I stopped at 7-11 on the way home from school yesterday to pick up Teen Vogue as I wrote about interviewing Gwen Stefani for L.A.M.B.'s Spring collection for the new issue! Once I got outside I tripped and fell in the parking lot and ripped a pair of new tights, but a few moments of pride were enough for me.

She was way nice and funny and the clothes were so pretty and Teen Vogue was nice in that the extent of their editing was just making sure you can't see what my t-shirt says. Should your heart desire, you can read my article here.
Now let's all take a moment to enjoy some of Gwen's greatest hits -- and I don't mean on the Billboard charts! Ho ho ho. Seriously though, personal style icon for real. These are my favorites.
Now let's all take a moment to enjoy some of Gwen's greatest hits -- and I don't mean on the Billboard charts! Ho ho ho. Seriously though, personal style icon for real. These are my favorites.
And the video I mention at the end:
That's really cool, Tavi. ;) I've always heard she is super friendly. Have you seen her 1996 interview on YouTube? I believe it's one of the first ones to pop up under her name. It was always my favourite.
I would love to meet Gwen, she's such a talented beauty! You are terribly lucky :)
Ah Gwen, such a wonderful person. When I was a kid I thought, for some reason, she was Cyndi Lauper and in my book, they're both amazing. You sure are lucky to have met/interviewed her.
Gwen is amazing,and so are you!
You're very funny!
Start dreaming on www.dreamingthedayawaywithluca.blogspot.com
#1 lady in my life still.
Gwen Stefani truly IS amazing. Big fan, big fan. Her style is faabulous.
visit, comment and follow please!
Gwen Stefani truly IS amazing. Big fan, big fan. Her style is faabulous.
visit, comment and follow please!
Sounds like something I would do (trip over, not interview Miss Stefani). Congrats on getting into Teen Vogue! x
i lo-lo-loooooooooooove gwen and L.A.M.B. and harajuku lovers!!!
Acho super bacana a maneira que vc cria seus posts!
Cool stuff! :)
xxx Charlie
Feminine Bravery
Tavi Hi I love your blog you could see your mine is www.arieta18.blogspot.com
lovely post!!!
xoox dear :)*
i'm always falling over, ezpecially in public crowded places. congrats on the interiew, that's so cool :)
The Flower Girl
how amazing!!
congrats xx
Isn't she brilliant, a true original. Mostly she looks awesome, sometimes she looks terrible, but she is always always true to her own style.
gwen + tavi = ♥
Gwen was a real inspiration in the 90s spearheading the whole indie chic thing. Love your wig btw!
Awesome! I was just thinking yesterday about how much I love gwen stefani. Nice work :)
Incredeble. Congratulations, Tavi. Great job.
Haha ! :) So funny :P
Amazing, will definitely give your article a read. You are an unbelievably talented writer and I look forward to hearing what you have to say about Gwen who just so happens to be a personal style icon of mine too. X p.s LOVE your ear muffs
In my country you CAN'T BUY TEEN VOGUE.OR VOGUE AT ALL!!!!!
great interview! I read it the other day... I LOVE the butterfly dress too!!
read and follow
She is my favorite. Lucky girl! Love your choice of famous Gwen outfits.
Congrats Tavi, great job! Gwen is truly inspirational!
Nice interview, Tavi! I love Gwennie Gwen Gwen. My mother is called Gwendoline, but is embarrassed by it and refuses to use it. I think it's an amazing name.
Thanks for sharing this! I'm always interested in anything Gwen does, she's such a dynamic and inspiration.
Cool congrats on the feature. Gwen Stefani is really cool. Ive been following her since no doubt.
wow! I love the video..she seems so down to earth and she's making her own costume?! how cool
xxoTess S.
i love bindi era gwen
man oh man that video rocks!
It always kind of awes me how intelligent and articulate you come across, being still so young - this is probably also due to the fact that I don't have that kind of ability.
I never really got into No Doubt or Gwen's music - but I really respect her style. I especially love the whole bindi/ blue hair combo she pulls off.
