A leather skirt came from Jen yesterday. This morning the original idea was to make some odd Margiela shoulder pillow but I played around more and it became a deformed leather neck brace. You know, if I had to have a brace around my neck, I'd like it to be leather. That or a contraption that ejects comme and french fries and more comme.
Speaking of, TOKYO FASHION WEEK. Coming up, guys! Hey I should celebrate by pissing away all my money on the clothes it produces WOULDN'T THAT BE FUNNNN ya partyyy
In first period the class chose superhero names for everyone and people decided mine was "chic streak." I objected (mainly because any chic pun becomes barf-worthy when all you waste your time on is looking at fashionz stuff on teh interwebs) but when they mentioned my power would ~alter~ depending on the clothes I'm wearing I settled down and melted more plastic skulls.
(That's what we do in first period. The teacher is rad. She plays Fergie and ignores the probably worrying fact that I use my "experiment" time to melt plastic into skulls. Part of the curriculum though. Not that they stone us, but they let you melt plastic into a mold. And one of the molds is a skull. So expect some Undercover/McQueen skull DIY coming soon.)

(Now is when people from school find my blog and realize I didn't make those as an inside joke with my friend.)
(Hiiiiii classmates whadduppppp you should leave before I throw leathuh skirts and skulls at chuuu.)
P.S. I did an interview for the Interview Magazine website recently and you can check it out here (for the record, "Williams" is an alias). I know this is contradictory to a promise I made to myself last year but if I've been given reasons to break my own promise then frankly I will do so. Projects in the works that could use promotion, projects I have been dyyyyying to tell ya'llz about but have to keep quiet.
Love you x
old navy top. secondhand skirt scarf. vintage dress. h&m tights. diy bands. idk cape. slow & steady wins the race shoes.
(Hiiiiii classmates whadduppppp you should leave before I throw leathuh skirts and skulls at chuuu.)
P.S. I did an interview for the Interview Magazine website recently and you can check it out here (for the record, "Williams" is an alias). I know this is contradictory to a promise I made to myself last year but if I've been given reasons to break my own promise then frankly I will do so. Projects in the works that could use promotion, projects I have been dyyyyying to tell ya'llz about but have to keep quiet.
Love you x
old navy top. secondhand skirt scarf. vintage dress. h&m tights. diy bands. idk cape. slow & steady wins the race shoes.
This is one of my favorite looks, you little Goth gal!
I can't wait to find out about your secret projects.
okay, last picture.
no words.
i really think you should try taking portraits of others. you work wonders with your self portraits, i bet you'd be killer at taking other people's photos. although it's always hard to find people willing to be photographed (at least in my world).
wendyb-I can't wait to tell you!
hazel-Oh beweeeeeeve me, it is not only in your world where that is true. I have taken a few portraits, the people just don't want them on teh internetz. But I really should do it more often, it's nice being behind the camera rather than in front of it with no one to look at but a lense.
LOVE an architectural leather neckpiece. 100% A++
Undercover/McQueen skull DIY sounds interesting:). I really liked the interview in Interview.. great to see it's the most popular article at the moment. I'm really looking forward to finding out about your new projects.
Amazing, amazing outfit. Sometimes you just astound me.
ohhhhhhhhhh Tavi. your blog is the most genius i have ever seen in one place.
I read your blog everyday, you remind me alot of myself! I'm so happy you're doing theatre.. It really helps a lot later in life, interviewing for jobs etc, and with your sassy personality and biting wittt I'm sure you'll be lighting up the stage! what show were you apart of recently?? you're da kewlest, duuh. haha
Duuuuuude, that skirt makes a great neck brace. Who would have thought? Oh yeah, Tavi, with her mad fash skills and chic streak! <3
i loooove tht last picture. soo soo good.
oh tavi. you always do the most crazy things that would only look good on you. :P
the interview, um interview was great.
I morally object to fergie's center hair part and black eyed peas 'humps', but sounds like a nice first period
love your leather neck brace...i may see one in my future
seriously great interview tavi, really. That leather neck piece is pretty cool... I have an ollld white leather skirt I should try a DIY with, I never wear it.
