Thank you guys for the unbelievably kind and non-patronizing comments on my last post. I didn't mean to sounds complainy or attack anyone, but you guys seem to understand what I was trying to say and it means a lot. Yay for awesome readers! Heartz x10000.
So a while ago, Rumi sent Stephanie a dress that was too small for her. It ended up being too small for Stephanie too, so she handed it over to muah. Look! We're like our own little blogger postal service!
Today I wore it for only like the billionth time and I swear it has magic Rumi germs on it. And I mean germs in the best way possible. Like fairy dust. This lovely little number put everyone around me in a good mood today-the teacher that normally hates me wanted to know how my day was going and said she liked my paper, and my friend and I won the swing dance competition for gym! I owe it all to the dress, the fact that my friend has been dancing for 11 years (5 hours a day, 9 in the summer) and that she led has NOTHING to do with it.

Rumi has a lovely sense of style and that dress reminds of Thakoon prints (: Awesome outfit!
Awesome blog =] i love your witty sayings.
And wow, a dress that looks great AND has magical powers? I gotta get myself one of those. haha
Hey this is not related to the post but in Montreal on national radio every morning there is very popular program in which they talk about different subjects. A few weeks ago they talked about blogs and they mentioned yours and said it was very funny, written by a young girl who likes fashion and really is fashionable (yes, it was a little patronizing, but really not that much.) I thougt you might want to know! and I guess this outfit proves them right.
ooooh, I love that dress! I love colors so much! Before I started blogging I almost NEVER wore black, but now I've seen lots of people wear it stylishly so I do. But I digress. Amazing outfit!
omg this is soooo cutee :]
sorry i know you hate that, but it is!
it's MAJESTIC! how's that? lol
That dress is ridiculously pretty!
That dress is gorgeous. I was going to say "cute" but I refrained. BTW I mentioned you in a note!
Nice dress
Ooh I like it. Dare I say its cute? Its like a blender of fruit in the last pic :P
Your hair is kind of Anna Wintour-ish so I think you should take over for her because honestly it looks better on you and her style is all fur blah.
That dress is fantastic. The shape is perfect. I like how you've captured its motion in your pictures.
I like it when you talk about age irony. I also really like that dress on you. I wish i had a blogger postal service going on!
i love the spinning pictures! you're so cute
love your photos
danny boy, don't be afraid
to shake that ass
and misbehave
i wish i could pull of your bangs
they're amazing
what shoes are you wearing?
it fits you sooo well!
As a precedent, I made this account solely to comment on this blog.
Which probably does sound creepy, but at 15, I'm willing to make that risk. And I just realized that I didn't even need to make an account to comment, but, c'est la vie. I hate patronizing as much as the next girl, but you really are pretty awesome. You're like a mini Anna Wintour, minus the spinster quality. Je t'aime!
Awesome awesome dress! Love your style!
the colors in this dress are amazing
You are so lucky to have snow! I'm dying for some snow so I can A) take a picture in my new red military style dress and B) do all things snow related in it.
I ADORE that dress! The colours are divine. The pattern is almost identical to a vinage blue and white polka dot dress I have. Love the blog!
The dress!! Tav it looks so perfect on you..nothing makes me happier than matching up vintage with new owners. YAYyyy.
I want snow damnit!! I mean, I think.
That second picture has my heart! You have such an eye for color. I wonder if people were more friendly because you were dressed more femininely (I don't think that's a word) than usual? Sometimes I wonder about that.
you do too much name dropping
and that 'rumi germ' phrase is the uncoolest thing to say ever.
hey tavi!
i looooooooooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeee your blog. Check mine out? i only just started so it isnt that crash hot. yet.
Chelsea xx
write back?
You can get a whoop whoop from me. I LOVE the dress so much, and the way you're rocking it. That, um, 4th photo where you're holding it out poised on the verge of a curtsey is my fave. Lovely.
Seriously, I need some sort of device that can a) copy it and b) make it large enough for me to fit into. Like a clothing Xerox machine.
whoop whoop.
by the way, i have a dress that i think was my grandmother's. my sister's boyfriend described it as 'very World War 2'.
neither she, nor i are going to wear it.
so hit me up at and let me know how i can get it to you. word?
That dress makes me very happy too! It's true that an outfit can make your whole day better, when I don't feel "right" about what I'm wearing I just feel off the whole day... and the complete opposite when I'm in an awsome outfit!
