Today I wore a sweater to school that had the f-word on it.

I thought I would get quite the beating from my peers, and I was totally wrong. And kind of disappointed! Which sounds horrible (it's a good thing that I can be openly feminist at school) but I guess I'm just bored. What was so great about dressing up in middle school was when people got really confused and sometimes even angry and had the most entertaining responses, but now a lot of them think they're supposed to like my outfits because some magazine does, and as a result, I am never challenged. The best was when people found out about this blog, and said things like, "Wow, I would not have guessed you care about fashion." Which I loved -- I don't want to look like someone who cares about fashion. Now everything is justified by the attention this blog receives, the same way I dislike the logo placement on my Miu Miu collar, as if it makes the oddness somehow okay. My goal for this school year was to wear outfits that confuse the people I'm surrounded by every day, challenge beauty ideals...I know it's cheesy to post inspiration quotes, but these are not the kind you will see pasted onto a photo of a sunset and tumbled:
"I like making images that from a distance seem kind of seductive, colorful, luscious and engaging, and then you realize what you're looking at is something totally opposite. It seems boring to me to pursue the typical idea of beauty, because that is the easiest and the most obvious way to see the world. It's more challenging to look at the other side." -- Cindy Sherman
"I know when I first started, I said things like, 'It's really great to be beautiful and powerful and sexy,' and I take a little bit of that back now. What I was saying was that you don't have to look a certain way or have a certain hairstyle to be a feminist; that just because a girl wears lipstick that doesn't mean she's not a feminist. But now I realize that I wasn't really challenging the standard of beauty. A friend said to me, 'Why is it so subversive to be beautiful in the traditional sense? I think it's much more subversive to create your own form of beauty and to set your own standards.' She's right." -- Kathleen Hanna
Speaking of Kathleen Hanna, this sweater is actually courtesy of her! It was made and given to her by Jim Drain and Elyse Allen and the label says Happy Banana. I had breakfast with her and my pal Wendy when I was in New York and it was definitely a highlight of my Fashion Week, even though it was not actually a part of Fashion Week and we hardly talked about fashion. We talked a bit about the politics of it though, and when I mentioned the kinds of things that are, like, really really important to the Internet at this time of year (seat placements, who got shot by which street style photographers, more stupidity) Kathleen said, "Who cares? People are dying," so quick, in one breath, and it was like...duh! I mean, seriously, what a wonderful thing to hear and mindset to get in during a time I have such a love/hate relationship with.
She also gave me these zines I'm really stoked on:

I gave a presentation to my English class about Riot Grrrl and my teacher said I could read an excerpt from one of these out loud one of these days after we're done with the spoken word unit. Today my group had to think of a metaphor for the moon. We submitted, "the moon is Caillou once he has acne and insomnia."

You may think from these photos that I want to kill you. I do not. It is just my regular face.

Sweater, gift. Jeans sent to me by Proenza Schouler. Pierre Hardy for Gap wedges. Happy Socks from Hairbow from the Olvera Street Market. The headband I'm wearing in the first photo was sent to me by Monsoon Accessorize, and I pinned on the crown, which came from a postcard of a Mexican bingo card.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 258 of 258I think you look a bit grown up in the first picture. If that makes any sense. In any case, I like your shoe choice for this outfit. I'm glad you're enjoying(?) high school.
cute sweater! I love the way it looks with the jeans!
Love the sweater! Sorry there was no shock value at school, grr. I am really liking the Proeza pants and the sandals. Very edgy!
Have you seen LeTigre live? They have the most awesome outfits. I wonder who their designer is?
I saw a Cindy Sherman exhibit at the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis when I was a junior in HS.
I loved her then, so much, and twenty years later I love her still. She's brilliant, and I am glad other high school age girls find her inspiring.
