Agh, two posts last week makes me feel like poop, mostly because I wasn't doing anything worthwhile otherwise!
Anyway, when my family and I were in D.C. a couple weeks ago I spent 90% of the time in my pajamas on the couch watching Will & Grace and deciding whether or not it was worth the effort to reposition myself slightly when my right pinky toe got cold. I did, however, go to a vintage shop! How very bold and social and non-lazy.
Now, normally I am very SKEPTICAL about vintage shops, because in addition to being lazy, I am also cheap, and 99% of the time prefer the Salvation Army because it costs way less and mostly just requires patience (which, when there are lacy gems to be found and fluffy sweaters to be acquired, I suddenly gain.)
I liked Polly Sue's Vintage in Tacoma Park, Maryland though. In a lot of vintage boutiques it's so fancy that the gorgeous vintage feel seems to be inaccesible to us MERE PEASANT FOLK but Polly Sue's was kind of dreamy-schemey-time-machiney in a way that felt like an old jewelry box or scrapbook. This only makes sense in my head so to keep it short, GOOD VIBEZ.

The prices are pretty typical for a vintage store - one really nice coat (don't remember the era-40's?) with a fur collar was $75, the blazer above was around 30, and the dress I got (further down in the post) was 22. That being said, many of the pieces were what you'd expect to find at a vintage store, but everything was in good condition and not unreasonably priced, I don't think. Plus, even though it is easy to find a lot of vintage clothing of a certain style, there were some truly special pieces, most definitely. If you want a slip that looks like a typical vintage slip, you'll find it, but if you want a more interesting one, you'll find that too.
The hat collection was my favorite part.

Still, there were a number of pieces I really loved that I'm sure would've looked great even when taken out of magical-mesmerizing-vintage store context. I was considering this 50's skirt for $15 from the sale rack-
Anyway, when my family and I were in D.C. a couple weeks ago I spent 90% of the time in my pajamas on the couch watching Will & Grace and deciding whether or not it was worth the effort to reposition myself slightly when my right pinky toe got cold. I did, however, go to a vintage shop! How very bold and social and non-lazy.

Now, normally I am very SKEPTICAL about vintage shops, because in addition to being lazy, I am also cheap, and 99% of the time prefer the Salvation Army because it costs way less and mostly just requires patience (which, when there are lacy gems to be found and fluffy sweaters to be acquired, I suddenly gain.)
I liked Polly Sue's Vintage in Tacoma Park, Maryland though. In a lot of vintage boutiques it's so fancy that the gorgeous vintage feel seems to be inaccesible to us MERE PEASANT FOLK but Polly Sue's was kind of dreamy-schemey-time-machiney in a way that felt like an old jewelry box or scrapbook. This only makes sense in my head so to keep it short, GOOD VIBEZ.

The prices are pretty typical for a vintage store - one really nice coat (don't remember the era-40's?) with a fur collar was $75, the blazer above was around 30, and the dress I got (further down in the post) was 22. That being said, many of the pieces were what you'd expect to find at a vintage store, but everything was in good condition and not unreasonably priced, I don't think. Plus, even though it is easy to find a lot of vintage clothing of a certain style, there were some truly special pieces, most definitely. If you want a slip that looks like a typical vintage slip, you'll find it, but if you want a more interesting one, you'll find that too.
The hat collection was my favorite part.

Still, there were a number of pieces I really loved that I'm sure would've looked great even when taken out of magical-mesmerizing-vintage store context. I was considering this 50's skirt for $15 from the sale rack-
But ended up going with this dress for $20 (which I bought mostly to go with my soon-to-be-blue hair OH YES IT IS HAPPENING)

The colors are just so terribly perfect in real life. And it's like a tennis 60's sweater thingy! Wore it NYE and almost constantly since we got back, it's pretty gross?
