I had no intentions of blocking the views of people behind me but it didn't block any views-I'm SHORT, so watching the show behind me would be like watching it through a regular-sized adult, but better, because adult heads do not have holes in them. Other than the stinky cheese man, from that one book, from like, second grade, or something. My dad was sitting next to the Grazia writer that tweeted this picture and said there shouldn't have been any problems in seeing the clothes, but I'm pretty sure she or he was joking, anyway?
The day before the show we went to the Dior atelier (which was, in a word, amazing, but that's all for another time) and spent a bit of time with Stephen Jones, who, being the incredibly friendly and charming mad hatter he is (his watch was SO Alice in Wonderland, kooky and distorted numbers and everything) was very kind as to give me this hat he had made as a sample for one of Dior's couture shows a couple years ago but ended up not being used. It only seemed appropriate to wear it to the Dior show.
Also, some people thought it was too show-offy, which..I mean, my philosophy for dressing is pretty much to go all out, and it seemed like the right time to do so. Complaints that it's "childish" or "obnoxious" are silly. Because to some other people, it would be a bad thing if I DIDN'T dress childishly! And that sums up the Haters thing altogether-it is impossible for EVERYONE to be pleased with EVERYTHING. If I wore leather and studs no one would complain, and I'm not sorry for bringing a bit of color into the room. Haters gonna hate, etc. But also, I am really curious as to when news websites will write about something interesting, i.e. not what someone wore to a fashion show. Really, the people that actually care will read about it on this here blog. Otherwise, it feels pretty pointless to me!
More photos and such laterrzzz.
I see You
Dior atelier? I'm so jealous. :)
The photo doesn't show by the way. Maybe repost?
I was going to say, you aren't tooo tall, so the hat shouldn't matter! sillygooseinternetgossipers.
go girl.
Tommy Ton got a pic of you...it's amazing go look
you look like a young Anna Piaggi
ahh i love it. and ignore the haters. Dior Atelier <3
i know you are only 13, but you are really fortunate to see the beautiful show from the front row. Try to be understanding that people behind you were trying to watch the show and were bothered because your hat was in the way. I'm not trying to make you feel bad, you looked fierce it's just kind of immature of you to say that you wish you had a even bigger hat. I mean other people are just trying to watch the show just like you and try to have some empathy. if you watching and couldn't see the clothes because some person's hate was in the way you would put up a stink as well. don't go shooting your mouth off because of haters, it just makes you look immature. we all know and love you tavi for being above that!
Wow,I LOVE paris. Have you seen the Paris inspired charm necklace by Marc Jacobs? It GORGEOUS. Topshop has tried to recreate it but it is just simply not as good... hope you had a good time at the show! I can't see the pitcure of your 'upsetting' hat either :/
Kill me. NOW!
Tavi I am so unbelievably jealous!!
Lucky lucky lucky you!
Was it amazing??? (durrr stupid question!)
Pictures pictures pictures!!!!!
And did you glimpse Galliano? Aww you could have talked hats together!
Lots of love and jeeeaalousy hehe
Sonia http://dozendresses.blogspot.com
BTW. Are you going to that IFB blogger influence thing?? I heard you were. Pretty please come?? I'll bribe you a bigger hat :D
Just sayin.
I will ttyl.
I can't see the photo... :( but i'm waiting for the others!!!
I love your blog so interesting! :)
Your about me should now include the picture of the back of you head and the bow... Nothing better than being in the news for being great.
I don't think you have anything to apologize for. The hair-bow looks great and I agree with you (as being a fellow short person) that it wasn't in a place that was unnecessary.
Got a news feed when the Grazia-woman was writing about that hat of yours the other day and that led me to your blog! Haven't read it before but so far I think I like it! Greetings from Sweden ;) / Hanna Josefine
Just remember, you can't spell "HATER" without "H-A-T"!
I love your hat and haterzzz is crazeee.
Sweetums! Your hat was lovely, lively, and fresh--just like you.
I first caught wind of the hat brouhaha via a photo tweeted by the reporter sitting behind you, and indeed the model's outfit is eclipsed by your hat.
Panda Bear perhaps raises a few good points, for future reference? Being fabulous isn't nearly as good as being both fabulous and considerate.
