This is from a shoot my friend and I did in the woods back in December. There are tons of more pictures but it is kind of ridiculous how slow picnik can be so I'll upload them later. It was FREEZING that day, at least if you were wearing a crinoline and short sleeved shirt. According to my friend, I look like a hobbit when I'm cold. Um, when was it like decided by the world that hobbits make unsettling sounds and delirious faces and hunch over all the time? WHERE'S YOUR EVIDENCE? WHERE'S THE PROOF? WHERE'S WALDO?
Right there!This picture is from a shoot I did inside my dad's very old car in..November? I think? Wow. The car is 25 years old and almost dead (but not QUITE, it is still just barely DRIVABLE, so it is to be KEPT until it actually COLLAPSES.). Sadly it is not as cool and well-kept and shiny as ones people sell on eBay and old men collect, but I think that is clearly made up for by the neon fuzzy dice I won at a school carnival in 3rd grade. KEEPIN IT REAL~

All of this seems like forevz ago. Man. *Nostalgia*
im liking the flannel
haha -- i loved those waldo books. but, then i'd get mad when i couldn't find him in like 3 minutes and throw the book away from me.
i waant that old car.
oh and both these photos are super rad.
i love all of the parking stickers on the windshield. and the pant + vest combo. you are such a winner.
Nice old car!
nice photos. lOvE the hat
Love the old car. I swear Where's Waldo kept me entertained through all of 2nd grade :)
Showing random post love**
(the waldo and dice take me back... or as far back as a 15 y.o can possibly go (not that far)
It's the Who's Next LP - nice car and cool record:)
You are too cool for school with those fuzzy dice! And I can't wait to see the rest of the hobbit pics. :)
I love the second pic where you're in yr dad's car. Great photo!
i have a sailor hat like that!
Years ago, my cousins had a Where's Waldo book set in various periods of time--my favorite was eighteenth-century Versailles. If you have another fiction week, you should dress up as Wanda--I've always wanted to, but have never gotten around to it. (Though she's less elegant than Blanche or Violet, I confess.)
I miss where's waldo. Lol.
The first picture makes me think "freedom". Pretty awesome ms. tavi
Forget about Waldo, do I spot "Who's Next"? Yes I doooooo!
Awesome album, right there.
girl, your bringing the waldo now?
old school.
love it.
love waldo.
uh my other comment didn't make sense
you look so rad in the car shoot
Hi tavi ! like every image that you do you look great !
come on my blog please !
Hahaha that last photo is like Cohen Brothers meets That 70s Show. Love it.
My friend dressed up as Waldo for Halloween. I just now realized how much alike they really look. Hmm..
PS: I think my eyesight is going.. I only found 7
I really love your blog Tavi. You're intelligence is striking and your style is so unique! I'm envious. Basically, you're awesome, please keep it up. :)
Old cars are (in my opinion) so much better than new ones, they have character to them.
I love the hat paired w/ the flannel it's so zanka.
the last shot is so cool! absolutely love the theme going in it.
i love that snowy picture! so magical
oh my god,
you look so great!
oh my god.
how is that i am the same age as you, yet i look up to you, tavi?
lol - i spelled publicity wrong :)
oooh! i love the car shot!
awww I love the photo of you in the car
I just wanted to let you know how much I love your blog. I just discovered it a few weeks ago an it inspired me to begin my own. We'll see how it works. But anyway, great job.
I love that first picture! It's beautiful. And I miss Where's Waldo! :(
Anyway, this isn't my shop, but I thought you might like some of the neato stuff on it: http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=6084105
I sent the link to Elizabeth too. :]
LOVELY PICS TAVI!!!! they are both soooo great!!!!!
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