And because three is the magic narcissist number, this is what I wore that day:

Comme des Garcons skirt, Docs from Spencer's mom, tee was a gift from Mitra & pals at Blood is the New Black (<3)>
All in all though, lovely atmosphere, pretty great clothing collection, AMAZING hats, mostly reasonable prices. It's owned by two women and the one that was there when we were was very friendly, helpful, and clearly very interested in fashion and enthused by vintage clothing. If you're in the area I would recommend it! If not for the clothes, then at least for the cute dog:
All in all though, lovely atmosphere, pretty great clothing collection, AMAZING hats, mostly reasonable prices. It's owned by two women and the one that was there when we were was very friendly, helpful, and clearly very interested in fashion and enthused by vintage clothing. If you're in the area I would recommend it! If not for the clothes, then at least for the cute dog:
Really, it was only a matter of time before your dad caved. ONE POINT FOR THE YOUNG ONES EVERYWHERE!!! A true victory.
And I do love the dress you picked, but I wouldn't have been able to resist the skirt... it reminds me of the prada one you've been cooing over for ages, no?
The skirt had such a Alice in wonderland feel to it.
skirt skirt skirt skirt
total old prada/new miu miu vibez
wow, thats a freaky looking dog. but i guess it has a slight cuteness to it, especially since it's wearing a DOG SWEATER!
i really did like that skirt,
and i can't beleive youre actually dying your hair! good on you i say
holy guac i like the skirt
Bluuuuuuuuuuue =)
Nice shop and may I suggest the Live Journal community
There is a lot of really good information there for those who wish to be and those who are of the blue hair persuasion.
what a gorgeous shop! i wish i lived in the area
Excellent decision with the dress, although, I would've gone for BOTH! The skirt and the dress. The print was totally adorable, and fit you wonderfully :) I definitely need to check that out, one day.
nice shop though :) saw about 50 things i wanted just from the pics
if you love this blog like i do, then maybe you'll like this one too...
Aw now I'm regretting not getting the skirt!
Kylie-I got the Prada skirt on eBay a few days ago! Should be arriving soon :)
blukats-WAO thank you for that link!
mardijane-OKAY I WILL NOT.
1. ommgggg the hats <33333 got me into a long skirts phase now,haha. I have to show you this vintage paisley one i got if you'll tell me what to wear with it.
3.I can't wait to see your hair blue. Hair always grows back so i think its fun to experiment.
4.Did you see Brooke while you were at DC?
What an Awsome store and finds!!!
loved the skirt by the way!!! can't wait to see your blue hair with that perfect great dress!!
YESSSSS......EVEN IF I FIND YOU ARE VERY PRETTY WITH YOUR BLOND HAIR.....DIE THEM IN BLUE !! YOU WANT IT SO MUCH ! That doesn't mean it 'll be blue for the rest of your life !
GO GO GO ! ^^
Daamnn I want to go here!
woah cool store and love that skirt!
Tavi, you are so fast, and do so much (which I'm certainly not complaining about, as all of your material is so cool!). I've been away for a couple of days, so am catching up :-) The Beatles illustrations on your Pop page, are soooo gr8! I'm working on a response now! So excited :-))
love this !
Lovely. I wish we could have vintage shops as beautiful as this here in the Philippines. My sisters and I would probably call that heaven on earth.
awwww god i love the last outfit. super cutesy!!
awesome post!!
i l-o-v-e-d the high skirt... and even after a thousand posts.. i love your docs!
wouldve taken a hat too... or hatSS
in regards to the blue hair, be warned. i was bleaching my hair for a solid year and it felt fine until the blue came along. polyester wigs in porn shops felt better than my blue hair!
You take beautiful photos and that vintage shop looks great!
So true about vintage shops and their accessibility :)
and you're right about charity shops, especially when they're located in more...affluent areas, you can find real gems.
Love the DM's by the way :) x
i think The skirt very cool..:)
Great post about a great store! Your posts are not only interesting, they always amuse me. In England we seem to have way less vintage stores,or like thrift stores...its so rubbish.Vintage stores in England tend to be decorated better than this one...which I love,and usually reasonabley priced. But I'm missing out on all these thrift stores!!! :(
Sofie ^^
cute store
check out our fashion blog. We are 3 aussie teens who need more followers, so become one!!
xx. S/E/H
cute store
check out our fashion blog. We are 3 aussie teens who need more followers, so become one!!
