paperbag princess

Usually I dress with different characters in mind, but today's outfit felt like one that was more ~me~~. I didn't think about it that way when I put it together, but I just felt very comfortable throughout the day. Then when I was walking home two of the boys from the private school were just sitting in their car like some creeps in their parking lot and I walked past and they couldn't stop grinning so I grinned back and just tried to channel Fairuza Balk in The Craft when she goes to the party (minus the whole pretending-to-be-Robin-Tunney-and-killing-them part) and I think it worked because they were confused. Fairuza as well as this video are good references for dealing with people like that. I'm also starting to think I know an outfit is my favorite when I get made fun of by high schoolers in cars.

For this outfit I was thinking of J.W. Anderson Spring 2011 and the pictures I put with it, the last three seasons of Meadham Kirchhoff, and various pictures from FRUiTS. I pinned this doily from my grandparents' house onto this lace slip wedding dress thing from the Salvation Army, the tee was sent to me by Blood Is The New Black, and the skirt underneath was a gift.

All of the brooches are some variation of thrift/family's old things/gifts except for the beetle brooch on the far right which was sent to me by Mandy Coon. The skeleton fairy charm is from a voodoo shop in New Orleans and I made the MISS WORLD necklace.

Goody tiara (I need a legitimate prom queen one that isn't just a clip, though) and iconography bracelet from a joke shop. sent me these shoe clips that I plan on attaching to everything, but look especially great with these boots I found in our basement. They are the best ugly shoes that I own, despite the fact that they are probably moldy and unsanitary.

As far as Ugly Shoe names go, you really can't beat that. I think I'm gonna start a band just so we can be The Lugz. I also think I have the name for my future child.

The ultimate accessory, however, is a cold man who will walk by while your self-timer is going.

But those boys in their car aren't the only creeps -- It also seems appropriate after my tiara and Miss World necklace, and last week's outfit, that I finally admit to you all how much of a lurk I really am.
(Avid Courtney Love haters, I advise that you exit this page now. I have warned you, so don't come crying back to me/my comment section if the following photos bring you discontent.)

BEHOLD: my beloved Hole shrine. To make it a little less obsessive and weird, here is something I wrote about Courtney in the summer. This is a tribute to what Hole/Courtney have meant for me personally and for a general kinderwhore-but-not-totally vibe that I categorize on my tumblr as Vomit Pink (C) My Neverending Procrastinating Tumblr. These things have been acquired from all kindsa places.
Doll Parts and a doll my friend brought me from England when we were little.

Live Through This, tiny glow in the dark angel, and my bracelet. I used to have a reflective postcard of the Virgin Mary here too, but I think it got lost on the floor of my room..

I [crappily] drew the logo on an "Avon Valentine Favorites" record from the SA

Courtney on the cover of Dazed & Confused January 2010 and Celebrity Skin

Miss World, Violet, and Courtney on the cover of Bazaar in 1998 when she got all fancy

Retard Girl

The floor (I've only just now realized that this photo says "assy"...)

The ceiling, from one of those flashback pages in Interview

Necklace Marisa lent me and necklace I made.

And now you know my secret!
Maybe one day I will post pictures of my Bob Dylan shrine.
But it's a little creepier.
And includes candles.


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Anonymous said...


mirae. said...

I'm adoring all your brooches and your shrine is quite amazing. inspirational. i might try one for the beatles. :)

amuseandconfuse said...

love this post.
what if we went on a pilgrimage to your courtney love/hole shrine?

jhames said...

I love—LOVE—the larger than life red heart. As soon as I saw your outfit I immediately went to Hole and Ms. Love.

Now if you could do a similar effect, only this time channeling PJ Harvey from "To Bring You My Love," I can die happy*. *totes hyperbole

brodie said...

You really need to stop. The smattering of pins and all the's too much for me!

I have a necklace with Court's face on it, which I would send you if I ever took it off myself. I like keeping her over my heart (GROAN)/clavicle.

See also:
I've been watching it on the daily because everything she says in it makes me want to hug my computer.

AFitz said...

I love how you build little shrines to the people you love...where are the made? random corners of your room? shelves? they're like little museum exhibits...such a good idea.

Fraîche said...

Hahah, LUGZ. Girl, I have to tell you -- as someone who grew up in urban public schools, Lugz were IT to establish your thug status from the late 90s to early 2000s. In fact, I was told by my 6th grade bully I was not allowed to wear Lugz because of my chronic whiteness. You are so effing heart swellingly, adorably baller <3

Amelie said...

Lugz. Uggs. Both are ugly, but a person can actually work Lugz. No one can make Uggs look good. Anyway, I love your outfit, as always. Do you ever smile? :)

Sans titre said...

La Bise

MCH from Paris

Lia said...

you are too cute!

Abby Alicia said...