I'm glad that you spoke up last post, about the age thing. I mentioned that in a post from a few weeks ago too, ageism is really something that has always bothered me. Society today is so obsessed with age, either the extremely young or "too old" for this or that. I wish people would judge less upon one's age, it's not WHO they are it's just a number!
round n' round
i have a feeling the world will have to reckon with you.
and as everyone else here does, so do i: i completely envy your style. and how you happen to find these things.
okay, the fact that you have a swing dance competition in gym class is just beyond not fair. i had to go to a jewish centre on the south side to learn how to swing dance. and i was, like 17 at the time. Not fair.
i think you pretty much the most amount.... of genius... EVER, ok maybe not as genius as the person who once upon a time made this most amount of dress
i think you pretty much the most amount.... of genius... EVER, ok maybe not as genius as the person who once upon a time made this most amount of dress
You're so cute, Tavi! :) I had to start reading your blogs after I saw your cute pictures on Weardrobe (Psst, I'm Christine) You are quite the prodigy! I remember when I was tweleve, the only thing I knew how to do was collect beanie babies! You're a genius.
Hi Tavi,
i just stumbled onto your blog as i just started a blog and i'm amazed at your sense of style! it's so original and unique. I'd love to hear from you and ask where u get all your inspirations from!!
do you wear eyeliner?? the fourth pic kinda seem to have eyeliner effect! it's so cool.
LOVE the dress, nice pairing, tights and sneakers!
I write for a living and read your blog every day.
Regardless of your age (or your fashion sense) you are a gifted writer...keep it up!
I love that dress. If only I could find something that awesome in the thrift shops
Can you guys say: "Mom is actually the one behind this blog" three times fast?
Hello! Okay, I just found your blog, but can I just say, I love you already. I know you probably get tired of comments on your age, but you are blowing my mind, girl! You come off as cooler and way more intelligent than most of the 20-somethings I know. So, yeah. I'm a new reader, for sure!
tavi your photos are so pretty, i love whatever it is that you do to them. love the shoes with the dress and you're making me wanna cut my hair.
Feelin the fashion love. heading to one of a kind chicago. see you there?
wow, you are so mature. i know you probably get that alot, but it's true.
I love you, I love your tights. There's really nothing else to be said.
I want more scary faces! The last post was so friggin' funny!
grande! ti ammiro tantissimo..sei a dir poco geniale! wow..
The Tavster,
I just wanted to let you know that I had THE MOST BADASS JACKET from The Children's Place when I was like, 6. It was reversible. And green. And printed. Ugh, so good. And this post made me nostalgic for it. That is all.
Love always,
Style Magz
I don't even like pink. I have a serious aversion to it since an overdose of it in childhood (thanks mom), but this dress makes me happy. Mostly though, I see that it makes you happy, and I wonder if that is why you had such a positive reaction from people today. I'm gonna get all psychological (its my vocation, bear with me), but I have outfits like this too. I put them on and its like some magical happy powers come over me and the world is an entirely better place! (We actually have what are called "mirror neurons" in our brains that may attest to some of this reflecting on the people you encountered today, but I digress.
PS: In regards to your last blog, "Scare 'em with studs" is the new "Kill 'em with kindess"
Rumi germs! I want some! =D Haha but that is such a gorgeous and cheerful dress, and it's just perfect with the bright socks and the converse.
Hello. I was just introduced to your blog today and I absolutely adore your style, as well as some of the photography you've posted.
I was curious as to what kind of camera you use for your self-portraits. They are so quaint and lovely.
That dress makes me so happy :].
Swing dance in gym? I'm jealous. The best my school does is pop in old Richard Simmons videos which are kind of disturbing/kind of fun.
I totally just read through 3/4 of my blog during my study hall today. That's right: You're more important then my english homework. Score!
hey tavi - just wanted to say that you & your blog have reminded me how important inspiration is in everyday fashion. Thank you for that!
this dress is so bright and fun that it just makes me happy. :)
and also, you are currently my main obsession, which sounds quite creepy and stalkerish but really isn't. :D i've never been interested in fashion before, really, but now i'm trying to make an effort do wear something interesting every once in while. so that's a good thing. ^^
so childrens place- except i shopped in childrens place in the 80s, but so perfect at the same time!!
colors = perfection
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