Since I've recently been craving more structured, "architectural" clothing I put the safety pins to work this morning on my mom's old blazer and vintage skirt, both of which were changing form all day. Nothing out of a Japanese sewing pattern book but that'll do pig, that'll do.

The writing in recent posts has been really brief but as my Bat Mitzvah gets closer there's less time to really convert more stupid school conversations into transcripts. My brain has not gone dead! Yet.
1. i love pastels.
2. the jacket looks AWESOME
awesome awesome utilization of your safety pins man. and yay for upcoming bat mitzvah! =) have fun!
Love the pastel ruching....
That's a great use of safety pins, I'll say ! Your outfit looks really great, and really Tavi. :)
Amazing use of colour.
structural pastels, yummy =)
I LOVE this.
have to try it out now.
Tavi = inspiration.
i really like the colours in this. so creamy, the stockings are gorgeous. and the pinning is inspired
love it tavi
the ruching is wonderful, i've been craving some of that architectural type of clothing as well, you've done a wonderful job doing this yourself!
This outfit is awesomeness incarnated, but so are you so that makes a lot of sense. Good luck with the Bat Mitzvah!
Good luck with your Bat Mitzvah:). Thanks for the information about the Stylized Sculpture exhibition on your other blog. The lecture linked to there starts off slowly, but it's really interesting once it gets going. I learned a lot.
Okay, wow! you have just inspired me to try the same safety pin technique!!!!! I think my wardrobe has now just doubled! I love it
I love the safety pin idea, so chic!!!
You are a queen, baby! if all little french girls living in Paris dressed like you, Paris would be better and funnier! I love your blog, so much.
I'm in love with your safety pinning! I hope you don't mind, I've linked you to my blog.
You're one of the most creative people I've ever seen in my life. How does your brain work?
You are adorable, I wish I dressed so well when I was your age. The tights are suppppercute and the scrunched blazer is perfect. Good luck on the Bat Mitzvah by the way, I'm a fellow jew too :P
I love how the colours in this outfit match PERFECTLY. It is amazing. OMG, Bat Mitzvah!! Coming of age!! Yay, I am super excited for you. :)
the colors make me smile.
bat mitzvah! i hope you have funfunfunfunfun! =D
Those pastels look superbly nice together!
Bat Mitzvah? Your jewish? Yay!!!!!!!!!
the pin use is so creative! kudos :]
I love what you did here, srsly it looks wicked cool! And the light colours tie it all together. I think I could try sewing some pleats like that into an old cardigan perhaps? ooh, you got my brain cogs a movin!
Love what you did to the jacket! Very creative.
Love the pastels too - spring is almost here!!
your colors are absolutely gorgeous, i am in love with that blazer. the belt balances out all the pastels perfectly!
also, have fun, good luck & mazel tov :)
Yay springy! Genius safety pin workmanship!
Hey Tavi,
I read your whole blog history in a couple of weekends. Great stuff! I think you've got a lot of potential and I want to recommend a book to learn sewing. It's "Sew U; The Built by Wendy Guide to Making Your Own Wardrobe". It's written by designer Wendy Mullin and she's fab. Check out her line: www.builtbywendy.com.
I am a theater costumer in NYC and as someone who learned to sew later on in life, it's definitely something I wished I had started learning earlier on...
Good luck and feel free to ask me any "technical questions", if you have any!
very creative indeed, i love what you did with the jacket and pastels suit you, you should wear them more often.
I love that someone else on the blogosphere safety pins their clothes as much as I do! I really admire your ingenuity and I love what you did with the blazer.
the diy ruching is fab! xx
Mazel Tov on your bat mitzvah!
You look fabulous my dear! The colours are mixed together so welll i love it so much :)
BEAUTIFUl the jacket look so good I love your idea you see ?
Love the structure you created by pinning, Tavi. You are a creative FORCE!
The whole pastel thing looks good on you. I love the skirts shape thanks to your pin skillz! haha.
x x x
o my god my bat mitzvah is coming up too. I am sorta excited, and I am buying a party dress 2day. of course it will be inspired by styles on this blog
You are amazingly creative. You also have a wonderful eye, I feel you capture something that goes beyond the clothes you are wearing, which don´t get me wrong, are absolutely marvelous!! You have an innate sense of composition and manage to project so much in your pictures. Do you know Cindy Sherman´s work, she is a photographer, if you don´t you should have a look at it... it can take you places.
I love u fuckin little girl, wish u were my sister
I love your tights and how you safety pinned your outfit
loove the pinns!
caught the babe reference... :) I almost think you should safety pin the other side too, though it looks great as is
Wow! That jacket looks immense and I'm loving the whole pastel thing :D
i love it!
quirky, cute, and totally Tavi.
hey, i've got those tights, too.
major essentials.
I love the colors in your shirt! So pretty and reminds me of a delicious cupcake! xxoxox
i have questions :
- do you speak dutch too ?
- are you 12 years old ?
- are you on the pictures ?
I love what you did to that jacket! it looks amazing.
ooooh bat mitzvah time eh? you have to post what you are going to wear :D
Wow! This looks great!
I love this outfit!
For once, your clothes aren't too big for u :P
Oooh! You have made such a fantastic creation! Love it :-D I'm going to have to go at my blazers with safety pins now hehe.
I thought this was really creative..however, since you did so much with the blazer, I felt it may have been wiser to do both sides of the blazer and not do the skirt. Perhaps I am too much of a symmetry freak though
if all my Bnei Mitzvah kids were as cool as you teaching hebrew would be much more enjoyable! you are the coolest young lady out there!
youre leather scarf thing is awesome! keep up the amazing fashion chica!
Wow, I saw your outfit and at the same time, this guitar song started to play, and then I was completely happy. Just by seeing your outfit and hearing the music. I don't know, I guess I always get happy because of music and creativity. I think there should be more people like you, who don't care about other peoples opinion and just choose clothes that they really want to wear.
Can I just say- I can't wait to see what you wear to your Bat Mitzvah. I obsessed over that for months and I wasn't even that into clothes.
I love the way you've pinned the blazer. Looks fantastic. And congrats on your bat mitzvah!
GLORIOUS. Omg i won't be able to sleep it's so amazing!
Its a great sharing and really informative.. will keep following ur web. thanks to you and ur great website. :)
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