xx. S/E/H
Beatles Illustrations on your POP page…
For a start, the cover is awesome –the crying eye of some enormous blue creature? And then the illustrations… I so agree, the variety of materials and methods used for each illustration works beautifully. I think this really reflects how The Beatles worked on each song individually. Each song had its own feeling – which was fleshed out and stripped back until the feeling was captured musically. They were crafted until every little aspect was just right. The illustrations are so beautiful, and so sympathetic to the songs, that I’m sure Mr Aldridge went through a similar process. I also really like the artist’s use of composition. He really controls the space – sometimes the illustration has a rigid structure – other times it’s looser. Sometimes objects are up close, other times they are mid-distance and faraway. The Beatles also do this in their songs! Tavi, I’m a big fan of Paul’s bass playing during the latter period. It might be really nerdy but I love listening to the bass lines on songs like “Hello Goodbye”, “Penny Lane”, “L in the S with D” :-P and more… And finally, the photographic montage for Eleanor Rigby really captures the sadness of that song.
P.S Yes – an excellent fact regarding “Yesterday” :-) Thank you! I recall him saying it was originally something like, “Scrambled eggs, oh my darling how I love your legs…” – just to get the melody working - (glad he changed it to, “Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away…” :-)))
PPS. In my opinion, Kate Moss is the most stylish and attractive super-model. I really have to say that the appendage to your left arm is the hand-modelling equivalent! <3
PPPS. “BEING THE GENIUS THAT I AM” - We know, Tavi! You really don’t have to spell it out in big letters for us!!! Geez!!! :-))))
Pawly Sooz...
Anyone for tennis? I like all 3 outfits, Tavi, but just don’t go starin’ at your reflection in any water bearing containers, ‘cause didn’t something bad happen to that Narcissus dude? :-)
You have a great site here. I have a blog myself which I hope will inspire people all around the world. Life is hard enough. I'd like to exchange links with you to help spread some traffic around between each other.
Please let me know if this is possible.
Blue hair... Yes, that will be really cool.
Vintage stores are great, the only thing that I don't like are aching hands after long "hunt" for clothes.
I love your blog, you always give me good ideas !!! so.... thank you, thank you and thank you!!!!!!!
I invite you to visit this website It´s a special spanish fashion brand, I think you'll like it, they send all around the world. It´ll be a great experience for you.
you are right, the hat collection seems truly amazing. And can't wait to see you with blue hair! I am certain it is going to look rad..
Lovely photos!
hey! that vintage shop looks amazing, would love to go there one day.
you probably have people say this all the time - and this isn't a desperate plea for a 'famous blogger' to visit my blog, but I photographed an amazing 1980s rei kawakubo dress today and thought you might be interested. Don't worry if not, but yeah just thought you might like it =] hope you're having a great day.
Commes de Garçons shirt is legendary...I love the feeling when i look a vintage cloth...I feel like i live in two different time...if you wanna be a good designer or fashion person you have to start with oldies...
check out my blog
okay i probably wasnt supposed to be looking at those but i love your shoes!! also please dont die your hair blue.
love the skirt :)
ahhhhhh...wanna go there..wanna go there..i wish i can find dat kind of shop in indonesia...
the dress is amazing! i like the skirt better -- for me it would be more versatile, but you can work magic with anything and everything, so the dress was probably a better choice hahaa
cheap vintage dress here
That how to tie a bow skirt is so funny/ridunc.
The piles of hats are heavenly!
Those are some amazing hats. I love the dress!! so cute:)
-should be getting ready for school as it is final exams day numero uno-
Vintage shops are favorite thing! I swear when I get a car I'm going antique-ing every weekend!
And hats are simply ALWAYS the most fun things to look at in those types of shops. The skirt was cute too (BOWS!!)...but I'm just not a fan of long skirts :]
When I finish my tests today I will be dreaming of pretty little vintage things :]
i found so many good vintage shops when i was in DC. same with baltimore!
great print dress and tee :)
As always your posts inspire.
The skirt was a gem...I don't think I could have left it behind, BUT you look rad in the dress.
Thanks for sharing that lovely shop which you describes so beautifully. I am surely visiting it my next visit to DC.
gorgeous store, gorgeous finds :)
awesome! I'm gonna be around DC in February and I'm definitely gonna check it out! :)
reasonable prices always suck me in!
I wish I could visit that store too
If you are ever in Omaha, NE...go to Second Chances. The basement is full of vintage clothes. Be prepared to dig and "DON'T eat the cookies. I have seen the resident cats licking them! The prices are fab--midwest prices! Love the dress and blue hair sounds over the top fun! I have pink extentsions that I wear for breast cancer awarness!
