small things

Yesterday was the four-year anniversary of this blog! Congratulations to me for never pressing the "delete" button. I spoke at TEDxTeen, which was a nice way to bring it all full circle or something, and that video will be up next week. I couldn't think of a good April Fool's joke for today, but I will direct you to last year's and one from three years ago, both of which I am still very proud of, so proud that I don't know why I haven't won any Nobel Prizes or presidential elections or other fancy things for them.

Here is a photo I took with help from my dad (I'm never sure how to credit someone if it's just me being like LISTEN TO ME AND STAND HERE AND PRESS THIS BUTTON AND DON'T MOVE?) in L.A. a couple weeks ago. My coat was a gift from Wren and I got the shoes at a vintage fair.


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jessielovesthis said...

You're the most awesome,and look like you've just stepped out of the 60s.Also,I fangirl everytime you post-I am a creep.

Unknown said...

Happy birthday to your blog, congrats for keeping it up and for doing so incredibly well with it! Your coat is amazing, I love the strong 60s vibe the photo gives!

Lies said...

Haha, I recently reread your post from last year and that one was so brilliant. You're really good at sarcasm.

Congratulations for making me laugh with every single post you write. Your blog is one I truly respect.

Zoƫ said...

Has it only been four years?!

Diggin' the hair, big time!

Celia Bow said...

Congratulations on four years of blogging :)I love your outfit is so 60's and just absolutely awesome.

The Fancy Teacup said...

So retro chic, and you totally rock those vintage sandals. Happy 4th, girl!

Vanessa - said...

Four years - wow - congratulations... love your blog and your postings... great work and deepest respect!


Van - / Bloglovin / Facebook

Anonymous said...

you look absolutely stunning!

Sadie said...

Happy fourth anniversary!! You look amazing in this photo, loveing the 60's vibe :) xx

Kaiami said...

Happy blogversary! Gee, really diggin your hair.

Joana Chaves said...

HAPPY BLOGVERSARY. My favourite pranks was the one from three years ago, hands down!

Joana Chaves said...

*prank - sorry, the mistake would bother me forever if I didn't correct it!

Stefania and Caroline said...

happy birthday stylerookie!
also, i want that car so badly

Eva said...


Eireann said...

I love your outfit! You look great as a blonde too!

lizz said...

love your hair sooo much

Karolina said...

Oh such a nice photo and congratulations! Your new hair is really beautiful , damn if I would have a photo like this I would use it as a header, anyway I gonna pin it on my pinspire, love iiit!

Lydia Armstrong said...

So is this your Beetle I keep seeing in your pics? Like yours, not your family's? Please say yes. You have to be driving soon/now right? I can't wait til this TED talk posts. I love watching videos of my favorite bloggers talking. About anything. It just adds another layer I guess. I feel the same way about when people take outfit pics for me, "people" being my bf or brother.

Daily Sass said...

HAPPY BLOG ANNIVERSARY!!! I feel like I've been reading your blog for atleast three of the four years, you are so lovely! Have a lovely day Ms.G

Anonymous said...

you are so beautiful! i love your blog, congratulations for it!

Andie Bottrell said...

Aw, happy anniversary! This is such a great 60's photo! I didn't even recognize you.

Spoonful Of Diamonds said...

happy anniversary!! congrats to have grown so much and be such a prominent figure in the fashion blogging world


Double-Concept said...



Rizza Lana said...

Gorgeous hair, Tavi :)

Constance said...

I love love this photo!!!!

Maria said...

The picture is gorgeous! Oh and I also think you should receive some award for those jokes. It's not easy to come up with jokes that good, right?

<3 <3 <3

Sarah said...

Big hair don't care. What a dream-cake.

China Lily

lilyg said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sweet Indigo Road said...

i love your hair! And this is an adorable photo

carla said...

Congratulations. Those socks are excellent

Michelle said...

Ahhhh, Style Pro. Memories. This picture looks like it could have come straight from an old scrapbook. Love the hair! It's SUPER blonde, I'm digging it.

Yajaira said...

congrats - I like the hair

Mana said...

SO COOL> WHY DO YOU LOOK GOOD IN EVERY SINGLE COLOR YOU DYE YOUR HAIR? Oh and can you do a DIY of how to do little "shelf shrines" because i can not do one. And I also want you to come decorate my room once. HEHE...that would be EPIC

Joy said...

