I was so excited to be featured on Teen Vogue as Blogger of the Moment! Thanks TV :) I'm honored. The interview is
here in case you're interested.

Also, my
tribute dedicated to younger bloggers was taken note of at the
New York Observer, and a few people from the post got a shout out, too. Congrats guys!
So I was bored the other day and decided to try out a Topshop Unique adaptation. How they managed to mix my favorite things (80's, pastels, acid wash) into one line...I'll never know. Totez appropz.

Why do I look like I want to kill someone in all of these? Hm. I guess I hate taking pictures inside. Though one of these was taken outside (YOU'LL NEVER GUESS WHICH ONE ALL THE LIGHT IN #4 IS JUST BECAUSE I KEEP A GIANT SUN WITH ME AT ALL TIMES IN CASE OF EMERGENCY).
Oh, here's my adaptation of
Margiela, too:

I prefer this to my regular face. Very warm in the winter and can serve conveniently as a kleenex.
congrats on the tv blogger of the month :D
im from australia, and you were also featured in our #1 girl magazine girlfriend. it says:
twelve year old 'style rookie' tavi creaters her own blog like no other. check out her stellar wardrobe filled with inspiring and eccentric ebsembles; a mix of target, high street and vintage. she describes herself as a mix of little lu lu, iggy pop and snop doggy dog. go to tavi-thenewgirlintown.blogspot.com
Tavi, it's Jonah. The one taken outside is the one of you in mismatched tights. I can tell because of the lighting from the sky and the whiteness of it. You won't dupe me. Also, when are we gonna hang? Me you and David gotta grab some grub. Propose a date.
Of course because of my great luck I'm the only person not mentioned in the article. Anyway they should have you model for Topshop. You look amazingly cool! Plus I kind of have an addiction to posing with my hair all over my face like that. Seriously there are like at least 10 pictures of Facebook tagged of me like that.
congratulations - i love your blog!
oh, topshop. i am so obsessed right now that it's not even funny. i can't stop browsing through the punk couture lookbook. fortunately, they've recently opened one in nyc.
your interview was wonderful! all of your photos are so cool.
congrats girll!
Congratulations! I love your Topshop Unique interpretations--they're very true to to their source, but also seem to be very you. Haha, I love the Margiela picture.
Hahaha! I love your Margiela-hair caption! :D And your interpretation of Topshop is spookily accurate.
you're my hero.
Thanks guys!
And Ana, there were only a few people mentioned in the article. Not everyone! You deserved to be of those few, though =P
Gosh Jonah I have a TELEPHONO. Also David is becoming a huge egomaniac, we need to help hims soon.
Oh, and Chloe-thanks for letting me know!
yo son. get me some hooker tights and i'll get you a super fly blazer from goodwill tommorow. true story.
actually i'll probz get you one either way BUT GIVE ME LEVERAGE HOMEGRL.
I WILLLLLL. Hang on. I need to turn on the ass-kissing charm.
I need a blazer anyways, so thank you =D and I need to get your damn 20s dress tailored. It's gorg.
Topshop was probably my favorite show. It was just so...perfect. I love your adaptation of it to!I think the picture second to left is my favorite.
aw congrats, girl. i'm jealous! :) i have to say. it's a little humbling to be envious of someone so much younger than me, but i love it! i'm definitely going to have to pick that issue up. love your blog
congratss on being blogger of the moment!
i love your blog.
wanna trade links?
absolutely awesome. sosososo jealous tavi. Not only do you have an awesome blog friendship with the vintage floral pants giving fashion pirrate, but you took away the one thing that Ive wanted 4-evah. SOB
Kinda cant visit your blog anymore.
and ANA-
I was not featured either. dont sweat it. though that doesnt say much, cause your awesome-er then me
lydiajoy-It's only on the site! Don't buy an issue just for me =P
oh my dear tavz
blowing my mind daily, still.
your margiela look is tres magnifique.
youre adorable and this post is halarious! :D
congrats on getting in nytimes and teen vogue (and i guess nyobserver, but i actually saw the other two online)
now you have yet -another- person who will be reading your blog! :)
i hope you can do something great with all this style sense you have! =)
