in which i review haute couture using 30 rock quotes from the one with james franco

So...I went to Paris and kind of forgot to mention it on this here blog? Was packing until the very last moment, no wireless in the hotel, etc., so now I am home. I present to you a shorter review of the shows I saw...composed almost entirely of quotes from the James Franco episode of 30 Rock.

Let's begin with Christion Dior, this bar jacket, specifically.Lace, pastels, bows-it's everything I've ever wanted, kind of like having ice cold diarrhea from drinking too much Jamba Juice!

This extravagant dress had an incredibly lengthy train, which made me want to ask the model if she was an ass scientist, because her ass blah blah blah you get the point.

And now for Chanel. First of all, the HAIR! So good, like if you combined a pillow that's been in the microwave with wig extensions from a store you might get if you typed "Nancy's Secrets" into the Internet.

Next, we have this cardigan I've been sort of afraid to wear, it has fuzzy buttons, and-I'M NOT GOING BACK TO NOTHINSVILLE!-Randy Lemon you open this door right now!
Where were we? Oh right, cardigan.
Looking fierce? If it was 2006!

The last look was accompanied by a male, as if she was Greta and he was Klaus.Your silver suit is all good and well, Male Model, but if you really want to become Julianne Moore's lover, YOU SHOULD BUY A LEATHER JACKET!!

Moving on to Armani-Was it inspired by the moon? Does chewing on a sponge trick your brain's hunger center? Yes, yes, a million times yes!

Last but not least, Givenchy. I would wear this lil' number to a bar called Homebutt:
And so wraps up my intellectual, sophisticated review of this couture season. When at shows, it's important to keep in mind that no matter how much you want to skip onto the runway and poke Freja Beha's poufy hair, you must contain yourself and take a picture instead. Kumiko taught me that.


b said...


b said...

Givenchy was being such a non-pillow (right now)!

b said...


b said...

My favorite book is LOLITA U KNO HOW I AM???

MYSTICAL MAGIK SISTERS IN VIRGIN SUICIDES I am so tired right now and this book report is killing me AMERICAN IDOL IS NOT HELPING.

Anonymous said...

yipee 5th comment! i love this post!

b said...



b said...

I'm actually the 5th comment because I teleported it into the mind of Lady Gaga, AKA Raquel Zimmerman.

TOMMY said...

hahahaaaaaaaaa lol awesome =)


Great post Tavi!

Nazneen Zainal Abidin said...

i love this post :)

Harlow Darling said...

Wow, it's so amazing that you got to meet James Franco in real life, lucky girl!!!

Harlow Darling said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Allegra said...


I have to go re watch this now. and look back over the shows. My brain hurts from multi variable calKILLus homework. I need a break.

WendyB said...

Thank God you weren't wearing that big hairdo! NO ONE would have been able to see through it. ;-)

So wear it next season.

Anonymous said...

Everything is better with 30 Rock quotes. Thank you for that.

Christian said...

Grazia didnt appreciate your bow! Go judo chop them, show'em whos boss.

What we four say said...

These collections are bringing me back to the 90's which is a little scary considering those were my junior high and high school years. It's a weird thing, at least I am not still dressing like that! Well that is until I do again. You know some people dress just like high school, forever. Loved the bow, BTW!!

chelsea said...

i, too was over the moon about armani prive. see what i did there?

poniesonspeed said...

love the post... how do you have time to go to paris? SCHOOL! Unless you go to one of those charter schools... Here I am taking finals in HS while you go to Paris *sniff* lucky..

C A said...

It was nice to see you here in Paris, Dior was great, and today I went to Dilek Hanif's show at the Hotel de Crillon and it was fabulous, at Elie Saab's level (which by the way he presented his collection in the morning..)

i.c. blogspot said...

awwww, I adore Couture season, simply divine! You've put an interesting twist and interpretative review on the collections. I have to say, I am tres jealous you attended the show. Keep up the excellent work Tavi!

like fried chicken said...

That armani dress is too cool. It reminds me of an amoeba, in a good way (duh).

Calluna vulgaris said...

OOOH MYY GOOOD i am having a stroke [of genius] over that silver suit. need need now. thank you for posting this tavi!!

ChubbyCheeks said...


Soren Lorensen said...