Thanks, Mr. Powers the English teacher, for arranging that trip!
you are so amazing. never thought i could admire such a young gal like you but i do! you inspire me.
ur such a douchebag. seriously.. u need to get over urself.. ur not that cool. if i saw u wearing that sweater i would come up to u and slushy u - glee style. so seriously, dont act super cool and alternate when ur actually really generic. wearing a sweater saying feminist is not very controversial. just ugly. so i suggest u go shopping madame.
ur such a douchebag. seriously.. u need to get over urself.. ur not that cool. if i saw u wearing that sweater i would come up to u and slushy u - glee style. so seriously, dont act super cool and alternate when ur actually really generic. wearing a sweater saying feminist is not very controversial. just ugly. so i suggest u go shopping madame.
you may however be referring to any mag but the NYer, if so, forgive me
(i think many of us still can't believe you care as much as you seem to about fashion, with its insidious aspects...even the art + style part of it which gets less limelight..with your signature style...cue in endless, tiresome circular prattle about style versus fashion....)
Your Polyvore stuff: !!!
shows us fresh style plucked from fashion, though;
It may be irritating to some of us to hear about this season's just so fashion tinged witchiness + the new "Haus of_____(this or that)" kids all chirping in (thanx, team Gaga) without invoking earlier luminaries like Siouxsie Sioux, and the
look at me, isn't this precious/anti-precious-- or non-status quo, different + cool bcuz it's uncool, odd, awkward-- element of blog new world which your generation just a bit icky...but that's modern culture, and chaging beauty standards, no? (In the 80's middle or high school aesthetes and/or oddballs were routinely dissed as "let's un-conform, together," types who supposedly hated normals, who often hated us, but we were just feeling the beauty of representing, celebrating difference; + had to make little zines which couldn't zap around the world in seconds, to counter the monolithic, it-does-not-exist until it's televised,dreaded, "mainstream" culture, so maybe we're a tinge jealous.)
And all boyz + girls, even those less sharp + astute as Tavi are free to pick n choose, remix, + rile us with fresh spins, new combinations, so thwack me hard if i ever post a verbose riff like this again, a 40 year old, semi-stylish gay guy commenting on a teenage whiz kids blog (how's that for "creepy", heheh)but i had to say it.
Thanx, Tess Jr.
Tavi!! I love that sweater so much!!
That really is the most wonderful sweater! You are never too young (or old) to be a feminist!
Tavi the new idol of feminist?
The Proenza jeans are beautiful, and kind of look like velvet from a distance...
PASTEL goth or witchy vibes (cotton candy goth? haunted carnivalesque, oh you did say carnival, we get it!) in contrast to typical dark shades (even earlier "goth" pop icon Ms Sioux herself lost certain fans when she went pink + yellow for her Superstition album, "oh my goth" they mocked; would Daria approve?...mmm, refreshing; sort of like washed out whites, mourning colors in some cultures....
Tavi + friends, i may nitpick, foolishly, + will soon be quiet, but when the kids are steps ahead, gem picking from decades past, remixing + forming anew, we cheer you on.
Please tell us "the f-word" is really not dirty...oh boys, behave, take heed!! In 4th (or umpteenth or whatever) wave feminism, is it a strong feature in the face of post evrything humanism?
It's harder for "kids today" to rile, hehe...
but eccentrics still can be lights, in our "deeply superficial" culture (to bastardize Warhol); brains + quirks, mad style, flying the freak flag a bit, go, go...
+ now, before one last bit, i'll return to silent lurking: here's also to Ladytron, their 2005 Witching Hour album, since i have yammered on this much, there may be some shared affinity, or worth in mentioning.
Thank you.
Tavi, there is so much hype about you. And i don't know why. I think your clothes are ugly and although you think your so cool for being different your just like everyone else. You think you are soooo unique, well your not. Everyone interested in fashion tries to be different and try to develop a new trend and style. You are a follower, following those who try to be different. You just want to be different and be noticed. Well i see through you ugly outfits and annoying pudgy smirk. I think your style is ugly and stop trying to be so different and cool because your not. And soon everyone will forget you and no one will care.
