A few weeks ago I bought this 1987 issue of i-D on eBay and it is GLORIOUS. It's amazing to see i-D in its earlier years (this is the 50th issue, I think we're now up to 305 or so?) while it was still defining a style that's very Buffalo, very The Face, very i-D...very London in the 80's, basically. Oh, and add Vivienne Westwood to all that? So great. And Nick Knight? STOP IT.
I have more spreads up here but these are my *favorites*. (and I apologize for the crappy lighting..stupid winter light getting all DARK, all the TIME. PS I need a scanner.)
Most of these speak for themselves but your slices of heaven will occasionally be interrupted by diofahighrgare-ing and references that only make sense in the interrupter's head.

I HIGHLY suggest clicking on all the above photos and then "All Sizes" on their Flickr pages and then fully observing EVERY PHOTO. A billion covers and spreads from the first issues of i-D, do itttt.

Aha! LOOT! Get it? Like a pirate might say? Like a, oh, VIVIENNE WESTWOOD pirate might say? Go Sarah Stockbridge. And GO 80'S WESTWOOD DAMNNNN.

Who are these amazing people? Can I please be their friends? They are all middle-aged now but I don't care?
Funkin' reggae!
Anyway, wasn't that beautiful. At this time i-D was definitely more directed for teenagers and twenty-somethings and I wonder how the shift towards a more fashion (not style) oriented aesthetic came about. The ads in this issue are for things like watches, Benetton sweaters, and college application help programs; the ads now are for Chanel and Gucci and whatnot. I don't have a problem with it, because i-D is really great as more of a fashion magazine, and I can't even picture this street style/teenage stuff working today anyways, especially not with this DIGITAL REVOLUTION!. So this paragraph was kind of pointless, but whatevs. THOUGHTS and all that.
rad buy! =D
wow look at the pushup bras in that... lol
theyre so gloriously retro... beautiful!
What an amazing find. How much did you get it for? This is some of the best 80's magazine work I've ever seen. I had no idea i-D had been around that long.
thanks for the post!!! oh how i l o v e ID. xox
did you hear that ID Mag is folding? very sad. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/07/garden/07seen.html
Speaking of Westwood...I've been wishing I had $3,500 to spend on a hat: http://antique-and-vintage-luxury-avl.1stdibs.com/avl_item_detail.php?id=5164
ah gawd I graduated high school in 87' I'm feeling old right about now.
I have a book from the 80s about graphic design and theres something about i-D in it :) not as great as an i-D from the 80s though, i just have an old book with one paragraph about i-D u.u
I wish models still looked like the Vivienne Westwood girl! She's gorgeous and she makes the clothes look amazing!
i love the street style !
and the cover too.
man, i-D is so great...they were way ahead of the game, and still are!
really glad you did this post, lady!
oh wow it is so different
I-D is always good fun.(ha, I sound my mum there) Like a fashion magazine based at a younger audience. I'm sure you'll be on the cover soon. Love this old copy! Old magazines are ace to flick through.
LOVE!!! gosh, magazines were quite different in layout back then...they were more like collages! nothing too complicated but it all still looked amazing.
Great post thanks! I have the first issues of iD somewhere that belonged to my older sister. In the olden days before the interweb I used to pore over every picture and wish I was in it. Fashion shoots are a million times more sophisticated now, but I think people still love to see images of 'real people' - the Sartorialist? But we never got to comment on them back then!
Good work, G :-) Check out Leigh Bowery - he was an important figure in the early i-D days. I think you'll discover he was quite the colourful character!
Wow, talk about a fashion flashback. I mean, of course they've had to change to flow with the times, so the shift in ads was probably out of necessity. I love what this magazine is today, though. Definitely one of my favorites!
Thanks for taking us back! The magazine does look wonderful!...But yeah, some columns would be pointless today... :P
Have a nice day!
hmm not sure what you mean about the digital revolution
perhaps i-D geared towards teens and street style now is that we have street style blogs, is that what you mean? i think it also depends upon printing cost, ect. fruits is a street style magazine that is still printed, albiet in japan, but is still made. there are some printed versions of the street style outside of run way shows.
the first issue of teen vogue had a complete street style section in it.
perhaps the change came b/c the idea of what a "teen" magazine began to evolve. seventeen has been around since the '60s, however teen vogue, cosmogirl, j-14, ect all of those cheesy cheesy cheesies sort of began to take form reccently. and became more centered in celebrity
however, it was in the early 90s that fashion and celebrity began to combine in teh magazine form (gracias ms. wintour).
magazines evolve, that's what happens.
but it would be super super amazaballs if someone SOMEWHERE took a look at these old i-Ds and thought hm...what a thing, interesting collages of street photographer, interesting images beyond the sartioralist and garance dore who only photograph very pretty and stylish but in a slightly boring way.
what a thought, indeed.
The Face will always be superior to me, it's editorials are stronger and there's more creative element with graphics and layout. I managed to get the famous buffalo cover of the small kid in the hat for a few pounds the other day! That said, this issue of i.D is absolutely sublime.
