Ella and I spent all of Saturday night and Sunday morning watching movies and movies and movies. YOU'RE NOT GOING TO BELIEVE THIS BUT I paid attention to the clothes more than anything else (besides how much Tippi Hedren seemed to simply ADORE driving in The Birds, and that in all of the movies we watched, whenever somebody would get injured or be pretty much on their deathbed, whoever tending to them would scream for brandy) but because I'm pretty sure most of the clothes in these movies have been covered in the blogosphere before, I am going to risk the Being Really Ridiculously Pretentious thing and look at the movies' aesthetic, not just clothes. (And why yes, yes I did just write a paragraph-long sentence that probably only made sense in my head.) I can assure you that this movie marathon of ours was one of two times I've been cultured this year, the other being when I went to a museum in the city! Otherwise I just sit in my room and look at issues of Lula while making whale noises of enthusiasm over how pretty the styling is and eat crackers.

In a nutshell: James Stewart is stalking his friend's wife named Madeleine because his friend thinks she's going nuts because of her crazy great grandmother of which the wife knows nothing but still feels this weird internal connection with and it becomes a huge mess. The highlight is definitely when a nun comes out of nowhere and starts ringing a bell. Obviously the clothes are cool, but they're pretty much what you'd expect from a movie made in 1958. More inspiring I think is the setting and the eerie feel. Flowers and beautiful architecture everywhere and a DAME IN A CUTE DRESS (I sometimes like to talk like I'm in Guys and Dolls?) make for a pleasant idea, but throw in the vertigo and mental illness and murder and it's super creepy. As an outfit: cheery and floral with a few dark details like a black necklace. Maybe even a knife. Well no, not really. Yes really. *shifts eyes*
The Birds
Another one where the clothes are pretty basic and simple but the feel is FREAAAKAYYY. Think of that bird print dress from McQueen AW09 and how it's super creepmaster. Yeah.
Also we could not stop cracking up at this part (one minute and twelve seconds to be precise:)
Are we crazy and terrible or is that really just hilarious? Oh man, almost as good as the Windows XP screensaver used all the time in Vertigo. Alfred Hitchcock come over here and give me a hug.
Marie Antoinette

With Marie Antoinette it's the clothes, setting, and aesthetic that would make for cool outfit inspiration. The hair, dresses, shoes CUSTOM MADE BY MANOLO BLAHNIK FOR THE MOVIE (goddamnit) and every other luxurious everything in every scene are incredibly detailed, very perfect and clean and pastel-y and very very amazing. Translated into my dream outfit: a shirt with some pattern that looks like fancy pastries, a couple curtains draped here and there, wallpaper print tights, a pretty lace fan, custom-made Blahniks (goddamnit, again,) and, since there is that FIERY SPIRIT of Marie Antoinette that means sneaking off to fancy balls (the scandal!) maybe something neon pink as opposed to pastel baby pink too (no Ramones tees or scuffed up Converse for this combination for me though, the irony with those mixed with tutus or tiaras isn't fun anymore/is Avril Lavigne.)
Man I would totally love to style a Marie Antoinette shoot with all the clothes from most of the AW09 shows.

The whole movie has a very autumn feel, even though I don't think it takes place in the fall. Maybe because Yokoo is a fall staple for me, and Yokoo reminds me so much of Woody Allen? Anyway, the whole movie is black and white, the humor is unforced and natural, and adding that to images like the one above pretty much makes for a very breeeeezy, Autumn-in-New York feel (I've never been to NY in the Fall, but shut up.) It's so...like...they're walking down the street in loose button down type things and ~cas(ual) and it's a little windy and awhiumugnonnggggggdufl. I am terrible at trying to put into words 98% of things. Decipher my whale noises?
I don't think anyone other than my soul get what I mean but basically the aesthetic of the movie (because I have no other word for overall feel and aesthetic makes me sound kewl nd smert) would translate into a cross between an Annie Hall-type outfit in its I-just-threw-this-on-ness, and a "Posh Sans Dosh" (fashion story from Love Issue 2) type outfit to cover the neoroticness and awkwardness of the character Isaac (the Love story was a little nervous-old-man-like with all of its tweed and such and I loved it.)
Evidently, I become more and more incoherent as time goes on, and should probably keep this next one short and simple:

The Birds

Also we could not stop cracking up at this part (one minute and twelve seconds to be precise:)
Are we crazy and terrible or is that really just hilarious? Oh man, almost as good as the Windows XP screensaver used all the time in Vertigo. Alfred Hitchcock come over here and give me a hug.
Marie Antoinette

Man I would totally love to style a Marie Antoinette shoot with all the clothes from most of the AW09 shows.

