it's all downhill from here

In Japan, it is common to address others by last name, which felt weird for me because here in the US you do that if you're a gym teacher, or are about to sock someone in the nose, or both. Also, since I never thought she or anyone within three degrees of separation from her would see this blog, I was used to referring to Rei Kawakubo by just her first name, in that funny, joking creeper, that-rap-I-made-last-year (which I recently rewatched, mortified) way. So...Kawakubo, I shall say, let me pick out six pieces from the Comme des Garcons flagship store in Aoyama. Do not be concerned over the use of a mere period at the end of that sentence; I already freaked out (DO, however, be proud of what I think is the correct use of a semicolon in this last one-I am learning how to use them and it makes me feel smartyer.) I mean...been reading this blog the past few months? How many times have I referenced the Fall 09 collection? Seeing it and clicking through the online slideshow a bajillion times is what made me understand fashion-it wasn't the first time I knew I loved it, but it was a tiny epiphany because I finally felt like I "got" that clothes can have emotional impact. Before I didn't understand how they could be very powerful. It sounds lame but it was one of those "moments". I feel very lucky and thankful...being in the store and seeing them was enough.

Well look at that. I was somewhat recovered from the overstimulation of senses in Tokyo and then this package had to arrive! I wore the skirt today, along with a permanent smile. At times during the day I would also make some of the following faces, and my some I mean, yes, the least attractive/most creepy/most likely to have been made at some point by Kristin Wiig's Lawrence Welk character on SNL:
One of these days I'll get better detail shots. None of these are very good pictures but I just wanted to play dress up and I'll do them all better outfit and photo justice another day.
Anyway, skirt is of course nuts and amazing. And it has a pocket. Today I carried around pieces of Milky and a tube of pink lipstick. I don't know, I don't actually use it, but I like knowing it's there in case I suddenly want to be that annoying girl Karen in Freaks and Geeks and write "PYGMY GEEK" on someone's locker.jacket2jacket
Ah, the floral carpet pineapple print blanket! I cannn't tell you how obsessed I am with this. I will wear it all the time. And remember how I bought that sweater because it reminded me of this print? Well now they can hang out together. EVERYONE
I needed to get SOME of the checkerboard print, knowwhatimasayin. I love love love all of these back blankets. I think I'll just live in a hole and buy only Comme and thrift for the rest of my life.
You smug
I have been looking for an olive coat for a while and now I've no need to. This mixes two of my favorite things: Early 90's Meisel Kristen/Naomi grunge + Freaks and Geeks (two Freaks references in one post! Note to self: get life.)And just the way the fabric moves and know, if I try to talk about these clothes too much it will result in blubbering, or some type of obscene Spongebob animation. All I have to offer is 90's references so I'll stop.tulle
The magical tulle coat. It is like wearing air. You can't tell so much here (again, need to take better/more pictures) but it sticks out in the back and it's terribly beautiful in real life. This and the Lindsay Weir coat especially are pieces from the collection I remember striking me the most, you know, where you actually feel something in your chest.
I am a dweeb! But erm yeah.twenty little piggies
Toe shoes! Mocassins!
Wellll that's that. I don't need anything again ever. God, isn't life nice sometimes? Or in this case really great?
Hope everyone is having a splendid week ("splendid" I think I'm Mary Poppins or something?) and good night! <3


Jenna said...

You're so awesome Tavi!
I absolutely ADORE your blog!

Unknown said...

Please please please do take another picture of the tulle jacket, pretty please? =)

I'm so jealous but so happy for u at the same time! Oh Comme....

Oli xx

Kylie said...

I just saw these on your flickr about 5 minutes... thank heavens for twitter, WHAT WOULD I DO WITHOUT IT??
I think you picked all the right pieces, even if the mix is a little blanket-jacket heavy. For me, the blanket jacket was the most memorable piece from the collection anyways (I mean, if I had to choose ONE) so it makes sense to choose them to remind you of what really embodied the whole collection... this and the fact that the idea of snuggling all day in a duvet/jacket hybrid is just something heavenly all together. I salute your choice.
And if I didn't promise myself to never diy (ie rip-off) another designer piece again, I would be putting a sharpie to every one of my flats right now. Just saying

Much love gurl, you know you work it. KANE, YOU CAN GO SHAVE YOUR BACK NOW

ps- I learnt how to finally use semi-colons properlly only last year in a 2nd year english course, and I still feel pretty smart when I use them. High-fives for intellectualism!!

