Pierre Hardy for Gap shoes. American Apparel tights. Hand-me-down tee. Gap sweater. Blood is the New Black tee worn as skirt.
This was initially supposed to be a bumble bee outfit but then I liked having all b/w except for ONE article of yellow and the sweatshirt seemed right. But goddamn this outfit is pretentious. Mozart and Joy Division, SUCH OBSCURE TASTES!!!1! Man, I sort of hate it now but whatever. Part of the outfit diary.
Folks at Gap sent me this ridiculously comfy sweatshirt...sort of been wearing it all the time? It's pretty gross, you don't wanna touch it. The shade of yellow reminds me of footsie pajamas I wore when I was a toddler. I think they had Winnie the Pooh on them, or some random bear. I used to prefer my red Tigger ones because I thought the yellow looked like pee but now it's one of the only shades of yellow that I think looks nice on its own. It's so soft and stuffed animal-like and feels like winter, bedsheets, hot chocolate, looking at old issues of Lula and petting my dog. Yes, ALL OF THOSE.
I just need a lilac corset and then I can do Wang, easter egg style?

Obesity and Speed tee. Thrifted blazer. Pamela Mann tights via mytights.com. Blood is the New Black tee worn as skirt. Monsoon Accesorize headband. Crayola moustache.
Heyyyy I actually wore this one on the day I'm posting it!! Getting back in the groove like I did after my disco hiatus back in the 70's, FEELS GOOD. Anyway, more evidence of my mixing-prints-of-the-same-colors obsession, yadda yadda yadda.
Oh, and don't mind my mustache. I drew it on when making a movie for school and didn't feel like washing it off. I still have it on now, actually. TOMAS LIVES!

I am obSESSED with this peacock-printed blazer I got at the Salvation Army a couple days after I was fangirling over Leigh Lezark's Giambattista Valli version. They are basically the same thing! Only hers is a coat. And has real feathers. And was not found next to a pit-stained t-shirt that said "CLASSY LADIE" on it.
Anyway, the feathers illustrated remind me of the drawings in Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs-the book, not the stupid ass 3-D remake (I don't like you, world.) Not into the shoulderpads, so I just sort of fold them in, creating really awkward lapels but whatever.
One day I think I will buy a lot of peacock feathers, and string them together, and pin the first and last ones to the inseam of the sleeve and side of a shirt, so that when I spread my arms I become a peacock. If that makes sense.
Oh this glorious HEADBAND. That's right, HEADBAND. This hat is attached to a headband, and it's great, because you can't make a kid take a HEADBAND off in school.
And-what's this? Peacock feathers? Embroidered onto a light blue cocktail veil hat? Oh, light blue cocktail veil hat, you know me too well.
And-what's this? Peacock feathers? Embroidered onto a light blue cocktail veil hat? Oh, light blue cocktail veil hat, you know me too well.
You know you're all grown up when you've sprouted a 'stache! ;-)
that headband has such lovely color combinations!
I love peacock feathers prints so much too. That 'headband' is awesome!
Crayola moustache... so cool :)
Tees as skirts, peacocks, headband hats. ~~Moustaches...what a wonderful world we live in.
I'd fix you some Ice Tea, but it might wash off your moustache :-/
pretty much want a mozart t-shirt right now
lovin' the mix of prints
You're lovely!
this post had the most insane pattern combination ive ever seen you wear all together. ahhaha i honestly didnt know which way to look. i was definitely loving your little idea about becoming a peacock. you should totally do it.
Joy Division hell yeah!
omg. that hat. I mean headband. It calls to me.
you look amazing, as usual.
get looks!
ooh those tights are pretty cool
Clever how you've gotten around the 'no hats' rule. You show 'em.
dude both those pairs of tights are killer! I'm not gonna lie, they're about all I could focus on. guess I'll go back later to scope out the rest of those outfits.
:))super moustache Tavi.
those tights and those gap shoes are amazing.
and good on you for playing the system and wearing your _headband_ to school. well done.
