I've been meaning to cut my hair for a while but kept putting it off, contemplating how short I wanted to go. Yesterday (or the day before? Both were unproductive so I can't remember) I finally cut it. I am mostly pleased it isn't too uneven but I think I'll try to befriend a world class hair stylist to fix it a little. Okay, a lot.
Bad pictures...I'll get more later, but this should give you a small idea...
here my hair looks like a loaf of bread/disney hair, its all floppy
I'm unhappy with how short I went but at least now I can wait longer until I have to cut it again. Over and over again, I would cut one side, cut the other to match, the other ends up shorter than the first so I cut the first but it ends up shorter than the other, etc etc. Oy vey.
Belle said I look like this chick. This was the haircut I WANTED and FAILED at because my face is too round. I don't like how it looks when I wear my glasses (which is all the time) but my prescription needs an update, so maybe I can get different frames too.
Anyways, some of you wanted to know more of what was in my closet after I posted it in Total Mess Mode (or, its usual mode). I finally cleaned it up, so here are pictures for you curious folks...
The inside of the door to my closet which is always open has a rack of my nice shoes and all accessories-sunglasses, belts, jewelry, tights, purses...
Speaking of purses, this is one poem I wrote that I am rather proud of.
Friends are like purses
You drag them around
And take money from them
I am so profound

Inside my closet and to the right is a shelf-rack thang. Tops on top, pants/shorts in the middle, skirts on bottom.
Then my flava fave part is when you walk straight in, because it's all the things too nice to be folded. Velvet 30s dresses, Comme des Garcons, lots of lace, my grandma's old clothes, quilted dresses, and tacky jackets.
[victoria chick picture via jak & jill]

I'm unhappy with how short I went but at least now I can wait longer until I have to cut it again. Over and over again, I would cut one side, cut the other to match, the other ends up shorter than the first so I cut the first but it ends up shorter than the other, etc etc. Oy vey.

Speaking of purses, this is one poem I wrote that I am rather proud of.
Friends are like purses
You drag them around
And take money from them
I am so profound