XO Miranda
Go you, the woman who tweeted about it obviously wasn't sincerely offended by it so I don't know why anyone else is - it didn't affect them... at all... It's just such an arbitrary thing to be offended by. It's as if you wrote an enraged blog post about like, the weather in Texas. Blah, they jealous.
Coco Chanel said: "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different."
Saw u at the dior show, that bow hat was simply amazing ! screw the grazia girls, they're just jealous !
repost! for some reason this wont load but i'd love to see the hat.
also saw your pic on seine stealers by tommy ton.
psh...grazia's just jealous that you're in the front row!
and i do agree that it's ridiculous that news blogs even give this tweet the light of day, with far more important things to discuss.
oh, found this - http://twitpic.com/zq9jw
love the feathers, by the way!
oh, also, grazia clearly just likes to gossip...look at the background of the twitter in question- their magazine's cover story claims preposterous things about angelina jolie's private life with the headline: "affair with teacher?"
fashion? hardly.
I had a laugh about it, really. :)
Your bow was perfect.
the picture isnt showing up! :(
Here's a good article (in your defense)!: http://jezebel.com/5456560/tempest-in-a-trilby-fashion-blogger-tavi-gevinsons-hated-hat
kind of ridiculous how much attention its getting.
Love your hair color btw!
Here's a pic of the hat: http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/39/2010/01/500x_tavi_hat.jpg
-Jane @ http://brunchatthebeach.blogspot.com
I think the writer was half joking, half bitter. After all, you're thirteen and going to Haute Couture shows. ANYONE would be jealous :)
Way to go, Tavi! Way to rock out! Although the hat was blocking the view (just a little) it was still very chic and I would have been more than honored to have been sitting behind such a beautiful piece of wearable art! You're young, you love fashion, and it shows. Keep doing your thing, lady. Love Yah!
Ernest Bee.
i wonder what you being 13 yrs old has to do with the hat you were wearing. i find it interesting that people try to de-legitimatize you by using your age. rock on style rookie.
Grazia is lucky your hat wasn't a normal "hat," or that you aren't 5-foot-6. In that case, there wouldn't be anything to see through. You're in the second row, deal with it!
The haters who complained about your hat are so transparently jealous and pissed that a teenager was in the front row, while they, grown-up fashion editors, were consigned to the second row. I'm really embarrassed for them, actually.
Awww the picture wont show up for me! I will try refreshing the page or something :]
I'm sure it's epic! And in your FACE! Hehe :]
yes haters..even people from DAZED hate you, as a matter of fact. can't stand your spinster face clown.
yes haters..even people from DAZED hate you, as a matter of fact. can't stand your spinster face clown.
tavi cares about what others think? not cool! Just put it in perspective...you're taking the seats of people whove had to work their whole lives to get there in comparison to your 10 months. Hoping your reviews will be better! xx
Wow, it's all blah blah blah above isn't it? The percentage of negative people on the internet scares me.
Anywayz, the team from GRAZIA have a very dry sense british sense of humor. They wouldn't have meant any malice by that 'tweet'.
Hope you had a good week, looking forward to POP, the hat looked wicked x
I can't see the picture! I want to though. Is it just me?
I just want to say, good on you for having such confidence at your age. I'm 25 and maybe only achieved that confidence 2 years ago? And you're completely right, you're short anyways so a big hat makes no difference. They're just all lime green jello.
What makes it sort of funny is you are a child so if you were acting childishly it would be far mroe appropriate than say tweeting about a young ladies fashion choice as if it were a mortal sin. Why not, um, politely request that it be removed if it was actually int he way like you know...an adult.
That hat does seem to be about the same height as the top of the heads of the people to the left and right of you.
Der tweet appears to have left the building. Did you save a copy of the photo?
*is muchly curious*
If you can't wear a hat like that to a couture show, where can you wear it? I thought it looked fantastic on you and very occasion appro-pro.
First off, I absolutely love love the color of the bow and your new blue hair!
Second, STOP.
So awesome I can't handle.
Tavi, don't you get it, she tweeted that to get press for Grazia. You are the NKOTB that people love to H-A-T-e.
People will both love and hate you to your face and behind your back, get used to it, it's part of being successful.
holy balls I just read that jezebel article. what a lot of fuss over nothing. . . I wasn't even aware there was that level of etiquette in place for giant bows on tiny people.
who ever tweets about important things anyway? i feel like that's the real sign that the original comment was tongue-in-cheek. it's cute. it's like a shout-out to you. she knows your name (and your age). pretty neat.
also a big 'yes!' to the stinky cheese man allusion.
