Today was a half day so Sophie and I bought lots of chocolate and went thrifting. I got this leather vest ($6, oh
thrift how I love thee~)
Then we came home and had an intense Bueno Rufus competition. The pressure is beyond anything anyone could ever imagine. IT IS SO DIFFICULT GOING FROM SODA TO ICE CREAM. WHY WOULD ANYONE HAVE ICE CREAM WITH A BURRITO ANYWAY. THAT SOUNDS DISGUSTING.
These jeans were passed down from Kirsty Lee to Rumi One perk of being small is that you get hand-me-downs! And little people know, when little people fight, we may look easy pickings but we've got some bite...
Thanks guys, heartz hearts heartz
Sophie took this one in an alley by a highway. I love how the vegetation doesn't look too different from the ones in our yard. Don't believe all suburban stereotypes! A fifth grader once told me she liked our yard because it was overgrown with weeds and looked like a magical place where trolls might dwell. Magical, hmm. Yes, yes I like that.
*deep in thought*

Thanks guys, heartz hearts heartz

Those jeans are freaking killer and look amazing with the Docs! Eeeek, you are my favourite blogger in the world.
Totally jealous of your $6 vest. You look gorgeous, Tavi. How, oh how, do you get the hairbob to stay in your hair? My hair is super straight and clips etc slide right out.
just wondering...could i put you as a link to me bloog????? i wish there were better thrift stores in nyc. For really good deals my parents have to take me out to long island. sigh.
This is love.
Your look is reminiscent of an A. Wang slash hibitual mashup I saw in the pages of teen vogue.
-yes your jeans are very hibitual.
The vest is awesome, especially for $6! (and I love the Les Mis reference)
Hey, I've been reading your blog for a couple of weeks, you rock :)
But anyway I just wanted to comment on that game! Bueno Rufus, omg, I'm so addicted now. I cannot pass level 5 though, too hard.
So yeah, thanks for that.
Oh, and you have an awesome sense of style and all.
I'm in serious love with those jeans.
AWESOME OUTFIT. I WANT THOSE JEANS. And super vest too! In NYC that would've been at least $25. :-(
Bueno Rufus = my passion in life.
I love the $6 vest. The thrift store markup in my area is getting ridiculous. The jeans are quite epic as well.
I love this outfit - esp digging what you did with your sleeve(s)!
That vest is amazing!!! And the jeans. This is my favorite outfit (I think I say that about every other post, but this time I mean it) =)
the jeans are very cute! =D
1.Vest envy
2. Les Mis is my favorite musical ever and I cry when ever I hear "a little fall of rain"
3.I think my suburban town has the same foliage as yours
4.wicked cute jeans!they look great with the docs!
5.(long list) I cant wait to see what you come up with for valentines!
Girrrrl, you look great! Love the combination of colors & textures. Wear pants more, please. I love them!
I love that vest! Honestly! :-)
killer look..i want the whole thing!
at the last picture, you look so pretty and mature!
wow.. awesome vest... you're so lucky.. and i'm so jealous.. hehaha.. i love your style....
amazing jeans, great thrift find, and i like the thing in your hair too :)
brooke xx
Hey tavi how R U ? XD
i love your jean rumi done it to you , your very lucky
love your blog come on my blog ( please can you !
I love those jeans and they've got some history! Really cute look.
$6! What a bargain. I adore searching stores and stalls for special finds like that, it makes it worth all the hard work and time.
love jeans!
Niceh.. I like it (L)
I love the last pic, I don't speak english very well but I had to say it. I like your blog!! Besos.
The jeans and docs are a great combo. (Skirts are fun, but, randomly, I like the rare occasions when you wear pants. If you wore them more, I'd say the girl in the Bridge to Terabithia movie was totally ripping your look.)
You look like a fearless warrior girl from a sci-fi movie. I love you even more.
I love too see your style evolving, just when I think you're donning the greatest&craziest outfit, you'll overtrump it with the next one!
Keep 'em coming :)
I want your entire outfit. I DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW GOOD LEATHAAAH IS FOUND. D: I'm thisclose to going a really bad flea market to find some.
I definitely love those jeans!!!
Love the jeans
great find with that vest!!!!
Love the bow in the hair with all the rough clothes.
Your best one yet! Everything looks great together. Just the right combo of tough and girly. PS: I bet am the oldest to comment here, I really should stop reading your blog during office hours, but can't help it love your style!
jfkdsl;ajfkdas; SIX DOLLARS?! you are lucky and amazing. I totally want that vest.
Great outfit, really like the last photograph. Adore the jeans. Nice thrift find! Six bucks! You can't beat that.
xoxo Isabella Clarisse xoxo
I mentioned your blog in my latest post because i really adore, it, hope you dont mind, I'll take it down immediately if you do.
the docs look excellent, i've been needing to get some forever. i really want the pink ones but i'm a little skeptical on how much of a tool i would look, but we shall see. also, 'trolls' hahaha
God, I think if I wore this I'd look ridiculous. How do you make this shit work Tavi? More importantly how do you make me wish I had black / bleached pants.
Hiya, i've been reading your blog recently. :) That game is so fun haha! I remember I used to play the cartoon network games all the time.
i would kill for those jeans!
love it love it love it
I like those pants I have something very simaliar to it. they are leggings though....
i think the scrappier and more overgrown/'ugly' the garden the better. seriously, manicured gardens aren't that cool through photos.
I think I might have said it before but you're so good at mixing tough and cute elements! I love the hair bow with the black leather and jeans.
you are amazing.
aaah these look so good! haven't really been online in weeks and i come back to this. they look more fantastic than i could've imagined. just i wish i was wearing them!
Ahahah ditto Kirsty but they look so good on you!! Glad they were able to make it to you, what a weird circuit they had to go through first.
Rad vest..I kind of made one last week by cutting the arms off a leather jacket I wasn't getting much use out of...trying to decide if I'm okay with the ragged edges. I'm way too quick to scissor up the non-scissorable.
I WILL find a way to make those jeans.
you're like a prodigy, lololol. in a good way, though! ily. AND I STILL MISS YOU. EMAIL ME OR I'LL EAT YER BRAINS.
omfg jealousy is blinding me u lucky lucky (insert some word)
I love your reference to Les Mis with the song quote, Gavroche is my fav character probs. The musical also really inspires me in my fashion choices and i love how you probably used it without knowing it but it is cool Tavi xx
Super website with a great sharing and amazing stories is ur web.. please keep doing what u do now.. thanks to you.
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