Pictures from Paris! I have 532 more to post. WAH WAH.
I packed my Proenza Schouler shirt (courtesy of Wonder [Bread] Boy Team Jack & Lazaro) but ended up wearing it to breakfast and Really Expensive Pharmacy At Which We Spent An Obscene Amount Of French Bones Because We Didn't Realize There Was a Monopris Right Around the Corner. If this was a tweet, I would insert a hashtag reading "fail" riiiight...here. And then submit a photo of my dad and me holding a map of Paris to failblog.

proenza schouler shirt. joke shop sunglasses. h&m tights. thrifted skirt and boots. vintage jacket.
So the outfit! Probably definitely influenced by having just finished Girl Power by Marisa Meltzer (review sooon! In short: life-changing.) I'm sort of disappointed in myself that I took the easy way out with a bright print -- mixing it with black, or similarly simple colors. Still, it's always fun to break out the reflective eyeballs jokeshop sunglasses. And I liked it against this setting. And I wished I didn't look so angry/QUICK DAD JUST TAKE THE PHOTO YOU PRESS THE BUTTON RIGHT THERE, YES, RIGHT THERE but oh well! QUE SERA, SERA.
Now if you'll excuse me, I am going to continue freaking out over the brilliance of this lovely lady's hair and wishing mine was long and green and mermaid-like as well:

oh my god..her hair! i want to cut it all off and make a wig! she should sleep with one eye open! i mean...what?
i just did a post on blue too! also i kinda sorta love you and i think you should look at my blog :)
Her hair is gorgeous! If only I could have mermaid like hair :)
I like how you look ! and the post's title is so cool !
Tavi???... in a leather jacket?!?!
that shirt is awesome!
o_o shoelaces that match your hair? awesome. i have purple hair and it shouldnt be hard to find things to match my hair, but i'm too lazy. purple with beige doesnt look good though D:
hey girl...you are so cool...i read about you on internet and now i m your folower...:)
You look so fantastic. I was just thinking how (this might sound really strange, but bear with me-) I hope you keep your blog up for many years to come (do any of us know the half-lives of these blog things?) so I can see how your style develipes. I am so curious to see what your sense of style will become as an adult. That isn't to say it's not "more important" then, or anything, it's just that you'll have such a history behind you of style development/experimentation. I guess we all do, in a way, but clearly it's more conscious for you!
Anyway you're fabulous.
[develops- that was a horrible typo!]
holy god! her hair+your hair=i wanna make my hair blue too
Have a great DAY !
On my Blog ? : ONE ( HANDMADE ) DRAWING A DAY ! ^^
mmm you are a delectable blue leather pixie. i want you for for my own.
So I honestly can't remember if I posted a big ol' thanks on your last post, so in case I didn't: thank you for the Rodarte x Target cardigan!
When I first looked at these pictures I was like "oh, hey, cool outfit!" But then! I noticed those doors! SO COOL! I want giant blue doors on my house!
Wait, this may sound like I think the outfit wasn't as cool as the door, and that's not the case. It's just that they're so big and distracting!
Ok, I'm talking nonsense. Anyways, thank you!
Hey, during my "web-surfing" came across this page:
Thought you might like some of the stuff on it (if you haven't seen it before).
I love your blue hair!!! sid xx
I had half of my head blue last year, and it's sooooo difficult to hold it, I guess now you know that... but looks so awesome, isn't it? You made me miss my blue hair now, damn it!!
what a great look!
i love your biker jacket!
Gotta love the pictures! The hair is so.. goregous and wierd! Beautiful.
Love the setting of the photos :) wish i had a front door like that!
Love, love vanilla
Quirky and cute as usual. Love the picture of your shoes on the stairs. xx
Liz Kim
All blue!!
your shoes is so cute xD
her hair is indeed very mermaid like.
Wow, Tavi, the leather jacket is awesome! Can't wait for more photos from Paris :) You rock
Love this blog - I can't quite believe I've only just discovered it.
Can't wait to hear more about Paris. X
awesome outfit - the sunglasses are so perfect. and so what if you "took the easy way out" (I don't think you did). you're basically a style icon at this point :)
you and your glasses- so great tavi!
sincerely, the fashionista from thesilentswagger.blogspot.com
Love, love, love the glasses
Was girl power good?
your outfit is awesome!
and I love your hair!!
lovely pics! :)
glasses and shirt <3
That blue hair is really amazing...But I really like your candy-cotton shade as well!
i hope i can see more pictures from paris! just beautiful! love your glasses!
Your papa did some decent photography, friend. You look great!
I WANT YOUR JACKET!!!! Sorry, I had to make that known, ok? Your hair is epic and lovely like the women in the picture has!
follow me!:)
Shirt is fab. I love mermaid hair.
u are a star!
your clothes very nice.
At last some your Paris photos! I thought that they are on all fashion sites without your blog.
Great jacket, I haven't expected that you'll wear something leather. More flounces and bows.