Did you accessorize those boots yourself? I'm guessing they didn't come with those pink gems? could be inspiration for a new girly range of "lugz" if thats even possible ;) Loving the shrine. I think everyone probably has their own shrine for someone but in their heads. Yet your brave enough to bring yours to life, once again setting a good example ;) xoxo Abby

Limey said...

i love the necklaces!

Anonymous said...

that's it, put it out there girl! as someone from seattle in the 90s, i completely understand and i applaud you.

keep spreading the good word.

ps. the tiara clip rocks so much harder than an actual tiara; get a real one, but don't lose the original

nicole said...

This makes me want to create a Queen shrine...Hooray for compulsively buying band merchandise!

kate cait sith said...

Tavi I know deep down in my heart and soul that we were born to be fangirl soul sisters and make creepy shrines together late at night doing the ridiculous yet lovably quirky things us fangirls naturally do.
Favorite post ~ever~ for obvious reasons. Unconditional love forever, sensei. (´;ω;`)b

Professor Batty said...

You are killing me softly with your blog...

SMD said...

You post your entire life/self-meaning/personal persona on a blog that millions of people read every day. If I had that much confidence, the local gift shop would run out of business because I wouldn't be going in to buy their dinky journals anymore--oh no, I'd be chilling with the big kids, writing my life on my blog, my world plastered across the width of a little laptop screen. And maybe I'd rock with it. But clearly, we're not the same, and I don't let the world see who I really am. Who knows though, sometimes opposites attract. Electromagnetic Force. There's science behind it.


Oh my Courtney Love. I love your shrine. I think I'm going to steal it. Maybe. I'm not big on theft, though.

I wish you were my friend so I could help you attack pretentious high schoolers. I love that you're brave enough to go outside and take pictures with a self timer. Every time I attempt to do so, my neighbors surface out of no where and walk right into me in one of my vainglorious phototaking sprees. I feel so embarrassed.

thatdamngreendress said...

(sighs, and reverently adds heart doily and gem-encrusted hiking boots to her Tavi shrine...)

Dreamy Girl said...

OMG PLEASE GET THOSE RECORDS INTO THEIR DUST SLEEVES!!! They are going to be dusty!!! Don't do that to your beloved records!!!



Riot Nrrd said...

I like this outfit. It's really nice to see all that awkwardness, and I think I get how it's very "Tavi." Mmm. Should I squander my money on plastic kitsch stuff? That glow-in-the-dark angel is really genius.

Anonymous said...

It is actually kind of a torture to read about these high school kids and what they do. You seem to be confident enough to deal with it - but honestly, I think you are a noticeable exception. This is indeed great and stuff because you know about your abilities and what you want to do and you pretty much don't care but I know many kids and even adults who care much more than they should.
When I was eleven I was teased by a few girls in my train everyday and for me it was very intense.
I mean, I was this tall 11-year-old (being tall at that age is not cool) with glasses and a weird haircut AND I was already considered a freak AND I knew it AND I was the kind of freak which was not cool so I only wanted to be normal. I asked my parents what to do and my dad told me to just shoot back but I couldn't and I still cannot and my mom said I should avoid them but our train was not that big. So one day I asked them with some tiny tears why they were doing it and what I had done to them and I think they only realized it then that I was a human being. They invited my friend and me to sit with them and since they were years older they talked with us about "wild things" such as smoking, alcohol and boys. Uncomfortable, still, but at that time I could at least question their behaviour whereas today I experience bullying or teasing as something which is not to put in question. It just exists and is therefore justified as how it is. Bullying does not need a reason so you cannot ask anymore "Why do you do it?" because the answer would be "it is called bullying, go and google it, loser!".

Even today, at 20, I am sometimes scared of random people I see on the streets though I - rationally - should not be as they cannot do anything to me. Sticks and stones can break my bones but words can break my day, I am not kidding.
This kind of people must be so bored nowadays, so incredibly bored of what they have and get. I cannot even accuse them on something, whatsoever, because most probably they got it from their parents who got it from their parents and so on. What is frustrating me the most is that there will always be these people who make unreasonably fun of others and there will always be people that care way too much about it.

Anyway, just felt like talking about this stuff because it touched me really a lot to read this and especially how you deal with it. I wish everyone could.


chrisjinkim said...

that shrine. so cool. you would make an awesome Roald Dahl character ...

Anonymous said...

i love your miss world necklace. hello kitty is my favorite. such a cute touch. as well as your heart dress. photographs are truly adorable as always. thanks for sharing style rookie!

Anonymous said...

i love your miss world necklace. hello kitty is my favorite. such a cute touch. as well as your heart dress. photographs are truly adorable as always. thanks for sharing style rookie!

Anonymous said...

Love the video you linked. I plan on making that face whenever someone who I don't want to talk to approaches me. Great boots/top. The heart top is straight out of Fruits!