Suprising, but really nice. :-)
Oh, As the Bell Rings. What quality mini-television...
I like the hair!
i think your hair is gorgeous
it's quite 20s looking. headbands and hats would be super cute. short hair lets you play with more accessories!
Thanks guys <3 I think it's growing on me...
fashionista-lolol I love you so much for knowing that, it's an inside joke with my friend.
The hair is great. I've had similar experiences cutting my hair, that's how I once fell upon an asymmetrical haircut. I embraced the unevenness when I got tired of snipping away more and more hair- just cut the short side shorter...
Though over the years, I've developed a knack for cutting symmetrically...
Your face is not too round for short hair, my friend. Why does everyone who doesn't have a round face think that they do!?!
Oh Tavi, you look so glamorous! Like you should be hanging out with Djuna Barnes in Paris
Your face is not too round for that hair!
How did you come to get so many clothes at such a young age? I mean, wow.
I think you look a bit like Louise Brooks in that second pic. Cute!
(PS I deleted my first post because i didn't notice there was a naked one on the google image search link... woops! this link is safe)
I guess I am my greatest critic? Ah well. Thanks guys <3
fluffy-I am such a packrat it's ridiculous. I still have clothes from when I was a baby, our dress up box, and hand me downs!
Woah, that was fashionably fast. Lurves the hair! Rei Kawakubo isthatchu?! ;)
Your hair is exellent. I cut my own hair, and I know I wouldn't do as good a job. (That 2nd pic is totally Louise Brooks.) And your closet is killing me! A visual feast.
I agree with Amy - Your haircut really does remind me of Louise Brooks:)
I hate the word edgy but I kind of think it aptly describes your new hair.
And omigosh do you leave across from the church where you did that epic photoshoot in a white gown? If so, I'm jealous. Prime photography opportunity across the road.
You have some serious talent there, my friend. I cut my own hair too, but it's totally different because mine is long and very scissor-mistake forgiving. But how the hell did you manage to do such a good job cutting your hair short ON YOUR OWN? I just can't stomach it!
By the way, the last picture is one of my favorites here chez Style Rookie so far!
I love your new haircut.
It kinda looks like this:
And that's a compliment.
new hair is totally rad dudesss
woaoaowa that is one FLY hair style ! i love it! i myself cut my hair the other day , i tried 2 be all 'alice dellal' ish, but i wear glasses and am completely blind without them SO now i look like a cancer patient
thats what i get from stealin a haircut from an IT girl tho
the shame
!n e ways congrats on ur hair love your style happy holidays (::)!
Merry Christmas Tavi :)
I think you look divine daaahling!!
Your hair looks pretty goodd and you have a walk-in closet?!?! Well most people probably do except for me but still! I think its what every fashion freak needs!
<3 Sarah
your hair actually looks really really good, not many people can pull off that kind of haircut. in fact many people wouldn't be brave enough to have that kind of hair, let alone cut it themselves. it looks really great.
your hair is so chic! i love the cut. i've always wanted to go that short- it takes a lot of guts... maybe someday.
I absolutely adore the photos of you in this post, Tavi (and the poem!)
You are one of the most powerfully independent artists around today. I love the strength of your work.
I like your new hair, it looks very versatile! The first pic looks almost like a boy, this is good. Its very helpful to occasionally be mistaken for a boy, people feel embarrassed and then they feel they have to make it up to you and do things like let you on the bus for free.
And you look so much older in the second pic, I think its the dark lips.
ah God, extremely jealous that I can't pull it off (my hair is super curly).
therefore, i love it.
and nice organizing. it looks like it could go on oprah. (you know how they have those organization shows all the time? well, i watch the soup, and i always get my oprah updates from there...so, here here to your extremely clean closet)
you look like a silent film star. adorable!
Love you new hairstyle! Very 20's.
And love the poem :)
...I really love that last picture.
Wow, the haircut is a surprise - but a nice surprise! Its so unique and you look like a Face Hunter girl! I am especially in love with that last photo you've posted.
P.S. -I spy with my little eye, pants with checkerboard kneepads! Yesss!
I think your blog is lovely!! keep up the great posts! I'm so glad to have stumbled upon it.
WOW! I just found your blog and I have to say I am very intrigued, I LOVE you style! I'm definitely adding you to my watch list!
that's an early beatle bowl cut miss mushroom
sheesh, tavs...soon ur gonna tell me ur ugly....
hey, just wondering...ur not gonna go on some kinda blogger break right?? because SO SO SO many blogger s hav already done that and i don't want u too!
you remind me so much of the character Briony from the movie Atonement, you should do an outfit hommage to her! simple 1930's drop-waisted dresses, etc. :]
OMG!!! I love your closet!!! Awsome!!! Great haircut!!
Bum (chic-a) ba-da bum
Love the new haircut. It suits you.
i thought you may be interested in this site.please tell me if you do
I love your blog by the way.It's very interesting.
as the bell rings...ba ba ba ba ba ba ba
like the cut. :)
oh crap! i love your purse poem! so adorable.
and you kind of remind me of myself as a kid. i used to be really blonde, you know? but I've been covering it up for years.
love your hair :]
Tavi, you look stunning in that B&W photo. Absolutely stunning.
I love short hair. But I could never be as brave as you and cut it myself! I had my twin help me cut the bob I had in high school once. She did what you did...kept trying to even out the sides, and in doing so went shorter and shorter...until I finally stopped her and said, "Know what? This isn't working." I went to my stylist the next week to fix it. Hee!
ooh the title is from as the bell rings.
cool, i actually like your hair.
i like your hair. it's... fashionistic. and i dont even think that's a word.
Totally Penny Priddy from Buckaroo Banzai.
Totally diggin the poem. And I think your hair looks great!
i like your version better than the ladies... it's lovley.
wowww! your closet is killer, i wish we were sisters.
your blog is truly amazing, i read about it in this article on fashion blogs in Fashion magazine (not sure if you're aware of that, just putting it out there).
anyway, there's a lot i'd like to say, but to sum it up: i think you're the craftiest cutie on the world wide web!
of course you knew,
you're so cute.
how much i wanna give a big hug to you!
you are the real fashion girl,
you made a real cool blog.
love it ....
link you!
merry chrismas & happy new year!
vika gazinskaya?
It looks totally gorgeous! The second photo looks like a portrait from the 20's. And the bowl cut girl's hair has really grown on me. I hated it at first but... I almost want it myself. But I also think it's kind of... ugly. I don't know.
It looks totally gorgeous! The second photo looks like a portrait from the 20's. And the bowl cut girl's hair has really grown on me. I hated it at first but... I almost want it myself. But I also think it's kind of... ugly. I don't know.
From the childhood of relentless bowl cuts, I can't say that I like it much myself. But it seems to work for you. Wow, you seem to have a LOT of stuff! And I love the poem, haha.
your new hair is so AWESOME. i totally want a boys pudding bowl haircut, but 1. i couldn't pull it off 2. my mum would kill me as she never shuts up about how in love she is with my long hair haha
Oy vey iz mir ahaha I couldn't help but laughing (alone which is ridiculous but no one can see it so...)
Anyway, trying weird haircuts is always very useful, you're confronted to a weird you, a new and audacious you, and that's nice.
I started doing really strange things with my hair at about your age and didn't stop since...
Hm, forgot my name on blogger was a dot. Not very friendly, so I sign properly here :)
its freakin' fantastic. dont worry, tavi. :) i thinking of cutting my hair short - but i'll probably go somewhere and get it done as im too scared to do it myself because if it goes wrong i'll have no one else to blame...
your closet looks great. i want to come to your house and play dress up and then fall asleep in all the piles of beautiful clothes in your wardrobe.
I love your poem, it literally made me laugh out loud. Yes, and the hair looks freakin awesome on you, you wear it well:)
i actually love the hair!! very anna wintour meets futuristic lady. hahah
love the creativity that you have is almost like a colage! Your new hair is nice
This is an awesome post. One of the best.
Clipping Path
nice post thanks
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