I'm sure the reporter feels like an idiot now. you deserve an apology! people will hate so be ready. why didnt she just ask you to remove the hat? .... cuz she has no back bone.
you are great!
Hey Tavi,
Its not that everyone hated it.When another blogger had taken the pains to support you with this beautiful poem http://fashionfifthavenue.blogspot.com/2010/01/at-devils-disposal.html
you know all's not lost!
Even I wanted to ask whether you got a bit of a chance to have a tet a tet with john galliano!
Ha I have to agree. This is all sounding pretty amazing though..despite the lame criticisms/pointed comments.
As Andy Warhol said, "Don't pay any attention to what they write about you. Just measure it in inches." Good job Tavi.
When I saw the news about the big bow hat, I was like ha ha ha..Go get it girl!
People are just jealous coz fashion is trying to court your favorable opinion. You know what to do. IGNORE! Post a picture of you in the hat!!!
Am I the only one who can't see the pictures in your post?
I'll admit I did retweet Grazia's tweet....I do do love the hat, and I've worn hats too in front row before but usually I've always taken them off (well just coz it's normally hot!) when I sit down.... perhaps that wasn't possible with the SJ hat (I suppose not seeing as you'd need to pin it in...)... gah...who gives a flying fuck really? You loves the hat, you wore it, nobody's view was really THAT obscured...
I'm officially retracting my tweet... because I really really do HEART the hat... and Grazia weren't ACTUALLY pissy about it anyway... as some people said, they did it to drive people to their Twitter... and in fact they've made some sort of empty rubbish news story on their page about them causing a 'Tavi Backlash'....I cringe...
Well, anyway, it seems it was the same exact picture most of us already saw.
Hi Tavi, I'm the person who posted the twitpic with the other heads drawn in.
I loved the hat so much I drew a portrait of you with it: http://miss-matzenbatzen.blogspot.com/2010/01/tavi-gevinson.html
Yes dear, forget them...I mean it, you achieved at your age what took them years yet you're fresh, pure and with all the future ahead...dispise them.
Lovely seing you in the pictures...
Have a good one,
De-lurking to say that's totally ridiculous for that reporter to have his knickers twisted over your hat. His twitpic OBVIOUSLY shows your shoulders several inches below the shoulders of the adult men on either side of you. Your hat could only have been an inch or two taller than their heads, if at all. What a joke.
Goo for you Tavi.
I think it's awesome that you totally COCKBLOCKED British Grazia! You should have told them that you just cockblocked them from Dior Haute Couture!
I think those writers have a point... It was obnoxious for you to wear that hat. You are being childish about this. And this is coming from a fellow child. In my opinion, you shouldn't have been in the front row anyway. There are more deserving people who have been in the fashion industry for a while and deserve it way more than you.
Oh yes, and in the pictures of the back of your head, your hair looks gray. Sorry to have to tell you this. =D
Gray hair is so pretty! I love it! and like i said Tavi...drop it like its hot! girl you rad!
If I had been sitting behind you, I would have been really annoyed too. It is common courtesy not to wear hats to obstruct people's vision...that goes with large hair/sitting on your knees to make yourself taller, etc. Yes, you are short and the hat was see-through, but it probably was still obstructing people's view. The polite thing to do would be to wear a shorter hat next time, and not brag about it on your blog.
hi tavi, i've been a silent fan for a little while now. it's probably true that it MIGHT have been more polite to wear a shorter hat, but who gives a crap? people have done much ruder things then that.
you're going to hear a lot of criticism in your quest. the best thing to do is not let anyone get you down and remain optimistic, bright, and ambitious. yes, people are and will be jealous and questioning of your opportunities, but don't worry about them. just keep on going, okay? just ignore the toxic people. they're not worth it.
Cool hat, but hats are bad form at shows. Say sorry, move on.
As Karl highneckfeld once said fashion is NOW.
So Tavi is soooo like NOW! duh
She deserves FRONT row dearies and may I point GRAZIA is not really VOGUE so there
Saw the hat on the NY Times and thought the whole brouhaha was ridic. You looked great and like you were clearly having fun with your outfit - isn't that what fashion is supposed to be about? And yes, what better place to wear the hat than to the Christian Dior show?!
