Meet The Most Awesome Person Ever, as well as The Most Stylish Person At NYFW, both such HIGH HONORS TO RECEIVE FROM SOMEONE AS GREAT AS I, OF COURSE, no, but, really, a very cool person, and oh my God let's add us some more commas, because this isn't annoying enough, but anyway, the most stylish person I saw all week -- Caroline Torem Craig. She is a party/backstage photographer I spoke to at Alexander Wang and one of the most good-hearted, unashamedly bonkers people I've been lucky to come across at any Fashion Week. She makes her own clothes and embroidered her name into this scarf (which wrapped around her neck five times) so no one would take it. If you click on this picture and go to "all sizes" on its Flickr page you can kind of see the beaded Jimi Hendrix bag (also her own creation) and close-ups of her massive jewelry. I mean, SO GOOD, right? Total
good vibes and
let's all just chill out and be happy, fashn ppl and totally REFRESHING. Plus, she had tinted pink glasses before the Marc Jacobs show.
"You need to run to Italy!" she told me, off-topic though it was. "You'd love it. I'm German but I was born in Amsterdam. Then I just moved here and married everyone I liked!" Now she is married to a Rasta. "When we walk down the street, people just run the other way!" Yes, but that can be quite helpful. Then you automatically filter out most of the narrow-minded people. "Well yeah, believe me, it's great!"
She listened to what I thought about the industry and had interesting replies. She obviously loves clothes and fashion but on a level that is totally different from the stuff about key season pieces and all that. She enjoys dressing in a way that seems so pure; something often lost in the fog of Fashion Week. I hope I can see her again.
Gr8! There do seem to be a lot of wankers in fashion - so it's nice 2meet cool, grounded people :-)
wow second comment!!!!
great description about this photographer though.
Tavi, I'm new to your world -- although it greatly resembles my world when I was your age (god I swore I'd never use that term), way before the Internet, blah blah blah. I've been looking at some of your links and admiring your ensembles and realizing/remembering that one of the reasons I never had the nerve to wear my fantasy outfits in public, although I assembled and wore them with aplomb around the house, was that I was always overweight. And now I'm old (38) and still overweight! And I'm finally confident/cynical enough to totally embrace my lifelong love of fashion and wear what I love, no matter what. This picture of, and your corresponding love for, Ms. Craig, is an inspiration. Keep on keepin' on, young lady. It's voices and perspectives like yours that will change the world.
Much love, woman. Much love.
She seems awesome! xo
and she's wearing comfy shoes!
Honestly those are the kind of people I love. Wish I could of met her! The fact that she makes most of her wardrobe is awesome.
wait a cool/chill way to live life. good for her.
check out my blog:
UMMM I totally love how she is wearing Bloch Dancing shoes!!! I bet she knows how to dance with those babies on. She's in the know fo sho.
she sounds like a very interesting person!
Sounds like the kind of woman we should all aspire to.
-The Style Monster
I love genuinely enthusiastic people. Down to earth, good hearted, too concerned with having fun to be concerned with looking cool type of people.
I'm sure you understand.
Oh, i love how she pulled this together, reminds me of comme des garcon! hihi
You are aiming at the right thing.
The true 'Great Outfit' is not only the appearance but also the inner side...
Love the pink tinted glasses!! so cool!!!
It's always great to meet chill people in the industry. When people are open, nice and easy to talk to it makes asking questions and learning new things fun and exciting.
check my blog: workitmakeitdoitmakesus.blogspot.com
I can totally dig it! I think that if they like what they're wearing, and they're happy, then totally all the more power to them. Now I want to go to the fabric store and make myself a purse out of something from the "Home Decor" section.
she looks cool! now wonder you both clicked...
She surely looks pretty cool! I like what she told you (in the quotes), that's so free minded !!
Yes...you should come to Italy. . .She's damn cool : )
Now she's married to a rasta- lol. They are quite free spirited and open, I should know most of my family are. But I like it when I see people who can make their own clothes, it is really inspiring though I would never be able to make anything like that myself.
From Dolly
Eccentrics are my people! She sounds amazing. And like a good spirit.
Honestly, people like this are the ones who do it first. Then years later their ideas get refined and re-refined ad nauseum by the 'mainstream'.
She looks like a great middle school art teacher! I mean this in a very very god way. I love crazy awesome older ladies! good job finding yourself and older lady friend, they're baller.
She's awesome ;)
Hi! I love your blog :) Maybe giving blog awards is a silly thing to do, but I have one for you here: http://nanny-sunduk.blogspot.com/2010/02/blog-awards.html
How great is she!!
