Today I wore a sweater to school that had the f-word on it.

I thought I would get quite the beating from my peers, and I was totally wrong. And kind of disappointed! Which sounds horrible (it's a good thing that I can be openly feminist at school) but I guess I'm just bored. What was so great about dressing up in middle school was when people got really confused and sometimes even angry and had the most entertaining responses, but now a lot of them think they're supposed to like my outfits because some magazine does, and as a result, I am never challenged. The best was when people found out about this blog, and said things like, "Wow, I would not have guessed you care about fashion." Which I loved -- I don't want to look like someone who cares about fashion. Now everything is justified by the attention this blog receives, the same way I dislike the logo placement on my Miu Miu collar, as if it makes the oddness somehow okay. My goal for this school year was to wear outfits that confuse the people I'm surrounded by every day, challenge beauty ideals...I know it's cheesy to post inspiration quotes, but these are not the kind you will see pasted onto a photo of a sunset and tumbled:
"I like making images that from a distance seem kind of seductive, colorful, luscious and engaging, and then you realize what you're looking at is something totally opposite. It seems boring to me to pursue the typical idea of beauty, because that is the easiest and the most obvious way to see the world. It's more challenging to look at the other side." -- Cindy Sherman
"I know when I first started, I said things like, 'It's really great to be beautiful and powerful and sexy,' and I take a little bit of that back now. What I was saying was that you don't have to look a certain way or have a certain hairstyle to be a feminist; that just because a girl wears lipstick that doesn't mean she's not a feminist. But now I realize that I wasn't really challenging the standard of beauty. A friend said to me, 'Why is it so subversive to be beautiful in the traditional sense? I think it's much more subversive to create your own form of beauty and to set your own standards.' She's right." -- Kathleen Hanna
Speaking of Kathleen Hanna, this sweater is actually courtesy of her! It was made and given to her by Jim Drain and Elyse Allen and the label says Happy Banana. I had breakfast with her and my pal Wendy when I was in New York and it was definitely a highlight of my Fashion Week, even though it was not actually a part of Fashion Week and we hardly talked about fashion. We talked a bit about the politics of it though, and when I mentioned the kinds of things that are, like, really really important to the Internet at this time of year (seat placements, who got shot by which street style photographers, more stupidity) Kathleen said, "Who cares? People are dying," so quick, in one breath, and it was like...duh! I mean, seriously, what a wonderful thing to hear and mindset to get in during a time I have such a love/hate relationship with.
She also gave me these zines I'm really stoked on:

I gave a presentation to my English class about Riot Grrrl and my teacher said I could read an excerpt from one of these out loud one of these days after we're done with the spoken word unit. Today my group had to think of a metaphor for the moon. We submitted, "the moon is Caillou once he has acne and insomnia."

You may think from these photos that I want to kill you. I do not. It is just my regular face.

Sweater, gift. Jeans sent to me by Proenza Schouler. Pierre Hardy for Gap wedges. Happy Socks from Hairbow from the Olvera Street Market. The headband I'm wearing in the first photo was sent to me by Monsoon Accessorize, and I pinned on the crown, which came from a postcard of a Mexican bingo card.
1 – 200 of 258 Newer› Newest»you are unique and that makes you beautiful! don't grow up :)
I love this look!
Wow, just wow Tavi! First let me tell you how awesome that sweater is and I remember when Kathleen used to wear it. How awesome. I own every single one of those zines in addition to Girl Germs and tons more from other riot grrrls.
Kathleen has always been an inspiration to me. When I was in high school I started a club called the "young femmes" and had a blast bringing riot grrrl to the student body. I wrote Kathleen a couple times and she was always super supportive of what I was doing as a teen. I'm glad to see she is still absolutely amazing and inspiring people like you! RADICAL.
your outfit is wonderful! I want that sweater so badly.
that's bothersome that people aren't reacting as strongly lately to your outfits and such due to your 'popularity' in the fashion world or such. definitely irritating. I can see why you'd be a bit annoyed
that's amazing that you met kathleen hanna! riot grrrl is so utterly fascinating. and those zines look delightful.
That is the best sweater I have ever seen, hands down. I can't believe you got to hang with Kathleen Hanna, she IS my youth/late teen years/actually, still now.
At this point if you want to confuse them, you might want to just wear a pair of gap jeans and an american apparell tshirt. They wouldn't recognize you.
That said, don't change - you are fucking awesome. I'm ten years older than you and I can't tell you how sharp and refreshing you are.
I'm from Brazil and when I first heard about you I thought "oh, she's probably some imature kid with some sense of style" but you proved me wrong.
You write like someone really mature, with great ideas of what matters in this world. I wish we were friends, because you are a great girl. You think just like me.
And this outfit would confuse people in my school, if I were still there. But now I'm in college, studing Graphic Design, and pretty much everyone wears things like this.
I hope you keep focusing in things that will make you a better person!
Lara M.
fuckin DYIN' over kathleen/the sweater/the zines etccc
Tavi, those shoes! I love those shoes! I never have the courage to wear any more than two inches on my feet to school. I wish I did.
