oogum boogum

Long time no talk! I am currently enjoying these final summer days before school starts and my brain has to function properly, as well as working on that teen gurlz site I've been babbling on about. When I finish working on something for it I don't really feel like spending more time on the computer so posting here will now be less frequent. This makes me sad because of my obsessiveness over recording everything and nostalgia and things, but I'm also really, really excited about the site, and I love working on it, and it feels natural to be spending more time on that now.

Offline, I have been doing things such as summer reading! You'll never believe this, but I found a way to transfer something on the Kindle into real life, like, being in my hands. Right now I am enjoying this 3D Kindle in particular:
I am a big advocate for decorating and writing in books and lending and giving them to people. This one had a nice letter from the person who gave it to me on the inside that I didn't find for months until I started reading it, which was quite a nice surprise, and I support stickers of any kind on anything. The last time Ella and I did the Ouija board I needed somewhere to write the answers, and I like having them on the inside of the back cover:
(Bigger, more readable version here.)
Isn't that the best weirdest thing ever?? I thought it would be cool to try to make an outfit of what Bobby or her ghost would wear. (And I got her permission too, I just didn't write it in the book because the answers are so pretty right now and it would add some kind of insincerity.) (As Ella reminds me, Bobby probably doesn't know what a blorg is, but I'm just gonna take her enthusiastic "YES" and run with it.) (And in twenty years when I commit some terrible crime, it will be noted by an Internet Expert [a real occupation in 2031] that I was always going on about a "ghost" named "Bobby" as a youngun, which should have acted as a sign of my emotional and mental instability.) (Then I will join a cult!) (And John Waters will want to be my friend.)

Anyway, it was hard to get all those facts about her into one outfit, so I did two. This one is about how much she loves Ella's garden (the flower crown), and her age and ghostliness (the creepy dress). The inspiration for my hair being wet was that I had no reason to shower before 7 PM that day. Why would anyone shower early in the day during the summer? Other than because they, you know, have lives and motivation and hygiene and stuff?
Petra made this crown and the flower girl dress is thrifted. I've been wanting to take some kind of creepy Shining picture with it in our school locker rooms for forever because there's this one hallway of stalls and mirrors that's really eerie, but during the changing time for gym I'm usually too busy trying not to inhale any air to set up a tripod.

Then for this one I was thinking (very deeply and intensely) about red as Bobby's favorite color, being a kid in Kentucky in the 30's, and that this lil punk stole a gun from her big brother to go hunting.
Thrifted shirt and boy scout shorts, crown gifted to me by Meadham Kirchhoff, and American Flag bead pin found in our basement.

I think Ouija-interviews-as-outfits could be fun to do more often. These next coming months, as we revel in our fall witchiness, I think we will try the board in the woods for the first time. We probably got a little girl who likes a garden because we decorated the board with plastic daisies from my room, real flowers from Ella's garden, tiny jewels, and a pink plastic unicorn. Maybe next time we'll try all of my Twin Peaks memorabilia to actually get Bob.


Sam said...

that book is awesome... my room mate is really into ghosts right now ha: http://teen-ghost.com/

Fabrício Pereira Da Silva said...



Gabby said...

"3D kindle" hehe you are the best!

Larissa Blintz said...

That last picture is golden and i love all these outfits! you are good Tavi!

Velvet Codeine

Anonymous said...

The first look with the flower crown is so simultaneously creepy and hippietimes and culty. The second look is also SO GOOD. Also, your hair looks SO GOOD disheveled. Haha. The look with the Meadham Kirchoff crown is very punky and lying in a meadow smoking a cigarette with an angsty friend. Love it.

Claire said...

These are ridiculously beautiful and eerie in the absolute best combination possible. I love EVERYTHING. Seriously, everything about these photos are perfect.

Renee Revolution said...

You make me want to play with a Ouija board. Maybe I will actually do that someday...

I love the concept behind your outfits. Such a neat idea to see your interpretation of this spirit.

