Hello wonderful people. Today I wanted to wear this totally bonkerz blue basket cage thing on my hip (I think because last night I read an article about Gareth Pugh right before going to sleep and wanted to be all structured and reusing and stuff) but comfort and practicality and....the will to live (it was that painful) had to play a part in getting dressed sometime. I made it through about, um, the walk to school and my locker before I called it quits.

I received this scarf from Suz & Rich from
Weardrobe a few days ago and I really love it. It's the
American Apparel circle scarf in grey, and it is so fun to drape. The material is really soft and warm, and since it's so huge on me I would really like to hang it from my ceiling like a hammock swing chair thing.

Though I only have it in my hands for a few more days (will be sending it back soon...sisterhood of the traveling weardrobe project we've got going on...I don't know much but the results should be epic...) I will be taking full advantage and try to wear it every way possible. Today it was a sash only I pulled down the shoulder part and tied the hip part.

I like funny faces.
The blue plaid Pamela Mann tights is another order from mytights.com (thank you, parental unit).
Susie has them in yellow and I was lucky enough to receive a magenta pair, too. I guess I'll have to rethink the All-Plaid Schizophrenic outfit, eh? I could try wearing all 3 of my tights at once...maybe grow a few more legs, perhaps...

I probably wouldn't have initially paired the tights with the rest of this outfit had I known the blue basket would end up gone. Black tights would have been much better. My black tights and black cape and DRAPE DRAPE YOHJI YOHJI DRAPE LUMP EGKJ5TYOKNJG.
Ok, let's not go into another Balenciaga rant now...

The weird netting is something I found on my floor, which I'm pretty sure is that thing that goes under carpets but there was no carpet on top of it so I grabbed it and pinned it to my shirt happily. Ooh,

movie reference, guys)
Anywhozitswhatsitsshamalamadingdong, I'm figuring out a plan for the YSL shirts and will let you guys know when they're up for sale. This means none of you have to make them yourself (if you did, it would be stealing someone else's design anyway, and that's...not cool.)