I love your blue hair. You look really... serious. I'm only eleven months younger, but in the presence of you I feel like plump kid. You make people feel inferior, did you know it?
Greetings from Poland.
Outrageously creepy :)
long hair
leather jacket
i don't care
gotta have it.
I LOVE the first picture. Beautiful. And your hair kicks ass. I'm thinking about going pink... hmm.
I love your jacket!
I LOVE ur hair!! i was in paris last week too, at the pret a porter show :)
magpie-girl.blogspot.com x
hope u had a fabulous time in paris! i read about u somewhere this week cant remember where but its was about your bow hair piece obstructing someones view - made me giggle xoxooxxx
i think you should have tucked in your shirt so not to feel like a volcanoe overflowing with differnet layers blending into each other - so not getting the full efect xx
Tavi, je suis française et je ne sais pas si tu comprendra ce que je vais te dire ni même si tu lis tes commentaires mais on peut toujours essayer =] Alors, déjà, merci ! Merci pour toutes ses superbes photos et tes tenues qui illuminent mes journées ! Merci de nous montrer que on peut faire ce que l'on veut quand on veut ! Merci ! Et ensuite, si tu à du temps, l'envie et la patience de venir le voir, va voir mon blog http://SoPrettyNastenka.over-blog.com et laisse un petit commentaire ! Merci d'avance ! Bisous
Bisous Bisous Bisous Bisous !
there's such an andy warholish look to your outfit...i love it!!
maybe everytime you go to paris, you can take a photo in front of that same space. oh you will be there many, many times throughout your life. i just know it!
your a sweet breath of fresh air.
ahhahahaha. I really laughed out loud when I read the title of this post. I know entirely what you mean. It is so funny that this same thing has happened in your classroom. Oh woe to us poor public school system children.
I don't think you're a freak. I think this shirt looks amazing with this jacket and black tights. Nice to you in blue.
It's so amazing !!! gorgeous !!!
Bisous de france !
Your hair looks really rad blue :)
short or long, its all good.
The Lady Jacket is killer. I love it. :D
wow i actually thought the womans hair was yours
love it blue ♥
hooooray to blue hairrrrrrr. And also insert interesting commentary here.
we love you.
so much.
so so much.
maxwell conrad
vassiliki ellwood
Her hair is truly amazing, and I want those glasses...so cool.
Eh, I can't put my finger on it but something seems "off" on this outfit :/
Love the outfit, Tavi!
i love the jacket, you're wearing!
-and also i'm crazy about that blue-haired-lady's denim vest... maybe i should do some sort of DIY?
People are gonna flip when i say this...
I honestly dislike her hair.
I luv the color of her hair-like, wow!-but I just think her hair looks sorta split endish.
Ah yes, and the always classic duct-tape black flag logo jean jacket. DIY at its finest!
Thanks dudes!
I need to black flag duct tape my Rodarte for Target jean jacket.
I will not be going to Fashion Week in Stockholm, unfortunately!
Her hair is like mermaid hair. That's righteous!
Es hermosa, no? That neon shirt would be SO awesome to wear to a black-light party. Like the one on Friday. Just saying. Hope you have fun in Paris!
Love your outfit!
And the mermaid hair! <3
oh, wow. You have some guts to dye your hair! I could nneeevveerrr do that. But, it looks fantastic! and the mermaid hair, so cool.
I want her hair, right now! You're right, it is like a marmaid. I want it.
I'm in love with that Proenza T-shirt, very in love.
That camera situation with you dad happens with me al the time, "Just push the botton Mom! harder! there?! There, GOD!"
I love dyed hair and I love how it looks like a mermaid
P.S. i have a fashion blog too
I... love your jacket nuff said
such interesting hair. love the sunglasses.
your like the bastard love child of Proenza Schouler and Giles Deacon. Love!
CUTE! haha i want her hair as well! its like c'mon, who doesn't want to be a mermaid!? With love!
Ha Mermaid Girl reminds me of myself the summer I was 8 and my white blonde hair was chlorine-green from swimming at the pool for eleventy billion hours a day.
i love that girl's hair too
Your hair is amazing! And your blog is so entertaining! Just saw you on the cover of Pop, Congrats!
Your hair is amazing! And your blog is so entertaining! Just saw you on the cover of Pop, Congrats!
Excellent post! I like the part about the glasses and your dad taking the picture. I would love to hear more of your trip/thoughts on Paris.
Great outfit, the Proenza Schouler shirt is great mixed with those glasses!
So cool to be there!
hope u had a fabulous time in paris! i read about u somewhere this week cant remember where but its was about your bow hair piece obstructing someones view - made me giggle xoxooxxx.
You rock!