Love the Courtney Love shrine. I'm trying to aqquire enough Courtney Love-related items to make my own. I'm also in the process of making shrines to Winona Ryder and Kirsten Dunst and Sofia Coppola. Or...I guess you could call them mood boards?

My Heart Blogged said...

I love that you just shrugged them off. Their young all they know is Hollister. I didn't know you were so hardcore about Courtney Love until now.
My Heart Blogged

Anonymous said...

such a lovely post! great dress...

KARLITO said...

This has got to be my favorite post, thus far. And I as well am totally feelin' this outfit; brooches = 1000 Points! :)

EmK said...

Mm I love your posts. I have some brooches, but there are all broken, ha. My favorite things are here, pink and hearts!

Unknown said...

Great post, i love this outfit, very creative! I love that you wear whatever the hell you feel like even with weirdos gawking at you. I can't stand people who awkwardly stare at or mock people for dumb reasons! Good for you, you're always so awesome! :)

Check out my blog: Principessa Gabriella

Ashley said...

so all my friends make fun of me for loving courtney love. i finally found someone who loves her like i do!!! but i can't make a shrine b/c u have way more awesome stuff than i do. jealous!!! but last week i purchased my dream t-shirt. it is a white t with ur "assy"(lol) floor on the shirt. its in black and white and there is a neon pink, almost brush stroke like, over courtney's face.

Amber said...

People in highschool are so...bleh. I hated highschool.

Anyway, at your mention of Fairuza Balk, I wanted to ask: Have you seen the movie The Worst Witch? It was made in 1986, and it start Fairuza Balk when she's just a girl, maybe 12 or so? (she plays a witch, again, and goes to the witch school-eat your heart out Hogwarts), and I really think you'll love it! Tim Curry is in it, and plays Mr. Sexy Wizard, and it's just SO 80's cheesy, but I still love it!

It's a "made for TV movie" So I'm not sure if you'd have trouble getting your hands on a copy of it or not, but its so worth it if you do!

Great post, as always.

Six Six Sick said...

I was just reminiscing about how my best friend when I was 13 made a clay sculpture of Eddie Vedders face to have in her room (and probably secretly make out with). Anyway, this is a far better (healthier?) work of fan art. I really want to see the Bob shrine now.

jazz fututa sum hic said...

shine rulzzzz

Unknown said...

I like your shrine. I think we all have little shrines to things/people/relationships/eras of our own, maybe not so artfully displayed. I have every letter an old friend wrote to me along with poems and reminders of all the quirky things that we did together-ticket stubs, a duck tape rose he made me, etc.

Also, It must be said that the Paper Bag Princess is the greatest children's book ever and I am impressed but not at all surprised at your referencing it. My mom gave it to me when I was little and always reinforced its message. I have a 30th anniversary copy she gave me when I graduated college, which has a neat feature about all the ways the book has impacted women.

Anonymous said...

Tavi this is too much to handle!
I want you Hole collection now! ♥

Melika said...

I would very much like to live inside your mind. xx


Kaiami said...

Haha your poor future child. Imagine being called Lugz for the rest of your life. At least it rhymes with hugs instead of poo or a swear word. Unless you count fug as swearing.

Heather said...

You're truly unique and your posts are so interesting. Happy to be a new follower. Enjoy your weekend! No school!

k said...

I love the ornamentation around your neckline, it reminds me of what a lot of my Japanese friends do to decorate the collar-line.

Joanna Paulsen said...


Zany Style said...

do u think it will sound cliché if i say i LOVE it. <3 cant help it but i do.


Anonymous said...

Hello:) check out my blog... it's all about film from reviews, to fashion, to festivals.

stephanie roberts said...

i love bob dylan! and have seen him live twice in 2009 and 2010 with absolutely no regrets. when you post your shrine you must tell us in detail what you love about zimmy.

lou said...

Love it! I also love Hole's version of 'Credit in the Straight World' (although the original is amazing in it's own way:

Tavi said...

Katharine: I'm with you on both accounts. Shrines are important!

Sofi Stellar: I've so been meaning to watch that!! Fairuza is total queen witch.

Diamante Nero: Thanks for sharing that, though I'm sorry to hear it's been a bit difficult. I kind of just write whatever I'm feeling and if you can get something like that out of it that's even better. <3

Dreamy Girl: Don't worry I take good care!!

Dahl: Jesus, I certainly don't post my "entire life/self-meaning/personal persona" on the Internet. I don't think anyone wants to hear that. These are the nice creative parts.

Anna Fitz: My Bob one is in the corner, on top of this cabinet I have, and my Hole one is in a bookshelf next to another cabinet I have.

