Tonight we got home from Tokyo. I'm still sort of recovering and trying to figure out WHAT just happened in the past week but it was amazing (I know I use that word to describe a lot of stuff but it is really really meant this time.) It was a whole other world though, and towards the end I found myself ready for home. Then I saw a guy on the plane wearing a shirt that said "I (heart) hot moms" on it, and was reminded that American flight attendants don't wear bright purple like Japanese ones, and that I would be going back to school on that's that.
Once I find out what is for the blog and what will be included in an article I'm writing, I will ramble and rant like I normally do, but for now I'm too lazy to upload any photos or even go downstairs to get a glass of Nesquik even though it sounds really good right now. Once I am not out of sorts, and have a few more sorts, and then some, I will talk about depressing airports and amazing Japanese toilets. But I will keep what it was like to meet Rei Kawakubo to myself. The most special moments are to be kept secret and I won't need to write a post to remember what happened.
And, because I don't like a pictureless post...

Soooo...what'd I miss while I was gone? It doesn't make much sense that I'm a blogger that doesn't have a laptop and usually posts about most events and shows days after they happen. I'm like some old hag with a walker trudging past a running marathon, the bright green tennis balls befooting my wretched tool juxtaposed with the neon sneakers of these fast, with-the-times younguns. (I realize I am a youngun, but with a slow computer.)
I think I have the energy to get Nesquik now.
glad to have some news !
You HAVE to tell us about you're trip... it sounds so exciting =D
just hope it was as good as you anticipated it was to meet her. even better i hope? xx
"But I will keep what it was like to meet Rei Kawakubo to myself. The most special moments are to be kept secret and I won't need to write a post to remember what happened."
This is why I respect you so much, and think your blog is so excellent.
You're a wise girl, Tavi :)
oh, i would LOVE to go to tokyo ^^! hope you really had an amazing time there.
i love nesquik. also ill be waiting for tokyo tales! nice new title thing aswell :)
Can't wait to hear about your trip to Tokyo. You've gone so far, Tavi(:
Glad you had a fab time in Tokyo! i went in the summer.. LOVED IT.. but was like you, ready to come home after a while! where was your favouirte place? Mine without doubt had 2 be HARAJUKU and stores like KIDDY LAND! I even bumped into Paul Walker there!
Can't wait to hear about your travels. Glad you had a safe trip.
This is so wonderful!!!
i really love comme des garçons!!!
your blog is great!
kisses from italy!
Lucky lucky lucky, I love Japan! Are you talking about the heated, spraying, singing toilet seats? Amazing :)
Sounds like fun! I hope you are doing fine :) I really love reading your blog! Please visit mine if you get the chance!
You are so lucky! I'm pretty sure going there would make me pretty unable to speak too... Hope you had the best time ever!
Wow, that was fast! I look forward to reading about it. :-) I love the new header!
tokyo is like a dreamland!! *Squeals* and Rei!
like the new header
*kickin and screamin*
we want to hear everything!!!
Sounds SO good :)
love the new image at the top. and i wish i could go to tokyo! my school had a japan trip but it cost about fifty million quid so i didn't go, sad sad
I think of Anna Piaggi in you wish of dying your hair - as a compliment of course.
exciting! can't wait to see the recap of your tokyo stay!
TAVI! If you went to the Tokyo Narita airport, OMG I LOVE THE TOILETS THERE. random, but omg I just adore japan. I can't wait to here about you and Rei Kawakubo!
Hi girl! i've read about your blog in a Spanish Blog so I decided to visit it and I have to say that I really like it!
I'm a 17-year-old girl with a fashion blog but i'm starting... I hope you visit it and give me your opinion. thanks!
Oooher. I'm excited to hear your adventures... be sure to make an update.. you know it thrills us. ;) LOL
i went to tokyo a couple years ago and the toilets were absolutely the best thing ever! also, did you go to shibuya 109 in the shibuya district? my favorite store in the world.
i've been checking out your blog for some time, & just thought i'd say 'hi'. love your perspective - you are wise beyond your years...
so envious of your tokyo trip & meeting rei kawakubo...