I'm loving the dance sneakers too. New trend? ...Actually I've tried it, sadly enough I couldn't make it work. They are incredibly comfortable though ;)
hi Tavi! your blog is just amazing and full of inspiriation. i have posted a blog about you and used your photos to introduce you if its okay.
anyways keep up the awesome blog! :D
lets dont forget that fashion is not only we do it just for the sake of how others will adore what you are wearing or how they will like it. In as much, fashion is our expression, of what we feel, on how are mood, and how we comfortably carries it. FASHION IS ART...WE CHOOSE TO LIVE WITH IT...THEN GIVE LIFE TO IT...
lets dont forget that fashion is not only we do it just for the sake of how others will adore what you are wearing or how they will like it. In as much, fashion is our expression, of what we feel, on how are mood, and how we comfortably carries it. FASHION IS ART...WE CHOOSE TO LIVE WITH IT...THEN GIVE LIFE TO IT...
I believe that the most cool persons are people like this, who doesn't care what others say about them and live thir lifes free... that's what I want to be and how the world should be, free of perjuices!!
wow she sounds so cool. I really wish i met her haha. Thats the kind of person i love. xx
i think it's amazing that she can hold that massive camera in her hand like that...i can see it just falling to the ground after the shot was taken. lol.
It's always great to meet someone who's passionate about their life, their job (and also about fashion, ha) - and it's even better that you made a post about it. For many ppl fashion week is only about clothes, brands and it's great to read something a little bit different.
she looks like you can have a lot of fun with her
She seems so cool!
it is great to see people that really love what they do.. like you and her.
I admire your excellent work.
Oh yes. Those shades are pretty awesome.
So genuine. Golly she sounds like a focal figure with style, that I like!
Matty xxx
good vibez~~
all the way. i love old ladies who truly express themselves by being wacky. total inhibition.
i'd like to send you a tshirt that i think you might like. i just take a tshirt and then sew a piece of fabric cut into the shape of a cat head onto it. i sell them locally at an artist's market, but would like to send one to you for free. here are a few i've made:
just email me: origami.bulldozer@gmail.com
Cool, quirky and has the BEST accesories!! Looks like a woman who has aged in style and she will have her own type of elegance for years to come.
Hope you enjoyed your fashion week, met interesting people, and most of all, saw wonderful shows. Sounds like heaven!
i like the fact she has married everyone she likes. Sounds like she is full of love and eccentricity.
HI! rookie!
i sent an email to you..didn't reply yet....please do it :)
I like that she loves fashion in a different level !!!
I went to pick up my news paper today, and you were on the front page of the Toronto Star.
Congrats and I hope that you have been having an amazing time at all the shows.
i havent commented in a while but i love this entry. Like marc jacobs kinda said, style is not fashion..style is abt your personality..abt your view of the world..fashion and clothes are just for you to make your world more fun.. I think thats the gist of his fall 2010 collection.. I love this womanbecause she is not conventional, she's living her life the most exciting way she knows..she has her style..and its not abt trends..its about her life. So she is stylish to me. In the true sense of understanding herself. Not the superficial kind. What she,s doing is not fashion, but style is not fashion.
Good sticky thought provoking entry miss tavster.
She's quirky! THE BAG! l.o.v.e it!
I'm glad you spotted her because she's sort of homegrown...if thats the correct term? ^-^
I hope my comment isn't lost with all the others I adore you and your spirit. I can only say go girl your in the star today. I'm thrilled for you I've been blogging for what seems like forever and I can't stir as much interest as you My real name is Becky I live in Ontario Canada I work in an automotive shop during the day and in my free time I help out at my boyfriends shop so you could say Im a tom boy and a shop girl cars are my life engines during the day and body work at night. My point is you at 13, your blog, your life, your going somewhere GOOD LUCK TAVI you deserve the best
Becky from Canada
This is such a lovely thing, because fashionable to me is not only the clothes you wear, because what is the use in wearing all the most "fashionable" and trendy clothes when you know they don't suit you, or you don't feel happy in them? Seeing somebody confident in whatever they wear is the most fashionable thing!!!
Awesome! Particularly loving the look of that bag...could fit...so much...in it...
wow, she seems like such a cool person. I'm almost proud that she was born in the Netherlands!
Ouu! cool! I (L) de fashion and the photography!!
Do you speak spanish? :)
Having a Rasta as a boyfriend myself, I can in fact say, they make the best significant others. People do sometimes run in the other direction from us though, when we're walking down streets. Doesn't matter though, we enjoy being crazy!
She's your header image come to life! :)
Hahah this is awesome. I'm a fellow photographer, and see her all the time at events. I've even spoken to her before, but never knew her name! I just knew she sometimes shoots for PAPER magazine. She really does have crazy style, always wearing something totally unique. Great profile!
Hahah this is awesome. I'm a fellow photographer, and see her all the time at events. I've even spoken to her before, but never knew her name! I just knew she sometimes shoots for PAPER magazine. She really does have crazy style, always wearing something totally unique. Great profile!