When you wrote the "f-word," I was searching desperately on the picture of your sweater, like a hidden meaning. I swear, I blurted out something like "I CAN'T FIND IT. I MUST BE BLIND." And then I realized that you're referring to a different word. Silly me.
you and kathleen hanna are exactly right. who cares who sits in what row and what celebs are at shows and whatnot, when people are dying. priorities!
this outfit is adorable and really exemplifies fashion at its best: the outward mental projection of oneself through dress. right on.
i like the sweater
and - how fucking cool is it of kathleen to gift you with that sweater??
Love the bag of manure. Love the sweater. My brain is happy to mull over, reject and accept some of these new ideas and thoughts. And I think most of all I like the metaphor. I really need a fresh perspective.
i must have that sweater myself. there should be a lot more sweaters and tshirts and bumper stickers and necklaces etc etc etc that read FEMINIST. loud and clear.
by the way i love your performance art approach to dressing for your school audience. there is nothing like a little reaction to give some edge to your day.
The moon metaphor is awesome... I wish I'd thought of it myself.
fantastic array of colors
Girl, you had breakfast with Kathleen Hanna. It's might have been a dream, and you won zines FROM HER!
I think I'm the most Riot Grrl boy I know. Or the only one, though.
And I love these Proenza Schouler's pants. I guess they are featured in the short-film of Proenza Schouler that speaks (literally) about teenage, youth and a suburban teen girl's life with her little gang of friends.
I think you should write a post explaining what's the colour of your hair. I cannot get it well, actually. It looks like red, something between tomatoes, and a candy pink. Anyway...
I just have to say that you look like Daphne DuMaurier today.
Me, I'd take that as a compliment.
PS That Cindy Sherman quote is perfect, thanks for sharing.
Love your outfit Tavi!
i must admit, i am a rookie on style rookie. im just a 20 year old, who loves to stunt, opiate, and listen to hip was just yesterday that i was lucky enough for one of my associates to put me on to tavi G and her highly acclaimed blog. 24 hours later, and im addicted. tavi's writing is so refreshing, innovative, comedic, and very cerebral. her unique perspective on a vast array of content is remarkably charming. tavi, if you are reading this(which i hope you are) your swag is unparalleled, you're far too inspiring, and you've just aquired a die-hard fan...thank you and keep having fun please.
its interesting to hear that people at your school now feel like they should like your clothes because a magazine told them to!
Please check out my blog and become a follower!!
That crown is such an inspired touch! Oh, delight!
well i dont now if you will read this.. buuuut!!
we never be a "golden coin", you now... yeah... magazines probably can do that, but there exist that people that never will be happy with our lifes... including that they can say that they loves you!
yeah... when i realized that... i get off people, society, partys... but at the end... i realized too, that there exist people that really loves you, and that want to now more about you :D and that kind of people is why i returned to real life :D
ah! i love your pants :D
the Caillou thing was right.on.
that was a show i ended up h a t i n g eventually, cause i just couldn't
anymore of his whining.
regardless of my feelings about Caillou, that
statement was
That sweater is killing me, even more so that it was a gift from Kathleen Hanna! You were most likely the coolest kid in your school by about 100000000, but that just intensifies your coolness tenfold.
Dear Tavi G-
I know a bazillion other girls my age and older are going to tell you this but it's true a bazillion times: you won the grrrl-prize of the century!
Quietly reading your blog has made my 26 year-old-self and my 16 year-old-self so happy and seeing you in that sweater is just shooting me over that damn moon. I remember seeing photos of KH in it and being so thrilled by it and envious of it. The wake of riot grrrl was a big, formative part of my high school years. It does good to see a visual representation of the continued cycle of awesome people doing awesome things.
This post warms the cockles of my cold, cold heart. So inspiring to here about kathleen; I love that she's still supportive of young women who want to rattle the status quo. Makes me want to make a t-shirt that says "Fuck Seating Charts" (and, you know, volunteer and all that productive stuff).
My riot grrrl posts get the best comments. Thanks guys! <3
Kudos for the sweater!
--Nolita Vintage--
That sweater is pretty rad. I think the term feminist has lost a lot of it's power. Not to me, but to the general public. The whole "oh she's a bra burner" thing, ya know?
But those pants are killer, love em with the clunky heels.
TAVI! i hope you never lose touch with this side of yourself: it's an uphill battle but one of the reasons your blog stands apart from the rest. this is from someone who used to work and live fashion but now studies feminist cultural theory and wishes more intelligent writers would connect the two. couldn't resist reposting your photo.
wartime recess
tavi, you are truly an inspiration to me :)
i have to assume you have heard this recoding, but in case not, I found (google'd) the words.
