Guess what I did!

"SAT IN A CUSHIONY RESTAURANT BOOTH WITH A TOTORO DOLL!" you say. But there is something else...what's this? There's more?


"I GIVE UP." Could this maybe perhaps be the article I wrote for Pop about going to Tokyo and meeting Rei Kawakubo aka my fashion hero and all-around hero not just fashion but in general for multiple reasons?
I mean, it was nuts. I can't even say..well, read the article, basically, and you'll see! I wrote it in December but rereading it now I don't like it, which is unfortunate, but also maybe a good thing because it means I am a better writer now? Blah. But like I said when I got back, the most special moments stay special when you keep them to yourself, so some of the trip I've saved for myself.
Pictures of dead fish and Studio Ghibli will be up soon...I didn't upload them for a while when I got home and then it felt like posting them would be random and untimely, so now is a good time with the magazine coming out.
Oh! And I took some pictures inspired by a series of photos by Richard Prince (who did the cover) called Fainted.

There was Comme! And Tao! And Junya! In my house! And my dog didn't pee on any of it! Even she knows what's up. I mean, she WAS, like, the total inspiration for an entire Miu Miu collection! If you sort of stretch the truth a tad!
So! The rest of the magazine is, y'know, fine, I guess. I'M THE BEST PART. Just kidding, ha ha ha.
No, but really! I have many favorite parts, and spent lots of time getting my arm cut off by the scanner to bring you my favorite images from the new issue. even though all of these scans are already online so my doing so was kind of pointless. I KNOW, I KNOW, no need to thank me! But if you WERE to, you could do so with a new bike, or some Miu Miu for my dog.

THIS LINDSEY WIXSON EDITORIAL. makes me want. to be her best friend. and also live in new york. and also own lots of christopher kane and miu miu. but i wanted that anyway. it apparently also makes me not use caps.
Seriously though, it's just so fun and cute and I like seeing her smile! It was styled by Vanessa Reid, who normally does more layering and print mixing (as most represented by this editorial, and, as mentioned yesterday, she's the stylist for Missoni) and I think the way she made it more simple for this one works well in terms of the character being created. Miu Miu cats, Kane gingham, the lips at Philosophy, a pastel blue Alaia dress-you get the gist.

More Lindsey! This editorial works better when you see all the pictures together because it's basically all these teenagers that live in a house that is like a more crowded, more elaborate Grey Gardens. And they're all awesome and wear Yohji and Balenciaga and Nirvana sweatshirts and Alexander Wang letterman jackets all the time. WHY CAN'T THIS BE MY LIFE. I would LOVE to start a commune in a really crowded and bizarre house where we all just sit and stare into space while being aware of the other person's Prada chandelier dress or flowery Chanel heels and complimenting their sartorial choices through mind games. WHY WHY WHY.

There is an amazing Louise Bourgeois interview, and this photo of her makes me so happy.

Devon Aoki acts like an Allen Jones coffee table and it is awesome! Not in this photo, but it is my favorite from that ed. If I try to explain why it's good it will ruin it.

Okay, lately I have been really tired of nudity in fashion magazines because it's almost always done in a way that is supposed to be all sexytimes and it's not shocking anymore and it just feels cheap and easy, to me, mostly. Except here. Venetia Scott shot this editorial and it's really beautiful and summery and fields and Virgin Suicides (well, okay, I basically just associate EVERYTHING with a field in it with the Virgin Suicides) and the mood of the ed compensates for the fact that there isn't any styling. It really is more about a mood than fashion, but Pop isn't only fashion, and I am honestly in love with this. Can't exactly bring it to read on the train! but really nice.
Same nudity spiel goes for this:

I mean, it's not tacky, just really beautiful (a word I do not use often, for fear it might indicate some type of SOUL I may have).

Balenciaga shoes! On a tray! At first I thought the white wall was sand on the beach, and then I saw it was a wall. And it was weird.

Boxy pastel awesome etc.