The back of your head looks awesome.
Wear the hat to school and see if the kid behind you tweets about it.
Tavi I saw you that day passing by the avenue Montaigne. I was so psyched
you looked great and you really don't even need to justify ANTHING
be yourself, thats why we all read you and adore you.
Good for you for being yourself that is all you can and should ever be. You are a breath of fresh air. The hat was a gift from the Dior atelier appropriately worn at the Dior show Keep shinning :-)
don't sweat the small stuff...some people just like to complain...what a great opportunity for you!!
Ah Tavi, the hat is fabby and I'm sure Grazia didn't mean anything really. Plus, Paula Reed (AKA Grazia tweeter) is about 7 feet tall, she would have been able to see just fine.
Blog on girl!
i love the hair color, and it's more of a gun-metal blue color now, or at least it seems it in the lighting in the style.com shot. color changes a bit after first getting the color b/c of shampoo-ing. it's great!
folks will move on from the grazie crazie scenario faster than you know it.
this is your place to voice your opinions to haters and lovers alike. i've always thought you were brill with extremely creative tastes. carry on, chica! <3, daisybabie
Sorry to start a post by saying no offence, but no offence, the Grazia tweeter missed a far more important story than how big your hat was, and how it impeeded her view. But how a traditional fashion journalist ended up being outdone by a *mere* blogger so effortlessly.
Someone - not Marie Antoinette apparantly - said "let them eat cake", and I'm sure many of the fashion journalists viewing your blog on a regular basis to check their own coolness levels have no clue where to start looking for the crumbs.
You looked ah-may-zing - but I'm sure by the sheer amount and quality of the haters, you already knew that?
Oh and by the way - not one of you blighters would have told Eliza Doolittle to take her freaking hat off at the races during My Fair Lady, would ya? Lets face it: it was a fashion moment, it didn't happen on the catwalk, lets all embrace it and move on.
In all honesty, I think everyone involved was being immature and rather inconsiderate. The polite, adult thing for Grazia to do was to tap you on the shoulder and ask that you remove the hat. In return, the polite, mature thing for you to do would've been to take the hat off when asked. Sure it's fabulous, but if I sat behind you, I would've been peeved.
If Grazia had just done that in the first place, none of this internet/blog warring would've gone on.
funny how they're whining about you wearing what u like, when wearing what u like is why you're in the front row to begin with! silly grazia billys.
i knew you'd become famous when i first read ur blog a couple yrs back, but geez that was a quick shot to famous-ville, wasn't it? i'm super happy for you; you've gilted something in me.
Why didn't he just ask you to take the hat off? Whether you would have done so or not is beside the point, since he didn't even ask. He made a point of mentioning your age, perhaps to draw attention away from his own whiny immaturity.
why is it that anyone who merely expresses an opinion contrary to the popular one is a "hater?" Just because people thought the hat was a bit of a publicity stunt and detracted from the point of the couture shows--an exclusive industry-only event where the clothes on show can only be afforded by a handful of women in the world, doesn't mean they "hate" you, Tavi or your blog. No one grumbled when you were front row at NYFW, but couture is an altogether different ball game. Besides, isn't the point of blogging that everyone gets to express and share their opinion? I would just be careful in labeling anyone who is critical of you a "hater."
Maybe this bow annoyed some people - maybe not.
But thanks to this bow you was seen at french TV ! YAY ! When i saw it, i just screamed "OH MY GOOOD IT'S TAVI ! I CAN'T BELIEEEVE IT ! NOOO".. ok you get the point.
The joke was just boring ("there was an easter egg at the fahsion week" said the presenter.. hum, kthx).
I just show you this because i find it really cool ♥
In a way, you're my hero 8D
LILSPIKER, word game: she's wearing a hat, so the people who don't like this are haters.
(Yes, I know this is a bow, but for courtesy let's call it a hat)
Yeah, I think it is kinda off that the adult behind you did not ask you to remove the hat. But I also think this post is kinda off too - I think you need to realize how lucky you are and be a little more humble about these things. That said, this is the only post I've read of yours where I could see that you were a child -no offense- this is not an adult response to any situation.
Sorry Tavi.
MM x
Yay for big pink bows and blocking people's view, small people can and should get away with it.
p.s she could see the show perfectly well !!!
can't see the photo, but maybe you could repost?