What we four say said...

U are one Lucky lady!! Congrats on manifesting your dreams!

Elyse said...

Looooove the tulle jacket.

Like a breath of fresh air.

style-magnet said...

OMG brb wanting to kill you because I AM SO JEALOUS. But wait, I can't because you're wonderful. Ohhhh enjoy your pile of FW09 jackets and roll around in them a bit for me... sigh.

Lightning Heart said...

ahhh amazing outfits!

and those toe shoes :D

Mao_GSpot said...

Greaaat clotheees, would love to get something from Comme des Garcon, well i got a shirt from the collection for H&M hehhee.
I just love your blog, and reading it from Mexico.

Peanut Leigh said...

love your blog and the banner is so cute! those toe shoes are so awesome!

Lizzie said...

wow wow wow!! You are sooo lucky! Everything looks amazing on you and that tulle coat is BEAUTIFUL!

fboogabooga said...

wonderful stuff! love the olive coat, so fun!

M said...

oh you lucky little lady
i think i saw it in vogue? when raquel zimmerman wore it...
it was amazing then and it's amazing now
im obsessed w/ olive colored stuff recently
my mom calls it my castro phase hahaha

adorable little tavi
so lucky!

Shelley Noble said...

Epic. You, life, and the gifts.
Googling proper use of semicolons.

Unknown said...

It's not just about picking a label that's cool and wearing it, coveting's picking the right pieces that you enjoy, admire and will wear. Iconic pieces. And I think what you have chosen (you lucky, lucky girl) pretty much fits

Tamahina said...

Huh, downhill?

"coy" colleen said...

i see a bright future for you, little one :)

Misha Lulu said...

lucky you!

Soren Lorensen said...


wait, really




Chloe said...

I am not even quite sure what to say because I'm pretty sure the words just flew out of my brain.


Dressed4Success said...

wOoo.. Tavi... i really love ur blogg... nice picsssssssss.... ur looks..aree... AMAZiNGS!!!!

visit my blog & follow me!=;-D


bianca said...

wow. i would love to own those clothes. looks like a dream. L O V E you and your blog. such an inspiration.


alicia said...

the last coat is my favorite!!
oh well, and I AM jealous.

anway, found this : ... did they taking photographs for street fashion! (this would be amazing, the street fashion scene in japan is LOVE!) Hope you got a copie of FRUITS magazine????!!!!

SiempreYO Fashion & Lifestyle said...

Thoes toe shoes can be the most cute pair of shoes I've ever seen!
Tavi you are one of a kind, keep the spirit =)

andrea said...

Tavi, never ever stop being the way you are

Dale Jefferies said...

the Japanese are so giving and thoughtful. I love the pieces you selected from Comme des Garcons! tres chic, and perfect Japanese avant garde...

FashionHippieLoves said...

your mocassins are great!!!
Love them!!


Eline said...

I love these silhouettes! But most of all I love that gorgeous candy floss coat! I want detail shots soon!

Anonymous said...

Amazing outfits and your shoes are incredible!

Anonymous said...

what can I tell you?
you're just amazing girl! love all of your outfits! and those toe shoes are to die for!


SO. said...

all the pieces are soooo soooo awesome!!! i love every one of them!! ahhh!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Tavi!

The eyebrow that goes with the chess-vest makes the outfit complete :)

All the best,
Manon van Trier

Sheik-Chan said...

I haven't been Jealous------------up until now. ;__; Although I'm sure you wouldn't want us to be....!! But we are. (Started out as one person..and now i'm talking in..ah blah whatever!)

ANYWAY. I totally have a bag of Milky right now. Some of my friends are international students at the college I attend and they give me stuff their family send. I love Milky~!! ;3 Did you try lots of other candies or food there? They have awesome desserts -drools-

..Erm, but this is a fashion blog so perhaps I shouldn't be bringing up food unless it's some sort of food pattern. >.>; Yeah......okay well I love your outfits and I wish I lived nearby so I could touch them. :] Btw...did they custom make them to fit you? You seem so little *~* Teehee.


