how raven am i? like, would you say SO raven? or a little raven? or not very raven at all?

Today I dressed with Christopher Kane FW11 and the moodboard in that post in mind, that is to say, I sacrificed the opportunity to wear something relatively nontacky for the sake of embodying what was never meant to be worn as clothing on someone's body, that is to say, a hideous teen bedroom in 2000. (I say "hideous" with love. I obviously love this kind of hideousness!) At school I wore it with black boots and pig tails that I got tired of when I got home.
It seemed to require a pose that would be in the promo for a tv show called JUST BEIN' A TEEN or something. TOTALLY JESSIE. DIARY OF A MIDDLE SCHOOL WEIRDO. There are so many ideas running through my mind right now! Hire me, Disney Channel! After you've gone back in time 10 years! Maybe Phil of the Future can take care of that!

The girl scout patch is from TroopMoore on ebay and Brodie sent me this rad shirt which has this weird smooshy bubbles/marble paint print that I really really love.

She also sent some lovely zines! I always feel like I have to be very careful with publishing pages from zines or tangible stuff I make online, because there's something sort of sacred about, you know, not having EVERYTHING EVER ON THE INTERNET, but this is more a print-and-distribute-among-friends kinda zine that needed to be shared. It says Anti-Copyright! I couldn't find a site for it but scanned the rest here.
My mom made this shirt (which I pulled down to adjust every two minutes today to keep it looking like a skirt) in the 60s when she was around my age.


Chloé said...

More schools should teach self defense classes! They would be a good way of starting a conversation with boys about how to treat women, and with girls about how they should be treated. And it would put everyone in the same boat, like "we are all vulnerable".
The skirt/shirt your mom made in the sixties must make you feel so Virgin Suicides-y when you wear it. Like 70's teenage summer. You got the Disney channel "I'm just an ordinary kid" poses perfectly.

nicole said...

That skirt is so Lizzie McGuire background it's not even funny.

Mitchie said...

omg the shirt is so virgin suicides!

Mitchie said...

Now i know what kind of shirt brodie was talking about!
darn i wanted it :(

Emily Rose said...

haha! i love that you love thats so raven. i hate disney shows now, and all those weird disney channel movies from back then like zenon: girl of the 21st century and stuff like that! yea man, back in those elementary school days.

"coy" colleen said...

you can see the future in fashion, so yeah i'd say SO raven!

Anonymous said...

Hello Lizzie Mcguire, or Chelsea from TSR maybe. Definitely something I would have worn 10 years ago when I was 7. Tacky but in style.

Anonymous said...

cute to boot

thwany said...

love your mom's hand-me-down


Tavi this cool and interesting look!))

Andresgallardo said...

i like the color convination.

Jessica said...

like the colours.
it looks so cute.

zoomslow said...

I like your mum's shirt (which you have creatively seen as a skirt - that's a plastic imagination for you! [I googled 'plastic imagination' to make sure that it does mean like a flexible, elastic imagination, and not something else that might offend you, but it doesn't seem to exist... So let's go with it!)

The print is amazing! It reminds me of those Matisse paper cut-outs. Only your mum's design is better, and the colours are better, and and it's working so much better in a fashion context. And so I can say it once more, yeah, I think it's just all so much 'better'!!

Now please excuse me whilst I light the fuse on my exploding plastic inevitable?!?!? :-))

Rebecca said...

If disney hired you~ I might actually tune in ;D
it blows me away how smart/funny?amazing/anyother form of flattery/love I should shower you with


· said...

So cool, qenuine party monster-esque not house of hollandy jiji

Rebecca said...

^and I can't get over these, a style blogger with a great sense of humor, that's what makes your blog stand out from all the others ;D

Lia said...

haha love that badge girl power

Daily Sass said...

Lizzie would be proud
and to quote Zach Galifiniakis
"sometimes I do things and think 'that's so raven' and sometimes I think 'that wasn't so raven'"

brilliant beyond brilliant Tavi
you never cease to inspire me!

worldwidepinar said...

come on Disney Channel, hire her and make these shows happen! I miss That's So Raven...

Anonymous said...

If Disney hired you, it would be beyond epic.

Lizzie McGuire-backround shirt! I never thought of that! But now that I think of it it is soooo Lizzie McGuire.

Kaiami said...

Your mom was one heck of a coolkid. Man, I remember when Phil of the Future came out and I was all like "WOAHNEWSHOW." Now I feel old and I'm not even old.