THIS. EDITORIAL. Is, for one, like...100 pages. Or 50. But still, REALLY long. There is this amazing photo diary, and the colors, and the styling, and just so-there's that word again-beautiful.
Meeting an inspirational figure is honestly such an amazing experience. Not only did you get to write your own article and everything, but you got to meet Rei Kawakubo, AMAZING.
Loving your article and photos :)
wow it really does look amazing though even if it is long. and thats so inspiring that you met her! shes so phenomenal and idiosyncratic its crazy!!! i love this post. keep up the good work..
I thought it was sand too.
I think I need this. And yeah, I too thought it was sand too.
Hopefully one day you will be able to go over to Japan and enjoy it for a much longer time. Looking forward to seeing your photos from there.
I wonder if it's more that Rei is interested in the people who enjoy her clothing than she cares about giving interviews. She reminds me of Anna in a way. That they would rather do their work, that interviews are a necessary but unwanted task and there is no reason for other people to know more about them than is already known.
Lol, Miu Miu for your dog? I'd like some for my cats too.
I made the best taco shells tonight. I will send you one over. There. Click. Good huh? I love your writing. I am always finding myself laughing out loud when I am with you. I am happy you have a scanner, the bigger the better you know!
love love lovee the Fainted series of shots. your photos always look so effortless!
Dear Tavi,
You're awesome.
I ask you in the nicest, most non-creepiest way, be my friend.
The End.
P.S. You're one the reasons I finally made a blog.
These pictures are phenomenal, I love the "Fainted" shoot. You have such a unique sense of style and an extraordinary way of writing.
woww... that just blew my mind. I love POP! I just have no idea whatsoever where to purchase it in Tucson. so. I cry...
BUT- this post gave me my POP fix'o'the month and made the whole ordeal a little better.
and-- props on the article. Which I sincerly wish I could read...
you're already tired of nude? heck am just beginning to discover them thanks to you.
tavi you're great with writing. And you're funny.
I am Denise Katipunera
That Balenciaga ad seems quite racist. Like a revision of The Jungle Book, but really, is it really apropriate nowday?
Ahhh Totoro~!!! Daisuki desu ^~^
Soo cute....
yep, I totally saw a beach
I just finished reading your article about your trip. I understand that you already acknowledge that you're extremely lucky, so I'm glad you're not using your experience as pompous self-esteem leverage and throwing it in everyone's faces, for the sake of it. I'm glad you're accepting the experience gracefully. But I must say that I'm incredibly jealous. I am somewhat familiar with Rei Kawakubo, but I'm probably not strongly-enough associated with fashion and I'm not educated enough about Kawakubo to love her as much as you do. But I definitely admire her, at the least, for the little things I know. What really made me happy about your experience was that it reminded me of my constant fantasies of meeting Hayao Miyazaki, whom I am very familiar with and has been one of my heroes since I was a child (even though I'm still a child...). So I relate myself to your experience and accompanied emotions extremely well, even though I am less fortunate and haven't had any such chance. Plus, you went to the Studio Ghibli Museum, which I would have also loved. I am such a huge admirer... Once again, I applaud you for being such a smart young woman who can appreciate, recognize, and properly utilize all of the significant pieces in your journey in both Japan and in fashion in general. I am very touched by your stories. I hope we can become acquaintances of sorts in the future.
I love reading your posts. You are really hilarious, just reading one of your posts can really make my day. :)
Btw.....THAT EDITORIAL WAS SO AWESOME!! I'm drooling! Haha! So colourful and imaginative. And fun! The box people was so cool. Those Balenciaga shoes, on a tray! But i totally saw a beach. I wouildn't even have realised it was a wall. >:(
Great post and photo's.
I agree about the totally boring nudity/sexual poses that's rolled out ad nauseum in editorials and ad's now...I want to see great clothes and interesting styling please.
Wow thats so cool!
I love the box people.
AMAZING. It's incredible you've become such an inspiration to so many people, I'm so interested in what you'll do in the future. I'm sure you'll be very, very successful.
I'm so determined to find Pop magazine near me... the bookstores don't carry it, so maybe I'll order it on the internet..
I GET it!
yr blog posts are just like the pages from
your scrapbook on Flickr
As a kid my walls were my scrapbook -
they still are..
merci pour tous
When I was in Japan at a design class, all I did was hang out at the department stores-it was so hot.
Comme des garcons had dark navy blue vans making daily deliveries to the dept. stores and I was there to see and grab.
The $ was good back then...
Oh why did I give it all away..?
WOW. I love this. Your so damn lucky(but not so much just luck)!
"I would LOVE to start a commune in a really crowded and bizarre house where we all just sit and stare into space while being aware of the other person's Prada chandelier dress or flowery Chanel heels and complimenting their sartorial choices through mind games. WHY WHY WHY."
Can i be part of that commune? haha. That is probably one of my favorite quotes from you ever! And I have a lot of favorite quotes from you. Maybe I should start a "Favorite Quotes from Tavi" book...not like that would be creepy or anything..seeing as I'm 18 and all...
