Dudeeeeees, Margiela was SO good! Classic Martin (note how I use his first name since we are ~so tight~~me and MMM) but new ideas, too.
So this part of the show was a bunch of nude bodysuits with polka dotted net-tulle stuff in different forms. I would love to play with the netty dotted pillow cases.
The Margiela Shoulder updated wonderfully with green leather, triangular draping, uneven arms and legs. I like you, very very much.
Oh, this? Just took a hammer to a bunch of old tapes and made an awesome bolero/scarf/coat out of it. NO BIGZ.

She fun parasite to have
Fluffy fun party
Now that I got the whole search-deep-within-yourself-and-produce-a-poem thing out of my system (So beautiful and exhilarating! Who knew I had such deep and profound emotions! I am a new person!) this reminds me of the hair at last season's Galliano and Comme. Only in like, shirt form? I don't know. You're not supposed to question genius!
photos, style.com
S w e e t. So much inspiration
these are so creative!
fashion is so versatile in that way.
This is so cute like in my dream :)
LOVE your blog ;
I think that I am youre biggest fan !( hihihi)
wowie, head in the clouds! i LOVE the tape/film jacket!
love love love these. 2ed to last one is my favorite. kinda of Alexander McQueenisque no?
Love it! Love your blog too. :)
That stuff from old tapes is really cool:)
Great stuff. The tape jacket happens to be my favorite. :)
Love the poem:)
:-D Great! Genius indeed...
Check out my blog! http://clothestohealabrokenheart.blogspot.com/
the polka dot pillow cases are so cool!
Whether it's cloud or hair I LOVE IT.
loveee martin!
loveee martin!
your commentary always cracks me up. :)
oh, margiela
it should not be humanly possible to be that cool
love that tape nonsense im so effing obsessedd oh god oh god
Hey Tavi, I really think you need to learn how to sew and knit, because a) you could then make your own tape-bolero; and b) when you're a famous designer we could all go "Oh, yeah, Tavi, known her for years. We go way back."
second try at leaving comment: you should make a drawing of the model in cloud shirt for your t shirt collection. my baby's name is cielo (sky)
love the poem. love the nude bodysuity polkadot business.
i'm not a huge fan but it was quite gorgeous, i loved the clouds, soo ethereal.
first things first your Haiku skills are amazing.
MMM is always innovative and I believe this collection made me remember why I love him. though he is soooooo mysterious. a part of his charm, I suppose.
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