I see a bit of the mooon inspiration


laia. said...

hahahahaha I <3 you x 10,0000

teri said...

I LOVE the MOON dress!

So funky and fun. "It's creative and fun, and that sounds fashionable to me," one wise young lady once typed on her blog.

teri at

Flipping Pages said...

Hey Tavi, you have a fellow fashion blogger supporting you over the "big-bow-garzia" incident!It was so funny, thought I would let you know,

Flipping Pages said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Maxens M. Finch said...

Went you to the Pierre Bergé - Yves-Saint-Laurent Foundation?
Great post.

J said...

Hi - Usually I don't like to comment on things, but I feel like you should address your accessory choice during Dior Couture. I saw some pictures of the poor folk who had to sit behind you, and instantly felt very confused and irritated.
For someone such as yourself who's wise beyond your years, didn't you think before wearing the admittedly cute but inappropriate bow? There was obviously no excuse for you obstructing other people's view of the collection, and it just seems very obnoxious and childish (both characteristics ones not usually used to describe Tavi) to do such a thing. Although you're 13 (I'm 16 myself!), you're in an adult environment and while showing personal style is an admirable thing, you really should've taken others into consideration. I can't help but feel that it alludes to egocentrism...

Vivien_5115 said...

30 Rock quotes make everything better!!!! Kudos Tavi :)

HolyshitiLoveyou said...

That heart-shaped hair looks just like Mom from Futurama!

Diane said...

You're very lucky to attend these shows :)

Anyway I like the original way in which you review them :P So funny...

Dior lover till I die..


Neon Sprinkle said...

Amazing, was there a particular show that you liked? Dior was very whimsical, as expected! But I NEVER anticipated Chanel to be (almost/just as) whimsical. It was kind of strange, I loved the idea of it a lot though.

The Armani couture felt a little felt a tiny bit held back in comparison.

Amazing that you were invited, keep at it! :)

- neonsprinkles!

j.o.b. said...

that's rude, dude :)

Sheik-Chan said...

@_@!! Wow. How do you afford to go to these different countries?

So awesome, I really like the photos ^~^!!!

Lexi said...

i was ecstatically happy to see 30 rock quotes in this post

Jade Andersen said...

last picture is so funny :D
love sid xx

fashion child said...

omg i cant believe you went to paris! and didnt tell us!

the couture shows look amazing!


Anonymous said...

I loved the Dior collections. Very "back in-time". How cool you got to go!!!

Libertad said...

You know, those Chanel's hair are inspired on Gary Oldman's Dracula character... in fact, the girls look a little bit like in that film (I hope you've seen it, so you can get the point of it all).

Very nice review ;)

Unknown said...


Yeah. Totally inspired by the Moon.

Ms.Brigitte said...

I've written about couture shows aswell. Could you check out my blog? ;D

BTW my favorite collection so far is Gaultier. I love how he created looks from around the world. The palm gown is breathtaking at the end.
Also I like Givenchy and Chanel.

Can't wait until the others release!

- B

trilby said...

Chanel = win. Generally. Silver suit is sort of more retarded spaceman kind of thing but nonetheless.

And the cardigans at the beginning were a little bit 2006-ish.

Let's all wear silk! AND PRETEND TO BE THE MOON, ARMANI! Uhm.. okkaayy.

I want that hair. So much. You can do a mini-version with really short hair (such as mine) and it would look really epic with your hair, what with it being BLUE and all.

Sorry. Just thought I should reinforce the coolness of your hair. :)

Lots of lurve,


trilby said...

Chanel = win. Generally. Silver suit is sort of more retarded spaceman kind of thing but nonetheless.

And the cardigans at the beginning were a little bit 2006-ish.

Let's all wear silk! AND PRETEND TO BE THE MOON, ARMANI! Uhm.. okkaayy.

I want that hair. So much. You can do a mini-version with really short hair (such as mine) and it would look really epic with your hair, what with it being BLUE and all.

Sorry. Just thought I should reinforce the coolness of your hair. :)

Lots of lurve,


trilby said...

Chanel = win. Generally. Silver suit is sort of more retarded spaceman kind of thing but nonetheless.

And the cardigans at the beginning were a little bit 2006-ish.

Let's all wear silk! AND PRETEND TO BE THE MOON, ARMANI! Uhm.. okkaayy.