You are greaaaaaaaaaaaat!
how many points should I loose for thinking that was Pink (as in the trashy pop star not the colour)on the cover for so many years. I''m a bad person...great find ps.
so kind to share these wonderfull things,
reminds me of all the 80's and 90's face magazines my old design tutor gave to our class about 5 years ago.
i wish i'd have taken a few before they were defaced and cut up, i could have shared them too. i do have a fashion issue of vice that has a page of street style from all the european capitals, which is quite good. i'll have to hang onto that.
It's the year of my birth, I wish I was a teen in the London of the 80s!
wow, what a purchase!
ohmygosh how much did it cost you?
Fantastic buy! Thanks for sharing!
From Moscow with love!
by young fashion designer))
Fantastic Editorial!!!
"How about some Reggae tonight?"
Enid shrugs with a satisfied gleam, and points to the idiots.
I love the last spread, Funkin' Reggae!:D
They're so..... AWESOME!!!!! Love it I'm so glad you posted that.
The term of Digital revolution is everywhere, but other than some great blogger like tavi, I have not seen so many blogs who do what a fashion magazine would do. So I've started this blog to act like an editor of a fashion magazine, just take a look :
Louise and valentine-Oh, I'm not suggesting that they changed beCAUSE of blogs etc, but just that it still might not work now because of blogs etc. Plus, I think street style is more boring now than it was then. I don't care what someone says, it isn't independent from trends.
Richard Kilroy-That's a great find! I have never even seen an issue of The Face. I have the Buffalo book, though.
And a few other people asked how much it was, I think about $30? + shipping
re: who are they and can you please be their friend -
do you think fashion is often about a sense of belonging?
That's really cool! I LOVE the white lace up wedges.
Hey Tavi!
Any chance you could add a "follow me" app from Blogger. So I can receive/check the updates of your blog? =)
Jackie Ayres
Very beautiful pictures, wish it wasn't so expensive to buy foreign magazines in France...
I can tell you are a night girl. I will have to stay up late so I can climb to the top of the pile. This spread makes me want to listen to "We got the Beat" - yes, I do have this on my IPOD. I love you darling! http://lara-serbin.blogspot.com/
love the post! ;)
Awesomeness!! Love the post!
so i'm not the only peron who says babushka? :)
I adore all magazines...i think im addicted !!! this one looks amazing so vintage...I love old school stuff
looks very cool, i need to get hold of a copy!
Wow very vintage, must've been expensive.
Thanks for sharing :)
that pic of the woman in tartan--that was on the cover of my notebook in high school. that photo was my fashion icon for ever!
and 80's westwood is the best westwood for me. one day i will have real rockinghorse shoes. one day.
You up for some reggae tonight?
umm... i totally want those white ballet slipper looking shoesies with the huge wooden platform. i'm kind of obsessed!
i-D = best fashion magazine ever. Unapologetically different to everyone and everything else, unpretentious, and above all fun. I only started reading last year, due to being then 13 (no excuse, I know!) and living in the smallest and shittiest of UK towns (tell a lie, its probably one of the best, but our magazine shop is SMALL). Anyway, since then, my eyes have been OPENED, and I started reading loads of other magazines (Pop, love, jalouse, NYLON) and didnt just have to rely on the trifecta of Vogue, elle, bazaar. I love you i-D.
hi tavi,
we were in touch last year about the book 'fashion blogs' i am working on and i sent you a question form. the book has been postponed but will now be released end of april/first week may. i did many attempts to get back in touch with you again. this is my last one. i hope you can contact me. my contact details are on my website. kind regards, kirstin hanssen
I love this! I wished I owned it :)
-The Trendy Fashionista
Does that say aeropostale on the back of the guys shirt?
You are so adorable and I love you're blog! I will follow!! :)
did you know that diofahighrgare is a googlewhack?
Rockinghorse shoes are a necessity. fo sho.
OMG. Tavi, I just looked back all the way to your first post. WOW. you were so little and you've changed so much! I didn't know you had long hair. You're style has changed also. You were awesome from the beginning... I wish I were more like you, but in my own way:)
I just want you to know that I've been seeing a lot of you around, and since I enjoy your writing and your insights, I want to say that I'm sorry that so many people are using you as a talking point. I clearly remember being your age (even though it was 11 years ago--God, I feel old), and I remember feeling trapped by the idea that I was supposed to be a mindless thirteen-year-old "enjoying" my childhood, when in fact what I craved most was stimulation: something to exercise my brain with. I wanted to read and draw and paint and study philosophy and analyze ancient epics. I don't think your keen interest in style and fashion is any different as an intellectual and artistic pursuit, and seeing you keep doing what you love to do, making yourself happy in the way that works for YOU, instead of what you're expected to do at your age, brings me the biggest sense of relief. I think I'm re-living my childhood vicariously through you. You're way cooler than I was though.
Keep doing what you do, and keep being interested in the world, okay? Not that you need me to tell you. You're perfectly capable of thinking for yourself. And at least some of us really do understand that.
Hey Tavi, after I read one of your posts I've been dying go know if you have dyed your hair blue yet just wondering I know it will look ahmazing ! I love ID :)
Super super super.