This is without a doubt my favorite outfit of yours! Sooo cute, and I like the deformed brace xD Just letting you know, I have absolutely no patience and I need to know what those secret projects are. Kaythx:)
- emily8urface.blogspot.com
That might be one of your most classically stunning pictures ever. Don't get me wrong, your unconventional awesomeness is one of my favorite things about you. But that picture really leaves me flabbergasted.
HEE love that word. and the neckpiece! you wear it well.
That was a skirt? Hah awesome. The 3rd pic is beautiful...you look so wistful.
Awesome skirt worn as neck piece ! :)
I've recently discovered your blog and love it and i think your SSOOO funny, if only i had been like you when i was 12 haaaa.
I'd really appreciate it if you would check out mine, i live in Utah so i dont really have the resources that you do (as explained in my blog). haha
(its a REALLY new blog)
your outfit is fantastic and i love your blog more than i can describe.
looking forward to tokyo fash week too... (fyi, i'm broke)
Interview magazine...that's pretty sweet. It definitely merits breaking rules.
Man oh man Tavi, why must you be so awesome possum? keep at it.
woahz, interview magazine? impressive
i love the B&W photo so much. your expression is perfect.
I love the leather necklace...and I adore the last picture...i love it!
I think you should be my little sister. Because I always wanted one, and then I found your blog, and I was like, THIS CHILD IS A PHENOMENON. I hope I spelled that right...
Anyway, you should definately consider it. :)
Sprinkle and Tavi--sistahssss.
Heyy Tavi,
To me that interviewer seemed a little condescending. I mean, we get it, you're twelve, but it seemed like the phrase "at your age" was on repeat.
It's such a shame because I think you have a lot of creativity that gets overshadowed by a number.
I thought you held your own regardless.
Keep up the good work :)
that last photo...gorgeeee! and the interview is so badass.
Cool shoulder pads! And I'm about to read nthe interview right now. Oh and also, I'm very excited to see this skull project once completed!!!
Great interview, great outfit, great photo at bottom. Great.
tavi you are hilar. I always love reading your blog, so clever.
keep it up girl
Honestly, ou're one of the most creative bloggers ever. I LOL'd out loud when I read the thing about melting plastic into skulls. Your teacher sounds amazing.
Oh, I came upon some article in Fashion a while ago and they mentioned you in it. I dunno if you saw it. If you didn't I could scan it in for you, I'll probably do it anyways, but yeah, I was reading it and I was like WOAHH I know who she is! I read her blog!
i really like your blog and i check it regularly
im from argentina and you have been feature
in La Nacion newspaper article !
look: http://www.lanacion.com.ar/nota.asp?nota_id=1109862
The last picture is soooo perfect. The face, the pose, the clothes, it's just very nice in composition, light, everything...
By the way, I found your blog yesterday. I was in a hurry, so I just gave a quick check, but now that I'm reading... well, I have to say, I'm proud of finding a young lady who has a very eloquent mind.
Congratulations from Mexico! Keep that spark!
Secret projects in the works? Ohhmmm, can't wait to find out what kind of shenanagins you have in store.
The neck brace is killaaaah! I love it, best shoulder-wear-turned-neckpiece I've seen in a long time, no lie! And the cape... magic. It ties everything together quite perfectly. You are an amazing experimenter! Loves
U look fabulous ! And that true ! I loevthe "col" !
I like your blog as well !
And i love your style !
repeat comment, but I love the last picture. It's wonderful and kind of mysterious.
I liked the interview too, except was it weird she kept asking you about boys? I guess that must be standard interview stuff to ask about personal lives but really it was kind of silly. I wish she had asked more questions about your future projects (I'm quite curious).
i love the skirt idea, very creative.
has anyone ever told you that you look like michelle williams? if not i believe you do, and its a compliment.
young lady, i must say your photography is becoming even more fabulous. loving the looks too.
i AM a little upset about the lack of black lips to match the ones on the shirt a few posts below. i'm very hard to please.
That look is amazing, it's very subtle and somehow deep! Never thought one would adapt the Margiela shoulder pillow thingie like that...it's very pretty!
Love itttttttttt!!!!!!
Florent - http://lhabitfaitledandy.com
Ohmygosh! you look like a Burberry model in the last picture! (the black and white one) amazing. you're so beautiful
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