I thrifted this skirt the other day and had to put it with my colored harlequin tights this morning. It is the ultimate formula for feeling like a clown and blinding people.
OH, imagine it with the optical illusion tights...omg eyesore omg revenge on school people omg iamwaytoospitefultobe12 omg.
OH, imagine it with the optical illusion tights...omg eyesore omg revenge on school people omg iamwaytoospitefultobe12 omg.

I've decided that when I feel uninspired I'll look at weheartit instead of magazines or runway, because I always find a new artist or architect or photographer that blows my mind when I browse that place and for me the best inspiration for dressing is art itself.
That and cartoons. No seriously, try dressing like Dexter or something. It feels so liberating.
thrifted belt and skirt. shirt, gift. celeste stein tights via mytights.com. slow & steady wins the race shoes. forever21 cardigan. claire's hairbow.
I was going to order the optical illusion tights a day before you did your first post with them, but then I got intimidated.
And I know this totally isn't my place and many people will disagree with me, but I would be so sad if you really did become a stoner when you got farther into your teens ):
That said, beautifully done yet again!
That top looks great on you; I love the zipper! ;)
great skirt! Very harlequin.
Optical illusions are good for the soul.
I can't believe you found that skirt at a thrift store! It's wonderful.
that blouse is awesome!
yo' yo' yo' taviii (god, i swear i don't talk like this in real life...)
i waz lookin (okay, really, what's wrong with me?) at your links section and realized i was in the Love section and that is THE BOMB. THANX.
oh, and your second blog is AWESOME. why did i not know about this magical second blog until now? where was i? did i skip over some line in one of your posts? i must have been sleeping. anyway, it's cooool
Thanks guys!!
shayela-ha, nothing to worry about!
hazel-Of COURSE you are man! Oh and I dunno why I never mentioned the other blog but haha yep it's in the links.
That skirt is SO ASKING to be worn with the harlequin tights! Outfit=perfection.
haha, i need to get me a pair of those tights! lord knows the visual damage that will be done to fellow pupils (only the best kind of revenge though, looking fab)
wow i love all these colors! they are amazing
I love the top backwards! the tights and skirt are perfect for each other it's like every jester I have ever seen or my grandma circa 1994.
that skirt!!! omg it's awesome :O and it's thrifted! it only makes it even more awesome :)
oh my god, that skirt. It's like everything good in this world, and many others most certaintly
^i'm pretty sure that sentence right there is teeming with grammatical infractures, but we can ignore those...
It reminds of gareth pugh, and takashi murikami, but that could just be the colors...
I luv the tights- they remind me of like the picasso painting with like an acrobat or whatever!
Your second blog is great! Just discovered it a couple days ago:)
tavi- wow for the skirt! you are a great thrift finder.
i like.
it's christopher KANE :)
The more visible the zipper the better, yeah?
Still freaking loving that white/neon minidress..
the the zipper is awesome. jealous.
i completely love this outfit. i am flabbergasted by your genius all too often.
Love the bow and the exposed zippers!
Yum, channeling Kane is always a good thing. I love that top!
Shoulda gone for the optical illusion tights, it's great blinding people with the power of clothing. I've blinded one of my English proffesors with my shiny disco shoes... love it
you done in a good job!
I love youre imagination !
Lovely. Crazy and stunning combination!
Venice Carnival is coming...
hi tavi =)
You've a great fashion! i love it..! let's be friends =)
anarchism and fur, well...
very subversive.
Oh man I wonder if those models can breath in the Christopher Kane dresses! I like how you turned the shirt around, the zipper is really nice.
xoxo Isabella Clarisse xoxo
Chanelling non-runway inspirations is the greatest thing ever. I read a vampire book a week ago and haven't wanted to wear anything but black ever since :D
And I'm definitely a fan of the harlequin tights!
Hi Tavi:) First of all, your name is so cool. Secondly, you are my hero! I absolutely love your style. Your blog makes me smile so often. I'm very excited for what your future holds. Keep it up girl, you are an inspiration for all of us. A shining star on the rise. For realz:) xx - mm
I love it, I think it's one of my most favorite outfits of yours :)
I absolutely love your blog and have been reading it for awhile now. Those tights are great - totally reminds me of Miu Miu a few seasons back. xo Fashion Intel
PS. I think you'd also like my blog at www.fashionintel.com
I love your colored tights! They're so eyecatching. I also love the way you wore your shirts backwards, it completely changes the look. Great idea!
i like the tights and skirt together!
too great!
the patterns are fantastic
I think you're unique and very cute! you're not crazy like you think your gym class would think:0)
I totally agree on dressing like cartoon characters. I mean, Eloise at the Plaza Hotel? The Sandman from the comic book series? Kim Possible? A Powerpuff girl? Minnie Mouse? SO MUCH FUN.
wow-awesome outfit today! i wish i had those tights!
hey, I am getting addicted to checking your blog, everytime I want to leave a coment I forget, but in this post you mentioned something about an anarchist planet where everything was made out of fur, and it reminded me of a very silly tv show here in méxico ( but it really is funny ) about a familly obssesed with felt, stuffed clothes, everything in the show is made out of felt of fur.
anyways... I love your blog and your style
i love this look.
Love the harlequin. I dug out my christopher kane for topshop dress last night, and wore it out for dinner. I still love the neon zip.
xx-LJ from SOS!
whenever i need some inspiration, i look at fffound.com its pretty amazing to say the least. its mostly art stuff but there is a lot of cool photography.
just in case you are curious <3
That outfit is awesome! And I hope you ignore the kids at school. Everyone in fashion knows how awesome you are and really that is all that matters!
i wear my jon saunders skirt backwards all the time too.
the zipper is so thick and heavy in comparison to the silk, it just has to be shown!
very cute outfit, the tights are a nice touch. i love what you did with the shirt
From Poppy
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