You are fantastic, tavi :D...
hope you had an amazing time
enjoy the nesquik!
and i thought i was the only blogger with a computer that's slow!
you are amazing!
Hope you had a ball, Tokyo is truly amazing I loved it.
Awesome new title! Looking forward to pictures and NEWS!
Greetings from L.A. Tavi!!
Your maturity and ability to recognize and trust your instinct is why I love to follow your blog. Don’t ever change Ms. Tavz, please! I’m sure your trip was productive and inspiring, to say the least.
Welcome back, we missed you!
I love Japan as well amnazing country which has an upbeat atmosphere. Although I wouldn't know I haven't been there. Hear me sounding like a expert. Anyhow I have just started a fashion blog and this blog is really inspirational for me especially because I am tween to teen years old and your around the same age as me. I love your postings oh and by the way check out my blog:
I know what a odd name for a fashion blog "Inevitable" doesn't that mean bound to happen.
Anyway, Looking to find some followers so please follow me!
Ha. You were in the New Yorker this week in an "Around the Town" about Lady Gaga. It made my day.
Me again. Eurgggh I know I'm so annoying. I've just started my own blog you see and well I don't know how to get followers so how did you get followers.
im sure you had the bestest time there!
when i went to japan (a year ago so i was 12) i came back and i laid in bed literally crying because i wanted to be back there so much!
the food especially was awesome!
did you have any of those dried up fry type thingies? that came in those plastic cartons and they were shaped like fat fried but they were potato chips?? i hope so, those were awesome!!
You are such an amazing lady, I'm from spain and when I heard of you I felt like I had to learn some more about you...
You are such an artist and you really deserve all what is happening to you...
Just wanted to say hi, here it's 1:01 AM, good night =)
I know I'm not the only one who's dying to hear about ~the Rei Experience~ but I understand the need for privacy. I would probably keep it to myself too if I met my hero. Just saying.
And the header? From Pop? I think? Don't judge if I'm wrong, ha! Anyways, glad your back and most importantly you're alive in one piece. When my brother came back from Japan all he could talk about was the toilets too... so, you're not alone! LOL
Even if you don't do it in a blog post, write your meeting with Rei down somewhere. I found a notebook of mine detailing something significant that happened to me, and it contained many details that I'd forgotten, even though I have a decent memory.
Keeping some things to yourself is necessary, but preserve them for your future self.
ur such a lucky duck! lol
I never found the opportunity to comment on your last post but love the pictures! The photo where you are chatting with your hands in the pockets of that seriously epic skirt (the whole ensemble is ridiculously cool) is my favorite. Plus the three photos against the red door. Also, sounds like Tokyo was, as anticipated, amazing. Understand in terms of what and what not to disclose on the blog. Makes complete sense.
A-of course! I keep a diary.
Your a lucky girl, that you got to meet Rei. Here comes the emoticon..... :] It really love how your keeping this experience to yourself. It's really really....hmmm...what's the word? Well the wod is yet to be found to complete that sentence. Your and inspiration.
aw, honestly I wish we could hear about your meeting with Rei. :( but it's alright. I think if something as amazing as that happened to me, I'd keep the moment to myself, too.
holy macaroni. you are cool beans. i shall dream tonight of you being my personal stylist. would you consider a life soundtrack as payment????
moxie block xox
welcome homeee
Amazing!! thats so exciting you had such an incredible opportunity (: you are such a fabulous person!
and i loooooove the colored hair idea
hope to hear from japan soon...
Wow tavi, I can't believe how grown up you are! I think I'm only just starting to realise how precious my special memories are. You're amazing,and I'm sure Rei and everyone else you met realises this too.
i love Nesquik:) GOD now i feel like one!!!
xx. A
omg your life is so amazingly crazy for a 13 year old. im sure you realize that of course. congrats on meeting someone you admire so much!! :)
fall in love with kate moss:
Great Headline!