You're so lucky to have gotten your hands on this! I'd kill for some 80s Westwood.
The pictures are amazing, and it seems like it will never go out of style.
wow! great beyond great. love the layout.
wow! great beyond great. love the layout.
Rocking horse shoes? feel...faint...
*froths at the mouth*'
The mag looks amazing. Congrats on your great Ebay find. They always have the best stuff - I got some great 1950s appliance advertisements -- "no muss, no fuss, full circle skirts for everyone" kinda ads -- which I hope to adorn my house with one day.
Your posts make me smile.
I love when I can find amazing stuff like this in the antique market of my hometown's flea market... It makes me feel like I'm experiencing a blast from the past! And amazing one at that that hugs you!
Nicole, it is so nice that somebody gets that. Thank you thank you thank you. <3
glorious and wonderful that you have posted this - i remember one of my friends having this magazine in 1987 when i was but a wee 13 year old and listening to depeche mode and british import cassettes whilst thumbing through it. great memories - everything was so bold then, and lots of style things we take for granted now were fresh new and edgy. i miss those days. the world 1986 - 1990 was a different place.
i'd have to agree about street style. we live in a media proliferated culture and if you are into fashion, you are very aware of what is going on, i think that directly affects it. butnot only that, a lot of interesting things have already happened, thus we tend to reference the past, yadada ect.
street style has gottenr eally boring, i think especially reccently with the trinkle down affect of that M-O-D style and alexander wangish things appearing in forever 21 and the hipster fetishization urban outfitters is in into.
but when you said "Oh, I'm not suggesting that they changed beCAUSE of blogs etc, but just that it still might not work now because of blogs etc" i agree with that but my statement is more one of i think magazines dont feature street fashion as much anymore b/c there are so many street style blogs but also a lot of places where ppl used to photograph street style has changed and become more commericalized- ie st marks place in nyc and harajuku in tokyo.
when i was in tokyo during my sr year of high school so like four years ago, there was intersting things to see but the style was more of a cosplay/ gothic lolita type thing.
it would be interesting to see or explore why street fashion hsa gotten more boring or maybe just more safe?
i wonder why that is, thoughts?
Hi Tavi,
I bought that ID when it came out, (I actually stumbled across Issue 2 or 3 of ID when it first came out, and there was nothing like it. The cut out, do it yourself punk ethic. And it totally rocked my world.) That particular issue was a very important issue as it really highlighted Vivienne Westwoods new direction and her strong use of a muse (the wonderful Sarah Stockbridge). Along with The Face, and New Sounds,New Styles - these magazines were very influencial for many of the people who are working in fashion today - such as Nick Knight.
I still have all my copies of ID, Face, Elle UK from issue 1, and I wouldn't part with them for the world. They are magic.
I too covet the Rocking Horse shoes, my best friend had a pair, and I had the Westwood 'armour' jacket in pale blue tweed (which I still have), and we both wanted what each other wanted. I've recently bought the Melissa/Westwood collab Rocking Horse shoe in rubber - and they are amazing. I can't wait to wear them, when it stops snowing here.
Miss b x
i-D is absolutely marvelous, and those photographs are amazing! I love Vivenne Westwood, especially her work from the 80's and those "street style" people are incredibly cool
I'm definitely inspired to go searching for vintage art/fashion magazines now.
really beautiful!
Love this blog <3
well, this s a great blog. read about it in the swiss annabelle. really. i like it.
Tavi, your enthusiasm for these vintage (and not-so-vintage) magazines makes me remember why I got into magazine journalism in the first place. Which I sometimes forget in this day of increasingly by-the-book, let's-trade-advertising-for-edit features and layouts. (Not the case with all magazines, of course, but enough to be dispiriting.)
So a sincere and heartfelt thank you for helping to revive my own enthusiasm for print and for making me remember what it is I love about fashion mags.
Also, Yuri, the I.D. mag that closed in December is not the i-D mag featured here, but an American publication with a similar name.
Tavi, your enthusiasm for these vintage (and not-so-vintage) magazines makes me remember why I got into magazine journalism in the first place. Which I sometimes forget in this day of increasingly by-the-book, let's-trade-advertising-for-edit features and layouts. (Not the case with all magazines, of course, but enough to be dispiriting.)
So a sincere and heartfelt thank you for helping to revive my own enthusiasm for print and for making me remember what it is I love about fashion mags.
Also, Yuri, the I.D. mag that closed in December is not the i-D mag featured here, but an American publication with a similar name.
Ugh.. Latecomer#s
ugh, i-D used to be my BIBLE.
I used to have a pair of nock-off rocking horses..... they are FUN to walk in. Although I just about broke my neck a few times fall down. haha.
I just adore your artistic ability. Its just so flawless, I sometimes find it hard to believe you're only like 13. I especially love the first one, it really reminds me of The Diving Bell and the Butterfly. :D
Helen Neely
I like your style !
If you want, i have a fews link for buy rocking horse shoes, fake rocking horse ( not vivienne W.)but they are cheap !
Sorry for my "uggly"(?) english, i'm french and i'm 15. - so i learning english -
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