The Eye Behind the Detail said...

I love where your imagination takes you.

The book, a good read. Something similar in a completely different way (if that makes sense), Albert Camus' The Stranger.
He is considered an existentialist and this is one of my favorite books. Ever, seriously, that's saying a lot.

Love the ghostly white dress.

Cristina said...

I like your soft-focus pics. Those look especially nice <3


meagan said...

perfect as always.

SAMANTHA said...

Wow, you have grown up a lot since the last time I read your blog! I must say, you are growing into a fine, young lady. The Ouija board is a little freaky, maybe just because I had a terrible experience with it, but it's still interesting as hell!

Anyways, just letting people know I'm back. I posted an explanation for my absence and it would be greatly appreciated if I got some feedback. :)

Thanks :)


Autumn Trillium said...

your new camera makes nice photographs, yes. it adds a tactile dimension to the blog. Loves it c:
The ouiji board tells a very interesting story...

Anonymous said...

The photos are so... gorgeous and I really adore your flower girl dress, beautiful! Thanks for sharing : )


Lia said...

cant wait to see your site!

Glass of Fashion

alex said...

creepy awesomery

D said...

luh dis

Anonymous said...

God, I love that book. I might decorate my copy with stickers too. I have quite the collection I could use up. You also look lovely.

Lena said...

You're adorable!

Paper Crane said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lovers, Saints & Sailors said...

Oh man, what a cool outfit concept. And you really nailed them too. Of course.

Anonymous said...

I took a shower after reading this post and was scared.
Ouija Boards + Bobby = freaky deaky.

Anonymous said...

"CASTLE, Robert, Jr.
Robert Castle, Age 7, Killed By Brother, 12 Robert Castle, Jr., age 7, was shot and instantly killed Monday by his brother, Russell Castle, age 12. The brothers were out hunting when the gun was accidently discharged. A load of shot from a 12-guage shotgun entered the boy's right side, the shot ranging upward toward the heart. The brothers are sons of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Castle of Sitka, this county. The family, and especially the older brother, were almost prostrated over the accident. Paintsville Herald Thursday January 12, 1939"

But you probably already read that. Still...

Tavi said...

Unknown -- WHOA! I did some googling but couldn't really find anything. That's a little strange.

And thanks guys!

notanymore said...

Camus is great. Just covered The Stranger in my political philosophy course.

Tavi, while I'm generally a fan of you doing your own thing, as the child of two librarians I coil in horror at writing in books. I don't even highlight textbooks. It was considered "defacing" even you owned the book!

My parents insist you use a notepad, young lady! :)

Apparel Hunter said...

Your looks are amazing! You're so brave.



haha...about the ouija board, i've remembered my times in junior-hi (well...i'm an oldie), we always played that call-spirit-things and we named it 'guardian-angel-games' err...not board, but D.I.Y with paper and pen (as a pointer), and really shock that it really moves by itself (i played with the same rookie, must be succesful?), and feel horror afterwards. The disney-sticker things just something that i collected when i was in elementary (1993 era) and exchanged with friends (sticker album is a must)...just a good memories.

Love your pict. there Tavi, you really resemblence a nymph you know (well...i hate to define it as fairy, 'cause i'm a tinkerbell-hater). Love and really dig your blog too:D

from outsider, sincerely. LxOxOL


Tavi said...

Kionan, books should live and breathe and be decorated! But I also attack everything I own with stickers and drawings...

jeunes gens comme hier said...

I LOVE YOU TAVI !!!!!!!! What a great great great atmosphere and an original personality !! I love your style, I love your sensibility and what you show on this blog. It's a "goldmine" inpiration. <3
Excuse my english so bad, because I'm french ! Hahahaha


Eline said...

You're looking wonderful!
and I really love the not-sharp photos..

Julia said...




Anonymous said...

It would terribly become wimpy if you post less frequent in you coo, fashion-tastic blog. I mean, I'm so loving it. Your creative writing and your raw fashion taste. I'd love to see more from you.