Btw. Yeah. They refer to your last name, like the military does... I would hate it..I'd want some cute Japanese last name ;D

UpwardT said...

i like the last jacket best !

Mela said...

Oh my, I really want that red shoes!!!

Unknown said...

I must say, you are the most original and kreative little person i've seen in a long time. If only every thirteen year old could dare to stand out like you do, i think the world would be a better place;) Your blog provides me with plenty of inspiration!

Emily said...

detail photos of all the items!!!! those shoes are SO you..

Unknown said...

loving the olive coat - i want one x

LOOKSandMOVES said...

Patterns, patterns everywhere!!!

So happy to find your blog!

pOk (puss och kram=kiss and hug, swedish)

The Social Mediatrix said...

LOVING that skirt, looks fabulous.
And definitely wear pink lipstick, but only if you can put it on in the way Claire from The Breakfast Club does :)

The Social Mediatrix said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mila said...

I want those shoes! so cool! And pockets on skirts make everything better!

Lucy Murfet said...

I love the tulle coat and the shoes are soooo cute!
Love the blog

Please follow me on my fashion blog at


♥sibelinsu♥ said...

ı love your profile ...gorgeous..

Colleen said...

That tulle jacket is amazing, I'm very interested in seeing more pictures of it. But how stereotypically 90's is that editorial shot? I mean, are you kidding me?

Dri Zaupa said...


Você é um L.U.X.O!

Beijos querida!

px said...

What an insanely amazing gift! If I had all of these pieces I'd feel like I had to hollow out a new closet space so that they wouldn't have to touch my lame regular clothes. Blanket coat and the shoes are A+++

biz said...

my stomach churns for that feeling of clothes satisfaction

MrJeffery said...

reminiscent of michelle williams! i love all these & the feet shoes.

Lorelei said...

You are just so beautiful!!!

And Kathleen said...

I'm dying over these looks. And as the 51st commenter I almost didn't say anything because I think I'll get lost in the shuffle of how amazing everyone thinks you look - but I can't help it. I wish I had a friend like you when I was 13.

Anonymous said...

Those shoes are amazing! It's like King Kong in a ballerina's outfit. Um, with the tulle coat, that is.

Catherine said...

What a dream come true! I usually get jealous of other bloggers when they get great stuff, but I'm just super happy for you! You will obviously cherish these pieces. I think the fact that you close your post with "I don't need anything again ever" says it all. Those jackets are fantastic. Especially the tulle coat. As my grandma says "Wear it in good health." : )

Catherine at Littlehouse of Style

FutureLint said...

Totally jealzzzzzzzz, lookie at all those coats!

Sailor Jamee said...

it's disgusting how jealous i am of you at this current moment in time. i wish i had something witty and original to say, but alas, i do not. i'm just sitting in awe.

aimee said...

Oh, wow, Tavi, I am so happy for you! No joke, I was sitting here just reading through my daily blogs and I started just beaming when I saw these pictures.

So -- did you address Rei as Kawabuko-sama? :P

Because i think the title basically fits.

Chelsea said...

THAT TULLE COAT IS FREAKING AMAZING!!!! As for those little toe shoes, I've been a big fan since I first saw them a few months ago. Nice work with picking up the swag!

talia&lilyrose said...

Love your shoes , they are too cute !!
And the nude look is fabulous ...

_CocoBon said...

the res shoes are my favourites! you're veeeery lucky ;-)

HumanAdult said...

so happy for you.
great stuff, cant wait to see how you incorporate all these into new looks!!!


Kerensa said...

Such amazing pieces! Love the blanket-coats. Also, you did you use your semicolon correctly.

Anonymous said...

i LOVE the light, pink coats. gorgeoussssssssssssssssss.

Pistacjowy Kosmita said...

Best regards from Warsaw in Poland :)

Lucka ;-) said...

its fantastic!!

ita darling. said...

Not sure i know how to count- but that seems like a lot more than six pieces! Kawakubo must've fallen in serious muse-love with you or else you cashed in your college fund!

great pics all of them!

dreams do come true! thanks japanese santa claus!

ita darling. said...

Not sure i know how to count- but that seems like a lot more than six pieces! Kawakubo must've fallen in serious muse-love with you or else you cashed in your college fund!

great pics all of them!

dreams do come true! thanks japanese santa claus!

Guiltyhyena said...

