2 skirts: $0.00
1 jacket: $0.00
Running out of creative post ideas and having it come down to using a cheesy MasterCard commercial spiel: priceless.
Some things, like sitting at home on a Friday night letting bad TV brainwash me, money can't buy. For everything else, there's mooching off your parents and finding loose change in the couch.
layering ridiculously fluffy florals is a very pretty idea.
lol cheesy commercial spiel is great anyways. and i'm definitely going to try that too- the layering skirts thing.
very pretty dresses and layers, i love it!
i think your outfit's gorgeous, the way the skirts puff is unbelievable, and they match to perfection with the cool jacket.
Love the look. You're the inspiration, gorgeous.
HEY I GOT SOME SOUL! haha, love those lyrics. WOO LOOK AT U SPIN haha. so..many...layers. haha, THATS SHOWING EVERYBODY!
Love this look. Great addition as well. ^_^
Hello gorgeous! Just found your site, have read all your archives, am totally impressed, completely LOVE this outfit! (I'm a 35 year ballet teacher in New Zealand.) xxxxoo
I've been reading your blog for some time now, and I love your style! haha, and dresses are very pretty!
My soul is crying right now because all I want to wear is pajamas in the morning and then I see THIS freakin awesome outfit and get depressed about my jeans. Thanks, Tavi. Thanks a lot. (Keep it up though I seriously love this! hahaha)
Hahaha, don't feel too bad, I'm wearing a hoodie and pajama pants right now >.> laaaazyyy
The way you layered things looks great
Those layered dresses are ridunkulously epic, amazing!!!
The ruffles are great and I like the way how you get inspired by runway fashion
Great action shots.
great photos! :)
Oh, my family is Christian, so I think my mother is afraid that tattoos might be "the mark of the beast..." which of course doesn't make her like them any more! Oh well, I don't think it personally violates my religion. ^_^
Ah, with being Jewish it's that if you have one you can't be buried in a Jewish cemetery. They made a great episode of The Nanny with it.
Oh your spiel made me laugh. ALthough I actually think the layered dresses look great in the photos!
hey tavi! i recently discovered your blog, and I love it! I think you'll like this article>>
take care!
ha ha Brilliant.
dangermouse-The article was very interesting to read, but it seemed to me like the author hadn't considered that everyone thinks differently and desire different things for different reasons. I don't think the politics of popularity can be described so bluntly and surely, because every school is different and times have changed. I don't think anyone from my school can relate. Very neat though, thanks for sharing!
Ahhhh your ruffled concoction is AMAZING! The D&G inspiration is very Cinderella-meets-hippie.
Hm that pretty interesting that you think differently. Maybe its easier for him to simplify things cos he's older and the memory has dulled.
Yeah, I think it was mostly a matter of times changing.
Love that song,
great photos too, Tavi!! :)
wow, that it the cutest thing ever (and I mean cute like chic, not cute like a baby lamb) That whole priceless thing does need to die. soon.
I love these pics and think the outfit is great!
Oh also you are hilarious. Boy do you make me laugh.
Keep up the good hilarity.
wow, what a fun outfit! your blog is such a great read, and your outfits are so innovative. thank you for making me laugh, and for the inspiration.
you're so cute! i wish i had such great style when i was your age.
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