--Keep up the coolness!
Hey you were in Takoma! Thats wonderful, great neighborhood. Did you stop into Moonshadow and Rerun as well when you were there? I never can understand how all three stay in business!
I wish I would have known you were visiting DC. I could have sent you a list of places to go. Those checkered Doc Martins are awesome!
Now you need blue sunglass lenses to match your soon-to-be-blue hair.
I love that sweater dress! The colors are perfect! Great choice! :)
I like the sweater dress a lot. It looks like a cute little vintage shop. I like the last photo the best though! xoxo
I moved to DC a few years ago for graduate school. I still have yet to visit Polly Sue's, but this post has really inspired me to make the trek up to Takoma Park.
omg , the shop is great!! I love it all!! ahah
your tshirt is gorgeous!
Thats my superfave vintage shop ever! I clean that mutha out once a month! You should have seen it before I got to it .. :P
dye your hair! what fun, and i know you will rock the socks of the look. you have an amazing eye for style, chica. looking forward to more of your good posts.
Hey sista!
So happy you prepared such a great spread for us! Juicy inspiration! I love the dress you bought, you can do so much with it. I want to see one of those big o' white tennis head bands with it. I love those! All the love darling!
the dress has a really pretty green
I love good vintage shops! As long as they don't smell too much like old clothes they are usually amazing. We have a great one in Manchester UK called Rags to Bitches. I got the most amazing YSL 80's blouse there for £28....
Love the dress but also loved the sale skirt you tried. You were very controlled not to buy both!!!
Can I buy that dress from you? Haha.
lovely store!!
Tavi, you're so cool. I wanna be as cool as you when I grow up.
I enjoy reading your blog, it's really great.
(And 'god jul', a bit late. But whatever)
i hate ur shoes but u are amazing, where u live u ? thanks if you answer to me :) xoxo
La boutique a l'air vraiment geniale!!
I am sooo jealous of that dress!!!! As for your hair.GO FOR IT!! Your natural hair color is light enough that a pretty baby blue would look so amazing!..oooooh..would even look better against the green dress xo
Hey! You've an amazing style!
and I LOVE all these stuff♥
Greetings from Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Do you have a Comme Des Garçons skirt?????
I want to kill myself!! I want one (:
But I still have my Marc by Marc Jacobs Owl Purse "trrrblll"
Livi (:
I just love shops like this ; ]
are you really dying your hair blue? wowzer.
i wish i had that dog... and that skirt is gorgez!
go with the flo
This store is really cute and your outfits too.
With love,
I love vintage stores mostly because the vibe and the clothes make you feel like you're in a special, long-forgotten place.. even when it's crowded. But usually I feel that the people are a little snobby. Dunno.
Your Docs are pure geniosity. And blue hair? I'm behind you because I'll never get the chance to be behind a future-bluehead again :) and it'll suit you I'm sure.
This is a lovely shop ! I especially love the hats.
Amazing post! :)
-The Trendy Fashionista
I love the first outfit. Looks good on you.
That dress is definitely something, and the blue hair sounds amazing.
Have a fantastic week :)
Aw the dog is so cute:) and yes the skirt was fab tavi;)
Tavi, before you posted this - and I hope I don't freak you out when I say this, but - I totally had a dream we were hanging out at my friends' house (near D.C.) and I suggested that we all go, but you were reluctant because of D.C.'s lack of designer shops. It was a pretty ballin' dream.
Anyway, I went to that vintage shop a few years ago and got me some Jackie O looking hats. They pair up very well with my extended collection of A-line dresses. Just thought you ought to know, oh wise one.
P.S. Congrats on dyeing your hair blue! I've gone to some extreme colors, and I don't regret it. (wear tattered clothes as you dye your hair, it stains like a mo' fo')
I love polly sue's! I almost bought my homecoming dress there last year. not doing so is now one of the bigger regrets in my life haha...cute stuff! and good luck on the hair :)
Ur so cool.
aww look at the wittle doggie
I love your outfit! And that boutique seems very interesting! and less pricy than a parisian vintage shop (they are way too expensive)
I live about 45 minutes away from DC, and I think I may have passed by that Vintage shop. I'm more of an Abercrombie kinda girl, so I've never bought anthing from a vintage place. I do go to Anthropologie, which is kinda vintage-y looking. I get a bunch of cool headbands there.