It so F'n funny.
enjoy the week.
kathleen hanna's spiel at the end of "heartbeat" (from mike watt's "ball-hog or tugboat?" - 1995) from the "ball-hog or tugboat" album:
"Hello. Mr. Watt. This is Kathleen Hanna returning your phone call. Bout 3:45 on Monday and it's about that fuckin record that you asked me to do something for. And I guess I'm responding to that now cuz I have a few minutes. And I just wanted to tell you...uh, I have a friend who was raped by, fucked by, whatever you wanna fuckin call it by this guy on your record, gonna be on your record. He's a big rockstar. Yeah when he was 27 and she was 13 he was a big rockstar too. And uh, I don't know if the phrase "power imbalance" means anything to you. But uh, I'm just not so sure I wanna be included in your little white rock boy fuckin hall of shame here, you know? I'm just like "Do I wanna be sandwiched in between some of these guys that are just doing the whole, like, big-white-baby-with-an-ego-problem thing?" I mean, [sighs] get over it! It's so boring. It's like, a lot of these guys should just fuckin quit music and become lifeguards at like Wild Waves or some shit. So they can just like get their fucking, you know, anger management thing going. They can just get their power trips out on the kids, they can just do the whole thing. Maybe they'd be actually saving someone's life. "Hey, don't run by the pool. No cutoffs." You know? That's what I hear when I hear some of this you know music by a lot of these fuckin guys, you know? And I mean, I guess what I'm saying is "I'm just too cool... to be on your fuckin record." You know? It's like I really don't wanna perpetuate or be included in a thing where it's just a bunch of like, I don't know, just like this new. The music coming out by guys right now in the sort of like rock world or alternative rock world or used-to-be-punk world or whatever. It's like the whole, "I'm a straight, white, middle class, male, rockstar guy, but I'm so fuckin oppressed." "I'm a loser baby why don't you kill me." [Sigh] Yawn. Like super fuckin yawn. So yeah, I guess what I'm saying is No. No. No. No. I'm not interested. No. I don't wanna be on your fuckin record. No. But ummm. Mr. Watt. Dude. Babe. Sir. Uh, you need to get me my fuckin Annie soundtrack back like soon cuz you've had it forever and I know you haven't even fuckin listened to it yet. Just like, gimme a call and tell me when that's going to happen. And ummm. I'll talk to you then. Bye."
Too. Effin. Good.
Fantastic sweater and excellent story behind it.
I think I'm in love with your pants!!!
La Martina
I guess that means you always want to kill someone?
heheh mexican bingo cards.
The reactions are always the best part. of dressing up. CHALLENGING CONVENTIONAL BEAUTY. Now THAT sounds like a good reason to get dressed every day. I want to confuse people again! I've fallen into a horrible respectably dressed slump.
Thanks a bunch. huzzah newfound inspiration.
I loves the colours! And perhaps if you wore this awesome sweater in college you'd get more of a reaction... just saying. :P
You're getting quite the cute button nose/pouty lip combination there, Tavi.
You're getting quite the cute button nose/pouty lip combination there, Tavi.
The crown is very Vivienne Westwood :-) I love the playful feeling that it brings to the outfit/photo. And your "off with his head" expression only adds to the fun!
Your feet look a million miles away in that last picture. Cool perspective.
tavi, you go grrrl!! my buddy harrison just sent me a link to yr idea city talk n i think youa re absolutely splendid. third wave feminism is what has directed me from my midteens until now, which brings me to twentytwo. kathleen hanna is still inspiration to speak up and GETWORDS>OUT, yknow! zines are still being made all over start it up!! i want to help bring sassy back in any way i can KEEP DREAMING
Well obviously you look like someone who "cares" about fashion. Fashion isn't trends. It isn't celebrity style or magazine editorials. It's the art of dress. It's using clothing and accessories to express, explore, and provoke. You can't have a wardrobe like yours and not care about fashion.
This jeans are way cool! Love them xxx
I have to agree with your peers: You look almost "normal" in these pics.
I am glad to know that you haven´t become one of them. I love when you dress to inspire.
Nicey-nice, that's quite an itchin'-bitchin' sweater.
I guess it is comforting to get respect from the same people who once gave you shet. It's almost like revenge, just better.
Some odd ball gave me a wtf look today and I just simply smiled to myself and walked into class.
thats a brilliant sweater!
I really love your crown hair band !
I love this outfit. And good on you for pushing the boundaries with what you wear to school x
amazing sweater, love the colors! cool platforms! <3
u're crazy!but i like u so much!:)
visit my blog if u can!:)and follow me if you like it:)
Oh, Tavi, I love this sweater. And I love Bikini Kill too. And this is title of one song, fantastic: Bikini Kill-Rebel Girl.
Interesting post, Tavi. I suppose you are stuck in a bit of a paradox due to the success of your blog. Similarly, I guess that's why Lady Gaga's outfits keep getting more and more out there.
hey tavi,
it's been a while since i stopped by, and i hope you're doing well. what were your favorites this fw? did you like rodarte and philosophy by any chance?
i always love reading your ideas, and the new hair looks terrific. stay witty and insightful and cool <3
cute sweater
ooh wow!!! i want that sweater! ahaah
i love confusing people with what I wear to :p like something insanely colourful or something dark and dramatically gothic
love it
-c x
ha ha.. yes, I think your right but to be honest ALL and then I mean ALL my friends thinks you outfits are very ( can I say ) random, ( not to be rude ) but I LOVE them not cause of the magazines or that your "famous". No because they are cool, outstanding and special.