Anonymous said...

It would terribly become wimpy if you post less frequent in you coo, fashion-tastic blog. I mean, I'm so loving it. Your creative writing and your raw fashion taste. I'd love to see more from you.

carla said...

Me and my friend tried an ouija board. It didn't work. Maybe that's cause I was too chicken to actually believe in the spirits.
cool outfits

Rosie said...

the last photo is super cute!!

Minnie Clipper said...

Congratulations!! Your blog is amazing. Like every posts.

Please take a look at mine

L said...

Literally, that crown is super-pretty! *Giggles*


Metalbabe96 said...

Nice. I love the dinosaur stickers on Franny and Zooey. Nice high-waisted shorts, too.


The Fancy Teacup said...

Not only is Franny & Zooey a fantastic read, but included with a decorated letter? Sold. You look like a beautiful, ghostly garden nymph with the floral crown and a school girl with a vengeance in the other. Both decadent and lovely looks.

♥, Jamie

Estella said...

love your style!!!

corinna said...

the photos are awesome

corinna said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Julia said...

Hey, i'm from Germany! I love your Blog and your style.
you are awesome!!

Daniel said...

Would really love to meet you one day you simply sound Amazing !

Noeh said...

cool post.. you inspire me.. love it!
im following your blog now..
hope you check and follow my blog too.
i talk about fashion and more...

Oscar and Anna Inc. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Oscar and Anna Inc. said...

3D kindle! Very cute. Red is on my mind. oscarandanna.blogspot.com Yummmmmy!!

kate said...

my friend audrey and i used her ouija board at her house and they keep theres stored inside an old t.v. (i have no idea why) there was a little boy named tim from new orleans, he "said" he watched movies with us at night, it was the coolest thing because we watched easy A and me and audrey were laughing and once we stopped we heard someone else laughing, not creepy or anything just like he had heard a really good joke......any way i love the flowers and everything.sorry this thing is so crazy long, i really love your blog


Lauren said...

I need to start on my summer reading. Beautiful pictures. I've only used a ouija board once (since my mother won't let me buy one. She got angry when my brother and his friends made one out of a pizza box, which I think is the most awesome idea he's ever had.) and even then it didn't work. My friend said it only worked for her and her boyfriend. But I find them really cool anyway.

Helena said...

So inspiring!
I love the pictures!!!
I follow you!

Please visit my blog:

Anna L. Roeder said...

Once met a lady named Gumby through the Ouija. Her lover gave her an amythyst and she was from the year 500 A.D.
Ghosts can be so inspiring!
Loved the post!

anni said...

i love this loads ♥


Audrey said...

Your first outfit is so perfect and kind of like the creepy innocent look, while the second is more dark! Love both of them! ^^

bla said...

i think i´m in love with your hair <3

Leslie Christen | Fashion Stylist said...

I love JD Salinger, this book is amazing



Su said...

I love your outfit.I feel as if the shorts and the shirt were made for each other. Also did you use another camera for these pictures? The quality looks different, but gorgeous.

David said...

Tavie, it makes me sad that I have no one like you to do anything with. your the friend I wish lived in the same tri-state area.

David said...

Dearest Tavi. Why do you have to live so far away. we would make such good friends. all I have around me are loser bone heads who like Pretty Little Liars. KILL ME!

EmK said...

why do i miss your posts like this... but i really like your second outfit. if you were where I am you'd really like a place called junque cellar. so much of that flowy feel there. OH GOSH how I wish you were in Canada...

Lydia Armstrong said...

Oh, Tavi, I love this post!!! Probably my favorite you've done in long time. You look so freaking pretty and these shots are great.

Kathleen said...

So great pics !

Kathleen said...

So great pics !

Chloe Moreau said...

Wow! I love the light, ghost-like ones, they're so pretty, but in a mysterious way. And Franny and Zooey is such a good book!


