I.AM.SO.EXCITED.FOR.THIS.MOVIE.This was my tiny tribute, worn yesterday. Mainly greens, browns, and yellows, and then textures and shapes that remind me of friendly monsters. I thrifted these shoes a couple weeks ago and they're nice and furry and will be a part of my David Bowie outfit once I acquire enough shiny for such a project.I stayed home sick today but my cold is finally beat which is great news because the Weardrobe conference is this weekend and I'M KIND OF REALLY PUMPED. And nervous, excited, etc. Basically the awesome folks over there have organized this nuts weekend full of shopping and being touristy and eating and it'll be like Weardrobe Camp, aka awesome. I have a feeling we'll all be really close by the end of it and then it'll all be over and stupid. Seriously though, check out this list of lovely ladies! Ok, now memorize it. You know why? Because we will be terrorizing New York and you will have to be able to identify us. Heh heh heh heh heh.Ooooooh prettyyyyyyyyy. I am looking for my can of coins from when I was in elementary school and decided I would save up all of my allowance until I'm an adult and then I would be a millionaire by the time I was grown up. Obviously, a fail. I need to find it now though because I am DYING to get tons of September issues and our Borders here hasn't gotten a new Vogue UK since April. And something tells me New York will have good shopping, I think?
AHHHAHAHAH I LOVE YOU. Once Sophie and I babysat a kid named Max who had a room his mom had painted like the woods in the book, it was probably the coolest thing I've ever seen.
i just loved the ilustration,it makes me inspire about so many things ^^ ,i don`t care i'm 25 I'm going to see the movie that`s for shore By the way , nice shoes ^^
i love things that remind me of my childhood!!! (but im kinda sad that i dont remember the book too well because i've forgotten most of the 1st grade) maybe you shouldn't trust me b/c i dont go into the city a lot but last time i was in the city i saw this one store near bryant park with a HUGE amount of fashion magazines in a bazillion languages. they were kinda of expensive but you should check it out. but im not sure if i saw the UK vogue. i think it's called around the world.
I'm gonna sew my own halloween costume that's a combo between Yoshitomo Nara's art and the boy in Where the Wild Thinks Are. Letcha know how it turns out.
yeah Tavi, theres a Borders here in nyc right next to Penn Station, or do you use Grand Central Station? Whatever it's on 7th ave and 33rd street? I think..it's 32nd, 33rd, or 34th. Anyway have fun in NY! Maybe I'll bump into you, in which case we must photo op. ;)
i'm looking forward where the wild things are too! you should check ny times mag for a really good article on spike jonze and the movie if you haven't already. also, if you're still in a mood for more where the wild things, jonze has a blog http://www.weloveyouso.com.
so fun!! i'm already completely in love with that film (even if i didn't saw it yet) and when my son saw the trailer you could literally see stars in his eyes (the spongbob-eye style)!!!
ouch. our vogue is definitely a plus of living in the uk!! I went on a £50 magazine binge this month though so I might have to go cold turkey for October (bar NYLON, of course!!) www.modeandme.blogpsot.com
I love your tribute outfit! Very Wild Things. Ahhh, I'm so excited for this movie, and I'm almost 21. My mental age is probably about 5 though, so it's ok.
Oh, I so want to see this. I'm so glad they made the story into a film for everyone, not just something cartoon and for 5 year olds. I love your blog, your such an inspiration! Olivia. x
Oh wow i know the feeling when you say you wanna watch this. I love how cute the little monsters are. everyone please follow my blog if you like. http://courtneyadoresfashion.blogspot.com/ thankyou.
where the wild things are = my fall wardrobe inspritation. OH YAY!!!!!
also I pretty much think every UK vogue since april has vbeen the same so I wouldnt worry about that too much, however there have been so so so so so many goooood fall issues out its all good. today alone i bought like 3, to add to all the others ive already got. hurrah!
I love that book and can't wait till the film, the Arcade Fire Soundtrack. If you want Vogue UK, come over the 'pond,' we love you here1 BK billiekinson.blogspot.com
Try Barnes and Noble for the Vogue UK, I just bought an issue from there last month. I get all my British magazines from there. (I'm an anglophile lol.)
Your outfit is perfectly inspired by Where the Wild Things Are. I love how when you take inspiration from something like this, it doesn't end out all costumey, but there's just enough of a connection to see where your inspiration was. I also am beyond excited for this movie. It's been one of my favorite books my entire life and it looks like it's going to be amazing. I'm so glad they didn't do the reshoot and make it all lame and kid friendly. The great thing about the story is that is a little scary. The trailer makes me cry a little but in the best possible way.
Did you know in Dutch the book is called Max en de Maximonsters? So much wilder, and badder than 'where the wild things are'... Monsters aren't THINGS. anyway, can't wait to see it, hope they can turn it into an exciting not too short movie, am really eager to see how the monsters dance in real life and glad to see they don't look like muppets or Snuffy.
HOLY POOP. Have you seen the photo circulating tumblr of a little peanut dressed up as Max for Halloween?! OMGZ I AM SO EXCITED.
Maurice Sendak's "A Hole is to Dig" was my fave though, I must say.
I want to see that film. ;-;
Is it wrong that I'm 19 and want to see this film? Eek...