Brodie: I LOVE THAT VIDEO. Also I totally was gonna buy that necklace on Etsy and then I saw it had been sold and decided whoever had stolen it from me was an AWFUL PERSON and then I saw on your tumblr that you're the one who bought it and I was happy it got such a good home. SINCE I AM THE JUDGE OF WHO IS WORTHY, OBVIOUSLY.


Girl, you look effing awesome! Stay true to you.

Tavi said...

Amelie: I do like smiling, but it never seems to feel right for the photo...and I'm always cold T_T

leanneah said...

Fenwick boys. Simply put, they're beef heads. Anyhow I loved this post and will be eagerly awaiting a glimpse of the Bob shrine!

zoomslow said...

Dude! That's creepy! Or is it assy? I'm not sure :-/

Alexi Frest said...

You know how much I love "The Craft" - the classic teen horror from MY teens. I am always delighted to hear about it. And Fairuza was my favourite one.

You look awesome by the way!

However, dolls are not my favourite things, not in my childhood. My dolls (especially Barbies) ended up with chopped hair and face painted blue and green.

Kacrates said...

I love novelties. Make necklaces, great pins, and then a collage. Cool stuff!

Unknown said...

"Lugz" sounds very ugly to me because it's a homophone for "LUGs" (Lesbian Until Graduation).

Bianca said...

super inspirational tavi!

Unknown said...

tavi, in this post you reminisce almost like a lovely little doll yourself.
as for grinning "boys" and "highschoolers" well i hope their cars run into a wall. i myself had to deal with people like this all throughout my life, even as a child.
it brings back a lovely memory of me running after a girl with scissors, the same girl who used to tease me cosntantly, and i decided to act upon my anger because she was threatning the life of a monarch butterfly. this was in grade 3 but it never changed much after this. year after year i'd be the "soft spoken" quiet boy who everyone took for granted, so therein i very much became a wallflower. the only people i could relate to were the people in books, and those people were only in books so i had to become the antagonist of everything i was a part of. i decided to not play basketball or participate in sports, no, not even in highschool gym when they make you, so everyone ended up hating me. big shocker there! considering just how GRUESOMELY important, in-class GAMES can be!


anyways, in class, or "locker closets" aside (where i may add i was once knocked over by a boy who cowered over me a few feet, because he didn't notice me in his horseplay or pseudo-homo-playing with the rest of the "masculine" chums, nearly sat on me, knocking my head against a wall and leaving me in a ditz, so i saw everything a blur[quite a memory]) this time period became what i refer to as my "self appropriation" where i was just waiting to give them the finger whenever i could. i suppose i always did in one way or another, but never enough, or so i feel until this day. however that all changed when i decided to stop being the unseen one, and instead became the school "freak" alongside my only friend who when they weren't deeming her my sister/lover/incestuous lover, they were calling her the goth chick(very inappropriately) or a few other terms so overused they make me descend to a different level or thought.

still to this day, even in attending my so called, "art" school i often run into the like, and i do in fact still have trust issues with almost everyone, although i don't hate anyone, so i guess im not a real misanthrope or anything, i just can be sometimes, surprisingly never on the train/bus though. i really empathize a lot with people on the bus.

-its a mad mad world

p.s. really love your observances tavi, and of course your style(all of it, especially the "dealing with people like that" :!)

-Alt Oid

Watisoni said...

Tavi you are truly inspiring to me :)

I do hope that you get the cahnce to check out my blog as im new to this whole new world of blogging

so beside is the link to my link my blog feel free to follow me .

Elizabeth said...

girl germs eat your little virus

Daily Sass said...


you are wonderful.
I know what you mean by dressing like yourself
you make me happy

you sassy sassy girl!!!!

Nita said...

Hi Tavi,
Im an spannish blogger that is following you everyday in the last year.
You are unique, there's no another blog in the worl like yours.
I have a blog, im starting and is nothing like yours but i would be plases you to have a look.

Heather said...

You're the best. Show Bob.

=0 said...

I don't even know what to say. Its just so beautiful. The shrine, I mean. *le contented sigh*

Purple said...

Your outfit is sooo pretty !

Pull Your Socks Up! said...

First the doily and wonderful conglomeration of brooches on the slip (very Hole), then the slip itself which is perfect over the plaid skirt, then the tiara! All inspired choices - I'm wearing my under-thingys on the outside too in my post yesterday - way too pretty to hide underneath all those clothes. I love your Hole shrine:) xoxoxo

Natalie said...

I remember feeling awkward in high school and not fitting in. I envy your confidence and poise, wish I had an ounce of that way back when! It is so rare to see a teenage girl so sure of herself and talented at what she enjoys doing. Never hide, keep up the good work. Very inspiring.

Sandra Kisić said...

~~ vomit PINK ~~°_°

Ali Duart-Hall said...

Your pictures are always so good :)


Anonymous said...

love your outfit so much.)*

Anonymous said...