Helen Neely
So what did you go and visit in paris ? I don't know if youre plannig on going back , but I recomend you to go to the champ de mars and montmarte .
u look ridiculous!
lalala so jealous you're in paris!
and you make me want bluegreen hair
are you going to LFW? if so MEET UP PLZ?
xx elle
oh oh and thank you so so much for the cardigan! it is so beautiful in person xx
Ahhh, I just love these pictures! Go Your Dad!
i would've so been your friend in high school, haha taught you how to sew and make the raddest things from all that too big vintage gold out there.
her hair is amazing! it makes me want to dye one of my dreads grey and dip it in blue.
Hey Tavi.
Very nice looks.
But I wondered something.
You say fashion is not trying to look like everybody and to be sexy (and I totally agree with this).
But now you're 13... And one day I guess you would like to have a boyfriend...
I always have this problem for my part, I'd like to be myself but, at the same time, guys don't like it.
So I don't know what to do.
What do you think ?
I love your vintage jacket, my stepfather has one that is a 50-60 year old harley davidson jacket. just saying that i love it!
i think your hair looks better than hers!! show us more pics of your hair. close-ups please :)
what a nice combination Tavi!;-)
Okay, so my friend has grey hair. The real kind. But she's young. And she's in an indie band. And she has a daughter named Neptune. Obviously, you'd like her.
So there's a lame article from a lame (redundant) Canadian newspaper deconstructing the trend of grey hair, without realizing that the trend is actually BLUE hair. Whatever.
Please weigh in on "London party girl Pixie Geldof's ... dove grey hair" - apparently the result of an overzealous bleach job followed by a little too much toner.
I forgot the link! here:
amazing. seriously i am so jelous. wait....what? yes its true. and that girls hair! AMAZING. if my hair didnt have a mind of its own, that's how I would want it to look.
p.s. you should totally check out my blog. its awesome.
with love,
*yes, its just that amzing (:
Hello, Tavi^^
I'm sohee, and i live in South Korea.
You know about korea?
umm... I really love your style, and really like yeww!!!
ur style is so awesome and fantastic.
I really really really like ur style dude~~~~!!!!!!
Than... bye bye~~
Please post your living more^_^
I want to show more your information and photo!!
p.s.) 내 말 넌 이해 못하겠지?ㅎㅎ
난 그래도 너에게 쓸꺼야!!!
잘 모르겟으면 Google 에다가 해석을 하던지, 해석 전문 사이트에 맡겨봐.
그럼 해석을 받을 수 있을꺼야 ㅎㅎ
그럼 정말로 안녕!!!
and.... I'm 15years old this year!!
Bye bye ^_^
thank you so so much for the cardigan! it is so beautiful in person
fashion articles
That hair is lush
You are an idol. Well, you are my idol. I'm the same age as you and find it difficult writing a good blog and simply sticking to my guns when it comes to what I wear. Err, this comment is droning on. Let me cut it short.
You inspired me to start writing my blog, thank you :)
Oh my goodness I love your hair! I thought it would look weird but it is awesome! I don't have blue hair but check out my blog and let me know what you think.
More than her hair I love her BLACK FLAG jacket!
So hardcore.
Peace out.
i like your blue hair. looks good against the blue door :) if you wore all blue outfit you would look like those funny old color ppl who wear only 1 color at a time :p
Her hair is great, but her jacket is even better.
you're the coolest kid ever :-)
Tavi, it's Monoprix ; )
kisses form Paris, keep up the great work!
Indeed, that girl's hair is MAJORRR
blue hair-makes me smile :)
blue hair-makes me smile :)
blue hair-makes me smile :)
that girls hairr! ohmygosh
but yours you actually rock the blue hair
Although I am many years older than you, I enjoy reading your blog. I enjoy your originality and the fact you have attracted a lot on attention.... By the way,I love the pharmacies in France where you can buy cosmetics and also Monoprix is great.
oh god, that must have been hard for her to get. I was going for a similar look a couple weeks ago, and I bleached my hair three times in a weekend, and carefully applied the color. I left it on ten minutes too long.. and it ended up an ugly aqua-esque color. so I was forced to dye it dark brown, which ultimately made it look like water starved seaweed. and not in a cool, "my hair is actually kelp" way. long story short, a good portion of my hair fell out. and i've since dyed it black, which is the color I started out with.
the back of her jacket looks like the black flag logo.
oh god, that must have been hard for her to get. I was going for a similar look a couple weeks ago, and I bleached my hair three times in a weekend, and carefully applied the color. I left it on ten minutes too long.. and it ended up an ugly aqua-esque color. so I was forced to dye it dark brown, which ultimately made it look like water starved seaweed. and not in a cool, "my hair is actually kelp" way. long story short, a good portion of my hair fell out. and i've since dyed it black, which is the color I started out with.
the back of her jacket looks like the black flag logo.
i love that jacket! and congratulation to you blue hair :)you really inspire me, you are young as me and you are awesome! www.royalshit.sblog.cz
GoGOGo!! :)
i love it~~ <3
after I read your article I was very interested and it was very helpful for me , I wait for your next other article ,thanks.
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