Black white seizure eyesore optic schizophrenic blinding.
You knew I'd do it some time.
As for London Fashion Week, Luella and Charles Anastase kinda let me down. Sadface times 345893498.
But! Since I am very very optimistic (um) I will say one I loved too.
Heartzzz. The futuristic thing is so overdone but I like it here because there's kind of a prehistoric feeling too-the few spots of color (especially the green) feel like they'd be in a diagram in some science book, the scales on those leather leggings are just epic, and since Star Wars took place a long time ago (in a galaxy far far away) the Darth Vader thing passes as prehistoric as well. Probably my favorite of LFW so far, there were some cool collections from Central Saint Martins too, though.
old navy black shirt. childhood closet mozart shirt. thrifted skirt. slow & steady wins the race shoes. headband from kirsty lee. celeste stein tights via
As for London Fashion Week, Luella and Charles Anastase kinda let me down. Sadface times 345893498.
But! Since I am very very optimistic (um) I will say one I loved too.

old navy black shirt. childhood closet mozart shirt. thrifted skirt. slow & steady wins the race shoes. headband from kirsty lee. celeste stein tights via
Perfection! yeat again! love the combination of prints! and the bow really tops it all off!
Love that bow! Adorable-ness.
I've been wanting to do an entire black + white outfit too, but you beat me to it! You did it better than I ever could anyways. Lovely lovely pairing of prints with that t-shirt.
Is that a curtain in the first pic?
I work at Old Navy! Lol
That outfit is brilliant, beyond brilliant even.
I was wondering the same things Diane asked, what is that behind you?? It's lovely!
You look really really great, and as always your writing makes me laugh! (But I'm afraid you have some stiff competition today from that beyond-awesome waltzing-couples backdrop. Why aren't you wearing THAT? Heartzzz, indeed.)
my favourite mozart t-shirt has made another appearence! hurray!
i am obsessed with that motzart t-shirt. loves it.
I never thought anyone could pull of black and white head to toe. But you look FREAKING AMAZING. Serious, I've never wanted to be best friends with a 12 year old so bad. Haha
x Natalie
yay for opArt. I think I need a suit like that.
i love your outfit! is that a black t cut in half and pinned to another t? genius
that's cool!
great posted!
your outfit is TRULY TRULY OUTRAGEOUS! its so WOAH...
love ur skirt!
Youre so PERFECT ! and I am so JALOUS !
love your style
Very nice :-)
Loving the Mozart tee - so so fit! :-D Feeling the black at Louise Goldin too. Really on the monochrome bandwagon at the mo... Never used to be, which is odd.
Kudos. Xxxc
awesomeness as always, man. Outfit + show coverage are killer. And thank you SO MUCH for finally helping me figure out just what Zac Efron truly is in your last post. This insight cooled my rage at his Oscar appearance
wow love that skirt, cool
i love your outfits girl!
i always do.
great skirt!! and new header :)
This works really well, particularly in the shot with the dancing couples background.
Amazing outfit! You are so cool to the max! <3
Love the idea of prehistoric futuristic dressing, you should get on that!
the mozart shirt makes another appearance! harray! also hurray to giving people seizures with our outfits. i was wearing my hobo-fabulous destroyed jeans and chucks today. pretty sure everyone in lab though i did drugs last night. i did do drugs. they're called snickers bars.
is it ok if i marry your mozart tshirt? kthanks.
You always look nothing less than amazing. I am highly jealous of you. xo
You, Miss Tavi, are my hero.
Your comment about the style of the Louise Goldin line really is brilliant. Congrats again, Tavi. Also for looking awesome. gimme yo wallpaper and no one gets hurt.
Don't smack me with a lawsuit for that one, everybody! It's all in jest. except the part about me really, really wanting it.
YAY!!! The mozart t-shirt hehe.
Oh and tavi check out my blog real quikk theres a present there for you.
i fucking miss you. and haven't heard from you in forever.
email me :(
the skirt and tights pattern pairing are really great. I love your fashion week coverage.
Wow, you're twelve?
Most of the 12 year olds I know are still obsessed with hannah montana and don't write half as well as you do. I'm 14, and your writing is 6664372432648327 times better than mine.
kudos, OH and i love love love the bow.
Lovely skirt!
So, my exact comment was going to be "Lovely skirt!" as Shen-Shen above me posted, but as that has already been taken and comments aren't as fun or satisfying when repetitive, I will reply with "trippy, in a good way!" and "love the Mozart tee!"
Oh, the skirt suits you well! :)
your outfit's making me the best way possible. (i seriously have a motion sickness problem. i had to get up and walk out of a cafe in buenos aires once because the wallpaper was making me want to throw up.)
diggin this shot lady.
I was at the Luella show! I sat next to Bob Geldof. He was only there because Pixie was (for some inexplicable reason) modelling. I thought it was really good but I'm a sucker for smart tailoring. That said, there was a not-so-great pink PVC jacket...
Love. This. Holy. Epicness.
youre a freakin genius.
I think this is my favorite of your outfits yet!
you make my eyes hurt... in a good way
hey!!! i just read your posts, and i have to say that i think your fashion taste is awesome!!!you have such originality and an awesome attitude that i wouldnt mind reading any blog by you even if it was written about something totally boring like toenail clippings or whatevas, YOU could make that sound interesting!please comment back.
fellow 12 year old-
p.s. i found your blog by reading this post off my fav site! check it out, youre like already famous!
heres the link!
I love that shirt!!! where did you get it??
Love Poppy
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