Givenchy The whole collection was sort of the Alejandro video/Frida Kahlo (cited by Riccardo Tisci as an inspiration) and I want everything. I would love to see detail shots for this one. Everyone knows "resort" is a sucky name but if the girl that owned this whole collection* and went on vacation to an island she would live in a hut and paint and read and mix potions and burn incense and call in to work sick every day for the rest of her life.
*and anyone who owned this whole collection would wear nothing else, because they'd have no reason to not be satisfied with all this loveliness, and because owning these clothes would make them the kind of person with a niche. Like how a cartoon character always wears the same thing, or like Margot Tenenbaum.

Stella McCartney STELLAAAAA! STELLLLLAAAAA! Okay, now that I have the obligatory over, HOLY HELL. Seriously, STELLLAAAA. I'll stop. But, um, marry me? The lace is perfectly balanced between being detailed and simple. The flowers are the greatest kind of florals because they look like intense paintings as opposed to that playful repeating print. And the colors. The whole thing sounds like a dreamy sigh, smells like spring rain, and feels like the luxurious, non-sick kind of bed-in day.
oh yes, it's all beautiful. I like the Lanvin best, but I think he'd able to do better. I'm quite fussy.
I loved lanvin also! great post darling!
Loving givenchy,but certainly not stella mccartney;i perosnally think the prints look hideous lol.But Givenchy looks fabulous.Ox
Fabulous post...Lanvin, gorgeous collection, to many details, colorful, accessorize as crazy, he is the BEST.....Stella, agree with you, the balance between color , fabric, texture are fabulous, feminine, elegant, PERFECT!
Of course everything has to look much better in real...will see if I have the opportunity.....will be one of my wish for my birthday ( next week)...also meet some of this great Designers.
Thank you Tavi to share your fashion thoughts with us!
Kisses Lady Tavi
I love that Givenchy dress on the right. And the Stella McCartney stuff is amazing. Great post! :)
YES. I want that last Givenchy dress. And Stella McCartney...I actually did a post on that yesterday. :) And that Alber Elbaz head in the photo is the best designer/model pic ever. The PROPER way to be in a photo, Terry Richardson!
really love all the pieces!
omg, how awesoooome this looks are. i'm in love with the first 3 outfits (:
i am not digging the cropped pants. yes, stella is wonderful. i want to get get my hair cut shorter and spray a whole lot of product in it. that platinum blunt hair makes the white dress work. amazing!
I would wear all of those... to where I have no idea. I like the very first picture the most, though. I love the men's clothing turned feminine look.
Holy hell the Givenchy is fabulous!
son of a mother, those stella mccartney pieces are... fantastic? spectacular? completely swoon-worthy? damn, i think i just died a little
Those looks are great!
-the diary of a belgian stylist-
love love love the givenchy, but have to say my favorite resort piece so far is the floral blazer/short onezie from Stella. Or the white dress with the lace. No, the floral.
btw, what is the 411 on your POP-blog? I mean its nice to only have to follow you in one place, and it kind of beats the original purpose of blogging in my opinion, to be doing it for a magazine (regardless of how cool that magazine may be), but it seems to have slowed down to the point of resembling the Queen Mother in 2002. Just sayin'.
Oh, and i continuously giggle eternally from your old-Tavi with Chloë Sevigny platforms story. Thanks!
holy hell can i please have that stella mccartney floral printed short suit? and everything in the lanvin collection?
Oh, I just want to squeeze Alber and give him a cuddle!
Tavi I love this, I went to OPRF so we have the same hometown as I recently found out!
Those shoes are hawt, Alber is a shoo-in to replace Kieser Karl when he at long last turns in.
YSL jacket, Missoni tank dress, and RARE Liberty print Cacharel skirt for sale!
i like all the outfits tavi :)
i like all the outfits tavi :)
What I wouldn't do for the Stella McCartney floral (but a COOL floral) jacket...
these are all REALLY beautiful. I anticipate ss11 with GLEE AND JOY
i love it all !!
I loved the florals at Stella as well and the Lanvin groups of threes looked so sophisticated/expensive teen vogue. I didn't even notice the photobomb! so funny
Stella was so fantastic!!! The shapes and the silky suits were just so genius. And the flower prints??? It made me drool.