"Your never fully dressed without a smile" : )
i love your inspiring outfits!
your jeans... are so cool. also i really enjoyed those quotes..
LOVE IT! Jeans and shoes are just wonderful!! ♥
My favorite part of this isn't your outfit but the way you are. Your way of thinking and acting is inspirational, and I mean that in the most sincere way possible.
Keep on at it.
Hey Tavi, I love your blog.
Pray, follow mine -
Great sweater, love the clour combination
xoxo Sootjeelina <3
Those jeans are just... wow.
My vocabulary has evaded me just by looking at them.
Oh wow this post brings back such high school memories for me. I used to read those zines and other grrrlie ones. I even published my own called Vulvateen. I admit it's a bit jarring to see those 90s styles revived, barrettes and all, but you have the right I-don't-care attitude to pull it off. And really attitude was what it was all about.
Congrats on the success of your blog, even if it does mean you have to work harder to annoy your classmates!
Here's a link to my fashion/art blog if you want something to read this morning.
check out my site thanks
I wonder if the dog thing in your hair is a kind of snood -- maybe last popular in the 1940s??
I don't really care whom that sweater is from - I think it's hideous. a really questionable piece of clothing - the color combination alone...
but the statement of feminism is great, no question. but does it have to be made with an unappealing sweater?! i think not!
I love your jumper! and your hairs amazing:)
I like you. And I like riot grrrl and kathleen hannah. I used to hate you, but since you are too smart and down to earth and etc etc I don't hate you anymore. internet punch on the shoulder from iceland.
Hello, how are you?
You are the best in style comments!
I love you!
I also have a blog, here the link is:
Hello, how are you?
You are the best in style comments!
I love you!
I also have a blog, here the link is:
I love your blog so much
Tavi, that sock-shoe combination is Ge-ni-us! I love the thick white sptripes intersecting the block colour, especially with the contrasting toes. Long lives creative footwear layering!
Sarah xx
Hey Tavi, I've been following your blog for quite a while and am definitely a fan! You're such a genius, a lover of fashion and a unique visionary. It just so happens that you're on an entirely different plane than those of your past middle school and now present high school peers. I haven't dropped in on your blog much over the past year but was always delighted, and not at all surprised, to read of your rising star when my magazine subscriptions arrived to my mail inbox or your blogging featured elsewhere. It must be both entertaining and sometimes annoying to be around ignorant peers who don't know themselves and may take much longer or never come into their own... the way you so clearly have and will continue to blossom. Being unique is a beautiful quality and a brave one as well... that's quite admirable about you and it's something to be in awe of about any person at any age. Anyhow, I read this entry and saw your latest photos... I just wanted to also let you know that you are growing into such a gorgeous girl, Tavi! It's hasn't been that long, a year.... but I can definitely notice the bits of changes you've gone through... like you're getting taller, for instance. You're just going to keep blossoming and evolving as a visionary and voice of fashion for years to come, and I'm so glad to continue to be a blog reader. :-) -Tina T.
My jaw actually dropped as I scrolled down to read this post. First, the delight in seeing that sweater that I remember OBSESSING OVER when seeing Kathleen wearing it. I was simultaneously delighted and then also a bit shocked that maybe someone had re-issued it, but to then read that it was a personal gift to you from her? Well I just died. It's so cool that Kathleen keeps inspiring new generations of girls...I can say with 100% certainty that I wouldn't have done alot of the things I've done, or even how I earn a living today, if it wasn't for her. I met her quickly once outside a show in Montreal and I still remember it! Anyways Tavi, love your blog, this sweater is awesome, treasure it always - it should be in a museaum one day!
I love this post! Your wit and voice really shine through in all of your writing. I must say that you are a true inspiration for teenage girls everywhere. I'm seventeen, and I wish that I had some of the same insight that you did when I was your age. I actually wrote a paper for english class on feminism and fashion, and I posted it on my blog. I would love for you to take a look at it. I know that you have so many comments, but I feel like you would really like it :)
thanks lil lady...
even at 33, feminism is definitely the f-word.
