It's fall.
It is! Today leaves were falling, and I got to wear my red Mary-esque coat, and it was windy...I love it. Love it.
This is what I wore today, except for Rosh Hashanah services in which I didn't wear anything worth posting. High holidays, gotta wear something presentable. Falling asleep during the rabbi's sermon would've looked a LOT worse had I been wearing lame leggings. Not that there's really any way to cover up from falling asleep during the rabbi's sermon, but...ahem. My outfit for cyberstalking the Margiela line (still recovering) and walking the dog.
dress, calvin klein scarf, belt: thrifted. socks: american apparel. coat: hand-me-down. shoes: old character shoes
When I was walking my dog a TOTAL Arthur episode took place. My poor baby (I am not totally heartless and tactless when it comes to animals) started choking on someone's trash. Litterbugs suck.
Luckily, I realized that we've owned about 3 tripods for about 10 years now, so pictures are about to get way better. Taking these pictures was ridiculously awkward though. Oh suburbians, why can't you be like New Yorkers and pay no attention when someone isn't being a completely semi-normal human being? Is it really that weird to set up camera equipment on a street corner and take pictures of yourself?
When I was walking my dog a TOTAL Arthur episode took place. My poor baby (I am not totally heartless and tactless when it comes to animals) started choking on someone's trash. Litterbugs suck.

soccer dad: Look son, that girl is taking pictures with a tripod and everything!
little boy: Whoa! What are you taking pictures of?
girl about to hijack the next car she sees and drive to new york: that go by. It's for school.
I really need cue cards for these types of situations.
"Oh suburbians, why can't you be like New Yorkers and pay no attention when someone isn't being a completely semi-normal human being?"
Hahaha. That is exactly what I think to myself everyday of my junior high filled life.
P.S. I love that coat!
It was eighty-five degrees here today. Why must you make me suffer thoroughly with your falling leaves and fabulous fall wardrobe?
Love the coat. I always buy red coats for all seasons, have a red light-wieght trench, and red wool coat. It's the best colour. You look great as always.
Oh, now I want a red coat.
You look amazing.
I love your outfit. Maybe I can finally use my character shoes :-)
I want your socks! Oh, and fall started yesterday here in California! So cool! I wish New York was driving distance away, darn you East-coasters!
I love your coat and your whole outfit. I agreee Suburbians are strange. Can't they be like everyone else and not care.
that coat is so YOU.
and ps people are dumb. :)
wow...i know exactly how you feel about the suburbians staring at "weird" people. my loverly schoolmates (not!) stare at me all the time, since i tend to wear "interesting..." clothes...and not abercrombie hoodies.
but i love the outfit.
and the blog
wanna trade links?
I love all that red!
And ugh, I know what you mean about Suburbians..... They're terrible, haha.
This outfit is so well assembled! And I'm NOT just saying that it's good for you being so young, you're a well-dressed girl period, age being disregarded. The colors are beautiful, and you wear them well! :)
And I will tell you, being a NYC girl, yes, it is easier to get away with things like taking pictures of yourself and people not being all weirded out and/or curious about it. This is not to say New Yorkers will not stare, at all, but they're usually don't care too much (they've seen it all in a sense, with so many people around) or too busy to care (or too busy trying to pretend they don't care) to make any comments or ask questions. :)
hahaha. come to new york! you can do the CRAZIEST shit on the street there, way beyond tripods and stuff, and NO ONE CARES. i should know. it's awesome!! =DD
LOVEEE the outfit. gah it's high holidays for me too. but thank god, i'm bat-mitzvah'd now so my dad doesn't force me to go anymore YESS. but anyways, internet high five for being jewish!!
and gah, why does everyone like fall. ALL fashion bloggers seem to like fall. i want summer back. GIVE ME MY SUMMER. =[
wow, i really do post the longest comments. haha.
this outfit is beautiful. i love the reds.. somehow even though there's so much red, it looks gorgeous. this is quite possibly one of my favourite outfits of yours.
i had a similar experience when onlooking streetpeople and neighbors spied on me while taking photos of myself in my back yard.
very very pretty!!
You look fantastic. I lovelovelovelove red. (That first photo is totally Schindler's List.)
i remember that arthur episode. if it wasn't for that good old chess player pal would have bit the dust.
Thanks guys!