Anyway, I basically never comment because I'm such a lazy person, but since I have commented this time I'll just go ahead and say that I adore your blog and find it weird how we seem to have the EXACT SAME TASTE in some senses, even though you discovered the amazing world of fashion at a far younger age than I did.
Thank you for being awesome and entertaining my life, which is probably way more boring than yours as it does not involve meeting Rei Kawakubo or anything of the like.
I hereby officially reserve my spot in this Nirvana sweatshirt house.
This is amazing, very happy for you!
On a side note, i love lindsey wixson.
I love your 'Fainted' shoot! xo
A TOTORO DOLL? You're the best! : D
Now I have to track down the magazine and see it for real.
I love more the photos.
Hello Tavi,
You and your style staat in the hitkrant! that is a magazine in holland.. really cool..!!
That must have been such a magical experience. I mean, you are so lucky! Looks like a great issue of Pop. Everything just seems so real, and cool, and pop culture -- different from the usual Harper's, Vogues (Paris, preferably). Love all of the colors. That is great that you got to write and article for them. I guess you know if you ever want to be an editor, you've got all of the right resources to do so! Anyway, great photos, great post, wonderful "scanner skills", and I hope you enjoy your day!
I really liked the article, Tavi. You have a very concrete and unique voice.
Haven't read your article yet, but I'm sure it's awesome! This post makes me want to read the entire mag.
And I agree about the nudity, most of the time I fail to see, what it has to do with fashion.
the last two photos are quite a-like florence and the machine video " dog days are over" and very nothing hill carnival...
by the way really good article on rei
AAAAAAAGH MY LIFE. Is that white slip Comme? LIVE IN IT. You look amazing in everything Comme.
I have the exact same Totoro doll from four years ago except the eye popped off! I use him as an eyeglass caddy.
yay for the story!!!
all of these scans/pics are glorious.
and i know exactly what you mean about nudity... it sometimes crosses over into pornographic, and people will try to say they used some sort of... "technique" or "style" when shooting to justify seeing the most concealed areas of a woman, but really, they just wanted to take the shot and try to get away with it...
i see it a lot on
most nudity photography is not like that beautiful piece you associated with Virgin Suicides. ;) most of it is some sort of sexual thing to it... or the girl is straddling a motorcycle.
that is playboy.
not art...
awesome read, tavi! really well done.
Hey, you wrote "Considering the number of years humans have existed, it's strange to think how long it took for people to just start wearing what they wanted."
The vast majority of people still don't wear what they want! :(
Congrats for your article, it's too long for my liking. Totally agree with you about nude in fashion magazines. It's just irrelevant...
I really loved the post!. Just like you,I truly love Rei Kawakubo and her creations.I hope i will be able to meet her one day.
New post about our beautiful town, Bordeaux.
And justone question : Can we interview you or our blog?
Kisses from France,
Olivia and Mariam.
boom boom pooow . U are in polish magazine . I love love love love love and tottaly really love you. you do with fashion what i do with music. and this is the fuc^&n amazing thing girl! : D
I just want say i've always appreciated your astute gender analysis. I'm wondering though if you've thought much about cultural appropriation. It's true that is this post modern world nothing is safe from reference but is exploitation of an already exploited group of people really FASHION? Or is it just a continuation of colonization under some guise of art?
I know. I could wax lyrical all day about the newest POP too. Dasha has outdone herself. I could marry her.
Living the dream!....Thanks for the inspirational pictures, it looks like you had a great time!
Dear Tavi,
I love you like the sunshine and I always love your posts but I have one request..... when you plan to post pics w/naked boobies can you give us a heads-up in the beginning of the post. I tend to read your posts when I'm at work and "the man" may not take too kindly to them poppin up on my screen. That way I'll just know to read it when I get home.
Thanks much!
Since you love Rodarte, check out this post:
i may have over looked this, but what magazine was this?
Great experience! and super fantastic superb fabulous incredible and ufffff!!!! to many things, you are unbelievable WOW, Auch! and more words than I can't say right know because my English it's stocked in my mouth, difficult to explain. It's not my native language, I try it....but finally I can say you are the best and you are unique Lady Tavi!
Always a pleasure to read and look your blog world! :)
Goregous pic with the Miu Miu naked ladies shirt...
Loved the new pop!
they are certainly championing you!
Looks good. I wish I could a get a copy of the magazine here!
omfg you are adorable!! i wish i had the patience to actually read this because i've heard only sensational things but im too hopped up on caffeine! loved the pics
Dear Tavi,
The box people made me laugh. As always, everything is absolutly wonderful. It's also great that you met with Rei Kawakubo. What a lucky girl you are. :D
I've also have been tired of the nude pictures in most fashion magazines. Hasn't anyone? The one that you posted is quite artsy and it seems so natural, like it's not trying too hard to be "sexy".