I'm waiting for mor news ;)
Your blog is amazing! I admire ta!
Please also see my blog:
super cute your work as always!
I saw you in a fashion spanish magazine =) it has to be absolutely amazing to be invited by Marc Jacobs, Comme des Garçcons...
& attending a McQueen show is to kill for!!
I absolutely love those shoes that appear in your previous post. WOW!
Oh, were you in Tokyo yesterday?
As a person lived in Tokyo, I hope you enjoyed and liked tokyo, and wanted to meet you.
greeting from Tokyo.
Tokyo! But experience had to be! Envy, envy, envy. Very, I would like to see Tokyo.
when I read that you weren't sharing your experience about rei I almost got angry, and then I realised "shit why would you want to share one of the most amazing things to happen to the whole world?" I admire your privacy and your knowledge, I check your blog everyday for updates and try get my friends to read it, amazing stuff. really is.
Good for you, lucky you and keep your secrets!!!one day You'll tell....
I hope you had a great time in Tokio, it's an amazing city and also their people!!!!
Kisses Lady Tavi
What a cute post!!! I've been reading your blog every once in a while and I must say, I'm very impressed...kyou had such a stunning evolution, congratulations!!
Keep us posted, we want more!
You probably already know about this, but if not, check this out:
TAVI can I be your best friend? You're cooler than Lykke Li and the stephen hawking of the fashion world. OH yes, and take that as a compliment.
wow, soo cool you got to go to japan! i cant wait till i get such an oppurtunity
the quirkyness of the style seems soo rigth up your alloey, glad you had aan amazing time :)
Tokyo is amazing! hope u get some animes :) and great memories ..
I really want to do a photoshoot with you :(
Tokyo sounds amazing, I actually had a friend move there with her husband recently. I think I should go visit!
Anyway, I hope school isn't too hard on you this week! Take care!
Welcome home!
It seems you had a great trip with loads of interesting experiences.. I mean toilets and airports..what more can one wish for..:-)
good to have you back, I always enjoy your posts, and even though you have been posting while in Tokyo, it's still great to have the some what more 'live' Tavi back!
Take care
Isn't Tokyo lovely? I was there this summer. Japan is such a gorgeous country with the kindest people I've ever met. I'm glad you enjoyed your trip :D
You... met... Rei Kawakubo?
Is that f'real?
I don't even... there is not... how many ellipses do I have to type to express how very AT A LOSS FOR WORDS I AM.
Hoover Damn!
wow congrats that you met her tavi :)
i also love the hair dying idea!
i want to dye a piece of my hair blue, but my parents won't let me hah.
love the new banner too with the pic from the Pop edit.
you can take over the cdg haircut and i'll take over yours. love the rodarte pics also. thanks for keepin' it real gurl. j'adore you. xo js
A young gun Maxwell Smart style – an innocent looking adjustment of your head-piece sends out a couple of rounds -> straight to the heart ;-)
Come on, get your wheels on you old hag! xx
Wow, got here through Business of Fashion site. Just had to tell you that you write incredibly well for a 13-yr old. You are certainly wise beyond your years!
You are amazing - a word that I also like to use very often, and I really mean it.
Wish you lots of love and hope you will be contributing your creativity and insights to the fashion industry in times to come.
Love the new header. I have that issue what an amazing editorial.
I hope that Tokyo was all that you anticipated, I have always wanted to go there, I imagine there to be no boundries in style!
Please check out my blog
pure talent:)
and tokyo! i mean c'mon.
totally my favourite place in the world, although i've never had a chance to experience it but you wait, i will soon be a famous fashion photographer out there, wait and see haaha:)
keep on writing, you're doing splendedxxxxx
mmmmm nesquik.
mmmmm nesquik.
Tavi I LOVE YOUR BLOG! and your style, and every thing about you, i wish i knew you. And pleas never stop blogging, your soo sweat!