Hope everyone had a happy Monday (oxymoron?)
old navy shirt. american apparel scarf. thrifted skirt and star pin. slow & steady wins the race shoes. pamela mann tights via mytights.com. idk netting.
oh wow blue tartan! I like the scarf too ! lol the carpet thing was genius!
oh and I cant wait to buy my own style rookie ysl shirt!please dont make them too expensive!I CANT WAIT!
I think i will diy the shirt myself. With my own painting of course. However im not sure how good my painting skills are.....
oh and sorry for the double post! but I forgot to ask
are you perhaps making a shirt with the Dylan painting on it? That would also be epic!
I would totally get a t shirt, I love the blue plaid tights.
ooh please grow a few more legs so you can wear an ultra all-plaid schizophrenic outfit! 'twould be epic (even more epic than your last all-plaid schizophrenic outfit).
also, the circle scarf has always looked amazingly comfy and warm to me. i wouldn't be able to send it back if i were you.
this is the greatest!
i love the netting thing, it kind of reminds of rodarte, and the scarf is remeniscent of yohji
the fact that your arms are concealed make this much more exciting
your blue basket CRACKED ME UP! i love your randomosity...
A very inspired look today. And I look forward to the schizo-plaid very much. -kimberleighROSE
yellow, white, red ROSES
damn that painted guy scares me.
haha and the friction-y carpet stuff!?
how'd you get to be so awesome, huh?
i love the way you draped that, its so yohji/ junya
Surprise! ahaha. I quote Zoolander like it is nobody's business. And I like your basket, even if it is not practical :)
how expensive would the shirts be?
$0.03 PlEASE!!?? (cuz uh thats kinda about all I can afford. sad right? yeah, I know.)
oh jeesy crissy girl, this is sooo EPIC. I love that white uh netting thing with the grey thingamajig. i think this is my fave look of yours.
That haircut of yours goes with absolutely everything, metal baskets included. So great!
Yeah, it's better once you ditched the blue basket, and the blue tights still look excellent without it. Fabulous draping!
(Since the schizophrenic plaid outfit, my kids refer to you as 'Twoface'. They mean it admiringly!)
aah loveee the blue basket-thing! the draping with the scarf is lovely. but what's with the random blackface?
Love yr blog, have been reading it for ages but never commented. However, the Derelicte comment had me ROFL. You are one brilliant and clever young lady.
i like the plaid tights with that outfit. i think black tights wouldn't have gone so well haha.
I love the carpet netting. I would've probably used in a tank dress (if there was enough), because netty/meshy things always makes me think of an islander/west indian and/or South Beach vibe, but you managed to pull it off as wintery apparel. Me likey
oh my i love the movie zoolander,
it cracks me up everytime i watch it!!!
hahahahhaha ((:
Hello, I love the outfit today!
I have a question: What do you use for a school bag?
Well, what do you carry to school, because knowing your awesome style, you could carry a flowerpot with your books in it and be as awesome as ever.
And a follow-up question: Are you the kind of person who changes their bag with their outfit, or generally uses one for each season?
you gOTTA make the dylan. I think i would buy 2
sooo avant-garde, I admire you for attempting to wear it all the way to class! I really want an AA circle scarf, I wish we had AA in the Philippines boo :| haha
This is pretty much the best way I've seen the circle scarf worn... which is making me want to buy one now even though everyone (overstatement) owns one.
you inspire me everyday to push myself beyond my normal fashion boundaries. seriously, you inspire my life. and i'm a freakin' second quarter FIDM student!
stay amazing! you have a gift!
love your blog!
hey you know I suddenly got frightened looking at that black man.
i'm 13 and i loveeee your blog!
check mine out? - www.couture-rave.blogspot.com
i'm also oon lookbook so look out for me :D
Sisterhood of the traveling scarf sounds amazing. Gah.
Happy Monday is most defenitely an oxymoron. Unless its a Monday Snow Day.
love funny faces, your layering and that little winnie blue star!
your last posts artworks were absolutely amazing!!!
wow you are so young and you already have a awesome (a little weird))style , you go girl
wow you are so young and you already have a awesome (a little weird))style , you go girl
Hi Tavi,
I really like what you're doing, so... original! I wouldn't wear those clothes, it's just not my style, but you are a trendsetter! You should really design clothes, you have wonderful ideas!
fantastic outfit tavi. im sorry you amazing style caused you pain.
oh ... this is the only thing that i can said because its absoluty wonderful (really this is not a joke ! )i love youre "cape" !
and the tartan ...
you doing ANY sort of DIY makes me so happy.
WHOA! Here's an idea what if you wear the tights as sleeve on one hand and another plaid tights on another hand and have the other half bundled into intense shoulder pads.
You should turn that Rei painting into a T-shirt too, its pretty good. And maybe do a better one of Karl. He's a pretty epic one to do. I like your style but im not sure about the net and basket thing. keep it up though x
Woah. Your blog is so awesome! I can't believe your my age :O Your style is so awesome :)
You are so rad girl! Don't let anyone tell you different!
i've been reading your blog for a while now, and realized i never ever comment, so i just wanted to say that you are awesome, and your style is wicked and completely inspiring. baskets hanging from your hip? totally insane and amazing. keep it up.
ooooo i can't wait for the tees!!!!
No the tights work! You look like...futuristic highland girl.... urgh...cannot come up with eloquent magazine-isms to sum it up....but it's all lovely and jolly anyhow...
hey Tavi, ok this has nothing to do with this post but have you HEARD the Ebay song? OH my gosh, you have to listen at it! its a parody of some backstreet boys song- yucccchhh-but it is awesome- check it out on youtube!! just type in "ebay song".
(....my house is filled with this crap,...shows up in BUBBLERAAAP... most everyday, what i bought on EEEEEEbay......)
Your blog is so cool!! great idea !
You should totally invest in one of those circle scarfs. I got one for Christmas and it has changed my life.
P.S. You are the only person on planet earth who could make carpet netting look amazing. Kudos.
that outfit is fanstasticallyexcellent. Like supercalifiragilisticexpialadocious. I think I need one of those circle scarves. And the tights are amazing.
I seriously loooooove the package you sent me. I feel like you know EXACTLY what I like and I'm going to play around with the stuff tommorrow morning (yay!). We should swap again sometime!
I've been stalking the American Apparel housing that scarf for quite some time now, and I'll be really peeved if I don't end up buying one. Imagine all of the things you can do with it!
You work it wickedly, Tavi. And the carpet netting is fabulous!
Rad/sweet outfit! (I'm always afraid of typing sweet when I mean it the surfer way for fear it will come out the cutesy way.) Happy monday is, indeed, an oxymoron.
Cool! your blog rocks
yknow what? the word "EPIC" is BACK AGAIN! (at least in bloggerland)
SO- YEAH!!!!!! ( i was searching for a clever comeback but couldn't find one)
you are inspiring me so much with your great ideas!
thank you:)
Super website with a great sharing and amazing stories is ur web.. please keep doing what u do now.. thanks to you.
togel singapura
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