the end so yippee! Anyway, wonderful post... that necklace is AMAZING but I agree, some sort of adjustment contraption is necessary.
-Shoe and I
note*: completely forget to pinpoint the absolute magic of that proenza necklace. it truly encapsulates my love for rocks & minerals and all the past-mentioned summer/nature/summer vibes. what a beauty!
I loved this post!! Tavi you always know wat to post that will make me smile! Thanks for taht!! :D
this is really cute, Tavi.
What is it like to be Amish?
That sonic youth picture, that net, so great.
Love it.
Also, post tuba recording? That cover screams something! I just don't know what.
I wish I had that necklace! And everyting else! I do have worrie dolls though. I just got my hair dyed pink and blue so please stop by my blog to cheak it out.
Archer Prewitt?! You lucky lucky lucky girl! If he actually makes eye contact with you please know that you are one of the privileged few. Shake his hand for me, won't you? Ask him about "Gerroa Songs"...
Tara Violet -- I didn't even mean the song! I was just thinking of letters from camp and how I wish it was summer haha. Also, did you post pictures of your moodboard anywhere? It sounds rad! I'd love to see it.
Hanna -- Now that I'm back to my city ways and replying to your comment, I actually really miss the simplicity of watching a movie on an actual TV set instead of Netflix Instant.
it's a very very cuteee (:
Ivânia Diamond*
You know, I've been one of the first commenters for all of your posts, so you should really check my blog out.
thaix! XD
"Usually when I wear it I just stare at the rocks and zone out." - :-))) I would do the same!!
And I wish I was there! So that I could come and see you at the Hideout [But only if I was able to find it?] ;-)
I love the necklace! The mood board suits it so well.
Your blog is very ispiring!
Start dreaming on
I have a similar necklace; my Vanda, my best friend gave it to me - for Mina with love. Its pendants are two tiny pieces of mineral, one of them sodalite, which makes my concentration skills better and does good to my creativity.
How I wish I was that tuba player.
I vibe your always collect the coolest pictures and songs..Its funny but I was listening to kimyas dawson'song tire swing , and i thought to myself it would be soo funny if one day it was on Tavi's blog because of its vibe and all. XD anyways awesomely great post, as always..:)
-Brie (inspired blogger)
nice :)
Man I miss summer camp! I've still got friendship bracelets from cabin-mates and all my old camp arts & crafts somewhere in my room at my parents' house. Good luck meeting that tuba player! Love your blog!
Since your upset about it being hard to adjest you could just give it to me! Lol! :)
love this necklace, really great! hope the snow clears!
I just want to say that I graduated from Wheaton Warrenville South High School in 2007 which got a name change in the 90s after being called Wheaton Central High lol.
gosh, I miss summer.
Best post in a while! The overall aesthetic is almost mesmorizing. I was definitely reminded of my summer camp years, swinging from ropes and scuba diving.
And Pink Floyd is my favourite band! I guess that wasn't intentional on your part, but it works, girl, it works.
rad, i like you're mood board! it reminds me of my summer camp experiences in maine. also rad that you're going to be featured on the interview show in chicago. good luck!
Dude I went to a clothes swap a while ago and found a top that I swear this mood board inspired...if this mood board was hanging in the office of a children's top designer. I think its Proenza vibez would be right up your alley, so if you're interested in it, lemme know (it's about 18 inches too small for me, so it's going to waste sitting in my closet!) xo
Thats actually a very nice blog you have here. I like it! and ther are soo many blogs that are good for nothing but I think yours is one of the best I have seen so far... :)
Keep it up! x
unreal post.)*
Generally tuba players are strange
I remember having worry dolls when I was younger. They were one of those special miniature things, like the little bag of fairy dust(sparkles) I kept from a birthday, my pochahontas polly pocket set, the tiny glow in the dark angels that i hung on my bunk bed...
Geology! Yessss. Thank you for putting this back in my brain - you've reminded me of all the great geologic digital prints I remember seeing around Spring '09 (Hussein Chalayan et. al.) - and thus reinforced how badly I need to learn to make my own textiles. So thanks for the nudge :)
(Also, strangely enough, my family comes from Wheaton a couple generations back - so I may well have cousins on your LP. Like, woah man.)
the other emily
snow day?
where are you from?
hugs from spain, where the day is cold but sunny
Tavi, that totally looks like YOU on that Murray Street cover!!! :D
Love your moodboard! I was wondering what was going on with the high school band record lol, hilarious!
That is one killer necklace...or neck adornment with rocks hanging off it.
I'm loving all your real-life mood boards!