Topshop Unique definitely took inspiration from you. And yeah, the only downside to the Margiela hair is the little fact that you can't see.... But who really cares about that anyway?
yay tavi!
we gotta get together on halloween and then you can wear the margiela face and ill wear the ysl face and we'll pretty much take over the world.
congrats on getting into teenvogue!
i loved what you said about kurt and bob dylan, fashion should definitely be inspired by musical geniuses!!
by any chance do you know the name of the designer that created the range inspired by kurt ?
ive been desperately searching google for the namee and i can't find it :(
Congratulations! even though you must be sick of hearing that now :) No wonder you were featured, seriously. And your margiela-look is... well, intereseting. The kleenex is genius, must be why she put the look on the catwalk...
Congrats on being featured! I loved the TU stuff too and your inspired by version is great. How amazing was that love predictor dress? I need it!
Thanks guys!
Oh my god. Seriously, looking at the pictures of the Comme Des Garcons for H&M collection (through the link in your sidebar) gave me shivers. Ahh ahh ahh ahh they better have it at a store close to me or else!
I am so thrilled like this, you just widened my tiny world you lovely girl.
I heart your rosie the riveter headscarf.
hannah cheeto-DUDEZ I know! I've already started budgeting my money and cutting back on the junk food I buy in malice towards my health-obsessed teacher. Notice how I said BUDGETING. I'm being fr srs here!
A link to store locations (thank god for chicago, right?)
awwww, tavi!
thanks for mentioning me in the Teen Vouge thing! it means a lot. <3
you're an inspiration to me as well. :)
thanks again.
Have you ever thought about sewing your own pieces? I'm getting my own sewing machine this Saturday and I'm so ready to start cutting up all the old clothes I don't wear anymore and reconstructing them. Bet you could do the same!
I've tried sewing hems and such before, but I have absolutely zero patience slash am a lazy ass. I seriously wish I could sew but I'm terrible at it! Maybe I'll try when I'm older. I don't trust myself with anything too sharp at the moment xD
You crack me up so hard. I gave you a blog award, here.
P.S. -Did you thrift that massive sweatshirt that you are wearing as a dress? I love it!
Yes I surely did! God I love it so much. After 3 washes it still smells like the Salvation Army though...nottttt ok
just some constuctive criticism:: hmmm i think some of them are ok, but, the gargantuan sweater, ...not so hot. you need a little somethin' to spice it up...know wat i mean???? maybe a pastel colored strip of tulle used as a belt or somethin...and the cut-off jean legwarmers, do not look very flattering either....
then again, don't take my ramblings to heart, as you have your own individual style. i respect that and think you are a much better fashionista than i was in 7th grade (oohh...bad memories...)but yeh, i think your a really sick chic, and can and do take style tips from you..., but this post...hmmmm...
I agree that my outfits here aren't very flattering, but if you've been reading my blog for a while you'll see that that is in no way my goal when I dress. The big sweater would look good belted, but I was going for something similar to look #3 in my Topshop Unique collage, and the sweater there is not belted either. With the denim legwarmers I was trying to make up for the leg coverage the boots give in the Topshop line, and took inspiration from Martin Maison Margiela there, as well.
I disagree with what you said, but appreciate that you said it. Comment boxes are not just for positivity! Thank you for the constructive criticism, I'm very open to hearing that type of thing.
thank you so much for the TV mention! you really brightened my night, which just ended in my lecture friend showing me her new £140 uggs and me saying "............mmmm......heh.....................so wana go to the vending machine?" while thinking 'oh terrible student world, where have all the fashionable people gone!" they must all be where you live, your town is very lucky to have you and stephanie of fashion robot in it!
Teen Vogue as Blogger of the Moment, well it's not a surprise, is it?
I mean, you blog is totally cool and you seem to be too!
Seriously, I want to be like you when a grow younger. so funny last pic and caption! :D
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