Oh, wow, Tavi Love the tulle jacket you are a natural:) and so adorable

@ The Guilty Hyena †
@ The Guilty Hyena †

Fabiola "Fab" said...


Antonio Barros said...


Ollie Crafoord said...

You are so, so lucky to have so many people to support you at such a young age! I'm very impressed with you, just like everyone else here. :)


Pauli said...

those shoes are cute

WendyB said...

It cracks me up that I remember that Meisel grunge shot like it was yesterday and it was pre-history for you. You look cute in all your gear. Love those shoes.

Alexandria said...

These pieces are so beautiful! I especially love that tulle coat, good choice! (I also like your Freaks and Geeks references. Two per post? Why not make it like fifteen and make me like you even more?)

the style spotter said...

adorable outfits!!

Nhu said...

I love these choices. I've never been much into avant garde Japanese designers, but these pieces make me rethink my position.

I see what you mean by clothes calling up emotion.

Ross said...

You ha......
You have the shoes....?
THE shoes......

Anonymous said...

whoah your shoes i'm not normally a shoe kinda girl but whoah those are cool .congrats on the massive package you got .how the hell did they sqeeze that through your postbox.Or um do you have post boxs in america or those cute little boxes on sticks with the little flags or is that only in cartoons.
wright bye (god i feel so stupid)

Maz said...

I basically think the if you are this amazing cool at your age now, that by the time you hit your 20s you will be above anything cool that we know of in todays world. Can't wait to see where you go in life! You have such an amazing road already laid out for you!


D. said...

Love the tulle jacket!!!!! So unique and amazing.

Anonymous said...

awwwwwww i love the clothes
you have amazeing style :)

Rachel said...

Freaks & Geeks is all the life any of us needs. Don't be ashamed. Bill Haverchuck gives me reason to live.

Okay, not really. But I love him. And your Lindsey jacket.

rivka said...

I don't understand. You just picked out the pieces and they fit you? No. Did you have them all altered to your tiny size? Did she have them made just for you? I hope you'll explain since it will greatly add to this wonderful, amazing post! thanks tavi you are super.

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Tavi, you are a lucky girl, you blog is awesome! :)

Unknown said...

Such a stand-out collection. How do you feel about Rei's protege Junya Watanabe?

Now I would like to humbly request you start making your pictures larger. We need to see that detail!


Hazel said...


girl i am so happiez for you

AFitz said...

I am so happy for you! Can't wait to see the dress up adventures that will ensue.

I'm also a bit sad, because every bit of authentic CdG that you get means one less opportunity to see your own diy-mimics. I liked your own "pin-a-blanket-to-a-coat" bit. But you don't need me to tell you to please keep doing crazy shit with your clothes.


Anonymous said...

You're so cool Tavi and you have the most amazing shoes!

Polly x

Unknown said...

oh i love the tulle coat and the sweater!

the mocassins are so funny :D


Katy said...

D-d-d-did you just say that she . . . she . . . let you have 6 pieces for free? EXPLOSIONTIMEOHEFOIHRGOIHR`09370397129WKFUFHV984YT8943H8H
that is just so insanely awesome/jealousy-inducing, I hope you forgive me for the above spam.

Tam said...

this is insane, you're lucky lucky lucky x

Maddy said...

Ohmygod coolest stuff EVER.
I'm dying for the shooz!

Kat said...

WOW, amazing! so creative. you're the coolest 13-year-old ever.

valncami said...

Love all your beautiful pieces! You are so lucky but then again you know that. Please take more pictures of you in that amazing pink/blush jacket. It is so gorgeous. That coat/blanket jacket is so cool I wish I could see it in person I am dying to see how the army jacket is attached to the blanket.I would have picked that too: )
Have fun wearing them!

zenzele said...

remarkable sense of style.... :)

Anonymous said...

I love the tulle coat! So fabulous. :D

Andrea said...

it took me forever to figure out something to say,, amazing, i'm so happy for you!

indigotangerine said...

tavi, you lucky lucky thing. you met her and you got to pick 6 pieces from the collection. I would have fainted from awesomeness overload

josephine said...

love Freaks and Geeks

Anonymous said...

I fell in love with your toe mocassins, they are amazingg.

Isabel said...