I have loved Gwen for nearly a decade, you could say I was obssessed for quite a time. And I will always see her as my ultimate icon. I really do love everything that woman is about! You are so very lucky to have met her
I live in the UK, I hope I can track this issue down :)x
love her <3 <3 <3
I used to day dream about meeting her. She can pull off some of the wildest outfits, and that's what I love about her!
yeah, she's really a very sympathic personality :)
very very cool!!!!! love her look shes so naturally pretty in the face that she can pull off all looks both w her hair, and fashion.
Le Kiss Kiss- Click Here!!
agh. gwen is amazing
congrats on the article!! not on the tights:(
Kate xo
I like Gwen too, her style and songs. You are lucky! =)
Tavi, you truly are one of the most creative bloggers out there, an inspiration to all! I cannae believe you got to interview Gwen, seriously, how are you so grounded-truly amazing!
Curiously, what did it say on your tee?
These are amazing photos <3
Fantastic. Personally I'm not big on interviewing people myself, but some people can do it magnificently. I may have to read this one to see how you did.
Gwen is truly inspiring. I loved the interview. :)
What a sweet opportunity! I love the photo of you and Gwen laughing together in the article.
Dude. You interviewed gwen stefani. That's mind-blowingly cool
I love her style !!
She look fabulous! I love her style and songs! You're big a lucky beggar!
That gave me a good lol. I was wondering what your t-shirt said when I saw this article in the issue. Typical Teen Vogue. Love them.
God! Loved that video, and the glue gun action. We all gotta start somewhere right?
i heard about this blog from an authors website www.threadsthebook.com
love it :)
I enjoyed the article but what is this comment on there that you will "never be a part of high fashion"? I'm pretty sure you have already been and continue to be involved in "high fashion".
I enjoy your blog very much.
-Minette (http://aestheticattic.blogspot.com/)
you look excited at reading that!! but i think gwen looked better in the 90's all crop tops and trainers xx
I loved the interview, i even put some pics on my blog.
(I'm French, sorry for my bad English). I love your blog and your style. You're so original, I like it!
Great interview! And congratulations, this is a great deal! :D Gwen is indeed a style icon, shes has good style and I love her clothing line.
great woman
Can't wait to read the article!
I got mine yesterday and saw you in it and freaked out!!!! Real glad to see you in there!!!
I have been listening to all her old songs again, I never used to listen to the lyrics (they make so much sense now I am older and a little bit wiser...cough.)
Great post!!!
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neat retro gwen! but also, i read your article and really enjoyed it, you should be a regular correspondent!
I love your blog! Keep the fun posts coming!
Aren't ripped tights a hot look right now?
Have always appreciated Gwen for her devotion to red lipstick.
I LOVED THE ARTICLE! i saw ur picture in teen vogue and i literally screamed!
I saw this in TeenVogue! superneat. :)
Gwen Stefani seems soo cool.
Nicely done!
goodness. this is amazing girlie!
What's that old saying... "Pride cometh before a fall." :-))
In future, instead of using that saying, I think I'll go with... "Did you hear what happened to Tavi Gevinson when she went to buy a Teen Vogue featuring her own article!" (So let that be a lesson to you, children!)
And I'm sure there's a smile going on in that photo on the right... The eyes are giving it away, but if only we could see it in full! ;-) But nah, you deserve to be smiling - this is AWESOME (No doubt!) :-))
But I think you already knew that saying! Ahhh...Tavi...you're way too clever for me :-
Wow that must have been amazing.
My Heart Blogged
I love her pink bob before she really hit it big with No Doubt. And, I loved her ska dancing.
SHE HAD BRACES!! I wish she'd be a brunette again--- so pretty.
Gwen Stefani is the opposite of everything I dislike about "unique" celebrities.
She doesn't get her title of "original" by wearing head to toe runway looks because she has enough money to.
OT: Your wish is my command! I've never thought about blue eyeshadow. Now I can't wait to do it.
Awesome, right when my subscription ran out. I guess I'd have to like, you know, actually buy it now.
My head was exploding watching that video! So Awesome!
Kind of a "we-found-this-gem-on-the-bottom-of-the-ocean-floor" treasure.
i just read this today and I was like GAAAAH it's those two together how awesome.