... and i'm finally okay with it.
and i'm even more okay with defining my own standards of beauty.
i totally support you and your attitude.
rock it sister.
heck, nowadays kids are used to Cosplay, Fursonas and tentacle p0rn. quite difficult to shock. plus, i think its still considered uncool to even raise an eyebrow when the guy next to you on the bus pulls off his plastic face and reveals the alien underneath. you could try wearing a star-spangled burqa or a traditional abaya, though ^___^
but i think its time to face the facts: you are now cool. a New Yorker article impresses almost everybody, specially in these celebrity-obsessed times. you are (kinda) famous and successful, and people are drawn to that. but don't despair! the amazing internet delivers all the hate and envy free to your room! ain't that wonderful? ^______^
on an unrelated note: i love the sentence "You may think from these photos that I want to kill you. I do not. It is just my regular face."
i think i will steal it ^__^
I love this post! Your wit and voice really shine through in all of
your writing. I must say that you are a true inspiration for teenage
girls everywhere. I'm seventeen, and I wish that I had some of the same insight that you did when I was your age. I actually wrote a paper for english class on feminism and fashion, and I posted it on my blog. I would love for you to take a look at it. I know that you have so many comments, but I feel like you would really like it :)
You're more intelligent about feminism than most of the 20-somethings I know. I don't know jack about fashion, but I just fell madly in love with your blog.
You remind me of Hit Girl.
hola yo soy Brasileira, pero yo hablo espanol! me gusta mucho usted!
i love Tavi,i love !
my blog
holy moley, i know i am 244 comments behind but i saw that sweater and immediately knew exactly what it was from, see i work at this museum/gallery and jim drain gave a presentation and is going to have a show there sometime in the future and he showed that sweater and talked about how he gave it to kathleen hanna among other work he has done, and I cannot believe it is now in the possession of the most deserved person possible who i would never connect with my boring job. keep that sweater close to your heart! seriously amazing small world.
Waaw , your sweater is really nice. I like it!
Interesting post. People outside fashion think it is ballgowns at the Academy Awards or Project Runway or imperialist dictates. Actually, quite a few people inside fashion seem to think that too.
fantastic outfit, so bold, birght and fearless :)
I get your point, I sometimes to too wear things that are odd and confuse people but I wear them because I think they're pretty, not just for the first reason...
Oh, how I love this post. You met Kathleen Hanna. You are wearing her sweater. You mention the f-word. You presented on Riot Grrrl in class. As a teacher, I have to salute your individuality.
About not being challenged anymore by your peers, the thing is, you have dislodged their ability to challenge, because your "work" and writing are getting validated by people they assume are more culturally aware and powerful than they are. Also, it is hard to challenge someone's passion and creativity.
I see this on blogs I read all of the time, like Project Rungay. It's a love fest. Sometimes, it can begin to drive me nuts that people write in and say, "Me too! I thought that too! You're brilliant!" But if no one told the Project Rungay authors this, they'd stop blogging.
My advice: encourage others to step out of their comfort zones. Have guest bloggers. Dress people up. Give them the chance to experience what you do. Ask a teacher to write about your fashion and their experience of it. Ask peers to write about how your "fame" affects them.
Sigh... to be a 14 year old zinestress riot grrrl again. Your blog has always reminded me soooo much of those zines of yore, so it was so cool to see you in this sweater. Keep carrying the torch, you lovely lady! xx
I'm so jealous that you hung out with Khanna and she gave you those zines. I would have died at your age if that happened, it was seriously a dream of mine (or a fantasy) haha
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I really like your blog and you made me start one my self but nobodt wath it :(, do you havo some tips or can you please send a message???, You have hive me the power to were what I want to were.
Thank you
If you want to see my blog:
love chanoi
I envy that sweater more than you know!
I envy that sweater more than you know!
Don't be disheartened when your peers aren't challenged by your outfits- it means they've started to think about the ideas that drive the style, and some of those ideas have found fertile ground! Bravo!
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