BEJEEZUS YOU ARE MAGICAL. I have been coveting those shoes since I first saw them. And you take inspo from Lindsay Weir? SO SO GOOD.

kendal croix. said...

you have such a fabulous style!

Style Scientist said...

OMG! I have the same shoes, but in black. I got them from CdG in NYC last month. Aren't they awesome? I love CdG Fall 09 so much. I got a few RTW pieces from them, too. Your pieces look fabulous! Just found your blog and love it!

Unknown said...


tracy said...

Tavi, i was shopping with you at the store that day in AYOYAMA!!! i bought the green with blue flannel jacket too. love your blog. i def wasn't as cool as you at the age of 13. keep rockin. xxo

Unknown said...

I love the toole coat!!!

Tavi said...

Thank you for all the ridiculously nice comments..glad you guys liked the photos..!!! <3

tama's-It's all downhill from here because for me it doesn't get better than this

strawberristarz and rivka-The pieces weren't custom sized, they had these sizes in the shop.

px-IKR? I don't know where to put them!

christina-I love Junya. CDG is my all time favorite though.

Afitz-DIY forever, duh!

Sheik-Chan said...

Ah! Well that's believable. The Japanese are usually small framed..and so cutely proportioned! 0:3

Michael said...

Oh my, I cannot stop swooning over that toole coat. I don't even know way to say. This coat is a BIG DEAL!

Trina said...

Do you KNOW how amazing your tulle coat is?? ;D

zoomslow said...

I <3 that skirt!! It is so absolutely jam-packed with content and meaning... And you've so cleverly matched it with the top and shoes, so that the skirt is allowed to shine :-))

Rachel said...

eeeee. AWESOME! jealous times a million. also really happy for you!

Dannie said...

youre crazy adorable
loooooving the floral docs :)

kozuyoh said...

i'm japanese reader and i can't deny my envy of your lucky!

Blindcopy said...

It's right, Japanese address you by the last name. but they always add "san" which is common courtesy ;)

Love your blog and would love to see more japan pictures :)


Anonymous said...

That coat is the first justifiable use of tulle I have ever seen, as I usually HATE tulle. However, I LOVE IT!


clerk said...

What shoes are you wearing in the the checkerboard back blanket photos?

Your blog is both inspiring and realistic! I love it.

Rebecca Jane said...

the tulle coat is beyond breathtaking. Wow! It is my favourite of these pieces, I have to say.

Devin said...

I think this collection was made for you!!!! Those toe mocassins! SO CUTE! I can't deal.

Visual Culture said...

OMG supper supper supper !!
greate shoes

alexandra said...

this whole post makes me sooo so happy! and that jacket most def deserved to be in my best dressed bloggers list! check it out!

Paola and Denisha said...

Tulle jacket is gorgeous.
What's up with all these bloggers having pretty jackets?

Tara said...

Hey Tavi, I am so happy for you!! You are the perfect person for these pieces and you look EXTRAORDINARY!

P.S. Don't be embarrassed about the rap; it was f'ing genius.

NorwegianWood said...

Yes, yes, yes, yes. I love this. All of this. Everything about this. Oh and I got my tshirt and I love it too :)

Green army jackets are indeed the best. I had one in high school that I found in my grandparents basement. It had some sort of red stain in the pocket that I used to imagine was the blood of some soldier, but it was probably ink or something.


yui said...

niiice choices. i just spent about 5 minutes wondering what i wouldve picked...i probably wouldve gone for something tulle and a blanket coat and moccasins as well. or maybe the brogues...anyway those clothes are lucky to be worn by someone like you. not many people can look so natural in mainline cdg coats i swear!

will we get to see the room you made?? i keep thinking about what it might look like with all those pretty objects sitting inside...

Celestine said...

tavi! I am SOOOO with you when it comes to olive green coats and Freaks and Geeks! glad to know that i'm not the only one who appreciates good television!...

Mademoiselle Chloe said...

Ahhh tulle. The thought of it just makes me smile. I know its weird, but i just love that tulle piece!

Style Stars said...

wowwwww, that coat..!

fall in love with miroslava duma:

Unknown said...

The coolest shoes i have ever seen.

Susan Crawford said...

Tavi, I adore you! Your blog is so funny, charming and on-target. You look simply fabbooooo in your CdeD duds. Do you read Cathy Horyn's blog OTR? Check it out and contribute to the conversation! Meantime, keep posting - you little dweebkin!