I feel like I am right there with you when you blog. I love your way girl! http://lara-serbin.blogspot.com/
Your voice is needed.
As you get more and more in the thick of the fashion world, don't let yourself get mean and stupid. I trust you wont!
Coco CHANNEL's child, I suggest you go read something conventional with more economic intention and sex-sells strategy. It might make more sense than Tavi's making for you.
it's refreshing to meet quirky , down-to-earth people in the fashion industry . how fun :}
I love it, she is single and these type of people is very interesting like you.
Thats cool that she is married to a rasta
You get to meet some pretty cool people.
Very very stylish. I want her camera!!!!
i was at fashion week at alexander wang, luca luca, betsey johnson, and bryant reese and i think i saw her too!
so unique hah!
sincerely, the the fashionista from...
You + http://www.myspace.com/thelovestorynyc
= happytimes
amazing! one reason to love women... <3
so cute.
She rocks it like your header pic from Pop. I want her as my auntie.
I hope you run into her again, too. She reminds me of a more refined yet equally interesting "pigeon lady in the park".
I've been reading your blog since 2008, and this may be my favorite post yet. I admire how willing you are to learn from others, despite your meteoric rise to industry fame. If you keep doing what you love, and you stay humble and open-minded, you'll keep running into fascinating people like this photographer. (I can definitely see the appeal--I once met a British radio personality with the same magnetic quality.)
Ignore the haters; you're curious, passionate, and eccentric, and it's been a real pleasure to see you grow.
I love funny people. And hats.
I love commas, in my writing (non-blog) I use them as freely as possible.. loving the jimi-hendrix-free-wheelin-free-spirit refrences.. thats refreshing to her of at fashion week (though of as uptight and pretentious.. not saying it is but thats the general thought.. I just dont picture the dude walking around the tents)
as always, you're the best..
oh caroline looks fantastic!
Aw! She looks exactly like my old art teacher, like just a short bubbly woman who sings to herself and dresses in lots of different colours :)
Fabulous words and the most unique photographer, I love it. And the picture is so her, she looks like a really interesting person, very original and with something special, pure art to me!
Kisses lady Tavi
Future Tavi! I love how you find the beauty in outfits that aren't necessarily something that people would find 'fashionable'. You've got a real flare!
Love you and your blog
Short and sweet, I love these posts :)
I just looove the way you describe her, toootallly dude.
imma go check out her flickr
Gotta love this: " Then I just moved here and married everyone I liked!"
fucking win.
have fun at fashion week.:)
fucking win.
have fun at fashion week.:)
Girl! Fly your freak flag high! <3.
I, actually totally disagree with Coco Chanel's child. thats kinda rude to say just because someone photographed u that u lie and say they have amazing taste! I've met so many crazy (in a good way!) people in my life, and I'm only 12! hope you had fuun at fashion week tavi :) i love your blog, mine is definitely more....um, how would I put this? weirder,random,awkward-at-times,and again....weirder, than yours....see ya!!
power to the twelve and thirteen year olds of the world!!!
Oh she seems really cool!
theoriginalrainban.blogspot.com , that's my blog. it's a fashion blog too.
ah yes, she shot a Paper event I worked at. I was immediately attracted to her good vibes, though I never even caught her name!
so basically, like most days, I agree.
Ctc is the best!
totally unrelated, BUT i think you would enjoy this, if you haven't seen it already. by the way, people who dress "strangely" aren't crazy. it's the people who try so hard to conform that are crazy! crazy to not be who they are for fear of other people's thoughts. anyway, that was cheesy and totally unneeded (that word looks weird). kay, so...enjoy the link?
hm. i really don't like her get up...but i do like the fact that she made her own clothes. that's something to brag about. really! i guess its really if you like it you wear it...thats the fashion in and of itself...and nothing else.
anyways, thanks for raving about the Rodarte line at Target...I got a dress on clearance for only $9! it was amazing! i wore it for my birthday dinner! I looked amazing! really...not to toot my own horn at all...but you know when you look great! look at me: www.jemappelles-christa.com
This is a very good designer i think you don't know, Enjoy it!
The gazillions of comments that say they were deleted by a blog administrator were deleted because they would leave their URLS multiple times or were just being mean and immature.
Hello very dear Tavi !
Whattt ???
My comment has been deleted just because i dared tell you inspite of the fact my intuition is telling me This Woman is certainly wonderful ,accoding to me SHE IS NOT THE MOST STYLISH PERSON AT ALL !
You should be grateful to have here someone like me who is 100% honest !
I m thruth !
(please , don't tell me i'm rude cause you said..." mean and immature "...Do you really really think someone mature would says that to the others ?? Of course not ! )
And i m a fashion designer ! Which means i got a THE SUBTITLE TASTE , the one that most of the People don't !( have a look on my page ..)