Absolutely in love with your moodboard! <3
You are too funny! I appreciate all of your sassiness (its a good morning pick me up!) and I do really like the mood board.
Ahhh those rocks are so pretty!
aha, whoops. I think my pink floyd adoration made me leap to the conclusion that you were referring the song, how silly of me. your camp letter-connection makes so much sense though!
I can show you at some point, though it's probably not as cool as it sounds-I really ought to do a legimate 'real life moodboard' with a more solid theme/mood/vibe
I also really want to photograph some of the the things I collect at some point, because I am addicted to vintage things (like an apollo 11 pennant from 1969, a pamphlet of john keats poetry distributed to the army in the 40's, books on the universe from the 60's and 70's, a sherlock homes collection published in the 70's...) here's an astronomy book from 1969:
have more scans but cannot find them at the present local junky thrift shop is my best friend
That necklace is so cool, and unique.
My Heart Blogged
great post...
hope you can stop by my blog..
such an amazing post
daily new post at
You should have your own summer camp! I'm sure lot's of people would sighn up!
You should have your own summer camp! I'm sure lot's of people would sighn up!
Sounds Great. I'd love to see you 'in interview'. what fantastic timing.
My name is Lyla Patel and I'm the Head of Education at TRAID, a fashion recycling charity based in London. Sort sell and remake second hand clothes and use the profits to help the fashion industry.
I've been enjoying your blog for many years and am heading to Chicago tomorrow.
My boyfriend Richard is lecturing about Guerrilla Gardening here:
GEOLOGY. That is all.
Tara - Nah, I title my posts with song lyrics/names quite often so I don't blame you for thinking of that!
And um, holy shit, those all sound AMAZING. I love those scans of the astronomy book. You would love this bookstore I went to in Michigan this past summer. This guy runs it out of his house and every room just has STACKS of books...and there was one section that had pamphlets of Allen Ginsberg's poetry from the 50s and 60s, weird 60s pamphlets about the government controlling your ~mind~...I wish I'd taken pictures. Actually I might have! *looks in flickr*
the other emily - Did any of your cousins play the tuba? I HAVE to find this tuba player.
Brodie - Whoa. Emailing you now..
great post. rad close-up shot of the non-necklace against the album cover. all in all very interesting and entertaining.
have fun tomorrow night, and give that tuba player the what for.
tavi your post gives me hope that winter will soon be over
i'm a bit tired of there not being any flowers for me to talk too anymore, makes me feel like i'm all alone :/
i really need to get "out" more
guatemalan worry dolls sound interesting...
1. Man I wish it were summer also.
2. I like that the lizard watch you bought in 5th grade is the same watch I've bought (and re-bought) all throughout college.
Very splendid post. Stay warm, drink cocoa, throw snowballs.
I love your mood boards so inspiring x
Loving 'em all! And I wish it was summer too. I hate the cold over here.
Would you mind following/commenting my blog? Means a lot to me!
Yay love mood boards :)
Great post, and awesomeee necklace. And that girl on the Sonic Youth cover kinda looks a bit like you...if you squint a little...
ha. used to practice track at wheaton central after it had changed to hubble middle school. Your mood board does feel like my middle school summers in the mid-90s. Delightful. Reminds me of summer camp and afternoons at the Indiana Dunes, biking to buy candy, making friendship bracelets, and buying purple Teen Spirit deoderant. I can actually smell it.
Aha! I hope someday i will now what it's like...
nice materials you used... the only song I can think is "Wish you were here with me, in the beach in Hawaii..." By Ziggy Marley.
You are really witty. Thank you for making me laugh. :)
Creative :)
Talk to you in Chicago? Why do I have to live in another country in the middle of nowhere...
Lovin' the vibes!
Yup I'm enjoying my third snow day in a Texas :]
I love that necklace! I've been meaning to make a mixed-media necklace-contraption :D
-Bailey Faye, To the 9's
Very great!
Snow day are always the best, I'm always up for snow battle :)
I'm gonna go see you, Tavi! Sounds awesome. You're right near by too!
Hi, I sent in a magazine submission and I haven't heard back. It's possible that AOL thought it was spam. I was hoping that you could resend me your response if you had already sent it.
Hi, I sent in a magazine submission and I haven't heard back. It's possible that AOL thought it was spam. I was hoping that you could resend me your response if you had already sent it.
In reference to your comment, Tavi ... you'd be surprised (maybe not?) the crazy stuff our government has done behind closed doors and what the media is currently doing to mess with our minds. I say that from doing years of research, though.