My name is Erin. said...

My best friend in high school had the flowered Doc Martens and I totally co-owned them. She didn't have much of a choice in the matter as they just usually somehow ended up on my feet whenever she took them off. Like some creepy shoe stealing fairy. I LOVED.THOSE.BOOTS! And I miss them. Since she was the actual owner and we both grew up, moved away from each other and I was nice enough to give them back. (stupid me)

Phoebe said...

Arghh. You have the most amazing style evaa. And btw- I want those toe shoes.

F.Khan said...

Love what you made. I really like the forth pic, love the design and the idea.
Great jackets!


Amanda said...

U would be a fashion disigner?

Lydia Blackwood said...

Grunge!!!! 100% Me encanta!! Cheers!

Unknown said...

tavi, your the best. you always make my day!!!

thwany said...

nice finds in japan and i love the 90's.

Maialen said...

its not conftable, or doesnt look like it, but at least, funny and warm. Good choice a mix of different clothes for a cold and rainny winter!

The Backseat Stylers said...

Tavi, your posts always put a smile on my face. Congrats on your once-in-a-lifetime trip and your stunning new duds!

Anonymous said...

Quel originalité. Love it.

STYLEFOX said...

i LOVE your blog! & your are one of the cutest kids I know of;


Anonymous said...

Wow, great job! I absolutly loved the magical tulle coat brilliant/

Kazz said...

I bought my eleven year old daughter your 'Pop' issue, she has you pinned to the wall like a rockstar. We love your blog, your writing style, and your, well, style. Oh, and your use of semi colons. Congrats to you and your success.

P R I M O E Z A said...

i tried the long blanket coat on when i was in nyc recently but it looks so much better on you! i also love the cardigan with the big check - reminds me of some kind of cookie.

Hannah said...

Yeah majorly loving the tulle coat and the toe moccasins. You are a lucky duck, and you know it!

Anonymous said...

Love that pineapple print blanket- didn't realize it was a blanket until I read the description- thought to myself, where can I get that coat?! :)

John said...

I'd kill for the olive/blue jacket.

OLAN said...

i think that this blog isn't important,there are more important things that are seeing a blog so superficial

valten said...

Hi Tavi,
I'm 14 yeras old and I'm Spanish and I've read a lot about your blog and I like very much but what have you done to have this success all over the world? is incerdible and I really want to go to fashions show like you please reply this comment.

Rachora The Explora said...

Dear Tavi. I am teary with jealously that you own these pieces of Commes, basically the exact pieces I would have chosen for myself. However you should definitely take some detail shots, especially of the coats, so I can attempt to make the best DIY Commes jacket Richmond has ever seen!
Ladeda, Rachel W.

Signe said...

You are a GENIUS.

Jane said...

You're so cute! came to your blog via Jezebel. Amazing that you're doing this aged 13! Such maturity, confidence, self-awareness and insight. Ok i'll stop gushing now. Those clothes are cool too btw.

berrysberry said...

Nice to meet you. My name is Kaz. My job is to promote sales of children's clothing company.
I saw that in your Yahoo.
Please please come to see the children's clothes.

pingüin said...

Like everyone i do do do do do do love your shoes =)

elena dao said...

you're so amazing, and such an inspiration to me and the whole world! 1. Freaks and Geeks is my favorite show ever. 2. Comme Des Garcons is also what made me love and understand fashion (do you have anything from the Comme for H&M collection? It's become the basis of my daily style) 3. the Lawrence Welk Show skits are my favorite SNL skits. (did you see James Franco yesterday? AAAAAAHHHH he's so amazing) 4. i don't think it's possible for us to be any more similar...but you're such an individual.

astrid said...

i absolutely love your shoes, girl!
and your are amazing. one of a kind

Unknown said...

on a random note, this jacket could come very close to fulfilling your lindsay weir lemming. i immediately thought of her when i saw it!

Unknown said...

Tavi By The way The shoes With the Toes are just AMAZING i wish i had some :D Can i please put the picture on my Blog to explain just HOW amazing they are. Preety Please, Preety Please With a Cherry on Top :D

Milena said...

there there, i freakn' love your mocassins! where did you get them! :D