FOUR YEARS! that's a long time to be blogging. congrats congrats.

ume said...


Lo C. said...

Happy 4th Blog Birthday! Glad to say I have been following you for 3 years now! (Okay, that sounds like I stalk you or something) :-) Anyways...Celebrate. Eat cake. Open virtual megapixel presents. <3


Tavi congrats! It's so cool to see you develop in style from the past to present. Your blog and magazine definitely is inspiring. Totally helped me survive the boredom of corn field suburbia. Keep it up :)

Ashley Wilkins said...

That outfit is gold. And you're my hair-spiration.

True story.

J said...

feliiz aniversario! Congrats girl! I really love your hair, you are a doll

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary! You never cease to inspire me! Thank you so much for not deleting this amazing blog!!

Lots of love,

Lovers, Saints & Sailors said...

Congratulations on 4 years! That must mean I've been reading your stuff for about 3 and a half now. And I still love it.

That photo is amazing. Your dad stood there and did what you told him really well.

Luna S said...

you look incredible! like you're from another era x


Amoureux said...

Wow! Congratulations!
I just started a new blog and was wondering if anyone wanted to check it out :)
It's called eternally sixteen, and its based on the world and all it's issues through the eyes of a teenage girl :)
This is a link to my first post, which is basically an introduction :)
Thank you!

Rebeccak said...

On April Fools Day?! Brilliant!!

Sesilia Anastasia said...

lookin so vintage and cute :)

pursuing poise said...

Congratulations! Cute photo.

Unknown said...

Perfect photo, the coat is amazing xx

Mandy said...

The hair is fabulous xx

Lauren said...

Love the hair and hairband! x

Boho Mixology said...

You look amazing, hair, coat everything! Great photo.


coline said...

i love this so much!and ohmygosh your hair!!!!! <333


omg you're so lovely!

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary Tavis's blog!!
Very nice coat by the way.

Simone said...

I really love the Coat!

Anna said...

Happy 4th! Plllleeeeeease teach me how to do a liiitle beehive like that... Annaxxx

Guste said...

Congratulations! : )

Eveliina Kanervo said...

you look absolutely fabulous and you've got the coolest hair i've ever seen.

Rosalie said...

Congrats!! I love your blog. Your outfit is great! :) xxx

Unknown said...

This photo is just beautiful and perfect.

Snug Musings said...

I have been reading you blog for four years, but for some reason I have never commented. I really love it, probably one of my favourite posts ever was 'when i was just a little girl, I asked my mother what I will I be'.
I also love Rookie, but I hope you still continue with your blog, even though it must be such a lot of work and very time consuming to do them both! I'm about the same age as you, and I find just doing normal school work enough. Here's hoping for another four years! (I like the idea of a film, like you mentioned in the video you uploaded!)

Samantha Tan said...

congrats on four years! you look amazing and i love your hair!

Unknown said...

keep it up tavi!

Anonymous said...

I laughed so much at your Aprils Fools Day jokes, literally hilarious! Looking forward to the video

Anonymous said...

I laughed so much at your Aprils Fools Day jokes, literally hilarious! Looking forward to the video

Anna L. Roeder said...

Straight from the sixties!

Felicity said...

That is a gorgeous coat x

Anonymous said...

Congrats on 4 years of amazing material. Reading your blog and starting my own blog, has really challenged me to advance my personal style.

xo Peter @

Que said...

Congrats for making it this with your blog, heres to the next 4 years and more. You look super cute in this outfit.


Audria said...

Congrats on 4 years of inspiring people, Tavi! Can't stop laughing at your past April Fool's joke, especially the "Style Pro" one. Hope you come out with a better one next year!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations for 4 years! I love the car in your photo ! So cute - and your hair looks AMAZING!

Anna Saarinen said...

Haha that was the first time I saw those april jokes! So great, you really should get some prize for them! :D

And I love your jacket and sirt! And as always, really nice picturea and you look beautiful!

AND HUGE congratulations for this awesome blog's birthday!

Kisses from Finland, Aduaa

Emily Jane said...

This post made you my latest style icon!