Unknown said...

love the patterns and colours, especially those on the "skirt" :)

xxx Charlie
Enter my Lipstick Giveaway!

Alexi Frest said...

How very true! I am not fond of schools (I could say I hate them) - and believe me I WAS a weirdo in my high school years. Now, if teen boys grope their female schoolmates and the girls complain about it, (female) teachers say with schadenfreude and contempt "you brought it on yourself, you are too flirtatious,why do you use makeup anyway" etc. It is high time to change THIS. And teaching self-defense to girls does make sense.

KARLITO said...

Yup, you're most definitely, SO Raven! Definitely diggin' the vibes here. I'm especially happy that the whole hideous-early-2000's-teen-bedroom-ness is coming back. Geez, I miss hearing J Rul being bumped from my teenage neighbors bedroom's at the time.
PS. Your mum just scored 1000 points in my book for making that shirt and still having it.

brodie said...

"That shirt was in the trunk of my car for months!" - Anton, upon seeing this.


Anonymous said...

You're Kinda Raven but I see a lot Lizzie McGuire. Shirt-wise anyway. Omg I loved that show.

Blond Panther & Louboutin... said...

Nice pics ;))
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Miss Molly said...

so raven! haha.. love it!

MONi said...

First I didn't get it. It's shirt but she has to adjust so it looks like a shirt?!
Your pose is funny! Usually you don't laugh when you take outfitpictures but it looks nice too...


Unknown said...

Ouuu jeaah Girl power go go go

Ali Duart-Hall said...

Yay love it!


the outfit diaries said...

ha, that's a simple outfit for you. Nice colors though.


gorgeous! :)


Olivia said...

haha, this is taking me back to me nickolodeon/disney channel days... it's the future I can see, it's so mysterious to meeee!


Mehetabelle is Holly said...

We did this thing last year at school called rock and water. The boys were all taught how to do push ups and punch things, and the girls were taught how to discover their personal space bubbles and stay out of trouble.

On a lighter note, those are two of the greatest prints everr

Anonymous said...

I love the girl power patch. So kitchy and cute. Love it. Your blog is always inspiring. I love it.

Lola said...

Please have your own show, that would be totally amazing! Love the pose, it fits completely with the Disney show!

Eda said...

Your mom's stuff is really charming! :)


Eva said...

self-defense in terms of doing stuff daily that you'd normally not do but would make you a happier person is so right. I really dig that article..thanks for scanning :)

hannbokhi said...

This old your mother's shirt look very good

Krishna said...



Unknown said...

amazing skirt, the pattern is gorgeous!!

Anonymous said...

Great post I'm in love with vintage and retro!

style meerkat said...

Great post. You look awesome! Cool colors :D


Anonymous said...

That skirt is so cute! I would pair it with a blank tank. Props to girl power that's something my little sister would love!

Anonymous said...

That skirt is so cute! I would pair it with a blank tank. Props to girl power that's something my little sister would love!

Raquel said...

I love your blog, Tavi!! :O

Catherine Redfern said...

An earlier version of that self defence zine is published at The F Word

Hope this is useful!

ZEPETIT said...

You look great!


Charlotte said...

I love your shirt/skirt thing!! it has the neatest pattern!! And your blog is so cute :)

Anonymous said...

As I was just finishing a post on my blog and my sister was watching THAT'S SO RAVEN!

Anonymous said...

Oh! I forgot when do we get to see your Bob Dylan shrine?

Unknown said...

girly your totally inspires.....

Charlotte said...

Your so inspirional, i really love your blog :)



Unknown said...

im in absolute adore-mode for that shirt your mom made. :D

Yajaira said...

love the top - cute...

Rose said...

Ok. Here's the thing. I WAS a teen in the 90s. And I totally would have worn that shirt. In a heartbeat. Hell, let's be honest. I'd wear it now. I love how the print is both lava-lampy and brocade-like.

Congratulations. You just took me back.

Elizabeth Goodspeed said...

While I dig the outfit, I find it relevant to mention that you were only 3 in 2000, and therefore can't quite talk about it nostalgically.

Claire said...

Funny, this makes me oddly nostalgic for when I watched those disney shows and all I ever wanted was to grow up and be Lizze McGuire. Haha, I think you would make an AMAZING disney character. I would totally watch that. :)

CultureOnHold said...