"crayola moustache", haha.
glad you liked the rei dress!
I have those AA tights!!!!! I love how you mix prints.
hey, I'm pretty sure you have a doppelganger here in Slovenia, but without the crazy clothes. she likes wearing a yellow ribbon in her hair though :D
NOw you really got my attention! anything that goes on top of the head is mine! can I please borrow it? I promise to give it back.
Tavi....so happy to see all the Blood is The New Black shirts you wear! We love Mitra too!
The Fashion Seen
steal that headband out of the fierceness of aretha franklin's head gear closet?
I remember these!
Remember the Mozart t-shirt as well!
Great outfits.
Loving the dueling tights.
And yay printsssss!
you're so funny!!
nice stache ;)
You create the craziest and most inspiring outfits, you really do.
Ahhh, lovely tights Tavi-chan. :3!!
Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.........................Those hats seem to be growing popular. At least I've been noticing more people wearing them. Actually, only the ones brave enough to be different have been wearing them (Cause I know the people...). Hehehe. :3
n_n Senks for showing us pictures.
hi! you are obcessed by peacock patttern that's great!! Methinks obcessions lead to creations !
i will post a blog soon , you can subscribe it : yannsackvillewest@blogspot.com
wow, i am in love with your outfit! amazing. so lovely!
perfect shoes!
Don't wear peacock feathers! They're bad luck!
the second outfit is so so outrageous and just soo you!! and i LOVE the eggplant woody photo that you added. i LOL'ed
AMAZING. you are unbelievably fabulous
i love the combinations.
i love your poses.
i love headpieces and peacock feathers too. :)
Isn't it wonderful when you start cleaning your room (Cuase noone ever truly finishes)and you find something you thought you lost? I love when I find old coats under all my schoolwork and fabrics.
Loving the colors and prints of those fabrics.
With love,
Wow, you grew a mustache! haha. I can relate to the pig sty....:)
I think a little about what you want to be as an adult? you are so full spoken, but what would you like to be?
www.lou-style.blogspot.com (;
Also, hats on a headband are much easier to wear, no need to stand up really straight all the time!
ass-kickin' alliteration.
I remember those tights! I L<OVE peacock feathers, I even have peacock colored nail polish!
Can't wait to see the hair.
That blazer is pant-wettingly great! I want it!
I love you blog.
The jacket is very lovely!
A kiss Tavi!
Very funny your moustache. and I love your tights black and white, and your headband.
Joy Division t-shirt !!! <3
pit stain t-shirt just sent me laughing off my chair. i needed that. off to my sewing machine to make my gibson girl mary poppins mess. wish me luck. http://lara-serbin.blogspot.com/
I've wanted those AA tights for ages, haha. Also, adore Wang's s/s '10 collection. I love that stylish all-American sportswear look.
I have to applaud you for being able to wear heels. I'm 28 and I can barely survive 2 inchers. I should've learned when I was your age. Bravo!
I adore the tights in the top photo. Cute outfit! xoxo
I love the way you layer patterns. I wouldn't exactly call Mozart and Joy Division Obscure ;]
a lovely combo!
Tees as skirts. Headband hats. Peacock feathers. ~~ Moustaches. What a wonderful world we live in.
Zany outfits. Love.
You are an old soul and I love that about you. Love that headband... what a clever way to get around stupid dress code rules.
Tavi, I found these thismorning and they made me think of you- http://www.les-queues-de-sardines.com/images/collections/SS_09/full/1.jpg
Infact the whole two collections are pretty rad.
waaaaaaaaaaaaa I love the peacock blazer it`s amazing :D
Amen to the cocktail HEADBAND! I used to know alllll about getting around rules in my school days, that is for sure. And now I do the same in my corporate office. Good skills to have!
You have so much fun with clothes! -turns green with envy-
And that HEADBAND, yes that HEADBAND is darling! I'm planning on making a Valentine headband :]
Thanks for being ongoing inspiration for me and my blog!