I can't believe your blog has been around 4 years and I've only just discovered it, madness. I love what I've read so far though :)

Emily Jane xo

JuliaT said...

congrats!!! i love you're blog check mine out please!!


valeelola said...

This pic is gorgeous!

silvia in venice said...

lovely photos you are fantastic! happy birthday (sorry I'm a little late) to your blog!!
from Venice...

Unknown said...

God you amazing!

hannah, heart city said...

is your hair real here? is it okay if i am hoping that it's not? you look smashing, either way.

maya.autumn said...

I know exactly what you mean with your dad and dad usually takes photos of me for my blog and he MUST get it perfect.haa. the pic of youu is great

thwany said...

great directions.

Alix said...

Perfect picture, like one of a magazine. The head-band + the cost are incredible, love your cup so retro.

Katie said...

awesome photo, loving your glare into the camera :)

katie x

WendyB said...

Time flies! Happy blogversary!

Jenny said...

happy anniversary of style rookie! here's to more years!

Stylishly me by Taryn said...

4 Years and coutning.. Congrats.. fabulous outfit as usual and I must say your hair is looking great!!

Rohayatun Fatonah said...

Happy aniversary!! :)

cancercowboy said...

mmh, FOUR MORE YEARS then ^__^
that pic looks like you've fallen through one of those holes in the universe and managed to exit at the appropriate spot in space and time, all thanks to the backdrop of a german quality product of course ^___^

Galuh Nurita said...

Congratulations Tavi!! 4years for more inspiring post!

Jule said...

I wish you lots of years succesful like the last 4 years in the future.

PS: Amazing hairstyle!

Anonymous said...

WOW! Four years, congratulations! I love your outfit, the car is like the perfect accessory! I love 60's fashion and you look like you have traveled through time!!

Please take a minute to look at my trunkshow;

Anonymous said...

Congrats Tavi!! Thanks for 4 years of inspiration!!
Greetings from Santiago, Chile.
@cristianpavezd on Twitter.

Lucia said...

Maybe you won´t read this but i´m such a big fan of you and your style !!! i wish i could be so self-confident to wear this kind of the way you write texts and have your own unique personality C: greetings from germany ♥

The lost girls said...

That's awesome. and your hair ahhh. how did you get it so cool? i love it blonde as well. Your style is amazing and got me started on dressing the way i wanted without too much influence from anything i felt like wasn't me. that coat is amazing and you are awesome ad your blog is awesome and i wish i could just meet you and talk about freaks and geeks and the virgin suicides because i feel we would get along.

Sophie said...

Such a great aesthetic - the car is adorable!

kira said...

ahhh yay a post! the proportion between how many times I check your blog and how many times you post is far too uneven, leaving me kind of distraught. (wait, no, not distraught) Please post more! :) (I actually made a blogger account to tell you this haha)

Elene said...

I cant believe its been 4 years. I have been following you since 2009... time flies!!! Love the hair.. I can't believe how much you've grown, from your looks to your writing! congrats on the anniversary!!! :)

Amy Rose said...

I love the shades and tonality of this shot! Your hair is very Brigitte Bardot.

Amy xxx

JojoStylee said...

straight out of the past...nice Beetle too

Fashion Fab News said...

You look beautiful in that pic

R▲CHEL said...

I love these april fools jokes! I kinda forgot april fools this year, probably because of school. but next year must be double foolish then. Also, that picture of you is adorable, and the colors are just perfect.


the chiffon confessions said...

wow i swear i was in LA that time you were and i was in the flea market you went to....i thought i saw you but i wasn't sure so i didn't approach you haha. Now i regret that because it was actually you, tavi because you were wearing this outfit and i'm such an admirer of yours!! im so mad i didn't come up to you haha. I'm from hawaii so i don't go 2 LA often, i hope i get the chance to meet you. From your biggest fan in hawaii!! <333

Highland Fashionista said...

This is a very well-composed shot and it really speaks. Well done!

B. said...

You look so great! Very 60s :)

Honny e Gio. said...

Eu acho que voce vai gostar! (:

G. D. Kaisha said...

Tavi you're really awesome with your blonde hair. Great hair! :) xx

Mads Jensen said...

your hair is absolutely amazing. tutorial?

erwicker said...

love your hair sooo much!

Katie said...