S.C.-Dude, that seriously means a lot. Because it's one thing when people say "you're so well dressed for 12!" but having my outfits criticized NOT based on my age is what I value the most. Thank you <3
yoncto-ARGH I WANNA GO TO NYC. *high five* I miss the no-school part of summer but I love this weather, especially for dressing :)
kim-OMGZ YOU ARE TOTEZ RIGHT. I love you for that.
very Hermes.
i love it.
i need to whip my fall clothing out!!!
Wow. I just realized how stupid picture one looks. I'm about to run into a pole O_O
Maybe I'll take another one where I'm running down the street or something.
I love the outfit, especially the coat. It's good that you can become a complete camera whore before society has instilled into you the untrue message that it is strange to take pictures of yourself. I of course mean camera whore in the best of ways. I would have no idea what to do if someone witnessed me taking outfit pictures, so I never venture outside.
your photoshop skills are getting better
Gorgeous outfit. The prints are so nicely done and the coat, of course, is amazing.
I don't see why people feel the need to stare when they see someone with a tripod? It makes me feel a bit awkward also..
Would you like to trade links?
try that outfit in hawaii and see what happens.
LOVE the outfit. too cute.
you look great in that red coat!
It's okay. My professional photographer friends still do some concept pieces by the road in a sleepy neighborhoods, and nearly get run over by gawker drivers. Being unusual never goes unnoticed.
Also, I wish I knew more about Jews. I think they're awesome.
you're very mature for your age. deffinatly different to most twelve year olds i know.
ahaha. i managed to skip high holiday services. ahhh the benefits of being in 12th grade....a crushing amount of homework such that i can't afford to miss very much school. ahaha. suckerr...
but seriously i feel bad, i really will try to go on yom kippur!
and on a side note, i love your outfit!
ps. i'm on my brother's blogger account. i'm not actually dorky enough to have self-entitled 'monkeysarecool1'.
hey girl. amazing stuff.
the pictures are amazing, although they're kind of reminding me of the iconic red coat in the film 'don't look now', so i'm a bit scared too! your outfit is amazing in the last pic.
I love the all red! And haha lots of people really don't get people taking pictures of themselves.... Sigh, if only they knew.
you're so adorable I could just scream. I Adore this blog, with a capital A
fab outfit tavi. Google "Butlins red coat" for a whole new world of red coats!
Once I was trying to take a photo of myself by placing my camera onto sort of a brick wall near someone's house.. as I was walking away to strike a (lame) pose, this guy walks past, picks up my camera, and says to me 'umm you forgot your camera' !!! Dumbass!
PS I love your red coat! No actually I love the dress more!
You look so classy and...classy! You are always so beautiful and inspirational. Yeah, I totally understand the akwardness of taking pictures of yourself. I can only do it when my roommate is asleep or away!
beautiful, beautiful dress.
i am an avid reader! x
tavi, you're pretty much living my life...suburbia is so awful. i had a a situation similar to yours. i have with these huge dorky glasses i wear. a girl in my homeroom asked me why i bought them, and i had to make an excuse that i bought them for halloween...
but fall is the best...besides spring. but i still love fall!
You really pulled off the red-on-red-on-red-on-red!!
The coat is fantastic, I am a red shoe girl personally. You are far from rookie little dear, I would be far more rookie than thee.
im mclovin the coat! i saw this green one that was so victorian-esque, too bad the sleeves were too short.
i love arthur!!!!!
WNED every weekday at 4pm :D :D :D
tavi tavz, you look perfect.
ps i miss muxtape too
ah, i do so love the fall. you just reminded me that you're jewish. done yer bat-mitzvah yet? i bet my rosh hashana was more interesting then yours. poor little suburban jewish girl. no need to kvetch.
Hello jew. I am not bm'd yet, not until May. I am VERY looking forward to the colorful paper plates and balloons we'll have though.
your outfit is impeccable, darling.
And I think it's fun when people stare haha
I love the Arthur reference. I'm still laughing about it.
I love fall!
I love jackets!
I love you in jackets in the fall! : )
ha same thoughts all the time. sometimes i'll ask people to take pictures of my outfits or my sister will see me snapping pics in the driveway, they think it's strange. they just don't understand.. ha
you inspire me very much
maybe my fave outfit of yours ever.
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