Today felt like spring and I LOVE it. What I wore, I basically just tried building the outfit around this printed H&M dress from Kirsty Lee. The outfit kind of reminds me of Blues Clues. When I was little I never understood why Magenta was the boy but that is what happens when you grow up amongst the narrow minds of SUBURBIA.
I never did like that strange "Steve" guy though. I remember all the rumors that he quit the show to join a rock band and got tons of piercings, which I actually believed at the time. NOT COOL, STEVE. Why anyone would trade in a hanging out with a bunch of cartoon dogs that can't talk and the voices of little children screaming the answers to their overly obvious questions and a handy dandy notebook in for making music and having adoring fans is BEYOND ME.

thrifted belt and skirt. gifted shirt and socks. american apparel circle scarf. childhood closet hoodie. slow & steady wins the race shoes.
Really pretty outfit. I'm feeling the spring. And mad jealous of your better weather.
steve actually committed suicide...
UM, YAH and Blue was a girl?!?!
we have to save that poor delusional man!
check out my blog:
i just started so it's kind of lacking but i'm getting there...
Livi xx
"I remember all the rumors that he quit the show to join a rock band and got tons of piercings, which I actually believed at the time."
RE: Steve
Just in case you weren't being sarcastic. :)
Cool outfit, I wish it were even vaguely spring-ish here. :(
Haha, my sister LOVED Steve when she was 3! I was pretty pissed myself when Steve "went to college" and that crappy Joe person started...grr...
Steve Burns first (only?) album is actually really good. Produced by the Flaming Lips if I recall correctly...
awesome outfit! truly outrageous!
wth steve! my friend said you took drugs too, not cool man, NOT COOL AT ALL.
Nice outfit!
lol tavi you are hilarious. love the outfit as well as your insightful commentary on the validity of childhood television haha...the scarf is awesome
Blues Clues transcends all stupid gender rules.
we found a blue clues,
because we're really SMART! ♥
lovely outfit, we just got an american apparel store here and it's lovelovelove!
I love that outfit!!!!
I can't wait for the next season of ANTM, it starts soon right?
Love how versitile the circle scarfs are and how you can also use it as a traditional scarf as you did here, though you have used it in other ways before.
Feeling the blues clues vibe as well, you look happy. guess the weather has rubbed off on you?
- amber the street "chanteuse"
That is a lovely outfit :)
Very spring-y
I heard Steve got fired because he smoked on set or something...
I just saw the ad to the ANTM season, like two minutes ago...and it looks like this season will be good. better maybe. hopefully.
the song is catchy :)
do come over and visit le blog...would love to have you :)
<3 lise
great outfit
i'm loving the scarf
Hi Tavi-
Love your blog and all of your inspired creative energy.! Thought you might like to check out my new vintage ebay shop...
the pink sweater and dress somehow managed to be the exact same pink. I thought magenta was a girl? its not? is blue not a boy too?
Wait wait wait...Magenta was a boy?! I always thought that the two were both girl dogs. That completely changes my perception of my childhood.
fuck tavi,
now you have me all excited for spring.
Heyey, your blog is such an inspiration.
I was always reading other people's blogs and I thought about starting my own. I am only fourteen and for some reason (I don't know why your age would actually matter to me) your blog inspired me.
Please check it out :)
you look adorable
i love the colors
i love blues clues tooo
how have you been?
i heard he died when he fell over and got a crayon stuck in his brain, but believe what you want....
great color clash! yesterday it totally felt like spring here, too!
Mail time!
I loved that show stupid steve.
preschool shows, i miss thee!
i think i need to link my outfits to things/try the dressing for a character thing- it has been too long!
looking sweet tavi.
/maisie #1
Wow, you're so far away from me [me - central europe], but yesterday I felt spring too. Funny.
Haha.. it's even worse over here because they keep repeating seasons here and Steve has this totally whining Dutch voice, yes, they actually synchronized it..
But nonetheless I love your outfit and I think you could think of pink and blue without reminiscing colored dogs.. or at least I can but I was never a real fan..
OMG, i love this outfit!!! =)
yeah steve definitely committed suicide. sad but kind of expected given his job...
yay coloured tights! i have so many pairs but they just never get worn. i always default to black. it's nice to see someone who actually works their extensive tights collection.
that was the other maisie (#2) btw
This post just sent me running to Google for information on Steve. Pretty interesting, I must say.