Guess your parents never taught you wearing a hat indoors is in poor taste? I mean your dad was sitting right there - correct? Guess Tavi just goin' be Tavi, huh? She shouldn't have to have any consideration for anyone else because she's expressing her self via her headpiece - so we all just need to shut up and get over it, right? How would you have felt if the roles were reversed and your view was obstructed? No doubt we'd be sitting here reading a rant from you protesting "C'mon guys I'm only 13, I'm a little kid how am I supposed to see over your giant head pieces?!" I've seen the picture and while it didn't completely obstruct the view - it was in the way. Did anyone else in the front row have an obnoxious head piece on? NO BECAUSE YOU'RE AT A FASHION SHOW - WHERE HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE ARE ALL TRYING TO SEE ONE OR TWO GARMENTS AT THE SAME TIME. Do you wear giant bows on your head to the cinema as well? Guess what they say is true, common sense isn't so common.
'nuff said - it WAS rude, period.
Don't worry, dear.
They're just jealous you're so fabbb.
Once upon a time, not wearing a hat indoors was as poor taste as not wearing a hat.
Sorry Tavi, but my first thought upon seeing you in the hat (before the controversy really got rolling) was "I feel bad for whoever is sitting behind her". I know it's a fun hat, and I know you want to stand out (and that's pretty much your "job"), but sometimes we need to sacrifice our own pleasure for the contentment of those around us.
If you don't beleive me, I simply ask you to wear that hat to your nearest movie theatre and see if the situation replicates itself (which I am sure it will). No one hates you, no one hates your hat, no one is complaining out of jealousy. This is simply a case of public etiquette gone awry!
Now that I've said my piece, I will add this; I do thoroughly approve of your blue hair!
some people will always hate, nothing will ever change that. And media will never stop writing about stuff like that... but you just shouldn't care...
I would have been annoyed if I was sitting behind you, so I can see their point. It is clearly a tall hat and the polite thing to do on your part would have been to remove it when you sat down. However, if I was sitting behind you, I would have said something and asked you to remove it.
I just wanted to say something. you know when you said that people ought not to compain about that dusguisting hat of yours because it was as big as an adult? well it might have been as tall as it would be if an adult was sitting in front of them but it sure as hell wasn't as wide. your gross hat was about three times as wide as an adult's hat.
as for the rest of you. You don't have to kiss the girl's ass just because she goes at all the fashion shows. she doesn't have a clue about fashion. just look at her clothes. They're worse than my grandma's. don't you think she should at least get her period first??
girl, you need to calm down a bit. you're acting like all the world's designers are jackasses and don't have clue. if you're so smart, why don't you start your own collection? Everybody has a taste of their own which doesn't give you the right to say that everyone else is wrong.
« Everybody has a taste of their own which doesn't give you the right to say that everyone else is wrong. »
« as for the rest of you. You don't have to kiss the girl's ass just because she goes at all the fashion shows. she doesn't have a clue about fashion. just look at her clothes. They're worse than my grandma's. don't you think she should at least get her period first?? »
Highly contradictary.
You're such a piece of logical kindness, you know?
I meant, a piece of logic and kindness.
But a piece of kindness is less important than a piece of logic, in my opinion.
I was delighted to see you in your fab hat in todays UK Grazia, AND a pic of you with KARL!!! They also question your sanity for wearing 'granny clothes' and having a 'blue rinse' hmmm oh yeap they are truely sore at having to sit second row - and sligtly bemused at the youth of today and their fashion choices, bravo Tavi, keep on being fabulous xx
Hey chick,
Good for your thirteen year old self, but all that "haters gonna hate" comments aside, can't you see how a big ol' bow might a problem when you're sitting front row?
You are young. I guess that's an okay excuse for now, but hopefully you'll think your fashion choices through in the future.
Best of luck.
Jealously is an ugly thing, and Grazia should thank their lucky stars they made the second row. Your hat was fine, adorable even and I venture to say that all the naysayers are jealous they weren't there. I know I am. :) I think you are great and definitely a better role model to my little sister than Miley Cyrus. So keep on striving for the stars Tavi.
The hat was adorable, and you looked cute in it.
That said: I'm a designer in France. I've obviously been to fashion shows, and wearing a hat that large is a faux pas unless you're actually *in the show*. No one does it; if anyone does, they do it with the knowledge that there may be a backlash. If you want to walk in wearing it, fine. But remove it before you sit down no matter what row you happen to be in.