I think people tend to write these topics off because they've been labeled "conspiracy theories", but many of them are proven realities.
Have you ever heard of MK Ultra? That one's related directly to mind control. A good site that discusses mind control through the media is - I don't agree with every word he writes, but the overall message is spot on.
I always wanted a snow day, to bad I live in southern california. At least you were able to find some other modes of entertainment!
the girl facing us in the sonic youth cover reminds me of you.... <3
i freaking want to live in chicago right now.
so glad your like your skirt!! "risto skirt...oh my god, all the way...YEEEAAHHHH...!"
that proenza necklace is killer. drooling over here. your pictures really show off its thoughtful details.
hi tavi!
i like this moodboard aesthetically, but i found really curious that you put murray street in it... that album for me has always sounded so different... really electric and raw and dirty in a more city-decadent kind of way. interesting to see it used here in a totally different context.
yr friend
that necklace would make a great belt. i'd hook it onto a chunky chain if it were here in houston.
okay so I feel really bad that I'm populating your blog post with comments, I'll stop after this, but I just wanted to reply to your reply
they are amazing! found the keats poetry/army pamphlet at the city opera thrift shop in new york, loads of the other stuff at the aforementioned junky thrift shop near me, and some stuff (like the apollo pennant) and this rad place called 'the shine gallery.'
you'd love it. it's in the farmer's market, this space that's full of (amazing) restaraunts/cafes, and it's bascially a vintage novelty shop. they sell trinkets and figurines and randomness from mostly the 50's and 60's (bit of 70's too) including nixon pins, random patches (like roller-skating girls and beatles), gauze animal masks, and these really amazing baby piano radios (that still work!) from the 50's that I wish I could splurge my money on...seriously if you've ever in LA you ought to go there
that bookstore in michigan sounds crazily incredible. sort of my dream store. definitely putting that on my list of places to go too if I ever go on a road trip across the country.
Dear Tavi,
I've seen lots of bloggers who are the 'it girls' of the blog scene. But never have I seen a blogger as read and well known as you are who actually attempts to communicate with her readers.
I read from Guatemala! :)
Ooh, I like your Proenza Schouler items! Hmm, it would be interesting to meet that tuba player, huh?
I think you were born in the wrong decade.
Wonderful post. xx
I must admit I am hooked on this friendship bracelet trend. Is it weird if I buy one for myself?
and geology! it seems!
i love winter, but the tall grass is definitely making me crave summer.
as always, great trend intuition.
I doubt you will see this, but I was just wondering what you think of RACE/RACISM. You whole blog is very WHITE. Do you think this is a concern or is this a useless comment? Also, do you worry about being wealthy and do you think about those living in poverty?
That necklace also reminds me of climbing, 90s t-shirts, bruising your knees and summer camps.
Ooh I really like this post! Incredibly cool necklace, and I love how you used the records as backgrounds.
you have inspired me today Tavi
Love crystals, love grunge, I'm from Seattle of course I do.
Ari Seth Cohen
if i only lived in chicago... alas, i live miles away in humid manila. i hope the weather in your area gets better.
Really liking the mood boards, especially the stone necklace. Congrats on the interview. Have fun!
Check out my new post on my favorite shoes for spring!
interesting indeed
visit my blog:
I hate snow :) but Im so happy, bacause winter lef us :)
Visit me if you have time
woo- hoo! I'm from Wheaton!
i love that necklace. the big rocks are perfect.
Woah Tavster! ( ha mini coup! nickname feista time) I love the proenza with sonic youth. Seriously though its like I'm on some bizzare hiking trip to the redwoods in the 60s. When I was eight I started making worry dolls for no reason. I haven't made them in a while. Maybe I should....or should I ;).
Well then! That was sort of an odd rant. Can you live stream the interview, that would be cool cuz if so its on in an hr. TAvi you are the coolest.
"Some people think little girls should be seen and not heard, but I think OH BONDAGE UP YOURS!" Poly Styrene, X-Ray Spex / 1977
cool :-)
You must LOVE the necklace; especially since it was given to you. I've had this pic of a Proenza Schouler necklace on my wall for a while. FINALLY making one, but can't seem to find the 80s friendship bracelet cord. Anyhow, just wrapping embroidery floss around leather cord. This one is different than the one in the pic which has a big metal grid thingy. I just love the dichotomy of fancy metal against neon cord.
Love the girls under the net. There's a whole other possible story board there :)
Although I did already comment, I could not resist to be the ONE HUNDREDTH one to do so.