PS- a furry grey stick-on moustache sits on my coffee table. I got it for my 23-year-old brother for Christmas. But he went back to St. Louis. Poor lonely 'stache...
I love the outfit, the headband and the tights are amazing. I want that tights!!!!
You are such a nut! But a very cool nut, with about the most amazing headband ever.
i LOVE that blazer! charity shops round where i live don't tend to yield such nice things. i really like how you play with shapes and structures of clothes, it's a total herve leger bypass and i love it...
really, I love the mustache
I lovee those black & white lights, kind of kind of reminds me of those chanel tights (white in the front black in the back, or vice versa). And those prints are wicked great (new wardrobe want).
I'm also amused that you have the Alexander Wang campaign ad in this post because I was looking at it just that day! (I considered putting it as my background, but then decided that having it there compared to my own designs/creations was just discouraging haha)
any tips on how i can get some "charity store patience"???Love your jacket!I need more colour in my wardrobe!
I love your peacock blazer!
those tights!
why are you so cool!
love the headband.. + LOVE the tights :-)
the black and white tights with the sandals was a good, good choice. the chocolate milk thing cracked me up. when i was 12 and 13 i was wearing huge aerosmith tour shirts, sparkly lipstick, and Jnco jeans. so you're wayyy ahead of the game.
Peacock feather head piece, that's one thing....but peacock feather pattern on a headband... Me gusta mucha. Check my post from last year. 'peacocks and so forth' -or better still wait to see the final outcome which will be up on my blog shortly.
Matty xxxx
Superb combination of patterns, fabrics and ideas! Your originality goes, literally, away from planet EARTH!
Kisses Lady Tavi
Love the stach you got going there!
That hat is amazing!!!!
I just love your blog. i found out about it in my newspaper!
you must check out my video i made today on pin tuck stitch. it is great. i wish you could have been there! http://lara-serbin.blogspot.com/
Blazer, i love. And of course the mustache. The perfect accessory, i've always thought.
i really need magical tights like that...
Joy Division! Mozart! PEACOCKS!
You are my idol.
the model in the top picture is simply divine.
that concoction os fashion really quite something, the shoulders, corset beige, i love it.
And the bright colours you are sporting are just, darling!
i love the one leg black one leg whire tights. and you will look so beautiful with peacock feathers! haha
hahah the moust made me giggle
you are cool girl
i love all the tights in your post.
do you ever have problems with your tights ripping? i have an odd fetish with them but they always snag.
Hey Tav!
Just read an article about you and you are truly and inspiration to me and to others. I was wondering if you could maybe check out my blog and maybe follow? I am so inspired by you and you are a great fashionista!
Love ya,
Hey Tav!
Just read an article about you and you are truly and inspiration to me and to others. I was wondering if you could maybe check out my blog and maybe follow? I am so inspired by you and you are a great fashionista!
Love ya,
genius way to get around dumb school rules. rebel, rebel.
This is one of the very few times I have had a major difference in opinion to you, but to me that Wang corset does not look comfy at all. Perhaps you meant the picture on the right or the vibe in general, but just sayin'. However, I love both outfits, especially the 2nd! The peacock blazer is indeed obsession-worthy.
i really like your mozart tee and they way your wearing the joy division shirt...pretty nifty
I love how you're not afraid to mix prints! It's possible as long as you keep it within the same color family.
I really admire your bold, one of a kind take on personal style!
Plus I really enjoy simply reading your blog...so entertaining. You're a true fashion gal! Love it.
Oh, and I'm completely envying your Pierre Hardy for Gap sandals. I'm an idiot for not copping a pair when they were still around. Damn.
Lauren <3
"Mozart and Joy Division, SUCH OBSCURE TASTES!!!", you said. I don't think so, I would say "great taste on music", dear!
I really love the first outfit, you just proved that yellow, black and white can look good together. I need those tights...