I want that hair. So much. You can do a mini-version with really short hair (such as mine) and it would look really epic with your hair, what with it being BLUE and all.

Sorry. Just thought I should reinforce the coolness of your hair. :)

Lots of lurve,


trilby said...

Multiple postage. Oops. :)

Ollie Crafoord said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ollie Crafoord said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jean-pierre MATTEI ( clothings maker who shares some fashion sketches .............................. ) said...

Kisses !
Hey...Tavi ! : I want to see your blue hair ! ^^


Emily said...

Incroyable! That Brandon kid at the top is creepy... unless you know him... but anyway, congrats on couture week -- did you see what the Grazia editor posted on his/her twitter? It made me LOL.

AND MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR CONGRATS ON UNE STYLE UNE FILLE!!!! tommy posted one of the pictures and wrote about it. you're incredible!!!


Charlotte de Gier said...

Ah, love for Chanel. I adore the 'cuteness', the models all look like sugar-barbiedolls, amazing. Really like your feauture in Vogue, the pictures are lovely. A couple of days ago you were featured here in a popular Dutch tv-show, it was really cool!

Alicia - Sea Of Ghosts said...

I like your blog and I think I would have enjoyed this post more if I made the effort to watch 30 Rock. But I enjoy the fact that you've teamed something so very FASHION IS SRS BSNS with something so mainstream like sitcom quotes.
And the silver suit is basically amazing.

Ross said...

Wait, did you not go to Anne Valerie Hash? I thought you would..........
Glad your alive!

mariska said...

amazing pics by designers!!



Margarita said...

oh amazing girl and amazing designers ! you´ve founded my favourite blog ,thank you!

Bitch said...

haha i love this blog!
check out my blog about a fab life in london and internship at Escada!

Bella Beatrice said...

wow the male model is quite handsome isnt he?
i love this post! :)
heard that you're being photographed by jak+jil for VOGUE PARIS, the photos are amaziiingg.


CeCe said...


The gossip blogs are calling us James, a combination of Jenna and James.

Anonymous said...

I looooooove the pastel colors!!!! they really do deserve to be on the runways this season. Bahahahaha the gold suit xD

Oblivious Fashion said...

great post,
think i peed during that episode.
james franco.. :)


haha you little joker!!

p.s. your hat at dior made me LMAO

Isabel said...

Guhhhhm you are and genius and I love you. The end.

Sam Harvey said...

And to think all this time I thought you were having a sleep over with a 6 year old. So glad you are back safe and sound. I was blown away when I saw you on lightning blog whatever wearing the gawzy coat by Comme des Garcons. I just pinned that number up on my wall for inspiration. Where and when are you going to wear it again!

Baro Lucas said...

Tavi, I love it!

hard liquor; soft holes said...

Yes, yes, a million times yes!

Angeles Almuna said...

Your words are beyond this planet, you are super Lady Tavi! Great post!

lori said...

I loved the hair the most. I'd love to do mine like that. She even had a little blue like yours.
I'll make myself a big bow to match. Love the blog-- love your sense of humor. So refreshing!

L. Ward

Violet Dreams said...

We're Pablo and Bea from Spain, we are big fans of your blog!
You're so lucky, don't you know?
It will make us sooooo happy if you leave us a comment :)


Unknown said...

Chanel was amazing
Btw loving your new blue hair!!


Shaishalala said...

Tavi! I'm in love with your blog! stumble upon it online and you have such fresh posts!
much love from New York City, concrete jungle where dreams are made of.. la la la laaaa.. :)

Briana Le & Merissa Ren said...

hey, hey Tavi.
I like you. Everything you write is you, naturally, because you are one of those rare human beings who's beauty is not obscured by style or pretension. You have both, but only in the best way possible. Keep being wonderous please.

christie said...

i <3 30 rock.
how you tied it in to fashion... absolute genious.


Hur du kommer hem med både shoppingkassen och plånboken full. said...


dag said...

I`ve heard here in Poland about the hat You wore at Dior

world is small!

Unknown said...

love these photos. love liz lemon. love your blog!

Esther Boller said...

I love your posts! The qoute made it the bee's knees!

Sadhbh said...

great blog, really enjoy reading your posts.
Great for some inspiration :)
all the best!

