Most fun ideas occur late at night right after finishing a paper and eating lots of Famous Amos and going "Ew Zac Efron performing with Beyonce? Zac Efron performing with someone awesome enough to wear Margiela AND Gareth Pugh in one music video? Zac Efron in the prescense of people that, unlike him, do not look like Neopets?" He greatly resembles these two in particular, btdubs.
Well. That was anti-climatic. Anyway, I was admiring a purse Yokoo sent me when I realized the little cover on it was reversible and detachable from the purse and that it would make an awesome headpiece. I say "headpiece" because it is not a hat, Gym Teacher That Made me Take it Off (not during gym, mind you. Afterwords. Who would wear this during gym?)
I pinned on all that tulle and ribbon stuff but the print is adorable, my dream floral. My friend said it looked like a flowerpot on acid. I built the outfit around the colors of it, kinda Powerpuff Girl?
I was always Buttercup when I played this with my friends in preschool. This is because I wasn't fast or good enough a leader to be Blossom or cute enough to be Bubbles. I was just good at frowning and punching people. Still am, don't worry.

Meanwhile, something to make your Monday more awkward.
pp gurlz, peter awesome, zac zac zac head in a sack
Fabulous headpiece! and I don't like the sound of that gym teacher..
xx-LJ from SOS!
I love that headpiece! I've had that issue with teachers and hats before. I still don't know why they're not allowed in school... so lame, but so cute! Zac Efron DOES look like a neopet, the resemblance is uncanny. Regardless, your outfit is adorable and that jacket by peter jensen is fab!
god, peter's collection made me fall head over heels.
your hat is beautiful.
man, i remember neopets. 5 grade yoooo.
i had a blue yurble. SO CUTE!
It's uncanny - Zac Efron really does resemble both an Acara and an it sad that I know the names?
Hey Tavi ---Check out the Central St. Martins Spring 09 ( at London Fash Week. One of the grads did a mash up of 50's, 60's, 70's pieces/sections of garments in different fabrics (mohair, jersey, cotton, etc) and incorporated into the same garment
ala a nouveau CDG. It's very Tavi too! When I was young (last century)thre was an ancient book called "Taffy's tips to Teens" (get where I'm heading?) It had all kinds of tips on clothing, scheduling your life, beauty tips and so froth....Why don't you do
(like Diana Vreeland used to ask)a
"Tavi's tips to Tweens" (at least til you age more) with fashion ideas, beauty tips (for inward and outward beauty....we fashion obsessed are not totally superficial...)? Keep up the good
blog work!
NICE WORK. I would be bubbles, mostly because I'd beat people up in order to be named bubbles. Like the outfit. Aim nao? yes? yes.
Neopets! Oh, those were the days. Anyway, the headpiece is adorable and darn them gym teachers. ;)
did you see ben stiller make fun of joaqin at the oscars? twas hilarz.
i don't want to sound like a shameless self-promoter but...
That headpiece is *darling* and I pretty much love it every time you wear those tights!
You have solved my years long dilemma f who /zac Efron looks like! an Acara!!! (oh yeah I know the names and back in the day, well and if I logged in again still am a Neopoint millionare on there!)
Beautiful outfit! I love that you always take risks with your outfits and don't take yourself to seriously :D
Love it! Fantastic use of colour, and the headpiece is just gorgeous. (Everything going on in the knee-region of that Peter Jensen outfit is filling me with delight.)
Lovely Headpiece. Buttercup was always my favorite anyway, she was the least girly and obviously the coolest cause she was the best fighter.
that head piece is genius. i love the colors.
p.s. what did you think of the oscar dresses?
hahah NEOPETS! I use to LOVE them! haha that made me laugh outloud.
very super cute outfit!!!!!!! <3 it
nice headpiece.
that gym teacher doesn't sound very nice.
AH. neopets. I remember the good old days.
did you like the oscar dresses?
I can so relate to teachers making me take hats off at school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so glad Wall-E won, and Slumdog Millionaire too!
I love your skirt, and haha, Joaquin Phoenix is just gold.
omgosh, i used to have BOTH those neopets.
hell yeah
buttercup rules! she was always the best one
omg, i love wall-e so much, i almost cried. little kids movies are the best. i'm so pumped for ice age 3, not even being sarcastic.
haha, i heard about this letterman interview, but apparently... rumour is... it's all a set up for a mocumentary he and casey afleck are making...
I guess your headpiece was distracting? LOL! I love it.
lovely headpiece. tee-hee ;)
very creative headpiece, im sorry your gym teacher didn't understand it.