When I was younger, the first favorite band I ever had was No Doubt! I remember having a little cassette tape of their songs that I would constantly play. Needless to say, I envy you very much. Congratulations on the article!
great post tavi, and gotta lova gwen xD she's just a girl, a really awesome girl
I like her voice. I like some of her outfits. I like some of her songs. And I hear she's a nice person.
Yet as much as I want to like her, I can't help but feel that she kinda... sucks.
When the whole riot grrrl and grunge thing was happening, female musicians were reclaiming the respect they'd been denied by the music scene for so long. They wrote powerful angry songs without fear of censure and going unheard. And those songs didn't go unnoticed.
They were liberating and empowering for other women. They benefited guys as well, because now they had to look at female musicians (and their fellow female fans) as human beings with something to say. Not just sex objects or fragile little girls who were easily disposable.
Most of these female musicians weren't conventionally attractive. Bands like 7 Year Bitch, Hole and L7 couldn't give a shit about looking pretty on stage.
Yet they forced the mainstream media to pay attention. Suddenly girls who weren't perfect looking could sell magazines by being on the cover.
Then No Doubt happened. Or should I say Gwen Stefani happened.
A 'nice girl' type with movie star looks who's lyrics DIDN'T rock the boat. I'm sure the media moguls jumped for joy at having a non trouble making pretty girl to market once again. Obedient, pretty girls are easier to commodify.
It was allegedly Gwen's mom and friend who made her stage outfits, not her. Yet she was trumpeted as this great style innovator while her designer friend went unnoticed. Then she was offered the solo career. Then the clothing line, for which she wasn't even head designer.
I realize music doesn't have to be revolutionary to be good. And that successful women of all types can be a positive influence regardless of what their background or appearance may be.
But to me Gwen Stefani just embodies all that disgusts me about the Hollywood influence on music. Women who stay in line and take a great photo are built up to be far more than they are. Honestly now. Would she have gotten as far if she wasn't conventionally attractive? Courtney Love was just as influential fashion wise back in the early 90s. Yet no one thought to market her as a fashion designer. Hmmmm.....
With few exceptions, the female presence in music has been pretty lackluster ever since Gwen was ushered in. Her arrival marked the turning point when badass girls were pushed aside, and the next crop of lip synching bimbos were just around the corner and ready to be accepted again. And for that, I can't help but associate Gwen Stefani with negative influences.
So there. I said it. While I liked the article because YOU did a good job with it, I think your subject is just as dull as Jessica Simpson.
I like the first Gwen's dress.It's amazing!
That's so amazing! Congrats girl!!! love Gwen Stefani!
haha it's very random, but i'd thought you'd like it.
i love your pictures, they are amazing. you are so creative ♥
wow tavi, you are living the dream! :)
and that video of gwen is so cool, i hadnt seen that side of her before, she seems sooo chill and down to earth. thanks for posting, i read your article too, great job :)
I wish I could get this but
teen vogue seems to have vanished
from England, one minute I was reading about junk food in American schools the next it's gone!!
Although Gwen made some very questionable decisions in the 90s, the layering look with the cropped beige jacket and the plaid blanket (?) is just fabulous!
Love, Hugo Hase
That video makes Gwen so endearing and lovely. The brown hair, braces, school-uniform like outfit - so playful and young. How wonderful that you got to interview her! X
Loved the Teen Vogue spread!!!Please visit my blog
xoxo Cybelle and Fabi
This is an amazing post about an amazing woman!! Gwen Stefani is the greatest singer ever and a really influencial fashion icon. I loved the video too...so interesting and I have never seen it before. I love your blog so so much!
I have a subscription to Teen Vogue and I was delighted to see your article! I was like, "Mom, Tavi's in this month's issue!" The article was great! I am so glad to see you in magazines! Keep writing!
i'm just SO JEALOUS
Gwen is sure big fun!
I was so glad to see you in TeenVogue - your article was the only reason I bought it! I have kind of been going off Teenvogue because they kept putting Disney channel stars (who have nothing to do with style, only that they have a new tv show to promote) on their covers. I also love Gwen Stefani's Harajuku Lovers perfumes and I'd love to get something from her L.A.M.B clothing line, but a girl can dream...
