warren beatty

Guess who is going to be all fancy n stuff and talk at L2's Generation Y conference this Friday? Me, that's who! And I'm going to be talking about the Unpredictability of Gen Y, and just to be unpredictable and Gen Y-ish, I'm not going to tell you any more than that! Other than that I have considered the outcomes of arranging some kind of musical number that would force the audience to participate, but quickly put that idea away and decided to save my voice for failed attempts at the same thing in the cafeteria, from which I have learned that these kinds of things only happen in movies like The Breakfast Club and Empire Records. Not a fan of teen unity, us kids! Except for when we're fictional characters!

And since I can't think of an image to accompany post, I'll just post a scene from Empire Records of my favorite character, Eddie. The only one I could find was in French, though, so I'll pretend that I did this on purpose, like how lots of fashion blogs and Tumblrs are obsessed with posting videos in French or stills from French cinema. But mine is better because he has great eyebrows and special brownies, so take that, Godard fans!

Back to the Generation Next talk: details are here. Wish me luck!


zoomslow said...

Would love to see you talk, but for geographical reasons, I can't :-(( Hopefully someone films it. Break an arm!! (just to be unpredictable).

zoomslow said...

P.S Isn't that funny! I can say "Break a leg", but I can't say "Break a arm" - 'cause it's not proper English? :-)

Megan McKean said...

Most certainly you'll be amazing and blow them away.
Excellent selection with Empire Records :)

Lovers, Saints & Sailors said...

Oh man. Mark with a "K" is such a dream boat.

Søren Rømer said...

Congratulations on the gig!
You've really made a career for yourself from blogging, and I'm confident you'll end up straight up there with the big guys in fashion (if you aren't there already!).
Good for you!


Steve said...

I wish I had hundreds of dollars or awesome connections to go hear you speak, but I guess I'll have to settle for reading your free blog (or possibly watching it months later if they put it on Youtube like TED?)

In any case, I wouldn't rather have anyone else talking to these executives about Gen Y. Show them you're a force to be reckoned with!

(Hard G) Gillian said...

This is unrelated, but I wanted to make sure you saw that Christina Kelly loves you:


Aubrey Mayne said...

ha ha ha I love how you posted it in French to be ironic. Thanks for not taking yourself too seriously ;)


Unknown said...

merci pour la version française ;)

Sonia said...

Woowooo go you! Have a good time, I hope you get a video of your speechy thing! I'm a generation Y-er, so put a good word in for us ;)

anyways, good luck! Break both legs! (that doesn't even sound lucky! And I love exclamation marks too much! haha)

Sonia // Dozen Dresses xo

Unknown said...

Good luck with the gig. Unfortunately, I am in Athens right now,so it would be impossible to come and see you, but I'm sure you'll be great and I'll get to read about it. Pretty tricky subject they got you talking about... ;)

Catherine + Ruth + Keishin said...

best of luck!


Tiffany said...

best of luck!! Thanks for posting this little video, Mark (Ethan Embry) has had my heart for years.

Erin said...

Good luck!

I take French, so I can understand.


Tocatuti said...

"La vie n'aurait pas de sens" :D

Anonymous said...

I just love Empire Records!!! And yes, crowds people really need to burst into song more...

Oh and it's been a long while since I visited your side of the blogosphere, so I'm just saying I love the new hair....it really suits you and it's really flattering!

Maia said...


Hope Thompson said...

Empire Records, YES!!

T said...

awesome - KILL IT, Tavi!


xoLauraox09 said...

Good luck, Tavi! (you have such a cool name)


x x x x

Zoe_Deluge said...

I don't get it tavi, sometimes I agree with you, some times I strongly disagree with something you say, and it makes you sound increadibly immature, you always talk crap on people posting models and french things on tumblrs, and I follow your tumblr, you DEFINATLY post loads of stuff under those categories. just be real and drop this act that your so cool and above everything. people like what they like get over it.

Stop looking said...

My two favorite characters are Mark and Lucas. I LOVE EMPIRE RECORDS! <3

LUU H. said...

congrats ! du fortjener det; ) håper du får en koselig tur : )

LUU H. said...

congrats ! du fortjener det; ) håper du får en koselig tur : )

Danny said...

Eddie was my fav as well!


Darbla. said...

Damn I was really hoping it would be the scene when he gets all high and sees GWAR coming out of the TV to eat him.


Sarah Dee said...

That is so exciting!!! GOOD LUCK!


Anonymous said...