I don't think anyone other than my soul get what I mean but basically the aesthetic of the movie (because I have no other word for overall feel and aesthetic makes me sound kewl nd smert) would translate into a cross between an Annie Hall-type outfit in its I-just-threw-this-on-ness, and a "Posh Sans Dosh" (fashion story from Love Issue 2) type outfit to cover the neoroticness and awkwardness of the character Isaac (the Love story was a little nervous-old-man-like with all of its tweed and such and I loved it.)
Evidently, I become more and more incoherent as time goes on, and should probably keep this next one short and simple:

Nice picks, fan of all those mentioned. I love the opening credits of Manhattan, you know, the love letter to New York? Ugh be still my heart. And Hitchcock, of course, definitely gushed way too much about him on inspireattire I'm sure. And I doubt there isn't a fashion blogger out there who wasn't some way inspired by the aesthetic of Marie Antoinette (and now you've seen a Kirsten Dunst movie. Hurrah)
My god when do you have time to watch all these movies? Must've been fun. And painful if you did it all in one go. ^___^ Now I have to go and watch all these movies. Sigh. WOE BE ME.
There's a blog you might be interested in called Design Sponge. It's good overall but they have a really cool series of posts called Living In: (insert movie), where they dissect movie clothes/sets. Reminds me of your post here.
yep 1 minute 12 that is funny
Marie Antoinette is one of my all time favorite movies for inspiration is all shapes and forms...everything is so insanely over the top! :)
great choices!
Your blog is amazing!
Check out mine:
What fantastic picks!!!!
Whale noises, LMAO!
I'm sorry- I actually did gain more from that intellectually, and thought it was very interesting- I know have a few more films on my 'must watch' list. Who am I kidding?
i love manhattan-they way it is shot, diane keaton, woody allens uniqueness, everything. throughout everything she does diane manages to footprint her own style always. also need to see marie antoinette urgently. wow the shoews look magical.
check out my blog at
i always end up looking at the clothes when i am watching movies - how sad xoxoxox
The best bit of movies is watching the clothes! When I'm made to watch horror movies I suddenly develop a huge interest in blood-stained miniskirts!
I'm actually watching Manhattan today =) My friend is making me as I've never seen it, so I'm making her watch Breakfast at Tiffany's (can't believe a girl exists who hasn't seen it!)
We did a lot of the costumes for Marie Antoinette at work - sadly before I started working here but it's so tempting to try them on - one day maybe they will let me :o)
wow i well want to watch all these movies now! i loove your blog.
wow i well want to watch all these movies now! i loove your blog.
I still haven't seen those Hitchcock movies... Now, where did I put my credit card?
But I lovelovelove Marie Antoinette - what a film!
OH those movie picks are to DIE for, especially Maria Antoinette. Almost died laughing when you mentioned the whale noises... too funny!
Hannah Laurie Luke
Ahhh, wtching movies just for the clothes... Don't we all?
I don't know if you've seen this, but I love the collar and cuffs on this polo shirt you are wearing.
Annie Hall is so chic!
My life is too consumed with homework to watch fun movies. *cries in corner*
I managed Chaplin last night, though.
You're awesome Tavi.
gah! I love marie antionette movie also. I could eat up all the clothes and shoes because they look soo delicious!
that is quite a batch of movies - two of them are on my top 25 of all time. Manhattan in particular is such a great film.
And...you speak whale!? that's fantastic ;)
Marie Antoinette - I will watch it right now.
Peace and love!
Marie Antoinette - I will watch it right now.
Peace and love!
Vertigo was nice. i watched it in my film class. saw you in POP magazine. congratulations by the way!
one film i really want to see and cant find here in London is
Christiane F. Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo..about a 13 yr old herione addict who became famous after news reporters discovered her hangabouts. its german. and i am a foreign film buff. too bad i cant find it here in London.
ah, i just love you and your blog.
i watched manhattan this weekend, too! i pretty much watch it once a month. it's so inspirational, and it's my favorite woody allen film.
amaze! vertigo rocksssss
congrats on all yr success