Again, I love everything. Who doesn't!
By the way...Will you visit? I hope you do.
thats awesome you met Rei Kawakubo! your posts always make me laugh haha I feel ya about the nude pictures too. and I love the balenciaga shoes.
Tavi, the world needs more brilliant people like you! Keep up the beautiful writing and being yourself. Don't let anyone bring you down.
Love you and your blog!
I want your Totoro doll!! studio ghibli rules!!
That Balenciaga dress is so pretty!
Also, love your writing and photos. You truly have an eye for beauty.
Not big on the nudity one bit. lol
What a treat! That article just made my day so much brighter. I do love your writing, Tavi. But it's very normal not to like what one wrote maybe months or weeks ago. One always grows and evolves. I never like what I have written when I read it back to myself later..if you get what I mean :)
Anyway, now I feel so insanely inspired, just by reading your post and article. I just want to create something :D
I hope you'll have a great weekend....and let's be best frends forever...please? lol ;)
Wow. I wish I can write like you. AMazingness Tavs!
it really does look amazing
video models
Hi Tavni! Your part is amazing your style so as! Please, it peek on my bloga and please, it comment :
but please, it write it my e-mail :
Hi Tavni! Your part is amazing your style so as! Please, it peek on my bloga and please, it comment :
but please, it write it my e-mail : * *, Amanda
Those editorials! Blew-my-mind.
May I join you in that imaginary crowded house with breathtaking clothing and mind games?!
Your blog is great, one of my favorite reads.
Great article Tavi. Very cliche, but sounds like you had a magical time. It must be so bewildering to meet your idols. Where can I see the photo of Jim Britt's daughters back-to-back? I like the description you put in your article.
Pop is ace, it's all down to the element of surprise...
Not to spoil the party... but anyone with a spare 5 mins, please have a look at my questionnaire on readers habits of mags and blogs;
it's for my school work, yawn, but i'm looking for your views...anyone that's interested
thank you peeps
PS. What was the gift you gave Rei Kawakubo?
Nice article! About the nude photo - I really don't see its value as art / aesthetic, more like the usual reason to show a couple of big boobs :-/
im so glad i took the time to read this. beautiful article tavi. i may have gotten a few goosebumps! so excited for you!
I would just like to say, God bless Lindsey Wixson for proving that posh, amazing personalities can indeed hail from Wichita, Kansas. I now have a response to all of those Kirstie Alley jokes.
Thanks guys <3
Saun-Oops! I'll give a NSFW warning from now on, though I don't think there will be many more nude pictures popping up haha.
hayy tavi
i think your blog is amazing, i read it all the time and think you're soo inspirational and cool and YEAH :D
plus i loove all your clothes too, stunning!
I have recently found this blog and I adore it most of the time, but I gotta agree with the people who mentioned the racism in the Balenciaga pictures. I love the wall/sand illusion, but really, it kind of sucks that if they use a black model it has to be such an Africana cliche. Something really colonial about it.
I loved the "Nirvana sweatshirt house" pics and your interpretation of them, though!
Haha! It's ok if you have soul sometimes girl!
Check out my blog "Pursuit of Paris"! Blogging from Marseille, France about fashion, life, & humanity...a perspective often forgetten about in fashion!
Pursuit of Paris
aa! Rei Kawakubo is sooo cool! Congrats on meeting your hero;)
anyways..I haven't seen this magazine but I would like to - it looks good.
oh god those pictures are so wonderful they are killing me !
I'm a little ashamed to admit that I never knew about Rei Kawakubo before I started reading your blog, in which you were rhapsodizing about her (I mean that in the BEST POSSIBLE WAY), and now that I DO know more about her and Commes des Garcons, I am dying to KNOW EVEN MOAR. I think you wrote a great article, although I imagine it doesn't do any justice to express all your enthusiasmnervousnessexcitementetc. when you met her. Plus, I love that pastel boxyness! So great.
Oh, and BY THE WAY. Your ReiKawakuboAYCHANDEMMMM! rap song wormed its way into my head (and wouldn't leave!) the other day. It was awesome yet annoying at the same time--considering it wasn't the first time that it's happened. I saw the video a long while ago, but still.
Haha omg this is so fabulous it's unreal.
Also: scanning. I could, but I am so lazy I can't be bothered. Even though it takes me like three times the time, I'd rather sit on my bed and take pics of the mags with my camera, and then upload them to my laptop, than stand for 5 minutes in front of the scanningmachine...
btw have you noticed recently your posts seem to have way fewer comments? Are you moderating them away? Or am I just blind...
totoro is love.
what magazine is this?
Congrats on learning the scanner. I can't live without mine - but yes its a freakin pain in the butt. If you find somewhere with a photocopier that scans to files - they are a lot faster.
This magazine is AMAZING!!!!
where do i get it!!
The pastel boxes reminded me of this Dada image:
This is off topic,but have you seen the Stella McCartney for Gap Kids collection?
i always thought that like no one knew about it and then I went to chinatown and there were all of these Totoro dolls and i was like WHAT!?!??!?!
I love Virgin Suicides. Really beautiful movie.
Love, Poppy
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