Mila said...

It's almost as EPIC as your blue hair.
Just thought I'd get that little thought through:p

follow me!

Anonymous said...

Bleh haute couture was sooooo boring and uncreative this season

Gabby said...

I love the Chanel hair so much that I want to take it behind the middle school and get it pregnant.

brightlightsbigcity said...

Hahaha I LOVED THAT EPISODE.. also i love you for wearing your awesome hat. idk what those stuckups are talking about. :)

Hanna Banana said...

your post inspired me to watch my first-ever 30 rock episode... Best decision EVER:)

Unknown said...

hahaha, tavi, this is awesome! I have been a lurker, but I have to let you know how much this post was appreciated, on so many levels :)

camie said...
tavi no blog do jak!
i love you tavi,

Cicely said...

Having never watched 30 rock I have don't know what the heck you're on about, but I enjoyed this thoroughly nonetheless.

Tara Diane said...

That second armani dress reminds me of this new club called Aquarium, where women dance in a glass bowl and men stand around it and feed them...

Hal E. Liebling said...

Epic post Tavi! The bar jacket is incredible.

Festy said...

I love Chanel!!!

Tiny Quirks said...

so beautiful! and james franco! also, i just wanted to let you know that i tagged you in a blogger award. go to my blog to recieve it, congrats!

Tiny Quirks said...

so beautiful! and james franco! also, i just wanted to let you know that i tagged you in a blogger award. go to my blog to recieve it, congrats!

Natasha Atkerson said...

Hi! Glad to meet you! I'm in America, but my Grandma sent me an article about you! I had to check it out! I have a fashion blog too, so I'm always interested in other peoples blogs.

Rose said...

Erm, so I know you were only three-ish when he retired from couture, and I know you prolly didn't get to see the show in person, because it was all unorthodox and self-produced and a little off the radar, but the very first thing I thought upon perusing the shots from Thimister's return to the runway this spring was "Gosh! I wonder what Tavi would think of this collection!" It's on You should check it out. Its gorgeous, intelligent, and thought provoking, to say the least.

Rose said...

Oh. And the giant pink feathered hairbow at Dior? Stunning. I'm making one for myself, stat, with electric blue pheasant feathers. Your whole outfit for that show was dreamy as hell, especially with the pastel hair. Snarky priveleged editrixes (who are probably nearly a foot taller than you in their towering blood soaked stillettos anyway) can just peer through the loops and put up with the fact that the world doesn't revolve around them.

reckless daughter said...

that was fantastic - even though it was slightly over my head having not seen the JF 30ROCK.

Anyhow...I love the Chanel hair especially. I'm sure it was incredible in person!

Eric Saeter said...

hah! lololol @ silver suit comment!!!

Sammi said...

This was such a fantastic episode of 30 rock! Your pictures and commentary are pretty amazing too.

Armenian Fashionista said...

Tavi, I'm constantly reading ur blog and I love it.
good job
I'm a blogger myself

check it out

Anna said...

Her green hair reminds me of your blue hair.

Yet this lady is provoking by wearing entirely green outfits with the already intense hair.

Maybe you will do the same.


Katy said...

LOL at WendyB's comment. I must say, the Chanel hair is growing on me.

Niki said...

i feel like the moon dress translates beautifully in this frontal photograph but would look horrid from the side. but besides that it's quite a lovely concept execution.

Rika Purba said...

Hi Tavi, Great blog. I know your blog 2 days ago from local magazine. I am from Indonesia. very awesome!! Good Luck

brendan stampley said...

chanel was impeccable.

cagedhousewife said...

you're in garance's video!

Rino said...

Tavi the best...

n/a said...

hmm well I must say you've posted better reviews then this one, hard to tell if 'ice cold diarrhea' means you like them or not..

But that's okay, must have been nice to go to Paris!

Myrthe H said...

Tavi, you are so funny!
I love this post

♥ ♥

The Little Black Dress said...

i lovee ur blog :)
and i love the hair for chanel's haute couture!! amazing..
it would mean a lot to me if u checked by blog! thx

Alban Giudicelli said...

The shows were excellent

Unknown said...

The hat is amazing and suits you personality so well and your new hair color. Everyone else that don't like it are probably jealous. I wish I could wear something like that, but I am to shy, so I'll just live vicariously through you.

thwany said...