Gwen was cool until she bashed feminism in a BUST interview! What was up with that? She completely lost me there.
hey Tavi, I'm Brazilian, can you see my blogger ? http://recrutaafashionista.blogspot.com/
nice article. only flaw: kinda short. and thanks for protecting my weak heart from the writing on that shirt, Teen Vogue.
i don't dig Mrs Stefani's music that much, but i doubt that the streamlined condition of pop (that might even qualify as a tautology) is solely her fault.
unrelated note: sweet earmuffs ^_____^
Just want to say that you’re a really unique/cool girl… and that you’re blog Is really unique/cool… :-P bet you hear this like all the time but it true and keep on doing what you’re doing because it great!! ;-D
Oh,I so love Gwen , she's really a diva.
alexandra @
Good interview, Tavi--though maybe it deserves a followup. I'm sure there's a lot more to be said about the line. And how exciting to interview Gwen. Unlike most celebs turned designers, Gwen has always been the real thing because you can tell it's all stuff she'd wear.
I totally had an omgosh moment when I saw that your interview was in the magazine!! Congrats :)
my aunt works with gwen on harajuku girls
Congrats on the interview! It was super cool!
Congrats on the interview! It was super cool!
Oooo! Gwen's hair is so pretty when it's short and curly.
You are so lucky to be able to talk with so many famous people :]
-Bailey Faye, To The 9's
Cheers to Luvgmt's honest comment, I really feel where (s)he's coming from. There needs to be more space for riotgrrrls. But from the perspective of someone who was 12 or so when Tragic Kingdom came out, No Doubt was the hottest shit in the universe. The songs were fun and accessible, Gwen is beautiful and has an edgy sense of style that appeals to girls who are piqued by the unusual (I don't think of "fall in line" girls as being necessarily into No Doubt) and Gwen herself has no illusions about who she is and what she sings about and represents. She's always said she is very feminine and pretty much had ambitions of being married and having children and that her songs are about her experience as a woman and that she has experienced flak from others who say she's too passive, not angry enough, etc. We can't judge her femininity or experience of being and feeling like a woman. I dig that she is loudly "anti-feminist" (as some might say vis a vis her very traditionally feminine orientation) but really isn't being true to the kind of woman you are weather you wear sneakers, boot, heels or bindis the most feminist thing in the world? Sistas let's not hate on eachother! Gahhh
In other news, that video is STRANGE! She seems so fragile! Really cool, rare peek. Thanks for sharing.
Please visit my blog about fashion!!!
Please!!! Please!!! Please!!!
I just got my Teen Vogue today and I was like "Wow! I read her blog all the time!" So cool!
Wow ! Awesome ;) Gwen is cute.
xoxo ;D love you, tavi
una mezcla de Brittany murphy, Jennifer love hewitt, con la boca de Leighton Meester...
jajajaj muy divertido
LOVED reading your article on Gwen and L.A.M.B.,it was excellently written!!As a fellow ND and Gwen fan,I always enjoy reading articles about them that are well-informed,and yours was spot-on.Gwen truly is an amazing designer and musician.And to luvgmt,while Gwen has acknowldged that she had some help from her mom making her clothes while she was growing up,Gwen DID make her own outfits,as can be seen in that 1991 video Tavi posted.I agree with Elisa that neither Gwen's,nor any other woman's,feminity should be judged;Gwen is not 'anti-feminist' as some might claim-she's simply said that she wouldn't want to call herself a feminist without having a definition of it,and again,as Elsa said,the only definable aspect of feminism is being true to yourself,which Gwen has always been and has empowered millions of girls to be.In my opinion,Gwen is an extraordinary role model for young girls and is the farthest thing from dull.Thank you,Tavi,for helping the readers of Teen Vogue who may be unfamiliar with Gwen's fashion line and music see what an awesome person she is :)
Love your ear muffs!