I simply can choose! The collections are both splendid!
Everthing is so beautifull
But i liked so much the white hair of lady gaga, the sunglasses, and the white cloth front in the mirror were perfect!
I don't know why, i like this color
Ohhhhhhh, that very first outfit. I'll have that one please.
oh lanvin... very cute photos.
Lanvin's resort collection is equal parts fabulous and luxurious.
Ugh. That second model? She is scary thin. She looks awful. This saddens me.
givenchy was also one of muy favs! if I had that whole collection or even just one piece OMG!:)
love the floral prints - dress and suit with short are sucha a beauty
just beautiful..... so lucky to see this new collection....ahhhh Australia needs this all very soon, and i agree ohhhhh STELLA!!! lace detailing to die for-woah! im one not to love the pant/short suit, but well done this is a piece to take home, even if i never wear it! yum!!!!
J'aime beaucoup les créations de Stella McCartney.
“The flowers are the greatest kind of florals because they look like intense paintings as opposed to that playful repeating print.”
So true! And what a beautiful example you’ve presented us! Speaking of painting, I’ve just been using some really toxic smelling gold paint, so if I’ve said anything that’s not quite right, then don’t worry, ‘cause it’s Only A Northern Song. No! No!, it’s probably because of the paint fumes.
Margot Tenenbaum <3
I'm glad I wasn't the only one that got the 'Alejandro' kind of vibe from resort '11 Givenchy.
What really stood out as 'Alajandro' was the long sheer white dress with red strips of lace...reminded me of the red cross crotch outfit Gaga sported..check my blog.
I orgasmed when I looked at Givenchy..don't you just want to live in those clothes in an ancient haunted stone mansion surrounded by sexy twilight vampires also wearing Givenchy?..well..I do.
hello :)
I love what Ricardo Tisci did with this collection, so far different from your typical Resort collections, which happen to be the most boring usually.
I can't choose one of them..I said this from the bottom of my heart..Givenchy,Stella McCartney ,Lanvin..I really like all of them..All clothes are wonderful..thank u Tavi:)
Givenchy Forever !!
Stella McCartney is very amazing, i love it.
I think this is my favorite part!
Givenchy had beautiful clothes... it was definitely Givenchy in its best! The only thing that I didnt like about Givenchy were the pants. Those pants with the extra fabric in the crotch?? that was weird! were they meant for transvesties?? lol...
Stella had a great collection too, very classy, minimalist like always, but fun! Great for Resort!
Lanvin was fun... I ma not to impress about the t-shirts since they might cost tones... and they are just tees! But the dresses and skirts look fun!
Ahh love the mad enlarged florals. Can't beat 'em.
Ahh love the mad enlarged florals. Can't beat 'em.
I like Givenchy collection. not very colorful and quite simple.
all so beautiful, LOVE the Stella white coat and lace skirt.. yum
I love the jumping!
This blog inspired me to start my own blog. I just started, (Like, an hour ago) so its not that great, but you gotta start some where.
Love the clothes (and ! And thank you for remembering that I love that song
I absolutely love these clothes especially stellas, her work is always brilliant, your definately the best blogger out there
Definitly, Alber Elbaz has done a great job here. He took "resort" to a whole new level.
LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Stella's collection !!!!
Best wishes, minnja
The third Givenchy look is mind blowing. And the second Lanvin dress. These are Tangents picks.
Although the Versace line is incredible!
that givenchy fitted blazer is awesome!
Lanvin is amazing, but i liked the givenchy also.
I LOVE the Givenchy collection..aaaahh
AMAZING OUTFITS - I adore the opening ceremony pieces... why are they so perfect?! Oh I would wear these outfits every day if only I could afford it *sigh*
Alber's collection looks fantastic - as always...
The others did great jobs as well - I've never seen so many interesting ressort collections building such a clever bridge to the last main collection before them - and hopefully to the next collection after them.
Anyway, I think Alber Elbaz is one of the funniest (and I mean hilarious) geniuses out there.
Oh my gooooshhhh :O I loved Lanvin ! The colors are Fantastics !!!
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