Ah heck, I'll just say I look older than I am :)
also a big fan of the wild things. it makes me want to go to the library and rent the book - seriously miss the scent and feel of picture books!
Please follow my blog for culture, cuisine, and couture from JAPAN & HAWAII <3
Yes! This is going to be incredible.
i just loved the ilustration,it makes me inspire about so many things ^^ ,i don`t care i'm 25 I'm going to see the movie that`s for shore
By the way , nice shoes ^^
the book scared me when I was little and I'm terrified of the movie, looks even scarier than the book! But I'll probably go see it anyway
i love things that remind me of my childhood!!! (but im kinda sad that i dont remember the book too well because i've forgotten most of the 1st grade)
maybe you shouldn't trust me b/c i dont go into the city a lot but last time i was in the city i saw this one store near bryant park with a HUGE amount of fashion magazines in a bazillion languages. they were kinda of expensive but you should check it out. but im not sure if i saw the UK vogue. i think it's called around the world.
Have fun at the Weardrobe conference, dude! It sounds like soooo much fun, I'd be lying if I wasn't a little jealous! You'd better post all about it.
just watching this trailer makes me feel all safe and warm inside. like a hug from my grandma or something x
You are friggin gorgeous and I want to be your friend. I have a diploma in fashion design, and I have done nothing with it. I do not deserve it.
I'm gonna sew my own halloween costume that's a combo between Yoshitomo Nara's art and the boy in Where the Wild Thinks Are. Letcha know how it turns out.
yeah Tavi, theres a Borders here in nyc right next to Penn Station, or do you use Grand Central Station?
Whatever it's on 7th ave and 33rd street? I think..it's 32nd, 33rd, or 34th. Anyway have fun in NY!
Maybe I'll bump into you, in which case we must photo op.
The movie looks great. Have fun at the Weardrobe conference!
i'm looking forward where the wild things are too!
you should check ny times mag for a really good article on spike jonze and the movie if you haven't already.
also, if you're still in a mood for more where the wild things, jonze has a blog http://www.weloveyouso.com.
i hope you enjoy it!
love the outfit
you look all sort of woodsy and hobo-ish
argh i cannot wait to watch this movie. possibly the cutest thing i will ever see. i almost cried when watching the previews. i'm that much of a dork.
so fun!! i'm already completely in love with that film (even if i didn't saw it yet) and when my son saw the trailer you could literally see stars in his eyes (the spongbob-eye style)!!!
lucky u getting to go to the weardrobe conference! wish i could
Btw. If you're really desperate for Uk vogue I can post u one, cos I live in the uk. i think kate moss is on the cover :)
ouch. our vogue is definitely a plus of living in the uk!! I went on a £50 magazine binge this month though so I might have to go cold turkey for October (bar NYLON, of course!!)
Is it wrong I am 27 and excited to see this film!?!? Love your blog, your so creative!
I love your tribute outfit! Very Wild Things. Ahhh, I'm so excited for this movie, and I'm almost 21. My mental age is probably about 5 though, so it's ok.
Oh, I so want to see this. I'm so glad they made the story into a film for everyone, not just something cartoon and for 5 year olds.
I love your blog, your such an inspiration! Olivia. x
Oh wow i know the feeling when you say you wanna watch this. I love how cute the little monsters are.
everyone please follow my blog if you like.
where the wild things are = my fall wardrobe inspritation. OH YAY!!!!!
also I pretty much think every UK vogue since april has vbeen the same so I wouldnt worry about that too much, however there have been so so so so so many goooood fall issues out its all good. today alone i bought like 3, to add to all the others ive already got. hurrah!
I love that book and can't wait till the film, the Arcade Fire Soundtrack.
If you want Vogue UK, come over the 'pond,' we love you here1
I don't even have specific memories of reading WTWTA in my childhood but every time I see stills or a trailer for that movie I get tears. Gosh gosh.
Plus: A David Bowie outfit sounds intriguing.
i can't wait for this movie!
Wasn't Warner Bros planning on canceling the movie?If i can find the article I'll post the link on here, I wasjust reading it two days ago actually.
Karen O (Yeah Yeah Yeahs) did the soundtrack. That will make the movie even more kick ass.
Have fun in New York!
Try Barnes and Noble for the Vogue UK, I just bought an issue from there last month. I get all my British magazines from there. (I'm an anglophile lol.)
Your outfit is perfectly inspired by Where the Wild Things Are. I love how when you take inspiration from something like this, it doesn't end out all costumey, but there's just enough of a connection to see where your inspiration was. I also am beyond excited for this movie. It's been one of my favorite books my entire life and it looks like it's going to be amazing. I'm so glad they didn't do the reshoot and make it all lame and kid friendly. The great thing about the story is that is a little scary. The trailer makes me cry a little but in the best possible way.
I can't wait either!
Did you manage to get the September Vogue UK? (love that you want the UK version :D )
I could probably send you one if not?
x x
Did you know in Dutch the book is called Max en de Maximonsters? So much wilder, and badder than 'where the wild things are'... Monsters aren't THINGS. anyway, can't wait to see it, hope they can turn it into an exciting not too short movie, am really eager to see how the monsters dance in real life and glad to see they don't look like muppets or Snuffy.
i like this book
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