Great post! Liking the boots :)

Carina said...

haha wooow thats a really cool shrine. i love the miss world necklace soo cuuute :D

nycstylelittlecannoli said...

lovely always

I have a great giveaway from Red Maps for Soho on my blog ends tomorrow

chloé said...

ooh "Lugz" ! bahaha , if i wasnt allergic to cats and had one , i would name it lugz . but once again reality strikes .. i guess im stuck with my pet turtle 'donatello' ): ..

maisa said...

you're so cute!

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh!! Its so beautiful, you are beautiful!! I love hole..your DiY necklace is so cute!

check my blog xoxoxo

thwany said...

a lock of some random blond hair would really bring it up to another level.

Jessica said...

like this post.
you are so cute!

Hannah said...

i like the little skull fairy necklace :)


Lucíe said...

I love all the pictures, your style is awesome!


Unknown said...

I'm looking forward to see Bob Dylan's shrine :) <3 Love your look by the way :)

Vanessa said...

aha tavi you never fail to make me laugh. and i totally agree - an outfit is at its best when someone makes fun. yesterday my best friend wore orange granny shoes (the lace up, wear-for-comfort sort) and people laughed. clearly, her best outfit yet :D xx

Raquel. said...

I love the blog, Tavi♡

20thCgirl said...

I admire the courage you have to be an individual. God knows when I was 14 I certainly didn't have that level of bravery!

Also <3 the combination of pretty dress / chunky boots

Unknown said...

Love it!! :)

Check out my blog please

Michelle Lee said...

you look more mature than before :) love your style

Hanna said...


btd. said...

I freakin love your style!

Jessique said...

I love it! Great style! You take wonderful photos!

Bi Hanna said...

OMG a HOLE shrine!!!!!
My favorite Hole album cover is the one for the single "Miss World" though, those pictures of dead children looking like they're sleeping can be really beautiful.

Bi Hanna said...

ups, of course I meant the "violet" single ¬_¬

Bonnie said...

I don't think anybody could pull off this look as well as you. You look effing awesome. I love how it is totally YOU and not you trying to be someone else. Originality and individuality is always the best way to rock it.
Twitter: @GlamKitten88

Bárbara Neves said...

Amei as aplicações, todas sem exceção. E o santuário também legal, tenho um pouco mais clássico.

Fashion Nerd said...

Hey Tavi, what is the story or inspriation behind this outfit? I really like this outfit, nd was just wondering because I really like the book "The Paper Bag Princess", an this is like the book in an outfit. It is like the book in the form of fabric and emotion. So cool.
-Fashion Nerd

Lola said...

this post inspired me to start blogging, tidy my shrine and go shoe hunting in the cupboard. THANK YOU

Mirka said...

perfect post! L♥VE!!!

Anonymous said...

This is definitely one of my favourite posts on yours, that outfit is awesome. It's a shame that the majority of the world don't get just having fun with dressing up -_- I would be wearing lion costumes and period dresses in a heartbeat if people were more accepting.

Hvit said...

Can't get over the outfits you put together.
Icon. Seriously. (YOU are that is- not just Courtney Love! ;))

Love the Tiara. Keep staring down silly people in cars girl! :D

Anonymous said...

hello:) omg u're fantastic <3 i love your style. <33

Anonymous said...

I adore your grumpy face in the first pic, looks like you are FRESH out of a magazine (that FRUiTS book is so cool I have worshipped it for years!)! I have to say I really love the boots, they look chunky and not the obvious choice to pair with your wedding dress, but with those jewels they are really cool! You're cupboard is hilarious, although I am truly embarrassed to say that I can't admit I know who exactly Courtney Love is, though the name is very familiar... POPTUCKSHOP

melina bee said...

what a great use for doilies and slips. so cute.
I think the more an outfit gets you made fun of, the better. people, esp teens, usually lash out like that when they feel threatened by someone's independence.

bec said...

This is my favourite outfit. You look great. I really envy your confidence, the only thing i feel comfortable in is jeans and t-shirt. Chic, yeh. I know. I love your blog.

KimChicSisters said...

cool shots!

check out our blog!

Jeans Please! said...

U love Courtney, so I love U! <3

Polliani said...

I love your bizarre styling

vn said...

thanks for that Tavi
quite possibly the BEST youtube video I've ever seen ... + very useful ... could be used in so many different situations(!!)

just started a TUMBLR ... have some early 90's uk music paper bits I thought people might like to see
(inc PJ) ... a few HOLE bits are up at the moment ... more hole to come
- george

Jenna said...

Oh, Tavi, you are so unique. If there were more free-spirited individuals in the world like you, it would be a much better place.
Your confidence is amazing, and the way you wear that outfit is ... wow!
Although I've been a avid reader for over a year now, I am still blown away by your beautiful articulation. I'm a grammar freak, hence my appreciation of the way you write.
Anyway, take care and spread some tavi-ness around the world .... or wait, you've already done that already. Haha.