I love this photo, retro chic :)

Katie x

Anonymous said...

Your coat is absolutely beautiful, and your hair! I've just found your blog, it's beautiful.


Jacqui Suarez said...

Me encanto tu blog!
Lo encontre porque aparecio en una revista Argentina que se llama ParaTeens!!

Me encanto!!
Te sigo!!
Me segis??


Anonymous said... girls and cars

Essine said...

Congratulations! I've been following your blog since the start...
By the way, you look AMAZING in that picture (you always look amazing, though).
Your hair is like something out of one of my 1960's daydreams.
Plus, I usually can't stand pea-coats due to the fact everyone under the sun wears them these days, but you have worn it in a totally original way.
As usual, I can't stand how jealous I am of you :)

Bea Thompson said...

I love that the red of your jacket matches the red in the tree, the headlight and the window panes... What a great composition!

xo Bea

Galuh Nurita said...

you looks like a barbie with those bangs, super duper cute!


Berta said...

love this style. and this photo is amazing!

Berta Diary

MateaTPol said...

I love that bug! my parent have one :) love your style

M.Usman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mademoiselle FabergƩ said...

I love this picture and your blog !!!
He is amazing, i love it !! Your outfit is great : i love your skirt, and your jacket...
You're blog is perfect : don't change anything !!!
See U
Mademoiselle FabergƩ

Gilina said...

congrats for your blog dear ;D

Johanna said...

Such a wonderful car! I´ve got one of those myself^^ VW Beatle in my heart <3

bookworm9822 said...

I just love all the color-tying in this photo! Your coat, your headband, the (BEAUTEOUS) car's tail light, the windowpanes in the back ground, the trees' blooms! It's all like, "I AM WONDERFULLY RED AND CHEERFUL, AND YES, ELLIE, COLOR IS AWESOME AND BEAUTIFUL, AND I KNOW YOU LOVE TAVI'S KNEE SOCKS, YES".
Love Ellie

If U are gay or a girl and U are into fashion, my blog is for you said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gabi Parracho said...

Hey, I would like to just share my teenager-run fashion blog wiht you guys. I would greatly appreciate it if you could please check it out. it is called thrazlee (at) blogspot then just add .dot. com

Jamshaid Ayaz said...

I went to Doll House and had the worst experience of my life. I ordered a dress 3 months before my formal and it didn’t come in. she told me the the dress was customised but was told a week before my formal that they could not do it and was told to chose another dress from the shop which upset me as I had my heart set on the dress I ordered. Thank you Doll House for destroying my only formal – it was the worst time.

PremiĆØre said...

Wow ... Just wow !

If U are gay or a girl and U are into fashion, my blog is for you said...

I'm in love with you and with your coat!

abitkitsch said...

So cute! Kitsch and quirky i LOVE these pics, a true style queen.

Lizbux said...

Four years! Congratulations on your success and best wishes for the future. I love the photo I think you look amazing! I really like the vintage shoes too. That is the cool thing about women's shoes some vintage styles are timeless!

Alicia and Victoria said...

You look amazing, we love your style and your hair! and congratulations on fourth anniversary. We just started our blog and hopefully someday we'll also celebrate four year anniversary :)

louise12113 said...

Congratulation on your fourth anniversary. May I add I love your blog and more importantly love your outfit.

Chameleonic Photographess said...

Herzlichen GlĆ¼ckwunsch ;)

love the photography, the outfit, the hairs, the beatle, the setting ♥

Meredith said...
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Rea G said...

Tavi, this will be the first time I'll be commenting on your blog after I started stalk- reading it last month. I just want to say how much I love your blog, like this <3 <3 <3 <3 <3... /fangirl

Katherine Nicole said...

This is gorgeous, congrats on the anniversary!

Anonymous said...

very nice looking

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Your style is amazing, very unique!

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Your style is amazing, very unique!

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admin said...

I love your blog.

Congratulation for the 4th anniversary of your blog.

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How great is that and looks so nice and awesome. looks like loving and charming BagsAlot

ghersionmyjersey said...

i think you credit your dad as a tripod. like so,
tripod: dad
pretty sure that's the really official way to do it.

Unknown said...

Tavi, love your creativity and inspiration. Congrats,on your 4th Anniversary on your blog!

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