And if you doubt of what i said about her style ...Just look at almost all our Friends comments here : Quite nobody is talking about her oufit ...It's more about the way she chosed to live her Magik Live !
You know i like your world, that 's why i here, but sometimes, yes it happens i don't like your choices !
As for me i would never delet People comments ...All are intereting accordinf to me !
Please, don't do that anymore ...Be grateful we are here...
Don't fall in the trap !
Stay HUMBLE dear Tavi !
Friend Jean-Pierre MATTEI
The things is you really delet all the message from People who say " no "..... !!
Please...Don't do that anymore ...
she seems so cool!!!
the match does not look nice
wow! You right! I totally agree with you! She's so stylish!
She seems like a very awesome person. :)
i wish she had a leica
She seems like a cool person, and doing her own thing. Can't say I dig her style though.
hey :) i've just discovered your blog and love it! i'm going to follow you on bloglovin...you have some very inspirational photos on your blog. Maybe one day i can illustrate you? i'll keep in touch...
I'm a fashion illustrator from Detroit, moving to paris this summer. I hope you'll check out my work on my blog and follow me as well!
she's wearing jazz sneakers. i love it.
She looks and sounds really pleasantly. Fashion week is great place to meet new people, isn't it?
maybe im not seeing something but whats so great about her? shes nice and everything i agree with that ! but the most stylish person at new york fashion week? think ur a bit hyped up
Why do you remove the comments that question your opinion? Can't you take a little criticism,honey? People are trying to be honest, not to defy you...
But that's ok,it's your blog, and your decision, but you should try a little humility, that wouldn't hurt.
doesn't she kind of look Meryl Streep? haha
and as soon as I opened the picture on Flickr I noticed the beaded Jimi Hendrix bag. LOVE it. I can believe she made that...
also, her shoes make me laugh :) in a good way, reminds me of jazz walks HAH
wow guys come ON, can't you see that Tavi calls her the MOST stylish because she's doing her own thing. I can't speak for Tavi per say, but I don't think sarcastic is the best word to describe this post. The enthusiasm over her clothing is genuine.
Love this, Love her!
Tavi, this is a perfect post and a perfect person to feature from Fashion Week. Please keep this point of view forever.
love you tavi! pussar från sverige!
Pleas take a look at my blog
thanks (;
...and she is sooo cool!! maybe it is not totally my style, but the fact that she i wearing the clothes she likes!! and every one can not look the same, that woud be quazy and not bice i ike people that stands out, just like you...! sometimes im wearing the same clothes as everyone i try not, but my only rule is that if just i like the clothes nothin else mathers this is me!?-she is so cool!
my father and mother were rastas. this is great-keep up the good work. you're an inspiration.
Imagine if she looks like a runway model, people will say her style is bohemian eclectic or something like that and give her a pass and call her unique. Even with the shoes. All those who doesnt think this woman's style is exciting is obviously looking at fashion from a "good looking" people filter only.
it truly is a small world. i used to intern at a magazine where she was the events photographer and i remember he being very eccentric but super nice.
oh, i love the bag.
if i may say so myself, her style is quite epic.
Aww I like the cheeky fur trim on her scarf!!
Paddy☮ xx
Click here to visit me at LITTLE RAZZI
This is the first time I have posted here, I believe, and I say, right on!
Thanks for sharing with us this cool colleague.
Steal her scarf, while it is wrapped around her neck five times? Wow, that would be a pretty impressive feat.
Out of general curiosity, seeing as she doesn't work in the fashion industry, how is it that she can get into fashion week?
LOVE that you've lavished your attention on a less conventional participant of fashion week! sooooo refreshing.
ha... indeed, by design, this photographer may never have to tolerate the company of the narrow-minded... but the fashion/world needs more open-minded people.... kudos to you for being one of them!!!
HA! Caroline is so awesome-bonkers. I met her (and her husband) years ago at the tents when she stopped me to chat cause she thought she caught me staring at her embroidered necklaces (I wasn't?) and invited me to have a closer peek (I have to say, they were pretty sick). Love seeing her around.
is she wearing Zumba shoes?!
Since I was about 2 years old designing high-fashion gowns and still doing it today(13 years) I've noticed that sometimes people who dress the way they want to seem way more happier than a model getting about $15,000 wearing a pricless Proenza Schoulder dress strutting down the Fab Lane thats what makes me happy. Why? Because seeing smiling faces is what should make most of peoples day's right??
hm, I find she doesn't look so stylish... in fact, she doesn't look stylish at all. her pants and shoes are A W F U L, and she looks normal other than that.
she does sound like a nice person, though. I love her crazy life (especially the part where she marries anyone she likes)
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