Is Blue a girl?!?! That's scary..
lovely outfit! you look cute.
i had that spring-ish feeling some days ago but this night it snowed again ;( i want spring!!
*STEVE UPDATE* (get excited!)
Ok, from the looks of it Steve is still alive and kicking. He has a music website up. On Wikipedia it says he quit because he actually did want to be a musician, and shaved his head to kind of justify it-something he'd wanted to do before but the producers of Blue's Clues wouldn't let him
Oh yeah, Blue=girl and Magenta=boy.
Thanks for all the sweet comments <3
To me Blue was an anomaly. She had such a masculine demeanor. She was almost like the tinky Winky of Nickelodeon. ANd don't even get me started on Magenta "he" was more girly than BLue. The show chock full of subliminal messages.
Cute outfit.
To me Blue was an anomaly. She had such a masculine demeanor. She was almost like the tinky Winky of Nickelodeon. ANd don't even get me started on Magenta "he" was more girly than BLue. The show chock full of subliminal messages.
Cute outfit.
i wish it felt like spring here...
that color pink looks gorgeous on you!
wow so pretty!!!
amazing colors, amazing outfit!
Cute outfit! I love how you wore your scarf. I'm going to try that out sometime.
You are amazing! (not cute, not cute, I promise I wasn't thinking cute)
cute outfit.
i always thought steve was creepy too.
oh steve I remember him! I think he is better than the new one Jerry or sumthin.Its stupid he leftit is worse than the veggie monster inceden(accualy that is a big ole lie because nothing is worse than the veggie monster)
cute outfit btw!
O hai, AA circle scarf - I'm wearing one right now. Oh, how great minds think alike. And to the that above commenter who said something about Blues Clues being full of "subliminal messages"... Yeah, maybe about gender subversion/the social construction of stupid male-female colour stereotypes? Bitchez need to stop caring about the colour of a cartoon dog.
Hey you look so funny XD
I love your clothes !( the dresse is wonderful !)
really pretty outfit, i love the floral dress
Amazing as always. Love the grey with pink
Please check out
i love ur aa circle scarf im thnking of getting one in grey...
do u remember the blues clues cat?he/she was my favoritee
great outfit I always love your style. It reminds me of myself at your age and fills me with nostalgia oh how I would love to fit my cape and tutu again.
blues was a girl?
magenta was a boy?
so that's what happened to steve...
i always thought his drawings were amazing :D
i looove all the bubblegum pink and blue.
Steve totally didn't die, and his Album is actually pretty good, and he gets to hang out with the Flaming Lips which I thin kmakes him pretty much fucking cool.,,472466,00.html&usg=__fqZqsQNGJ1vi0t88gqMCGOSD47c=&h=270&w=270&sz=17&hl=en&start=5&um=1&tbnid=mh4RYIX2RmZJ7M:&tbnh=113&tbnw=113&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dsteve%2Bblues%2Bclues%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dsafari%26rls%3Den-us%26sa%3DN
Magenta's a BOY?? :O
The British Blue's Clue's Steve was pretty cool back in the day. He's probably not the same person now. The US one i've seen from when I was a youngin was kinda lame.
Now I remember, Blue was a girl.
Mr. Salt and Mrs. Pepper were always my favourite anyway.
wait a minute...
news to me....
yeahhhh gurl, these colors after my own heart!
your outfit is so adorable, you look fantastic, i like the blue and pink combo
i know eh, it`s freakin bizarre that blue is a girl and magenta is a boy!!
funny how this post evoked people to think of steve and blue`s clue`s :)
i LOVE ur blog and your sense of style
been following this blog for a while,
this is my 1st eva comment though (:
steve did not commit suicide, but I've heard that rumour. I actually saw his band a few years back in Seattle. I was dying because I think I was the only one who knew him as Steve the guy from Blues Clues :)
His band was ok. but in no way was it heavy or trashy.
MAGENTA WAS A BOY? SAY WHAT? I knew Blue was a girl, but I thought Magenta was as well. Wow. I learned something today. I actually heard Steve went to rehab... idk. And, nice face in the first pic. =]
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