Anyway! LOVE YOUR BLOG! hugs Ray :)
This post is so... I don't know, it just feels important. Like what is important or what's the point of fashion? And then perspective: does that even matter with all that's going on in the world? Break a leg this school year, what with trying to baffle your classmates. As always, I am enamored by you.
excellent! good on you for challenging what beautiful means in today's ultra shallow industry where what a magazine says is whats taken as 'the definition' of almost anything!
Love the pants (i love evrything from PS)...I don't think that the outfit could be "beautiful" but is interesting the way to mix the colors...:)
you are the freshest breath of air on this thing we call the interweb.
Tavi ~
I read about your blog in my daughter-in-law's New Yorker while staying out on Little Cranberry Island this past weekend. Immediately you reminded me of Louise Nevelson, who, in her later years, became in the way that she dressed, a walking sculpture.
You might find this post of interest:
(The last line pertains to people like you!)
Maybe some day you would like to sit for a portrait? You'd be fun to draw!
except thesocks and the headband it's lovely
have you ever weared something normal?
I love your outfit. And I love the attitude tahht you shouldn't care aof other people words or opinions. You should love yourself and try to find your style.
You are such an inspiration :)
happy sweater :)
And what does the bag of manure say about the ensemble? For some reason, I thought that was funny. Not to be nasty, just in a jolly chuckle sort of way.
I really love your jeans. and your shoes. i'm your age and i'm not that selfconfident to wear those shoes to school, but i wish i were.
you're so damn awesome !
Ooomp i didnt like the colour of your sweater, they are so colorful for your hair sweetie :/
I just started reading your blog, and your sweater proves to me it's true, you're great c:
Hello, how are you?
I love your sweater, but I didn't like your happy-socks.
kisses from Brazil*
Curious combination of colors, I like it.
Fashion is more than clothes, fashion is live the clothes and make it yours. Sometimes is near from art.
Regards from utopia!
You're a freak. A spoiled rotten little brat with a freaky name, and no live except dressing up in stupid, tramp-like outfits and having all the stupid idiots in the stupid fashion world ooh and ah over what a 'statement' you make and how 'adorable' you are. I could always dress up in ugly clothes, and die my hair but does that make me some sort of freakin' fashionista? You retard...
Love the sweater! I just have the regular old "THIS IS WHAT A FEMINIST LOOKS LIKE" t-shirt from FMF.
And I love that you're identifying as a feminist so young when it takes most women until college to realize it!
too many colors for me -__-
but hell yeah, ur right, beauty is pre
sometimes a product of product made by a product for buying another product.. that's human being.. meh
greetings from el mas aca (mexico)
That sweater is so kick ass!!
I wish I had the balls to dress like you, girl
I love your crown bandana!!! super cute, tavii :D
kiss kiss from :))
It's simply amazing that you met Kathleen Hanna (who has been inspiring me since the 1990s) and that she gave you this sweater. At the same time, I think it's an inspiration and a hope for the future (I'm in my 30s, so I'm thinking of my daughter and younger generations) to see such a talented girl like you are being interested of feminism, the (self) perception of beauty and things that REALLY matter.
Thanks Tavi!!!
Great sweater.
I have a really serious regular face too :'D
Ooo awesome chunky sandals :]
I am so jealous of you for meeting Kathleen Hanna! She's probably one of the most amazing people currently alive.
Love that sweater. (:
Dude, that sweater is AMAZING & I love your statement about confusing people to challenge beauty ideals. I just took a look at your blog after reading about you in the New Yorker this weekend. I know people who spent years searching & were willing to pay A LOT for the zines you received!
One thing to say: I'm jealous of your jeans. The end.
the caillou metaphor is priceless.
don't worry about people thinking that you want to kill them. i have perma-scowl as well, and it is so annoying when people automatically think that i'm unhappy or that i hate everyone! who walks around smiling all the time, anyway? that would be kind of horrifying/psychotic-looking.
You, Tavi, are brilliant and I hope your "celebrity" in the fashion world does not corrupt your genius...and passion for what is real.
I adore you and mentioned you in my blog today. Stop by if you can!
ha, that's funny, because my initial thought when i saw the picture at the top of the post was, "that looks like something kathleen hanna would wear!"
i know you're busy, but have you ever read or heard of the book "freak show" by james st. james? it's the ultimate story of confusing high school fashion :)
I find it really ironic and interesting that she was a stripper for a while in college. I've always found stripping intriguing in a demented sort of way. I don't like that sweater (not because it says "feminist" but because the colors are horrendous); I love the Proenza jeans, though. And I'm sure you were dying to know my opinion on your outfit...
i have the same aim too my friend. it's funny when people look at me and school and shout a load of abuse at's the reaction i'm aiming for ;) they say stuff like 'why the fuck are you wearing THAT?!' and they fall for it everytime ;D i love the fact that you dress what you feel. if you want to wear this with this then you'll go for it. knowing that you'll get some sort of 'reaction'. keep it up! :)
You are fantastic.
i love that you even know about riot grrrl. most people don't even know that is what my blog name is referencing. i know fashion kinda of brings out that love/hate in some kinds of people ;) but just remember. it's your fashion. it's personal. and i love your version <3
tavi! i love your whole outfit!! u did a great job again!