"Tasty taste!" -LoU (;
*_* OMG, I read an article about you and I was so amused about it that I decided to visit your blog in order to let you know that yours is a fantastic way of view life and fashion! I'll come back to read you again.
こんにちわ!! お帰りなさい
(Hello! Welcome home!) Hehe. I still have yet to go to Japan. Can't afford it yet but my fiance and best friend have. Rawr. It's still one of my goals though! Did you have fun?! Did you visit Harajuku and Shibuya?! D:::::::::::::::::: I have sooo many questions....but that still doesn't explain why I just spazzed out the eyes on my emoticon.(O_o);
Anyway.... :]] Glad you are safely back home. I would have stayed there. XD
hey a few days ago in a spanish tv channel at the news talked about you and your blog.. and i was like yeah!
i read that blog everyday =)!.
nesquik? yummy! =)
Hey Tavi.
I read the article about you in the South-African ELLE, then I saw you onn FTV and now I cant stop reading your blog. Amazing. you doing such a good job.
Can't wait to see the blue hair.:-)
Hey Tavi.
I read the article about you in the South-African ELLE, then I saw you onn FTV and now I cant stop reading your blog. Amazing. you doing such a good job.
Can't wait to see the blue hair.:-)
I'm sure you already know it, but:
I'm so happy for you!
nesquik will fix the world :-)
Love your posts, glad you're home safe & sound
so exciting!! congrats!
hi i love your blog please check me out
hi i love your blog please check me out
i just got back from tokyo too (orchestra tour of s. korea and japan) arent kidding about the toilets over there!!! even after several encounters with the heated seat, i still couldn't manage to get used to the...feeling...?
YOU'RE THE BEST! I love your blog!!And I think you're very talented. I hope you like mine !! I'm form BA, Argentina.
I'm from Poland and I read about you in a Polish fashion magazine (Polish Elle)!
You're such a famous girl, even in Poland (do you know where it is?!) they write about you.
So.. I'm amazed with your personality. Hope you had fun in Tokyo and.. good luck!:)
I cannot wait for you to tell us all about Tokyo :)
I have always wanted to go to Tokyo you must have had an amazing time!!!! Specially since you met Rei Kawakubo :O
I love your blog!!! and you and other bloggers have inspired me to start my own!! so check my blog out i just started like yesterday!!!
Welcome back. It's exciting to know you were in Tokyo. Actually I am from there and know what I love and hate about the city and the culture.
Can't wait to read your experience...
w-o-w getting to go to tokyo! And meeting Rei hereself. Man what it would be like to be in your shoes. Rei Kawakubo, is one of the most amazing designers on this planet! te he he I love being named after her.
Have you every checked out her architecture? It's perfection in concrete form.
xox Eve-Rei
doesn't comme have a new sub-line coming out called Galt?
What is Galt?
Galt is Hedi Slimane's new line not comme's. check it out:
in fact i saw you walking along omotesando last week! i was telling my mom that this is the talented 13 year old fashion blogger. keep up the good work!!
I've stumbled upon a copy of Vice Magazine (Vol. 7 #10, 1994). It has a nice interview ("PREPPY IN PINK - Daisy von Furth Is the Girl Behind X-Girl"). If you'd like me to scan & send, let me no :-))
This is beautifully lacidasical- and the ideas are brilliant! Keep it up Tavi, I love it!!!
Matty xoxo
WOW!!!! I LOVE the clothes, and they're so wonderful I feel like I must use capital letters to describe them! WOW WOW WOW!
love you xx
You are adorable and I hope my daughter is as creative as you! Happy Holidays, Tavi!
Hey I'm from germany and my grand-ma lives in tokyo too! the city is so amazing! and yes tavi is right. the toilets are great! so warm. sry guys :D
i hope you write moore. you're such a great person!
The next time I read a blog, I hope that it doesnt disappoint me as much as this one.
I mean, I know it was my choice to read, but I actually thought you have something interesting to say.
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