HAHAAH love this

iam.mai said...

oh gosh. i love james franco...

Kool said...

Love Tavi!
Check out Los Angeles-Sweden

Rowan said...

i always love your witty interpretations of shows! your blog just gets better and better :)

fashion soldat said...

I like the Givenchy one. Like a beautiful nighty. Could sleep in this dreamy fabrics for 1001 nights.

Emily L. said...

T -
You appear for a flash in Garance's video of the Givenchy show... here:

LuLu said...

You were in Garance's Givenchy video Tavi: Love the fashion blog cross-pollination!

sarah said...

the chanel show: I want to go to there.

Unknown said...

Pissed my pants! :) A highly intellectual review Tavi. We love you at Model Management! Come by when you have time. xoxo

Monica said...

karl could never do wrong!

i am following:)
sincerely, the fashionista from the

Liggie said...

You're very famous in Poland in fashion community;) You're very interesting person and creative.
Kisses from Poland from Elbląg :*

Fannah said...

okay so i dont quite get the round flat moondressthing. but the rest is darrrrrn lovely. like that last blue outfit? heck yes. if i were an outgoing person. which i'm not. but heck yes to all the rest of the world..?

KRain said...

If i must say so myself, you are an excellent writer, and photographer! Bravo!

Plastic Rosary said...

wear that hat Tavi and drop it like it's hot.

Travis Bickle said...


Meet Virginia said...

the chanel hair is so extravagant! love it!


Jhonnatan said...

Tavi... I wonder what tavi is doing right now?
I do I do.

Liselot said...

i love the Armani look, and you are so talented!


delicious, said...

hey tavi,
Im never really into fashion or anything, more music, but reading your blog is always really enjoyable for me, as much as I don't really like the ACTUAL fashion part, I like how you dress, and the photo you post, so keep it up!

Unknown said...

So were karl and Alexa Chung nice ?

Unknown said...

I love the Chanel and the Dior collections!
Great blog! I am now following you so please check out my blog and I hope that you can follow me back!
Emma x

ELVIA said...

I highly enjoy your blog - although unfortunately I only recently (last fall/winter season) heard about you, hehe.

I really love the Chanel couture! I truly adore the tulle and floral neck-pieces! Tulle is my favorite fabric and the neck-pieces are so exquisite, so lovely that in fact I have a deep urge to try to create something of the same caliber and hope it comes out as well so that I can go out to places with it :)

You're living every fashion student and professional's dream! xo.

Luna said...

I love the Chanel and dior collections.
both very amazing.

Theory of a fashion victim

Nvs said...

lovely photos...

JL said...

Nice comprehensive look at the shows...ur a great writer at this age!
but im sure u've heard tht one b4.

stylefrontier said...

love all of these!!

Daniel's said...

And Do you like Paris ?

Kate said...

I loved the styling for this!

"Objects are made by men, and have many uses... but we must never... love objects"

Anonymous said...

I love the colors Chanel uses and the hair is amazing, heartshaped is always good!

Cassidy said...

hahahahah oh my god i love you so much .

stylespotterfashionblogger said...

CHANEL, CHANEL, CHANEL.... I want to get married in those clothes right now! It's just incredible, makes me cry.

sean lysaght said...

Staying in Nice. Amazed at how many variations on the Chanel theme there are in France. The badge of a generation of French women. And still going great under Lagerfeld.
I love the latest aquarium models. Get to the Monaco aquarium some day and see some of the natives in their element.
Greetings at the end of a great January

Vovó Santa said...

All Perfect!!

Lauren said...

Fashion and 30 Rock- who knew they went so well together?
That said, I am completely DROOLING over every piece in the Dior show-so jealous you were actually there!

little fashions said...

nice to know that you share some of what i like james franco (Been a fan since i was 11) lol and julian and alec's episode lol @ that! shame she decided to stick with her husband!

heartnita said...

paparazzo- <3 that episode.

Alli XT said...

This is my first time commenting on your blog but I have to say this entire post had me giggling and spitting coffee all over my new keyboard. Keep up the great work - I can't believe I've only just discovered Style Rookie (apparently I live under a rock).