DC Restaurant Week is this week! Gonna go to Acadiana, a Cajun place for a fabulous lunch!
I mentioned you in my blog...: )
Congrats! VOGUE PORTUGAL wrote about your blog!
Hello Tavi!
I live in Maryland and I frequent Polly Sue's!!!! It is hands down the best vintage shop in the area. I am glad you got to experience it!
you are superneato!
i *LUV* your style!
-just thought you should know :)
really into the print on the skirt. But the dress you got is equally fantastic!
so i love your post! I feel more for the skirt but the dress says TAVI TAVI TAVI TAVI all over it... ha... So The book is all set i emailed you ummm.... okays well just reply hopefully my mom will let me upload the pics.. lol :)
You look fab in that dress. I hope you wear it with those kicks.
You're lucky you're so tiny, a lot of the vintage stuff I find and drool over is definitely not made for my 5'9 frame.
Ahhh so jealous! Was the dog for sale? Vintage dog sale! REALLY old dogs for reasonable prices! That'd be so great.
I love this store. I'm so jealous I will probably never go. It looks so dreamy.
Omigosh, Tavi! I was born in D.C. and just moved from VA!! That was my fave store of all time!
PS: i would do what ever u want to do, but ur hair is so bonita maybe u shud just do blue strips.
PPS: love the hats! i got a vintage prada one there: black flapper hat with bow and lace...
I'll definitely visit next time I'm in DC!
I feel like you got taller, how tall are you now?
I feel like you got taller. How tall are you now?
Yes, I am excited for the blue hair. I had purple hair when I was 13, so I totally dig it.
you could have hung out with the hippest kids in DC if you would have said something.
maybe next time.
LOVE it all.
and the dog!
i want a hat!,,,mmm no! all of them!
oh i am going to d.c. this summer. lovely!
that's so exciting, i'd love to put some blue in my hair like peaches geldof or something, but after the purple ruined my hair for months i'm a little apprehensive haha. this shop looks fantastic, especially the hat section! good find.
this is crazy I live like down the street from polly sue's, and I go there all the time!
I love how it's set up and the woman who runs it is always so nice and helpful.
"magical-mesmerizing-vintage store context" - you are so right! The shop is a little world of it's own.
I think you made the right choice going for that $20 dress personally. The colors are fantastic!
I quite like your natural hair. So...what inspired you to want to dye your hair blue? mm...Punk maybe? I'm very curious. I'm sure you'll pull it off though. You always do.
Much love,
i totally have massive difficulties when shopping vintage. i feel like there's a lot of luck to it that i don't really have.
love the docs. wish i had the gusto to wear a pair.
sounds amazing! :)
i thinks i be liking this vintage store :) it has a really awesome vibe to it. oh the joy of vintage stores :)
i realleh like these pictures
Yeah, I really like the hats. I can see that the prices are reasonable. My question to you is where is the store? What city?
Hi! i am such a huge fan and follow your blog EVERYDAY! you have such an interesting eye and a fresh take on the fashion industry. i know you will keep doing great work for the industry! i am always telling people about your blog and i was wondering if you could possibly check out my profile for nylon magazine's competition. i could end up being their "behind the scenes" photo reporter!!! i am trying to network and get my name out there! i'm sure you understand how it is! :D
PS- I have the leopard rodarte dress! so amazing! xoxo
ally lindsay
i agree about the prices in vintage shops. i love the skirt in your outfit, it really adds a totally different element to the whole t-shirt look. great job! also, i think you could pull off blue hair. take this from a woman who has had her hair every color under the sun and also has a cosmetology license. just make sure to bleach it first and don't use navy blue because oftentimes it comes out sort of black. and DON'T use blue-black because you'll NEVER get it out! use a blue vegetable dye like Manic Panic and when you wash it, just put some of the dye in your shampoo. good luck!
caution for the blue hair... i tried that and i had too much hair and not enough dye. this equals grey hair btw xx
I totally love thrift stores! those hats look amazing.
I wouldn't die my hair if I were you! You have such a pretty natural looking color! And you either have to constantly keep it up, or let it fade to puke green!
Hi, hi Tavi~
I'm going to Washington D.C. for my eighth grade trip this year in the summer!