I'm checking out your blog for a few months now and I wonder since I saw your blog how old you are.
huzzah! huzzah! feminism is lovely.
Maybe you could say "She wanted me to have this" : ). And it is just wonderfull when people can give you something, that they know will rock your world.
you're awesome and so original. i admire you. sorry for my english !
You meeting Kathleen Hanna... Crazy! I'm so envious! Oh and I think your sweater is absolutely ridiculous and amazing, at the same time.
OH GOD that sweater! those zines! kathleen hanna!!! i have been looking for these zines everywhere, but could not find them until now. i would give anything for some scans tavi xxxo
Kathleen Hanna...what an Inspiration. I've been in the middle of London Fashion Week and her response was dead on....People Are Dying and I Care about What Seat I have. Heartbreaking.
I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU MET KATHLEEN HANNA sdfalhksdiajkfsdhiopfjasdga.
I love the bag of manure off to the side in that second picture. Priceless.
i hope it's ok if i post that first picture of you on my blog, and then print it out and hang on my wall. it's not just about the outfit, you give me a lot of hope about young girls, not that i'm not a young girl, but you know what i mean. i mean look at your fellow young girls, then look in a mirror. you're evolved. it's beautiful.
Ok, I must say I donßt like this Outfit... It´s too much...sorry
hi. I actually don't think you read these awfully annoying comments. but still. It's comment or study for my french test tomorrow. I'd rather comment.
Like the socks
I have socks with pig faces on it.
It's cool.
Have a nice evening ?
I may take my leave of you now.
that look is so cool!!! i want it now. ;) and pants with the shoe awesome!!!
love love LOVVEEE
Fashion Forestry
I love this post. I agree with you on beauty. Americans are so focused on makeup, tanning etc. and I think its all bullshit. some people call me crazy for not wearing makeup but I just think its worthless in a lot of cases. love your sweater and this blog, your personality really shines through which I think some fashion blogs dont have.
Cute~ I like the hair! I haven't been on blogspot so I haven't been reading all your past posts. :(!!!
I'm sorry that you feel bored at school. I know after a few years at highschool, once I reached Senior year no one cared what I wore. I was just accepted as the girl who pulls off the weird clothes. I think the most attention I got is when I started spiking my hair and just wearing grungy clothing... I didn't care to have that much attention but it was nice knowing I was different than them and felt comfortable in my clothes! I'm kind of boring, but I recently bought a cute bag with a strawberry and polka dots on it.. heheheh.
ANYWAY. Long comment is long...
If you dressed "normal" (whatever that is), that would probably freak the kids out! :D OR LOLITA~ Hehehe.................................ahhh adorable loli~
Well keep up the awesome fashion statements, Tavi-chan~
Hii tavi,
take a look @ my blog (:
Totally Agree!
I would love to own that sweater.
Love love love x1,000 that sweatshirt! Love doesn't even cover it! More like absolutely adore!
And you don't look too angry. Just sexily intense. Lookin' good Tavi-la.
Have been growing out your hair? :0
Check out my blog!
Hey Tavi,
rather you get to read this or not I want you to know Style Rookie is my all time favorite blog. We are similar in age so its nice to see someone our age be able to be so loved? I dont know if thats the right word, maybe praised. Anyways I think your fantastic, i love that you dont wake up in the morning determined to put together a fashionable outfit, yu just wear what you like. Keep posting and I will keep reading!
Tavi! Your outfit was amazing! How did you make your ouitfits so exciting? The sock-and-peep shoe combination was amazing.
I love this whole look. Proenza Schouler is like, SERIOUSSSSS RADNESSS. Also, F-word clothing should be worn always.
Olvera Street is my fave. Love your colors...Tav, you rebel. XO Valerie
thank you for posting this empowering post...i couldn't agree more with the quote from Cindy Sherman. Without those of us who challenge and question beauty standards, we'd all be mindless robots...thank goodness for subjectivity.
xoxo indie queen
Wow, that sweater- I can't find the words! I'm so happy you did a presentation on Riot Grrrl! Growing up in the heart of the movement I feel so lucky to have experienced all of the energy from the 'zines, music, etc. - great to know it's still alive! Yr the best Tavi!
I. Love. This. Sweater. I wish I was fearless with my sartorial choices, and had the opportunity ot meet such aesome people when I was your age.
Sheesh! I'm only 20! I shouldn't be talking like this!
Yes, I am growing out my hair...
Oh man, I didn't even realize the manure bag was there! When I was taking the photos I knew the bag would be in it but I thought it was just mulch or something. Ha...
Big Girl - I read them!
Alix - yes, when I'm lazy and before I got interested in fashion.
just recently discovered your blog and love it!