Cullen said...

you're not funny at all

Cullen said...

you're not funny at all

theceelist said...

fun fun..Tavi!

hannah, heart city said...

it really was like the best episode of 30 rock so far. and randy was played by jeffrey from jeffrey and cole casserole/vgl gay boys!!
oh and that chanel hair is magical.

hannah, heart city said...

ppl leave you such weird comments..

Lady Danger said...

tavi i know you love EDWARD GOREY so i think you might enjoy this- check out how much givenchy 2010 reminds you of good old Gorey

Linda said...

I just adore your artistic ability. Its just so flawless, I sometimes find it hard to believe you're only like 13. I especially love the first one, it really reminds me of The Diving Bell and the Butterfly. :D

Helen Neely

Christina said...

Haha that was a great episode. The quotes coincide almost too perfectly.

A Colourful Guy Drowning said...

Cockblocking Tavi Responds!

Unknown said...

Last shot in Chanel, she is not accompanied by just any male. He is Baptiste Giabiconi, Unkle Karl's male muse!

circusflea said...

geniusness. P.S Just started reading about your trip to Japan in POP s/s2010, love it. READ MY NEW BLOG!

DakotaRose said...

I always love every picture you post ;)

Anonymous said...

hahaha yes, the moon dress


Anonymous said...

The Chanel hair is amazing! I need to get some of those spongy things you use to shape your hair...isn't that what they do?

Anonymous said...

My first impression of Tavi - a fashion disaster looking for a place to happen, but something untoward happened to the critical me on the way to that observation. As I wandered through her blog site strewn with debris, it was faintly reminiscent of a badly behaving school girl, but then I began to see more into her personhood. Perky and outspoken, she arose out of this disheveled chaos, a creative phoenix, her eyes and mind - a flashing neon billboard of individuality with wisdom far beyond her years.

Strangely, I found myself checking my uptight writing and slightly middle class style for a single sign of my identity and withered under her scrutinizing revolutionary art deco expressionism. Suddenly, I decided to give up my pompish idealism to ask myself, are you really free to be yourself? In fact, I began to realize what I craved in my own endeavors - a personal stamp! Hello, out there, Tavi! Thanks for being you. Fancy finding myself in the mirror of your royal funkiness!

In a flash, I began to realize what I liked about her and this is the gist of it. It is Tavi’s creative flair and persuasively infectious unique character that seem to know no limits. It mystically unwound itself out of the ball of miscellany that adorned the collage of her individual palette of colors and boundless ideas. Yes, maybe that was it in a nutshell, i.e. Tavi is a natural artist, decorator and creative stylist, philosopher and individualist all rolled up into one multi-talented kid-adult-old person.

Superlatives hint of who she appears to be, but fail to identify her style, art deco as it is. Surreal in quality, not bound by habit or critique, peers or peeps, “snarky internet trolls or simply scheming ‘suck-ups” seeking to crack the code to her popularity and, dare I say, her vivacious spirit. Truly, her freedom ‘to be’ permeates the defiant flair that haunts her historical disregard for time or place. Everyone feels a part of her creativity as she dashes in and out of every haberdashery of self-expression regardless of the consequences of how it might or might not fit into the last dwindling vestiges of style or trend.

Tavi weaves ideas like a surreal fashion goddess out of the buttons and bows most people discard. We pause with gnawing vision sensing the pressing evolution of a New Age Versace stalking the future fast falling upon us. So we nod and bow realizing that we are meeting at this vital primary stage of individuality, a brilliant leader who with printed school girl socks, joke shop sunglasses, miss-matched but incredibly ‘in’ get ups, has something to say. We can’t help but pause to admire and listen, feeling we’d almost forgotten something particularly special about life until meeting Tavi~

BET BOB said...

hi i like the way you dress n create a thing :) well ,,it is nice to noe u TAVI :)

Poppy Marriott said...

Heey, YOU ARE AWESOEME. I Love Your blog and you are soo lucky to go to all them shows!
keep on bloggin'

mariam said...

uggghh cant believe you met him girl hes adorable

MetooforHolly said...


Izan said...

I just began reading your blog and this post cracked me are a little genius.......i swear that episode is my favourite of 30 rock....... and dior.....well need i say more?

E said...

Great post this is the most awesomely ridonkulous post eva! Go 30 rock!