Where is the store?
I neeeds to know! :D
Maybe it's close enough to where we'll be headed around that my teacher'll let me slip on over there. I need some vintage in my closet. Dern the shops at the mall for not having it...
dear god there are a lot of comments on here. hahah well I noticed that you wrote that you were dyeing your hair blue!
I actually had my hair died blue for four years.
yeah, i'm a freak. i know. But in eighth grade i died it back to my natural brown.
i loved it so much, even if it was part of my awkward years.
what kind of dye are you going to use?
i suggest paul mitchell ink works (its kind of hard to get your hands on it, but i think if you flash your name they'd get it for you haha)
Do you want to trade your Nesquick glass for a 5-month old zucchini? At least, I think it's a zucchini. It's hard to tell at this point :)
That dog is adorable. :)
o i want those hats!! i love ur shoes
I definitely considered that skirt when I was at Polly Sue's this past Saturday. Sadly, it is itty-bitty. I might still go back for the 40s dress with the sailor collar, though, and I am very pleased with the giant 70s blue velvet clip-on bow tie I am now using as a hair accessory.
Katharine, just so you know, Polly Sue's isn't really in a part of DC you're likely to go near on a school trip. Actually, I think it's technically in Maryland. Enjoy the First Ladies' dresses at the American History Museum, though!
Hiya, really excited for you and your blue hair! I used to have a mix of really bright and royal blues, so I thought you might like a few tips on keeping it looking good. So if you go to a salon first time, cool, if not, remember you're going to have to bleach your hair beforehand, which can be annoying. also even if you get it salon done, buy some extra so you can touch it up yourself when it fades (blue fades superfast, trust). when it's dyed, wash it as rarely as possible, and give it a rinse in vinegar now and then, SPECIALLY after you've touched it up. Blow-drying also helps keep the colour in. There's a really good wikihow for this, so check it out :) Hope it goes well! Blue is an AWESOME hair colour.
Omg, the hat pr0n.
Nice! It's funny that there's a dog there, because there's a cat that hangs out in a vintage store near me.
Three things:
1. That dress is SPECTACULAR. You done good.
2. Your tshirt is possibly even more spectacular.
3. Your hair looks so nice right now! I love it pinned over. It makes me want to cut my hair all over again!
Hi, I love that store I bought my homecoming dress there/ half of my wardrobe, but I'm a takomaparkian so i guess that explains it! But thats so cool that you went there!!
there is the dress, the last post, anyway, i love your style!!
I loooove your style and your blog, Tavi! thumps up..
OMG i love the shoes that you're wearing. i'm visiting ur blog for the first time today after seeing this article in the korean vogue about how you were invited to see Marc Jacob's show in the front row. I love how you died your hair blue too, wish I had your creative sense of style.... too bd its hard for me to die my hair any other color than blak
i'm a little late on this post, but.... whattt!!! i totally recognized polly sue's! i grew up in dc, my friend in high school worked there and i went in every once in a while. what are you doing in takoma park? do you live around those parts?
This is apropos of nothing in your post, just a convenient place to add a comment. :-) Have you seen The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassas yet? Catch it while it's still in the theater. Costume designer Monique Prudhomme won a Golden Satellite for the film - starring supermodel Lily Cole, by the way, mostly dressed as some ragbag alien Renaissance princess from the planet Lilian Gish. It's OMGCAPSLOCKfantastic.
Ive been going to that vintage store since i was a kid! Freakin love it, people there are usually lovely. That area used to have three or four more fabulous vintage stores, but since the economy got so bad a lot of them went under. There was one called Takoma Underground, that i literally could spend hours in. They had amazing vintage dresses right next to tons of old medical supplies, right next to old cookwear.
ur shoesss <3
talented TAVI♥ big future i read about you in a magazine you said when you don´t have any time or you don´t like to write more u will stay at the lastest blog wri... but i love your blog and read all about you and i read all of your blog I just will say I LOVE you and your style
... wait YOU WERE AT POLLY SUES! how did i not run into your adorable awesomeness??!?! what where you doing in Takoma Park?!?! (haha rhetorical i know you have too much to do.) anyway Im so glad you got a taste of what i live with. I wish glad rags was still around, you would have loved it! anyways happy hunting girlie.
i colect hat!
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