So what's the story behind the sweater? Was it vintage, or did someone custom make it for Kathleen Hanna?
luvgmt-someone made it for her.
apparently everyone is deep in love with Tavi and her sweater and that is exactly why Tavi is deep in ... trouble indeed, unless she decides to openly share with us her legitimate disgust if any so pray God. how the silent approval of Tavi's schoolmates I wonder, is different from this monochromatic panegyric delivered by a bunch of convinced sycophants like the ones above. you are throwing yourself to the huge kingdom of crowd pleasers and you seem to enjoy the caresses that your fragile ego is taking from almost perfect strangers- potential-t-shirt buyers. the unconditioned freedom of what to wear that you brag about should go hand in hand with the freedom of spirit.
I read about you in "the new yorker" and that's what
brought me here. congratulations, it is quite an achievement (by the way, you resemble Mia Farrow a
lot. It's just an observation that was missing in your new yorker profile.)
I wish you courage and good luck. you will need them both.
Your sweater is genius. And to tell the truth, I think you are right about the importance of being bullied in middle school because of your choice of awkward fashion. I was really bullied about my red and yellow plaid pants and strange fleuro orange sweaters and silver knee socks...but it was very character building! Hang in there, I am sure you will be questioned soon! haha!
Maybe Stella McCartney could offer some advice regarding fame fashion and high school :)
You're a freak. A spoiled rotten little brat with a freaky name, and no live except dressing up in stupid, tramp-like outfits and having all the stupid idiots in the stupid fashion world ooh and ah over what a 'statement' you make and how 'adorable' you are. I could always dress up in ugly clothes, and die my hair but does that make me some sort of freakin' fashionista? You retard...
You're a freak. A spoiled rotten little brat with a freaky name, and no live except dressing up in stupid, tramp-like outfits and having all the stupid idiots in the stupid fashion world ooh and ah over what a 'statement' you make and how 'adorable' you are. I could always dress up in ugly clothes, and die my hair but does that make me some sort of freakin' fashionista? You retard...
You're a freak. A spoiled rotten little brat with a freaky name, and no live except dressing up in stupid, tramp-like outfits and having all the stupid idiots in the stupid fashion world ooh and ah over what a 'statement' you make and how 'adorable' you are. I could always dress up in ugly clothes, and die my hair but does that make me some sort of freakin' fashionista? You retard...
You're a freak. A spoiled rotten little brat with a freaky name, and no live except dressing up in stupid, tramp-like outfits and having all the stupid idiots in the stupid fashion world ooh and ah over what a 'statement' you make and how 'adorable' you are. I could always dress up in ugly clothes, and die my hair but does that make me some sort of freakin' fashionista? You retard...
You're a freak. A spoiled rotten little brat with a freaky name, and no live except dressing up in stupid, tramp-like outfits and having all the stupid idiots in the stupid fashion world ooh and ah over what a 'statement' you make and how 'adorable' you are. I could always dress up in ugly clothes, and die my hair but does that make me some sort of freakin' fashionista? You retard...
You're a freak. A spoiled rotten little brat with a freaky name, and no live except dressing up in stupid, tramp-like outfits and having all the stupid idiots in the stupid fashion world ooh and ah over what a 'statement' you make and how 'adorable' you are. I could always dress up in ugly clothes, and die my hair but does that make me some sort of freakin' fashionista? You retard...
You're a freak. A spoiled rotten little brat with a freaky name, and no live except dressing up in stupid, tramp-like outfits and having all the stupid idiots in the stupid fashion world ooh and ah over what a 'statement' you make and how 'adorable' you are. I could always dress up in ugly clothes, and die my hair but does that make me some sort of freakin' fashionista? You retard...
You're a freak. A spoiled rotten little brat with a freaky name, and no live except dressing up in stupid, tramp-like outfits and having all the stupid idiots in the stupid fashion world ooh and ah over what a 'statement' you make and how 'adorable' you are. I could always dress up in ugly clothes, and die my hair but does that make me some sort of freakin' fashionista? You retard...
You're a freak. A spoiled rotten little brat with a freaky name, and no live except dressing up in stupid, tramp-like outfits and having all the stupid idiots in the stupid fashion world ooh and ah over what a 'statement' you make and how 'adorable' you are. I could always dress up in ugly clothes, and die my hair but does that make me some sort of freakin' fashionista? You retard...
You're a freak. A spoiled rotten little brat with a freaky name, and no live except dressing up in stupid, tramp-like outfits and having all the stupid idiots in the stupid fashion world ooh and ah over what a 'statement' you make and how 'adorable' you are. I could always dress up in ugly clothes, and die my hair but does that make me some sort of freakin' fashionista? You retard...
You're a freak. A spoiled rotten little brat with a freaky name, and no live except dressing up in stupid, tramp-like outfits and having all the stupid idiots in the stupid fashion world ooh and ah over what a 'statement' you make and how 'adorable' you are. I could always dress up in ugly clothes, and die my hair but does that make me some sort of freakin' fashionista? You retard...