If you haven't already seen it, you should watch Party Girl, as in right now.
"Mary: [Trying to sell some clothes] Fifty? but it's Gaultier, it's a collector's item!
Consignment shop owner: honey, it's got two buttons missing"
Marie Antoinette is my favorite movie :) The music is perfect
so good. love reading through this
L x
uh, i LOVE diane keaton in manhattan!
I liked Manhattan a lot! What I watched of it anyway, didn't get to finish.
you are absolutely adorable. i cannot say that enough and as for the films you have selected and viewed. PERFECTION. i loved every one of them. marie antoninette, the fashion was quite ravishing and unbelieveable. sofia coppola will never fail.
nice mix of flix. and what about Kim Novak's big painted eyebrows? she's the best. but Tippie Hedren in Marnie is amazing, too.
Ohh Marie Antoinette. Every time I watch this film I'm reminded how much I LOVE fashion. Mops the pug is too cute.
The Birds is actually the most TERRIFYING movie ever D:
also, I would do terrible, unspeakable things to own the shoes featured in Marie Antoinette.
Tavi i love reading ur blog.
Some stupid mainstream sweatpants clad idiots were just ganging up on me because I said I've never worn sweats and i like to dress up everyday.
So I came to ur blog where creativity is in abundance & welcomed and I feel better.
ooh the birds sounds like a good movie to watch. up for anything eerie, strange, horror.
marie antoinette was cuteish. it was okay. kirsten dunst did well. the clothes were fab. yes. (did you see the MTV Cribs spoof in the special features? hee-larious :D)
The Birds is an amazing film! I loveeee Hitchcock.
Manhattan is also a winner! Great choices.
Really love your updates and artful style.
must have a movie night of my own soon!
Please follow my blog for culture, cuisine, and couture from JAPAN & HAWAII <3
hey, did you notice the sneaky pink converse in one of the Marie Antoinette scenes...i think its when she's shopping...
i love that you think that that part in "The Birds" is funny.
i'm pretty sure when i watched it, i thought the exact same thing.
marie antoinette is one of my favorite movies, for the fact that it is so, so, so visually stimulating.
it's such a beautiful film.
every piece of it inspires me so much.
plus, marie antoinette is my favorite historical figure.
and i think that this film did a pretty good job of representing her.
these are awesome movie marathon choices! you've made me wanna go rent Manhattan!!!
Great observations, movies can be amazing design inspirations.
Oh, and you are crazy and it was hilarious. I love the row of broken tea cups...
Well Hitch is Hitch !
Even if I'm so fond on cinema and will probably work in cinema-business later, I always have a look on the outfits... It's so important, especially in Hitchock !
As well I do look at clothing in art, which is even worst ( looking at the omg tights in Raffaello's painting feels kind of weird, sometimes xD )
Anyway. I blablabla.
Since I wrote / collage something about Hitchcock crossing C.Kane's Versus I let you the link because you could like it perhaps !
But enough silly publicity x).
Congrats for the POP cover btw !
Congrats for everything, seriously.
XoXo !
The thing about the whale noises... PRICELESS
darwin- Really? Wow. I fail.
WELL that's weird, cuz I just did my Inspired By: Vertigo last week...got to dress up like Kim Novak, lots fun and a long time coming for a Hitch Buff like me...look for a Birds post in the near future. FYI.
All very stylish movies. I always liked The Birds, especially the creepy playground scene.
The birds is one of my fav movie,
and there is NO music....wich makes the movies more scaaaaary!
Tavi- hehe yeah, i lied though and they're blue (im also really sad and found a clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAyRAXAAcDQ its in the first 10 seconds or so)
omg, tavi, so glad you posted that seen from the birds, my sister and I used to watch that and rewound that scene over and over laughing are heads off at that woman.
In Marie Antoinette, oddly, there is a pair of pink chucks in the shot where they pan by all of her shoes. Crazy.
Sophia Coppola movies are amazing. Have you seen the Miss Dior Cherie commercial she directed? It's so cute!
I love the movie The Birds. I laughed so hard at the Corpse scene while my mom freaked out and screamed. I guess I'm just terrible that way.
Beautiful Photographs!!!, I love the birds, such a classic, and Marie had her moments most a fan of Kirstin =D
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