And I am in serious LOVE, people. Soft, warm, colorful chain love. It came only yesterday and has already gotten tons of compliments! The conversations usually go something like this:
Person: Ohmygod, I love your scarf!
Me: Haha, thanks! I mean, I didn't make it, but-
Person: *snorts* well duh, yeah, obviously. I got that.
...I am not known for being crafty, okay?

I first became addicted to Yokoo's flickr
photostream when
Elizabeth wrote about her way back in July, and
Susie Bubble's more recent post about her Etsy store only justified the epicness.
This witty picture has been my wallpaper for about a week now, not gonna lie...holiday cheer, right?

And now Elizabeth and I have a
mutual obsession. You don't get much more bonkerz (WL slang) than a Minnie headband and multi-colored chain scarf, ladies and germs.

Some punk at school came up to me and tried to obnoxiously stick his head through Da Chain. By impulse/reflex I kicked him. If injury doesn't express my love for it, I don't know what does.

I've been having lots of fun playing with the versatility, too.
i need a haircut...and non-static spray...Yokoo was sneaky and put a couple thrifted thangs in my package as well. The flannel I'm wearing above and the quilted dress I wore today, along with a couple other epic items you'll be seeing soon. It's all so unbearably epic. All of it.
outfit: dress & scarf, yokoo. hue socks, laia. shoes & shirt, secondhand.
But lady, what did it cost? a fortune?
I was about to say fortuna. but didnt.
that scarf is SO cute on you tavi! :) def versatile. do you ebay a lot to get the things you wear??
that's the best scarf ever!!
i wear this wondeful cashmere scarf i got last year for $15 everyday b/c i love it so much
wouldn't it be funny to attach a huge plastic clock at the end of it
That's ridiculously awesome. I love it!
Okay, I just wanted to say I have been reading your blog for a little while now and I love it. Because you make me laugh. Obviously your outfits are a big part of why I read your blog, but the text really packs it with a ton of extra awesomeness.
So THANK YOU for making me laugh!
Blogger Tahda said...
whoa, scarf chain - i love this and i think i might need one!
I just stumbled upon your blog (me= apparently behind the times) and I just wanted to say I love your photos and your H&M rap. Seems I have a lot of "Style Rookie" catching up to do. so if you'll excuse me, I'll be on my way!
I love both the chain and the dress! I've been eyeing off a Yokoo Minnie headband for ages as I have a slight (cough cough) bow complex ;) I'm in Australia so I think they're about $50 AUS or something...and despite it being Summer over here I need one...!!!
Ummm... so I totally just went and bought me one of them there scarves. The LAST one actually. ;)
So awesome!!
Scarf: excellent. Red coat: love as always. Dress: TOO AMAZING! Totally fantastic.
Tavi your last few outfits have been awesome. The scarf f-ing rules, and the dress reminds me of something a first grade teacher would wear, in a good way. Srsly so awesome.
Ah yes, but how tempting would it be to shove that scarve over the head of said punk and strangle him? I'm sure it was hard to resist, the love of the scarf withstanding.
The only thing that could be better is a) waffles b) toast or c) bubbles.
cute scaaaaaaaaaarf!
man! you bought yokoo's scarf!
I don't think I've ever commented on your blog before, which is weird when I think about it since I've been following you since the fashbot-photoshoot days (not literally, but, well, moving on). I just wanted to say your blog is lots of fun, you are inspiring without being intimidating and I love how you keep a sense of humour about everthing. Keep it up girlie *gives thumbs up*
Wow, I am loving that chain thang. It's great. In fact, I kind of want to stick my head through it too, but I won't.
you are a very stunning girl
this post reminded me of a scarf I actually knit that's supposed to be a chain! it's not as BIG as yours, but it's pink :)
How does a 12 year old kid afford a $199 scarf?
you are too cute. seriously your creative mind is astounding.
Thanks guys!
M-It was a gift from Yokoo.
Ben-I am on right now and you are not, what do you say to that, hmmmm? Also, I quite liked my 1st grade teacher. Thank you.
omg tavi, thats the best thing ever! i'm still quite speechless...
i must go pop some popcorn now and regain my senses.
dat scarf is amazing
i love the first combination of the scarf! so gorgeous!
its so unique!
lol you were eating a lollipop? THAT LOOKS SO COOL IN PICTURES
you always have the cutest outfit or it looks cute cos its you?
ahh! jealousss! i love yokoo's stuff, and if i had the guts to wear "da chain" i'd totally buy one.
i love the ensemble with the checkered shirt and skirt too.
I keep singing in my head, "Do yo' chain hang low" :P
& now you have to be the luckiest girl ever!!
Thanks guys <3 It's all the chain's doing, I swear!
Anon-Haha yep, my friend's mom just got back from San Francisco with a ton of gourmet lollipops and unloaded them on me. I didn't even know lollipops could be gourmet, like whaa? They take over an hour to finish, it's ridic.
belinda-Lolol this kid at school sang that too XD
Gosh, that is so amazing!!!! I love the plaid shirt in the middle of the last three pics.
love how you said "Da Chain"
love you blog!
...*sigh* ... i wish i could get an amaaaazing $200 scarf as a GIFT. tis pretty marvelous.
also... nice lollipop in the pics. :D
yokoo was also featured in this issue of NEET mag. cute little minnie mouse bow headband thing.
I remember seeing this scarf via Susie Bubble and hoped someone would buy one. Glad to see it incorporated into outfits so well!
And that's so sweet of Yokoo to tuck some thrifted stuff for you. :)
Thanks guys :)
emlyn-I know right? I can't wait to post the other stuff, lalalala crinoline...
fashion fille-Wow, I didn't know it was there-thanks for the link! And DID THOM YORKE REALLY WRITE THAT?!?!?! If not I still feel happy. But still..
Oh, you lucky girl.
Also, didn't mean to sound rude, sorry about that. :P
OOOOOOO I really like the picture where you put the scarf with different outfits. It works well. Very unique.
xoxo Isabella Clarisse xoxo
my head might explode.
with warm fuzzy feelings of our yokoo chain gang super awesome giant accessory club. ALWAYS THE BEST, TAVZ
I've had gourmet lollipops before. I never ever finished one, I just ended up throwing them away :P
that scarf is SOOO cool! it looks like giant pipe cleaners
tavi! i found the lyrics to the awesome french song in the dior ad: http://lyricsplayground.com/alpha/songs/m/moijejoue.shtml
i can't stop watching. O__O :))
Thank you lovelies <3
M-Aw you didn't sound rude, it's fine :)
elizabeth-YES PLZ. Yokoo, bringing together fashion bloggers everywhere!
belinda-Aw dude I was so tempted to BUT IT WAS SO CHOCOLATY.
bea-Ooh, thanks! Now I won't sound as uncultured and idiotic when I try to sing it...
i faint. while typing.
i love that sscarf!
oh hey, you basically kick ass.
I've been pondering the purchase of a Yokoo scarf since July - our Winter time in Australia... but I still haven't got one... you may have influenced me with these shots!
This scarf is very spaztic.
You have put it together very well with your several outfits.
Oh I'm jealous! I love that chain. Wish Yokoo would ship internationally. You look fab!
Good lord, that scarf is perfect and very you :]. Color me green because I'm definitely jealous.
this scarf was made for you!
that scarf is epic and I want one.
You are so cute and the scurf are suit you very much. Thanks to share this.
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