Jenna said...

Ah, I made a mistake in my last post - "Although, I've been AN avid reader".
Now, you know what I mean when I say that I'm a 'grammar freak'.
Take care.

irene van Dijk said...

Nice blog! <3
take a look at mine to,

Masha said...

wow! Love your shrine! Really great! I want to see more shrines now))) It's like the inspiration board of the life) That's funny))

By the way, I really like that you did with your outfit. With this top and dress. I like all this brooches.

Anonymous said...

When i saw this first thing that came to my head was Hey Arnold! Helga has a shrine of Arnold in her room too. Love Hole, cool shrine. :)

KittyKat Traveler said...

Ilooooooooooove you! Of course not in creepy way but, in an awesonme inspiratinotinal you make me want to start my own blog way.I did make my own blog but, don't have money yet to start buying some more clothes i neeeeeeeeeeeed spring i can't take the snow anymore. And i strongly dislike sooper kewl teenz also, when they yell out their windows and shout hey i like your skirt.....buttheads. anywho hope you don't mind i copied you my blogs called the ballerina stylist, it's really started yet but maybe you could check it out sometime.thanks
the ballerina stylist

Anonymous said...

I love you blog!!!have a look also to my blog and give me your opinion!!!

Piglet said...

Lugz not drugs!

Dagmarette Yen said...

Yes, those punks have no idea what they're talking about! I absolutely adore your style :)

boyunso said...

you, you never drop me down for your post.
your posts are always inspiring and great!! this is something that i feel every time i see your posts!^^

dear winsome said...

LOVE your Hole shrine!! I almost died when Courtney Love bought a bunch of hair pieces from my Etsy was awesome.

Anonymous said...

Love the outfit. Especially the Lugz! I agree with Spencer, "Bob must be seeeeeen."

SaKi said...

ohhhhh!! soooo cute!X)

Kaysens nye klæder said...

Smile girl..

Ana said...

Amo seu Blog sou do Brasi e sempre que da vou lá da uma espiadinha.Bjs

Ana said...

Amo seu Blog sou do Brasi e sempre que da vou lá da uma espiadinha.Bjs

Raquel said...

I'm in love w/ your blog, Tavi!

a reference said...

i was your age when the glory of the hole was around! you are right to be obsessed!

BY MARIE-J said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BY MARIE-J said...

You're beautiful and I love your blog ! :D <3

natt rodriguez said...

you are really an absolute inspiration to me. in fact it has inspired me to start my own blog on this site just a few days ago.

i love you, which of course goes without saying, and your blog is so cool.

i wanted to let you know that i love what you wear, it's so unique and expresses how you explain yourself to be, and how you dress in a way that you want to and you dont care what other people think. when i was a little bit younger i wore an outfit that i thought was really cool and i was told it was horrible by someone. for the rest of the day i kept my coat on to stop anyone else from commenting on it and at the end of the day i ripped off the clothes and hid them at the top of my cupboard. looking back i wish that i had acted like you do and not let it affect me like that especially as it was my favourite ever outfit! i do wear it all the time now though and im comfortable with wearing it.

if you can please check out my blog

JIM Designs said...

You've got it right! Kill those boys with kindness :). Genius use of shoe clips! I like the idea of instead of a black hole in the universe, we have a floral hole. Some kind of print, even plaid :).

czech foreigner said...

amazing baby!

Caitlin said...

Ever seen that 'Hey Arnold!' episode where Helga makes a shrine for Arnold because she looovves him? This reminds me of that...xc

Ivy said...

J'adore !

Charlotte said...

I love this post, you're truly a genius :)

Heather said...

I remember when I got that issue of Sassy in the mail. It was at the absolute height of my Courtney/Hole obsession, and I believe that I screamed like...well, like a teenage girl. I fully support your current obsession with her.

Hayley G. said...

I love the iconography bracelet. How do you construct your shrines? Do you build the boxes yourself and then fill them? It almost reminds me of Joseph Cornell's work.

Anonymous said...

I read your blog since it is in our world and i love it.

Anonymous said...

That shrine makes me miss Kurt Cobain.

MONi said...

Wanna see the Bob shrine!

Jill said...

ohh high school boys... those annoying creatures with penises can be quite bothersome. I have found, though, that a good response to their "why are you wearing that??" is "why not?" which they cannot seem to wrap around their small heads and are forced to walk away without any sort of a good comeback HA!!
By the way, AWESOME-SAUCE outfit :)

Georgie said...

LOVE all your pictures/shrines... I do that all the time!
and I love how individual you are, and how successful you are at such a young age!

you INSPIRE ME! (=

wawcia said...