That Proenza is... dayum :) you're so lucky! I love it when designers use materials that arent typically associated with fashion (like bungee cord) x
moodboard moodboard!!!
i was truly, seriously waiting for your moodboard! :D feel so happy with this post :D also i tried the MOODBOARD.. took pictures of them, and i will be update it!! so excited about it! :D
i'm worring that you don't feel well with someone do the moodboard :D
Very interesting and imaginative project, I also I make necklaces, but that idea is great.
Tavi girl, that necklace might just be the coolest thing i have ever seen.
Boo....I totally live in chicago and I missed this lol.
Giselle <3
What. I can't believe you have this! I love it! Excellent post as always.
interesting :-)
that sonic youth album is on the wall at the radio station here at my school and whenever i look at it as I go past I always think that that girl looks like you! ha
(also, ours is signed along with the words, "keep kids under nets" haha)
Cute board! That necklace is like a little arts and crafts creation on its own, especially with the tie dyed shirt. Love them both!
the necklace is so dreamy.
also, love your inspiration boards.
I just want to be a little kid again, exploring woods in the summer, eating wild strawberries and climbing trees....
Good gosh you lucky beanie! I live in Canada, where we receive a very large quantity of snow and yet we never manage to receive snow days. Which is completely ridonks!
I do quite enjoy that necklace you placed on your moodboard. I would love to get one such as that, there aren't many necklaces out and about that I enjoy. So I just tend to not wear any.
I hope you had a great interview, sorry to comment so late, as it has passed already.
hey lady!
my best bud and i caught ya on the interview show last night- and it was WONDERFUL!!! you did a great job and it was very enlightening and inspiring. bravo m'dear. :) xo
Mmmmmm stoner vibes and campfire songs, hemp bracelets and kissing boys. That record was a good buy!
Ah, you've made me nostalgic for summer camp, even though I've never been! Sweetness. :(
ghost train in a summer camp
Cute Post.
this is a beautiful post, I love your blog!
How weird! A couple days ago I was walking pass some rope shop and pondered a bit on how to encorporate those chunky ropes in necklaces. Here we go then...
Tavi, haha... you still make me laugh and inspire me with each post you do and everything you wear and mood boards like this. Your comments on the critical and "cool" teen population in your dry humor are exactly what another teen of the same sort of... something... needs. Hardie har har. And your wig! I have one that is exactly the same... I swear except in maroon and I have been wearing it quite a lot lately and one of my freinds told me " hey! You have a Tavi wig" so... I had to go to your blog and catch up... and... we are wig twins. haha.
Tavi, haha... you still make me laugh and inspire me with each post you do and everything you wear and mood boards like this. Your comments on the critical and "cool" teen population in your dry humor are exactly what another teen of the same sort of... something... needs. Hardie har har. And your wig! I have one that is exactly the same... I swear except in maroon and I have been wearing it quite a lot lately and one of my freinds told me " hey! You have a Tavi wig" so... I had to go to your blog and catch up... and... we are wig twins. haha.
Sonic youth is niiice ! Proenza Schouler <3<3
I love your blog, Tavi!
you have so much imagination in every Blogpost
I come from Germany and I am a real Fashion junkie;)
It can be that a few mistakes are included (I do not have yet long English at school) and writes this with a translator
Look sometimes at my Blog which is filled more and more!
Iris (ABI)
I will try, translate every Blogpost on in English in addition to.
this post is pretty much perfection!
Despite all the wild prints and textures in this post, the title of the high school band CD was what really caught my eye.
Allow me to explain: I just graduated last spring from Wheaton Warrenville South High School, which USED to be Wheaton Central back in the day. To dispel possible myths, we're not very rustic whatsoever. Additionally, there are no large waterfalls in the Wheaton area. However, we do still make low-quality CDs of our music concerts. That will never change.
Stunning work with the blog as a whole! When I graduate college, I hope to be able to afford half of the pieces you feature.
Best wishes,
what are these paper forms of "entertainment" that you speak of...?
and love the lizard bracelet, btw.
Your honestly so lucky to have beautiful things sent to you like that!
Nice necklace!
for reasons i do not fully understand this makes me think of Zabriskie Point (the movie).
Love those artcraft
I really enjoy the psychedelic theme running through the whole set-up. Everything fits together in an old meets new fashion. The trouble dolls bring me way back. Love the composition
girl, i totally lived in wheaton at one time in my life. also, thanks for making me miss the 90s. I think it's coming time to miss them, now that we're 11 years away from them.
This is one of my fav looks of you! Rock the wig more :)
I'm having a lil fashion giveaway at the moment, please do check it out! xx
we hate you!
perfect :)
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