You're a freak. A spoiled rotten little brat with a freaky name, and no live except dressing up in stupid, tramp-like outfits and having all the stupid idiots in the stupid fashion world ooh and ah over what a 'statement' you make and how 'adorable' you are. I could always dress up in ugly clothes, and die my hair but does that make me some sort of freakin' fashionista? You retard...
You're a freak. A spoiled rotten little brat with a freaky name, and no live except dressing up in stupid, tramp-like outfits and having all the stupid idiots in the stupid fashion world ooh and ah over what a 'statement' you make and how 'adorable' you are. I could always dress up in ugly clothes, and die my hair but does that make me some sort of freakin' fashionista? You retard...
You're a freak. A spoiled rotten little brat with a freaky name, and no live except dressing up in stupid, tramp-like outfits and having all the stupid idiots in the stupid fashion world ooh and ah over what a 'statement' you make and how 'adorable' you are. I could always dress up in ugly clothes, and die my hair but does that make me some sort of freakin' fashionista? You retard...
You're a freak. A spoiled rotten little brat with a freaky name, and no live except dressing up in stupid, tramp-like outfits and having all the stupid idiots in the stupid fashion world ooh and ah over what a 'statement' you make and how 'adorable' you are. I could always dress up in ugly clothes, and die my hair but does that make me some sort of freakin' fashionista? You retard...
You should be more flattered than upset that people are starting to embrace unconventional beauty and fashion!
And I wouldn't assume that no one in your school is challenging your outfits because a magazine told them it's what's in style, that makes it sound like they couldn't possibly have the same tastes in fashion as you :/
And who ever said oddness isn't okay? I've been an oddball my whole! Trust me, 99% of your high school has no idea what Miu Miu is, so that's the last thing they think when they see your collar!
Awesome. At first I thought you were swearing, but it became 10x more awesomer once I figured out the word was "feminist". I'm glad to see you are adjusting well to growing up. :)
Just when I thought you couldn't get any cooler.
(you did)
Great post!
I don't know if you've already read this but if not I'd recommend The Beauty Myth by Naomi Wolf. There are a couple things in there that I dislike (some of the statistics are pretty inaccurate) but overall really worth reading.
love your looks!! nice shoes (:
I'm 29. High school for me was the best place on earth to experiment with fashion. No one was doing DIY/hip/thrift clothes so I had that niche to myself, and I loved it. When I moved from a small town to a big city, by myself, for university, I could no longer pull it off with the same confidence. As for riot grrl, it was big when I was a teen in the 90s, but I was just generally obsessed with zines and indie culture. My enduring most fashion influence is so-called "grunge" and alt-rock androgyny and Kurt Cobain. To this day I still pretty much dress that way, like the 90s equivalent of an aging hippie or punk.
Hey Tavi,
Is the bag of "manure" in your photo significant? (just a joke!)
Did you go to WALTER when you were in Antwerp? Sorry to ask again, just that I love that store, him, and his clothes so much and wondered if you did to.
You look so cool!
"Why is it so subversive to be beautiful in the traditional sense? I think it's much more subversive to create your own form of beauty and to set your own standards."
Kathleen Hanna's friend sounds like she should be MY friend too!
P.S. Your Happy Socks are awesome with those shoes, they remind me of a rocket popsicle.
Very 70's!
I am really digging that sweater. Good on ya.
i love the first photo, you are so pretty ^^
aww what a lovely sweater!
extremely cute jumper!!!
I found things were very different in high school, as opposed to middle school. I made a conscious decision to not care what people thought. I wore and did whatever made me happy and felt right. In hindsight it seems strange that I never got made fun of. I think when you are being genuine and being true to yourself. most people really respect and admire that.
I've been vulturing those dam white shoes of yours for like a year now...and the GAP, you say? *hahaha!! pfft! ya schooled me. I'll find some nice ones eventually....
& good for you rockin' the F BOMB to school, ya little hellcat!
* ; )
carry on!
If I got to have breakfast with Kathleen Hanna my head would literally explode from awesomeness. Especially if she gave me that sweater and those zines! Bikini Kill is one of the best, most energetic and heartfelt punk bands of all time, and they encourage me so much to stand up for myself.
I think it's pretty cool that you were kind of hoping that someone would try to make fun of your awesome sweater! I think a lot of that is that if nobody challenges you, then you can't try to open their mind to anything, and for all you know they could just be passively accepting stuff rather than actually approving of what you're doing. Or something. Plus it's fun to challenge peoples' internal paradigms. You are awesome, Tavi.
love your sweater, love Cindy Sherman's words, and Kathleen's ideas. I was thinking this things last day and i finally though that we could go all naked all the time, and nobody would care about anything! But in winter it would be freezing...
the thing about caillou and the moon is so funny! hahaha
Ah that jumper is so epic <3<3
I kinda love how chunky your wedges look with the skinny jeans
lindo seu blog!!!
segue o meu ai
lindo seu blog!!!
segue o meu ai
That's a fairly good "Little Daria goes to high school" face, congrats ;)
Also, I love your hair! And I hear you about the feeling frustrated for not being challenged, but people are sheeps. And this is never more true than in high school.