If you're going to be in the fashion world - and I surely hope that you plan on it as you're obviously talented - you have to learn how to take criticism of any sort without resorting to publicly pointing out "haters" or attributing not-entirely-positive commentary to jealousy, because that may not always be true. Europeans don't think the same way you do. Keep the tantrums private (we all have tantrums, myself included, but I have mine in the privacy of my studio), or it will reflect on you and the personage you're attempting to create here. If you had simply said, "I'm sorry that my hat offended, lesson learned" would have shown more maturity and class. But referencing "haters" and showing that you're offended in the hopes that your commenters will come to your defense just gives validity to any criticism you may have received.
Courage pour la suite.
re becky:
tavi is still quite young and she will learn with time, but i think it shows the immaturity of the person behind her, knowing who she was and thus that she may not be accustomed to this sort of event, did not tap her shoulder and ask her to remove it but instead decided to throw a tantrum.
Hey Tavi! I know you are sick of people writing about this but I think you were great to wear the hat and you made Isabella Blow very very happy from wherever she must had been watching the Doir show too! :) I love that hat as much as I love Stephen Jones!!! he is amazing and so are u! Come read the post and hope you like it.
We all love you at the Modelmanagement Blog.
Oh boo, I can't see the pic of the hat; is the link broken?
tavi, i adore your hat! it may not be modest but isn't fashion all about the avant-garde?
The photo doesn't show by the way.
fashion articles
we are all dying to see the photo, we who got to this post late! dear Tavi, can you post it? thanks!
Very true. Does this "once upon a time" you're referencing happen to take place front row at a major fashion show? Removing a hat indoors has nothing to with POOR TASTE - it has to do with RESPECT. You should probably do some research before you jump to someones defense on a topic you're not versed in.
Becky and Karenina said best above.
I also am wondering why Tavi hasn't reposted the pic? Even though she seems to have no remorse for wearing the hat, and even seems to be quite pleased with herself for causing such a commotion. It's easy enough to find the picture online by googling "Tavi's hat". So why not fix it? Maybe a little embarrassed? Remorseful? Seriously, just wondering - it's not like she doesn't know the pic isn't showing.
It's all quite sad really. I used to be an avid reader of this blog, but her actions and lack of even TRYING to understand why there was a backlash has left a really bad taste in my mouth. Good luck with life, you're gonna need it in high school...unless your parents let you skip that for a fashion show too.
was in response to:
Blogger Pashupati said...
"Once upon a time, not wearing a hat indoors was as poor taste as not wearing a hat."
to l0v3hermadly (or anyone interested, I really don't care if you read it without being him or her, comments are publics after all):
The silly things about my tiredness you'll probably skip, they were part of my answer but it really looked stupid with these in, but that's for you to know I don't speak that stupidly when I'm healthy and unsleepy:
(Yes, it's really bad written and I may mispell the word harsch, but I'm tired and I think you may get what I said... If you don't just re-answer later, I'll explain myself better... I just connected to check my RSS flux, and lord I almost said URSS flux!)
Sorry for my syntax and all, I know it is bad (the syntax) but I'm really tired (well, it's only 18:29 in France, but I only slept 3 hours) and as I said before (I think) english is not my maternal language...
God, and now my answer look like a patchwork :o
Respect is for harsch people.
It's a concept I simply don't get.
In a world of respectful people, you can be a really sucky asshole if you are just respectful, and that's stupid.
By the way, I never said it was a matter of poor tastes, the person I responded to said it.
And I read a book about those kind of things were it said that, to be respectful, you must not point the disrespectufulness of someone. So, if this whole thing is a matter of respect, nobody would have talked about.
Don't worry, I think everybody get you talked to me, because nobody else said « once upon a time » here...
« g0r3vette said...
Guess your parents never taught you wearing a hat indoors is in poor taste?
January 31, 2010 8:35 PM » (the person I answered to)
Well, anyway, I said something illogical here. I talked about poor tastes, even if I just talked about as an answer.
Check out an article on The Style Rookie http://www.shalomlife.com/eng/5045/Meet_Tavi,_The_Style_Rookie/
It is sad that you seem more capable of speaking sense than most people in the media, but very reassuring that someone is...
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