I love you Tavi! love your blog.I follow you. it will be an honor if you follow me, i'm from Argentina, XOXO LQRN
Nice writing about interviewing (haha this sounds weird)..:) I agree with you about celebrity designs, I'm a little sceptic. However I really like L.A.M.B (especially the dress Gwen herself is wearing on one of these blog photos, and a model is wearing in the teen vogue photos..) she was always a really big style icon for me as well, I think she's super cool
Cool post!
I'm so jealous you got to meet Gwen! And I love the fact that you mentioned she doesn't want her brand to be eponymous with her fame, but with her actually sense of style. So it's great to bring light of celebrities who don't use their name to make money, but rather their talent. Great article and photos, it made me see that it was written in an honest manner!
I LOVE GWEN STEFFANI'S STYLE. The old one and the new one. She always had this enormously fantastic sense of fashion <3
I LOVE GWEN STEFFANI'S STYLE. The old one and the new one. She always had this enormously fantastic sense of fashion <3
I LOVE GWEN STEFFANI'S STYLE. The old one and the new one. She always had this enormously fantastic sense of fashion <3
So yeah, since you didn't have a ask section thingy on Tumblr (sorry I'm not very articulate), I tried to reply to a question that started with "Hello Tavi darlin'," and then it proceeded to answer without my consent. Just a disclaimer, I'm not that creepy, which kind of sucks.
Anywaaaays, I just wanted to send you this link from Nomenus Quarterly: http://nomenusquarterly.com/04/ since your all "homegirls 4 lyfe," with the Mulleavy's ! You might have seen it, but I'm sure you won't be annoyed to see it again, it's beautifulllll.
I liked to read your article, the references to her music lyrics really pull the whole thing together, nice touch :-)
♥ ♥ ♥
I love her in the "it's my life" video. And back in '97 with don't speak...
She is really amazing
Still can't get over how amazing the No Doubt Concert was at Summerfest '09!
You can check out my experience here at:
Woow Tavi!Such a great blog you have!You are a great person,and your style...WOW!
Check out my (with my friends) blog :
Super cute blog Tavi! I used ot be obsessed with Gwen when I was at school, when she wa sin No Dobut *cough* a few years ago.
Tolula xoxo
mmmmkay, so i was your age (i think?) when gwen and the boys first started rocking the music world. i LOVE that you're appreciative of her style over the years (as well as drew and courtney, the girls in clueless, etc). however, i do have to admit it makes me feel old to be seeing 90s fashion becoming "retro". guh.
looking forward to reading your article!
Haha, I love her! I love the part when she talks about how sad it is to grow up next to Disneyland. What a style icon from the beginning, I always look forward to see what she's wearing next.
She is really cute and much more real than many of her collegues!!
I like her,.and she wears a lot of Vivienne Westwood!!!!
By the way we love your blog,.check out our "old school muse" mostly 80's and early 90's!!
read your article in my teen vogue at home! :] congrats! gwen is my favorite. shes seriously so cool.
xo, camilla
just read that issue, you did a wonderful job!!
I love your blog Tavi, you are such an inspiration.
Tavela! Congats on the interview. Stefani is a true style icon.
So, I follow you religiously and actually have my own streetstyle blog. I am holding a personal style giveaway. The best 3 looks posted score some classic Chanel makeup and will be featured on my site.
You should totally enter!
I was so excited and surprised when I got my new issue of Teen Vogue in the mail, peeled off the annoying plastic covering, flipped through the pages and saw a photo of you! I eagerly read your whole article and was entranced. Gwen Stefani always seemed uber cool to me, and her new line is so so creative and funky! It's amazing that you got to meet her, I was delighted to read an article by you. http://thearcenciel.blogspot.com/
I have always love Gwen's style old and new.
I like Gwen Stefani and No doubt since I'm 12 years old I think...Wow, I'm 28 now! It's all my youth^^
I saw you in teenvogue!!
well done tavi, you have come far. :)
That photo in the green stripe t-shirt is amazing, like the ones of Norma Jean before MM.
You are so talented. Congrats!
love Gwen, my brother was obsessed with her in the 90's
Love> the article! I just picked up my edition of TeenVogue last night!
Love Gwen! Awesome, awesome post.
I have that one(the magazine), then i realized that i was following this blog and the girl on Teen Vogue was you lol. You're pretty amazing
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