Hi Tavi , I love yours ideas and I please You a comment in my bloog . My bloog is

Irene said...

oh maannnn, words can't express my love for Bob Dylan...oh please Tavi! Pretty please?!

Yajaira said...

nice photos!

Justina said...

Tavi, as usual, you prove you are the queen, and I am just the Princess :)


Justina said...

Tavi, as usual, you prove that you are the Queen, and I am just the Princess :)


Unknown said...

come on, bob shrine!(!!!!)

chuck n. said...

omg tavi! i love you so much! how do you do make wearing pink so damn edgy! i mean seriously, who would have thought of wearing a tiara with lugz! totally princess-garbage chic!

love it!

cancercowboy said...

i really like the shoes. they may look raddled and weathered, but they have character. their second cousins may be biker boots ^__^ i like the outfit too. seemingly simple but tricky combinations. regarding your new apparel valuation standard: obviously i wasn't there, so i don't know the circumstances, but maybe the guys weren't mocking you but instead expressing (in their own limited ways) their appreciation for what they saw. thats not unheard of, you know. stranger things have happened. i wouldn't classify it as totally impossible, at least ^________^ males (especially of that age) sport all sorts of weird and repulsive behaviour to gloss over their own insecurities and flaws. some can even be considered caged inside their "coolness". pitiful creatures, really ;)
oh, and i gotta join in the choir of those who'd love to see the shrine you've built for His Bobness ^___^

Rachel said...

I'm most jealous of the Celebrity Skin tape! But the whole shrine is amazing. Please show us the Bob Dylan one too?

Amy Creyer said...

Your tiara is awesome. I love the fact that it's Goody and not an expensive-cheap cubic zirconiua prom queen/bridal tiara.

Although, what you should really get is a kitschy pageant crown. Have you seen those things? They're often 12in tall and dripping in fake crystals, often arranged to spell out words or designs (like razorbacks or apples). No joke.

Anyway, check out the photo I took of you in New York with your tiara on. It totally makes your outfit.

Anonymous said...

The outfit was, confusing yes, but really interesting. BRAVO. :D
By the way, the creepier, the better. BOB DYLAN, step on up! Along with the candles. Of course.

Anonymous said...

You are a radar detector.

Anonymous said...

You are a radar detector.

Kiah Cole said...

That doily is so cute!

Michelle's Style File said...

Love the jewels on the boots/


Duck said...

"iconography bracelet from a joke shop"
- I need to get me to the kind of joke shops you have over there!!

Btw I love that Dazed issue with Courtney, amazing photos! And I definitely enjoyed your homage to Meadham Kirchhoff/JW Anderson - I went to see JW's show last week for men and it WAS UNBELIEVABLE. I need everything, STAT.


Anonymous said...

Oh wow - I still have that issue of Sassy somewhere in my parents' basement, I think I was a freshman at university when it was published. I was so into Hole and Nirvana at the time. Aren't musical obsessions the greatest?

Tru said...

love the hello kitty charm on the necklace. the shrine kind of reminds me of Helga in Hey Arnold. anyway I dunno if you remember me. I use to have a blog called The Perks of Being a Wallflower but it sort of died so I'm restarting again and hopefully you can check out my new endevour. not much has happened yet but I have post scheduled for the next 7 days or so already:

Claire said...

This outfit reminds me of that one picture from fruits (the girl holding the birdcage). So amazing, I love the touch the tiara adds.
Also your shrine is the most amazing thing I've seen all day. :)

alex's ☆ castle said...

Never heard of it being called an ~iconography bracelet~ before..

if only there was some sort of modern-day high-paying career for designing creepy pop culture shrines.. you'd be boss. hahaa

Toyin Lola said...

I laughed very hard at the video link about stares to give people. It was even funnier because i did not expect that.

I would love to create a shrine for Anderson Cooper o__O

Amber said...

Re: I'm so glad it's on your "movies to see" list. You absolutely must see it; you'll love it!

The Fancy Teacup said...

Several reasons why you are beyond fantastic:

You confuse leering and jeering boys.
You have a outer-worldly Hole shrine.
You would like to name your future child Lugz.
You have a Miss World necklace with HK!

Enough said.
much love.

Unknown said...

Oh man I am in love with the heart outfit! Yesssss

Fashion Forestry

Kirsty said...

hi tavi,
was just wondering if you had any thoughts to share on the galliano scandal? i for one was appalled and frankly surprised that such an influential and high-profile person could make such careless and disgusting remarks. i've also just read that natalie portman, unsurprisingly, has said that she does'nt wish to associate with galliano now, and is presumably regretting bending her no advertisements rule for Dior.

Daribum said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nicole said...


That was directed at the last comment, not your outfit Tavi -- it is lovely. Your shrine is making me miss that issue of Sassy I used to own.

Elsa said...

love the one with the random guy walking by as your self timer is going on, he must be like ok wierdo kid haha.