AGHHHHHH TAVI. You are killing me. I'm obsessed with Kathleen Hanna and listen to her vinyls daily!!!
And it IS fun for people to comment on your clothes, especially when it's something really ridiculous.
Also- nice sweater.
I love that you dare to be your own person regardless of what others may say or think. That is truly a gift. You have such a beautiful spirit!!
People didn't challenge your sweater because they're acquainted with your popularity. They accepted it because you *aren't the only feminist out there.* Being one doesn't make you that much more special.
Honestly, I've been reading this blog for a while, and it's been sad to read how different the posts have become since the earlier days -- ironically angsty and "different." I like Tavi the Tyke better than Tavi the Teen :(
Dressing in a way intended to challenge the old standards of beauty....
is still dressing in a way defined by the old standards of beauty.
I love the idea of dressing to challenge and surprise others. I never understand why people think shock factor is a bad thing, especially when there is substance behind it. What fun is going to school or work and looking normal!? To me a snicker or off-hand remark gives me much more encouragement than positive attention! Check out more at my insanely gorgeous blog-
I really like the sweater and the colors And how creative to use part of the mexican bingo card on your bow. After reading this post I have been trying to dress a little odd for school. Yesterday I wore a bow I made out of pink paper and today I wore a crown made of hershys bar wrapers and wore a shirt with seven pins on it. Too see this outfit and others please read my blog...
Your a true inspiration.
you should read everybody's autobiography by gertrude stein, your musings on the nature of beauty/ugly-as-subversive reminds me of stein a bit
Your metaphor for the moon is hilarity/genius. I also take delight from the fact that you are standing next to a bag of manure in the photo.
hey tavi!
Maxim beauty queens may seem powerful. But these patriarchal beauty standards that so many strive towards (and very few achieve) are for the benefit of white middle class hetero men! i think this post is helping to widen the framework of what we have come to encompass as beautiful, and to show that style, fashion can be subversive when its for ourselves.
Awesome sweater and shoes!
Check out my blog: Principessa Gabriella New posts! :)
замечательно пишешь!))
In a comment on Hipster Musings, I just claimed that your awseomeness will enable you to take over the world one day, I don't doubt this for a second!! x
amazing look and awesome sweater :D
i seriously hope you arent the way you stare at the camera
Me either
i was really into what im wearing before
but now i dont really care about being a fashion guy or what people say.
(i dont know maybe im much more iterested in womenswear so that could be reason that i dont care about my fashion)
interresting, like everytime, i'm here ;)
It's gorgeous!
juliet xxx
"You may think from these photos that I want to kill you. I do not. It is just my regular face."
Well... If I have to be killed by anyone, I could be consoled with the knowledge that I would be killed by a feminist. LOVE the sweater. epic.
Dear Miss Pretty xx
hey you
i really loved yr blog, yr style is exotic but i liked it hahah.
wow tavi you're awesome:))
loving your blog... i am now a follower cant wait for another post! xx
You are so bright and insightful. It has been a pleasure following you through your blog. You're entering another phase in your life now -- adolescence -- and it's fascinating to hear your perspective. Just keep on challenging the world, conventions, other people's ideas about what is beautiful, artistic, important. That's why we all follow you!
And btw, I'm really sorry I interrupted you at the Gary Graham presentation. We're Chicago locals and I was just eager to say hello ;)
such a cool look ;D
if you were a real feminist, you wouldn't condone all of the shit that models take and all of the eating disorders and social problems that the fashion industry causes women. nice try, 13 year old.
I suggest going to school in what you would view as "What everyone else is wearing", if you want to dress for shock value.
Just want to throw out some more obscure 90s, riot-grrl/ post-riot grrl stuff for ya. Try to find a Boston band called Victory at Sea (their singer's name is Mona Elliot and she has a slightly less rockin' band called Travels now). Also, the DC-based Tsnumani, with frontwoman Jenny Toomey (of the famed Simple Machines record label) is awesome. Just some east coast stuff to balance out yer west coast love. Ya know, I was there. :-)
You're such a strange little girl and I love that ! Come and have a look to my blog :
Youre awesome Tavi! We here at beScene LOVE LOVE your style!!
Oh yes, The New Yorker, just "some magazine"?
(can't resist/be a suck-up all the time)
Oh yes, The New Yorker, just "some magazine"?
(can't resist/be a suck-up all the time)
Hi Tavi, i really think your look should have any dark details or any lack of light and give most protagonism to black to turn your Heidi Style in something which has more strength and elegance, i think you need mature and refine your style, your disguised girl style. If you want to expose any own theory about style on my blog, only have to click on:
I'm lovin' the sweater!!!! i wish my parents would have let me wear something like this when i was younger.... :P
You have a great sense of style! keep it up!! :D
Hello! Fashion Forestry here!
I just mentioned you as one of my fashion inspirations here:
It would be really cool if you commented on my Facebook, and post a little bio about yourself, I think my readers would be really interested and I want to spread the word about you.
here is my facebook fan page link:
cant wait to hear your bios!
I will post the most original in an edit on my blog ;)
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