I use to be blossom when I played it with my friends, we were actually a blond, an agressive brunette, and my self, in those days I use to dye my hair red, so we were a perfect team!
Cute purse/headpiece.
AND I totally forgot Neopets existed! OMG! Me and my mum were obsessed with that, It must have been almost 10 years ago! Jesus...
Neopets and Mr. Efron I couldn't think of a better combo!
Mmm yo no creo nada, para mi que va tu mama y te hace la ropa y te saca fotos, tramposa ¬¬
Mmm yo no creo nada, para mi que va tu mama y te hace la ropa y te saca fotos, tramposa ¬¬
Mmm yo no creo nada, para mi que va tu mama y te hace la ropa y te saca fotos, tramposa ¬¬
Wow what a cool headpiece!
your headpiece is awesome.
i realized just now that i don't really know what neopets are. and then i thought to myself "wow you're old." and it feels weird.
tavster! i couldn't even watch the joaquin vid, it made ME so awkward. as far as cool things go, i have some silly stuffski up for sale on my blog,
its pretty slim pickins' right now, but if you see anything your heart desired (ev-ah) just lemmeknow and i'll ship it to ya quick like a bunny. you'd get way more use out of half of these crazy thrift finds than I would!
I loooove that jacket!!
Definitely something I would wear!
Love the outfit and NOT-hat! :D
Hahaha, Powerpuff girls, me and my friends have been rediscovering them lately and taking quite an unhealthy interest. I always WANTED to be Buttercup, but my friends made me be Bubbles every time. Bleh.
And, OMG, those neopets are Zac's doppelganger's, never noticed that! :D Haha.
loved loved loved the joaquin phoenix interview...not b/c i love joaquin phoenix (ew) but that it was just so freaking hillarious. maybe he should have learned from his brother river...RIP river phoenix
and he does look like a neopet, now that you say it...
your blog is so fab...u inspired us to start our own 1!!
p.s good luck for the bat-mitzva.
btw neopets rock my stripy socks.
check out our blog
xxxxxxxxx ur fellow blogees
the headpeice has gorgeous colors, and it kind of reminds me of the peter jensen collection. I kind of want him to make my wardrobe, its like scandanavian cat lady on an acid trip. Your jacket actually looks like some of the peter jensen pieces.
OHMYGOD, you're so RIGHT! Zac Efron = Acara to the nth degree! LOL I always thought he looked familiar, never realized it was from my Neopets days!
That headpiece is totally EPIC. Although not quite as epic as that jacket… Where can I get a bigger picture of that?
heh heh neopets..
have you ever heard of tumblr?
its really cool(i hate using that word but it is)u should make an account
The headpiece is so wonderful, and your skirt is so awesome! I love it!
Haha, Neopets! I used to be addicted to that website. Love the headpiece, you look marvelous.
your fucking' rad.
oooh i love the redesign of the page!
I love the Powerpuff Girls... I really need their anniversary dvd. I love the "headpiece", really cool.
Cool new header.
I just saw your post on Silver Wings...and I wanted to let you know that a school like that exists...and I go to it. My spanish class has 2 other people in it. its a high school and there are 100 kids in the school and the gym class is hoola hooping. im serious-
i'm crossing my fingers hard that this ends up a joke like when garth brookes explored his alter ego 'chris gaines'.....
i love the hat!
The headpeice is absolutly fantastic. I like the skirt too. Ah, I went through the neopets phase too. I think it's a requirement of 5th grade.
Hahaha oh Joaquin. AND Peter Jensen :wub:
and you, of course.
Zac Efron = creeper and reincarnated neopet. You are a genius!
Back in the golden age of hats, a lady was never expected to remove her hat (or headpiece) if it was a crucial part of her outfit. Those were the days.
**Loves your tights headpiece and cardigan in that order.
But I think peter Jensen was okay compared to Nathan Jenden who did some pretty crazy shiz.
....Zack Zack Zack head in a sack. nice.
-amber "the street chanteuse"
hi tavi!
wow, I like your whole blog! last month your site stood in the Dutch magazine ''Fancy''. now I watch here at least two times a week. well done ;)
x charlotte.
Didn't realize how much Zac looked like that Faerie Ixi (and I don't remember the other one but I used to be quite the neopets nerd) until this post. I laughed out loud when I read that!
Joaquin Phoenix is a mad GENIUS. Recognize.
Late Show = the funniest thing i have seen all year.
I always wanted to be bubbles, but I was always buttercup :( I was the only one of my friends with a bob and short dark hair in preschool.
i feel your pain! The powerpuff girls were favorite show...
anyways, LOVE that skirt you wore in the outfit underneath the powerpuffers.
Love poppy
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