Osteolaemus said...

Tavi I love you for the part about wet hair.

Unknown said...

Hi melancolic and sweet girl. The pics are genial as always. You are always inspired by diferents concepts. Those concepts has a new meaning on your blog. Thanks for share your ideas. Now I'm very happy, I WON the fist prize in a competition for one of the best Masters of Photography. I invite you to see the pics. regards from spain! ;)

Caitlin said...

maybe I missed it, but whats the teen girl site? I want to follow it!

Anonymous said...

the photos are incredible, especially those of the second outfit. the shadows on your face in the first photo and the lack thereof in the second are both really ghostly.

Little Tree Vintage said...

these photos are amazing.

lamarin said...

tres bien, tavi. <3

Alexi Frest said...

Good to see you again! I love the blurred photos.

H said...

WOAH this is the dopest post you've done in a loooong time.
The vibes jumped off the page and I could feel that shit. Eerie and awesome

------- said...

Wow this post inspired me.. I love your outfits, and your "Bobby" look with the flower crown is just perfectly eerie, wish I was called that. I need an Ouija board to find me a ghost to dress up as...


Ana said...

Bonjour madamoiselle!
Hi Tavi,
I'm Ana (16 years old from Melbourne, Australia) and I thought I'd send ya a crazy fan email because I'm crazy. Well not really, it's just you know, I think that you've got a really similar way of thinking to me and I reckon you're cool. Aaaah this is going to make me sound like even more of a desperado/stalker fan but I can nevertheless shamelessly say WE LIKE ALL THE SAME FRICKEN THINGS. oh em gee it's just everything from cult classic movies to Daria, Nico (I can not believe you got to go to the Chelsea Hotel, so so envious right now), the 60's, self-conciousness/hyper awareness of what everyone thinks although on the other hand completely able to stop it from affecting us - I'm really pretty non-revolutionary but I defy everything inside my own head - I'm so rebel it's outrageous. Hmmm it's just a lot of things but anyway, you seem like you've got a lovely little brain there with lots of beautiful thoughts so *cliche* "Keep doin' what you're doin' sweetie!"

Love Ana...
I'm reading some Chuck Palahniuk at the moment (guy who wrote Fight Club) and I really think that it's worth reading in terms of looking at everything.

cat said...

you look gorgeous.

Emily said...

WOW - 3D Kindle - i like those the best. especially when you find a little added touch of human.

x xxx

Anonymous said...

fortune-telling to me is something scary and fun) to follow if your records in the book)
your look well the idea

85%ofatruestory said...


you and this girl could be sisters

bla said...

i always feel like i´m in alice in wonderland, in an modern way when i see your pics
keep goin!

Anonymous said...

Great post, love the shorts! The crown is just too cute!


Please take a minute to look at my trunkshow;


20thCgirl said...

Love the 30s / Ouija board inspired outfit, what a cool concept to base a look on. The photos of you in the white dress are really cool and Miss Havisham-y almost!

Haley said...

LOVE The 2nd look! I have a pin exactly like that :p


Miss Woody said...

gorgeous last picture !

Cosmia said...

I hate to ruin your fun, but the "spirit" contacting you is not the little girl it is pretending to be. It is an evil spirit, expecially since it is enticing you to use it more. You should get rid of it, especially for Ella's sake. She seems to be more vulnerable to it. Burn the board, or get rid of it. Please. I learned it the hard way.

Brittney said...

I never get tired of your aesthetic, Tavi! ;) The flannel shirt/boy scout shorts combo is amazing. I just did a duality themed photo shoot that is somewhat similar, but not nearly as well photographed. ;)

TheClocktowerForest said...

Love your head pieces. I like to make my own headbands. I like to make lots of stuff.

Neat blog,

L'marie said...

you look all grown up since i last checked your blog you! missed it so much because i forgot the url but im back to follow you :)
xxx love http://wonderingwolves.blogspot.com/

zoomslow said...