Anonymous said...

I really love the tribute you made so unique and cool! and for the high schoolers trust me that never changes but what will change is you realize that as life goes on you grow up but those high school boys always stay jerks and from what I can tell you already strong enough to deal with losers like that!


Anonymous said...

I really love the tribute you made so unique and cool! and for the high schoolers trust me that never changes but what will change is you realize that as life goes on you grow up but those high school boys always stay jerks and from what I can tell you already strong enough to deal with losers like that!


Anonymous said...

love this outfit. oh fruits!so good. I think I had a bit of I-want-to-be-an-eccentric-teen-living-in-japan stage in middle school. I also recall the addition of fruits girls to my student council poster in 7th grade. my motto was 'dare to be different.' people thought it was really weird ('who are those random people in strange clothes on her poster?' they'd said) and also didn't seem to get the inclusion of 'I'm not like everybody else' by the kinks in my speech. needless to say, I did not win. oh well

I really like the wedding dress slip. and the doily works so perfectly! the outfit has this wonderful grunge quality. I love all the brooches-instead of seeming overwhelming, they go so well with icongraphy of your bracelet (perfect bracelet by the way-relates to the vibes I get from the 1996 Romeo and Juliet which I saw you'd posted some caps from recently on tumblr) and the kitsch-beauty of your tiara clip. and your 'best ugly shoes' are pretty great. especially with the shoe clips.
silly high school boys in cars. they obviously are oblivious to your amazing style.

please do post photos of your bob dylan shrine! he's golden

Amy B. said...

The world would be a better place if we based more of our outfits on Robert Munsch.

Skyelarkbirdy said...

God bless you, Tavi.

I was literally loling about the petty High School boys laughing/stalking/eye raping you. You do know you have a great outfit when that happens. :]

Princess Charlotte said...

wonderful, wonderful post.

style meerkat said...

OMG. amzaing dress ! wow O.O
and shoes r awesome :)

Mani said...

Love the dress!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So sweet

Anonymous said...

Tavi, I admire you so much. This outfit is genius, and it takes some woman balls to carry it off! Which you do of course, as per usual. I bet those high-schoolers wouldn't know a J.W. Anderson piece if it came up to them and asked them out to dinner. Keep up the confidence girl!

EHEH said...

we hate you!

RubySoho said...

You might like to watch this video of her. She is just so compelling. I love her too.

alessandra said...


Lo said...

Hee, I saw your Hole hole

Rebecca Ann said...

love the faruza balik reference little lady and the look is awesome! you are doing everything right. oh yeah and sorry about calling you little lady.

Izzen said...

Sweet shrine.

Anonymous said...

So.. you have seen "Ginger Snaps", right? I hope so.

Erin said...

Bob Dylan shrine = YES PLEASE.

DDW said...

Fabulous! Love your awesome shrine! I need to get to a botanica soon ans stock up on my voudou essentials...

Arabelle said...

Your room seems to be such an interesting place !
You're also quite impressing I know a lot of girl who tried to have a blog , but never succeeded , and you and your 15 years done it perfectly ! Well Done , and good luck for the future !

You're quite known now in France , I saw your name several times in very famous magazines , you definitely got your place on the French Fashion World !

Anonymous said...

wow Tavi!
This is you super...
Ilove everything you do!

Anonymous said...

wow Tavi!
This is you super...
Ilove everything you do!

Style It Girl said...

Nice blog Tavi! I love it! You are a great writer! Please look at my blog and follow it please! The URL is: You are an amazing writer, and have great knowledge of fashion! Keep up the great work!

Bean's Fashion Blog said...

i want your hole shrine.. I also have major love for Love.

Anonymous said...

LUGZ. You know, once I came across a captcha that made me type in "ingbong" and I decided that would be my first child's name.

shrine = incredible

and way cooler than the Elijah Wood one I had as a kid.


Anna said...

These are cute.....

Anonymous said...

what ever you say i think its pretty cool -maybe oneday i'll have a shrine to something or someone but I'm not really into people liek that.. still its cool

LadyNoir said...

interestig mix of colours...

visit my blog:

Julia said...

Tavi, very nice shrine!

Ashlee said...

it's really F#cking adorable/joan of arc.


Anonymous said...

I think your shrine gave me a headache from all the pink...

Mordrian said...

<3<3<3 Thank you so much for smiling back at those boys, that just made my day! So happy to see someone not caring what other people think.

Mordrian said...

<3<3<3 Thank you so much for smiling back at those boys, that just made my day! So happy to see someone not caring what other people think.

Mertxe Hernàndez said...

love the pics.... the first ones are very diferent from all designers!!! and like your style publishing info about movies and clothes!!!

tomhenrry said...

I bookmared your site a couple of days ago coz your blog impresses me by nice photos.
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