Like really??? That is so cool. I would be super excited if I were you.

Her said...

Du, min kjære kjære mote venn, er en slik inspirasjon til alle mote bloggere over hele verden. Jeg ville bare takke deg for din tid og innsats. Oh, og kvalitet i å skrive om mote. Så, takk, Tavi. Mye kjærlighet, Amelia.

Erin said...

Kick ASS!! Good luck!

Erin said...

Kick ASS!! Good luck!

Ami said...

Knock 'em dead Tavi. Good luck.


Blanca said...

Good luck! I'm sure you'll be great.

Kisses from Spain.


cancercowboy said...

*keeps fingers crossed* Good luck, Tavi!
maybe you can post your script here afterwards?

Anonymous said...

Luck! Have fun in NY and floss before you go on stage! Gunk in one's teeth is never hip.

agent 0017/shay said...

oh if only school cafeterias DID spontaneously burst into song! what fun!

Good luck Tavi :)

stylespotterfashionblogger said...

Empire Records... one of my favourite films of all time!

teo said...

Godard is love, man! And good luck at the conference, Tavi \o

ps: i wish i knew french.

Rebecca Jane said...

AHH Empire records! one of my favourite movies ever.

Anonymous said...

good luck speaking! I love your blog.
Love Poppy

firefly said...

Good luck! To be unpredictable: do cartwheels or something!

Sarah Bentivegna said...

haha i speak french fairly well but barely understood any of this.

please check out my blog, anybody, it would really mean so much to me.


Kaila said...

good luck! please please PLEASE please film your talk for us poor kiddos who can't convince our parents to take us to new york for a weekend to see a talk about our generation. i really want to hear what you say! ^____^ kaila


zoomslow said...

It’s OK, Gevinson. Oui Godard fans are perfectly secure in our coolness, sexiness, and… intellectualness?

Passport Smiles said...

I love this movie and the character of Ethan Embry. Hilarious that you could only find it in French...I just got back from 7 mths in France, and I am having trouble understanding some of the sentences.

Loved your line, "Not a fan of teen unity, us kids! Except for when we're fictional characters!"

So true.

Passport Smiles

Kristen said...

ahah those people just showed me up on my bad french skillz. I feel like i suck at french now. Its ok cus that was a cool video.


Angeles Almuna said...

Good luck lady Tavi!

TheSisterhood said...

I went to a conference called "What Teens Want"!!! Check out this blog that Evelyn wrote about it!

Anonymous said...

Weird coincidence - I saw Empire Records for the first (and second, and third...what ? I really liked it) time in France and it was most defintiely in English then. Unless my French was REALLY good at the time and I just didn't notice they were speaking in French, it came so naturally to me ?
No, there probably was a sub-titled version and then a dubbed version too...

discoFlesh said...

your an awesome blogger,
satisfying writer.

checkout my blog?


canadian kisses xx.

victoria.clow said...

French, certainly that's unpredictable... bien sur.

Unknown said...

Another essential tip--shop at Gılt. Because of the discounts, I never really have to shop anywhere else anymore--its ruined everything for me except sample sales. If you figure out your sizing, you can get ridiculous discounts-- 70% off retail, and even more on the final sales on brands from Ralph Lauren Black Label to Michael Kors, Vince, Dolce & Gabbana, and everything in between. Join here: http://www.gilt.com/invite/mylink69942

Anonymous said...

This L2 thing is just going to be fodder for marketing mumbo-jumbo for years to come. Don't feed the beast!

Anonymous said...

this might sound utterly 'predictable'
but we indigojuveniles love you with the fire of a thousand suns

we did a tad of stalking on your blog and are bewildered to find that while we were eleven and reliving the eighties in fluro you were dressing up in undeniably magnificent pieces of art!

the girl fell said...

i love this film! and it in french reminds me of long exchange holidays FAB!

I wanted to be in the breakfast club for the whole of my tweens.

7rose1 said...

Unless there's a picture of Warren Beatty and/or Warren Beatty's hair, it's very cruel to name a post that and not deliver

Carry on.

Wilson said...

omg i LOVE empire records! i used to watch it in 8th grade everyday after school....imagining my life would turn out like that someday! the only similarity to my life now is i glue change on the floor every opportunity i get.

Initials.CC said...

ha superbe ! juste superbe !


Anonymous said...

wow empire records used to be my favourite when i was in 7th grade! thanks so much for the reminder, i must go and find where i put the old VHS - how old school!


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