Thank you, I will have to do some further investigation into this "Franny and Zooey" that you speak of! :-)

"I like having them on the inside of the back cover" - I blew this up Tavi, and had a good look. Not only is it so very interesting in terms of the conversation, but, it's just working so well as an object: with your writing that I've always liked [;-)], the stickers, the arrows, the crossing out etc. I think you should make a colour photocopy of it and put it in a frame.

And I really like the 2nd outfit photo - you just look very awesome, and if I had to describe why, then I'd describe everything. So if someone asked me why I liked the picture, I'd direct them back to the picture and say, "That's why!"

P.S Yay, John Waters! I could just sit for hours watching him being interviewed. As soon as he starts talking I can feel my mind wandering off to some really cool, and weird, and creative alternate universe...

Anonymous said...

I really want to read Franny and Zooey and I still haven't. Sigh, Uni taking over my life.

Anyway, I noticed that you apparently have a new account on lookbook.nu Tavi, I became a fan... but I'm a little suspicious. Is it actually you?

- Sophie

Aneta said...

I've read throug all the comments to see if anyone has complimented you on the red star on your temple.

As for your interest in the spirit world, one would think that teenage girls be vulnerable to all kinds of dangers - both in the material and any other possible realm :) One would want to protect them. But they need to experience the world, don't they? ;) Probably they need to learn the hard way and most certainly they are clever and tough. Lot's of love :)

moony said...

Love the contrast in the first photos then the darkness in the ones after. I find both pretty eerie to be honest though and that comment about Robert Castle (i think that was the name) was just creepy. Nevertheless (haha love that word), great post.

Clara Turbay said...

I love the concept.


J said...

Woah creepily awesome....I really like your first outfit photo! It's so...ethereal :)
your blog is amazing, I love reading it!


Amy Creyer said...

Franny and Zooey is the only Salinger book I really truly liked. I could appreciate Catcher in the Rye, but I didn't really *like* it. Holden is a whiny little brat (I know it's the point, Salinger was all about exploring teenage angst, but I read Catcher after I had moved from New York to Arkansas and resented how he took city life completely for granted. /rant)

Kit Bisch said...

These remind me of Weetzie Bat and those other books that I read a bazillion years ago. Tell your parents or whoever raised you that they did an awesome job!


Amanda Rizkita said...

i love the last photo

DSTONE Magazine said...

Your hair looks insane! I love it!


m said...

I adore Franny and Zooey! I couldn't bring myself to put stickers all over my book though, for fear that it wouldn't look as cute as yours.

Bella Donna said...

this is so great, you are so special!

thwany said...

"changing time for gym" brings back so many bad memories.

- D - said...

Think this is one of my favourite posts you have done :) x


- D - said...

Think this is one of my favourite posts you have done :) x


Vasare Nar said...

Love love love this post! so creative :)

Anonymous said...

Wow amazing pictures!


Rivkah Gevinson said...

tavi these are really awesome photos

kerrin said...

love love LOVE this post

Clairedontcare said...

Wow i love franny and zooey, the book you found is so so cool. I love both those outfits but espically the one with the plaid and boy scout shots i really like those shorts. Btw i loved seeing you quoted in Spin about grunge fashion and nirvanas influence. I did a post about the 10th aniversery of Nevermind you so if you would like to check that out, feel free:)

All the time in the world... said...

this post is wicked. fav. def.

czech foreigner said...

great baby!

Sophie said...

fck, tavi i felt in love with the first and the last pictures <3


Scarlett B said...

love this!


Emilie said...

Wow I love this!


Samantha said...

Such beautiful photos, Tavi. I love the softness of them. I also love your facial expressions.

Totes looking forward to your Teen Witch For Fall posts.