That print on that shirt that your mom made is sick! It's not mind-numbingly trippy, but just the right dose.


V said...

Talking about Disney shows...I feel like you are channeling Clarissa Explains it All Here..

The Fancy Teacup said...

Adore the self-made shirt turned skirt from your mom! Also like the girl power patch, completely rad.
much love.

SMD said...

Yay! Posts like this bring me back to reality when I'm stuck in the middle of chemistry homework that like totallly shouldn't be forced on a teen girl (I mean Hellllo!) If raven is a good thing, then this is SO raven. And I think raven is a good thing. Because it's like Ravein', you know, I'm absolutely RAVING about it. And I guess you're right too--about this blog just being the nice creative parts. Sometimes I forget that I'm not the only teenager with a shitload of problems, and err and I can be a little sarcastic...

My Heart Blogged said...

I always wondered who made the outfits for that's so raven. The must have an awesome creative team.
My Heart Blogged

Xteena said...

I totally had versions of/wanted this outfit when I was in 6th and 7th grade. That was in '99/00. Spot on.

M.Weston said...

J'adore le motif de ton pull, avec celui de la jupe ça fait tout de suite très exentrique!


Anonymous said...

You're so cute!!

Anonymous said...

i love it

anonimo de salvador said...

u look to cute!

JIM Designs said...

That's very cool that your mom kept her shirt. I've made many things that are probably still in land fills. It goes to show how a simple pattern with a distinct print can be really powerful.

Anonymous said...

ha, I love the JUST BEIN A TEEN photos. Disney channel are quite predictive on that front. Also, I love the bubble patterned top.

Cat said...

SO Raven :P

Anonymous said...

Tia and die....onece more?what a new...

EHEH said...

we hate you!

Monica Reida said...

The shirt your mom made reminds me of this skirt I once bought from a funky vintage shop in the city I used to live in.

Also, the badge adds a nice touch to the shirt.

mike said...


cancercowboy said...

raven enough indeed to take a seat on a Pallas Athena bust ^__^
the short photo spread is cool, really like your expressions. could rave about your outfit, but you know its cool. nevertheless i'm gonna make a bloody oblation to the Prime Mover to get rid of Disney Corp., even if it may ruin your career plans ;) at least you can beat me up if my evil scheme unfolds as planed ^___^ sad enough that people need to know how to defend against each other.

Daniel said...

April said...

you are SO raven. i miss phil of the future. he was so hot! :)

Anonymous said...

SO not Raven! You're sense of style is a little more admirable than hers!
Keep up the stellar work.

Linus said...

I love the mix of patterns :)

Sof said...

Thats SO Raven and its bringing back memories. Oh middle school. I'm loving the cheesy pose by the way. Now if only you were making Raven's vision face...

Ashley said...

I totally get your whole "pulling down the shirt" thing! It's always the same for me, I'll tug and adjust my outfit throughout the entire day, clip and unclip my hair accessories, and just fidget because my outfit doesn't look like how my mind pictured it to be :)

Linda said...

cute as usual. nice stuff.
Helen Neely

Masha said...

You're pretty on the picture

Atari said...

Have you seen I Shot Andy Warhol? It's based on the story of Valerie Solanas, an ultra-feminist who tried to kill Andy Warhol. It's a really interesting film, and I think you'd like it.

soobee-style said...

very cute. great new stuff! <3

Chocolatier said...

I am in love with this post. LOVE those pictures you took--especially the Just Being A Teen "A" one--very Disney all around. :D

Anna said...

Cute skirt!

Anonymous said...

your skirt-shirt thing is pretty cool ,i really liked some of those linked pictures they were funny!

LadyNoir said...


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bani said...

I want Clarissa Explains it All, except with Tavi and the bright orange overalls and bejeweled Indian baseball cap she wears sideways on picture day.

jacqueline mary said...

ooh sweet, if you're into self defense, you should check out the 'free to fight' comp! it was a zine/cd that was released in the 90s with all kinds of amazing riot grrrl bands teaching you how to throw down

merissa said...

Omigod. There is a classic scene in Bridget Jones's Diary (the book) where Bridget has to work with twenty-somethings wearing the fashion of her youth like it's a hilarious joke. I'm totally identifying now. Butterfly clips, ill-fitting cotton tees, and colorful camo were soooo cool. Almost as cool as boy bands and Dawson's Creek.

You're a genius.

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