Now hold on here, Miss G. Mozart and Joy Division? You the rulingest. I have that Joy Division shirt but mine is 30 years old. (Peter Saville, of Joy Division / New Order / Factory Records design renown: graphics deity of all time.) The mixed-prints outfit is making my eyes bleed.
AMAZING blog and outfits! I glimpsed the site for your blog in Glamour magazine and love it! Although I have seen you in another magazine at the Marc Jacobs show?? JEALOUS! He is my fave designer.
Check out my blog, not as fashion forward and articulate as yours, (hey we can all dream!)
Someone else who has a peacock obsession! I was beginning to think I was for the birds :p
hahaha, loving yout 'moustache'!
big kiss Tavi!
in my room you can find at least two glass with o`boy,( it`s like nesquik) on the bottom. A lot of old waterglasses, dirty cloths in the bed, at chairs, on the floor...
I don´t think your room is like pig sty compare to my room.
Maybe it`s time for me to clean my room??:D
Love the mix of prints...and the tash just completes the look :) x
I LOVELOVELOVE those tights.
Both of them.
love the looks!
Hey, I have those tights! Except I got mine on amazon for like 25 cents. Yesss. I think I also have the same camera as you.
We lead parallel lives. Except you're a year older than me... o-o
thats exactly what i thought when i saw headband-hats at a store. I was about to buy one just to wear it to school to see if anyone would tell me to take it off.
i too had yellow fleece footie pjs that winnie the pooh on them. i believe my grandma gave them to me...
I love the prints...very chic. You've got great style. I absolutely love the peacock-printed blazer. Its so original and peacock feathers or oh so pretty. I heart it.
Awesome headband. Peacock feathers? Yeah, I have an obsession with that.
love the black/white tights... and the chunky white platforms of course!!!
Yo I haven't liked one of your outfits in AGES and I was starting to worry, but this one's sweet! Elegant-but-playful-slash-kooky. haha. Nicely done.
And by that I mean the moustache one.
I have that gap sweatshirt in gray and you're right. soooo comfy. I could probably live in it too, except sweatshirts are frowned on at work and I'm never not at work. sad.
i totally love that blazer, i have developed an addictionto blazers in different patterns, but i only have one blue. i feel a bit boring now.
Awesome Headband. I adore it :)
-The Trendy Fashionista
you really wear such great things.
do you really listen to Joy Division?
If so let's be bestfriendsssss
I love how you wear the tee worn as a skirt with another a tee. It reminds me of a Marc by Marc Jacobs ad campaign I recently read about in my Harper's Bazaar magazine
Super cute:D
Great mix of patterns. You are an old soul.
black and white tights/socks=win!
Nabila xo
Total mixxxxxxxxxxxxx.
cocktail hat is FANTASTIC
I thought it was a vagina! It looks like artist Dan Wolgers' self portrait: http://www.expressen.se/polopoly_fs/1.1375865!slot100slotWide75ArticleFull/3447786819.jpg
Wherever did you get the Mozart tee?
C'est fantastique.
Good odd tights there, Ive been wearing my own odd tights for a while now. I do love them.
Haha! Love your mustage!
nice moustache
the width is the main feature of the liking
too often hunks get it wrong and get all double finger width
this says im dashing, i have wit, i'm an avid vase collector and i indulge in a caramel slice all in an afternoon.
hey tavi. love ur work, and the bloodisthenew black shirt that ur wearing as a skirt is the joy divisonalbum cover art. letting u know on something from the 80's x
I LOVE your blog. It is very original I like your photos your look Everything
Sorry for my english I'm french
I LOVE your blog. I just got started on a fashion blog (living-up-to-chanel.blogspot.com). P.S. I really would like to go up and poke Freja Beha's poufy hair too!
Love your tights, especially the half white half black one. the peacock headpiece looks totally cool and I am in love with your mozart shirt. i dont know why....
Oh... for a second I thought it was Thomas. lol
i have a hat/headband thing too. But my teachers make ME take it off in school. I'll have to talk to them...
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