Mackota Groening said...

quizas no me comprendas, este termino de vacaciones espero que tus neuronas no colapsen con tanta creatividad, y la obsesion o trabajar en algo es cosas de pocas personas asi que valoro tu (no recuerdo como se dice esa palabra. disculpa retengo poca informacion solo lo que se me queda son pensamientos o cosas internas ) pero creo que es perseverancia...niña solo sonrie mañana porque todos los dias son diferente a hoy y eso es lo que la hace magico...se que seguiras...cariños

ellarose said...

i loved this post! very interesting and cool. beautiful pictures as well! :D

Anonymous said...

can we please be best friends? haha

Anonymous said...

can we please be best friends? haha

xx said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
cancercowboy said...

at first glance it seemed like you were chewing on a blade of grass in the first photo, which would be totally fitting. i almost expected to see some Cottingley fairies in the first two or the last pic ^___^
but you don't look dirty enough to be from the Dust Bowl; maybe you shouldn't have showered ;)
(yeah, i know Kentucky isnt exactly considered being part of it, but you just look like you stepped outta the set of Carnivale, so plz bear with me).
and be glad you did not summon Bob, he would leave only on his own terms (which means murder). like a famous fictional conjurer wrote: "Doe not call up Any that you can not put downe."
also, hurry up to befriend Waters; sadly he's no youngster anymore. having a slightly perverse imagination isnt an absolute necessity, i'm sure, but it might come in handy ;)
oh, and did i mention that you are beautiful? ^____^

cancercowboy said...

and giving your best to make sure that this mag-turned-website-project gets as well as in any way possible is quite comprehensible, btw.
sorry for being so garrulous and utilizing this emoticon overkill ;)

Unknown said...

nice hairstyle and crown!~

Theo said...

Love the second outfit! You look like a goth girl scout with a major attitude problem. (which is, of course, a compliment.)

constance said...

i love the book idea for presents you have inspired me

ume said...

You are an angel.

denisehkendall said...

hope things get sorted out with jane pratt.


Ravenna Moreira said...



MeOhMy! said...

You're the absolute schmizzle Tavi! So much confidence! I love it and look up to yeeew! X-oh-x

Laura said...

Love reading your blog! Check out mine! Just started it! http://vintageviewslaura.blogspot.com/

Johannes Thumser Fitness said...

Amazing Book...


Mandy said...

Nice pictures! Your blog is amazing

JIM Designs said...

My summer read has been "Reading Lolita in Tehran." Interesting contrasts too.

Anna said...

I do not understand anything of what you are writing, because I am too old and too swedish, but I love the pictures!

Emily said...

holy crap your amazing :)
i absolutly love your blog its actually the only reason i started mine :) so that sounds cringey but hey its true :) xxx

JL said...

lovely, the crowns and the gritty 5th pic :)

deborah said...

your blog makes me feel so excited about life! it wakes me up and opens my eyes to little tiny things that i always loved but somehow i forget to see them sometimes. thanks x

Leopard Girl said...

I love the last photo! The soft focus, the white dress, the headpiece, and the background give it such a romantic look! Amazing!

P.S. love the hair color!


InkedandSewn said...

Crazy how all of your outfits look so comfortable and effortless yet unmistakably AMAZING! Your fashion sense is FAR beyond your years.. and definitely far beyond mine when I was your age...

if you have a minute check out my blog on DIY fashion and a wardrobe on a college budget! and become a follower.

[P.s. anyone who becomes A follower and is interested in my blog I will return the favor.. there is nothing better then sharing your posts with people :)]


xx Jess James

Unknown said...

You look so beautiful and grown up in these pictures, I'm happy to see you are blogging your outfits again!

Rose Patterson said...

Where did you get the Ouiji board?!? I want one!!



tina said...

I wish I had your hair, it looks great!

Eyeon Model said...

The look with the Meadham Kirchoff crown is very punky and lying in a meadow smoking a cigarette with an angsty friend. I must say, you are growing into a fine, young lady. The Ouija board is a little freaky, maybe just because I had a terrible experience with it, but it's still interesting as hell! I love your style, I love your sensibility and what you show on this blog.
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