there are holes in the universe

These books I've been making lately have been a good format for aesthetically cataloging the little worlds and movies I think I see sometimes, all the images and stills and songs and clothes and passages of writing that somehow make sense together. I used to try to embody each world in an outfit, but now I just want to dress like I'm actually in the world, so my outfits lately have been more simple…like when I got into Twin Peaks, I would wear my Laura Palmer pin, now I'd rather dress like Laura Palmer, if that makes sense.

Anyway, these are the spreads I'm printing for my next one. You know how you can feel totally underwhelmed by an album the first few times you hear it and then something happens, either an actual event or just in your changing person that you are, and it suddenly sounds completely different? That happened to me with Galaxie 500's On Fire when I was listening to it a couple weeks ago (in a tree house! In Chicago! In March! I don't know about this whole "global warming" thing, but I like what it's doing for my obsessive compulsive Abed-from-Community tendencies to try and live movie moments in real time!). I felt really ~*~inspired~*~ and wanted to make a little book of all the pictures it made me see or whatever but realized that I couldn't relate their music to a specific decade or place or season the way I do with all those other books because it kind of sounds like it exists outside of time or space. It makes me think of this diary entry I wrote a couple months ago in an old travel brochure:
Anyway, I guess disappointment is kind of eternal ("YOU'RE WELCOME" -my prophecy), so in that way it makes sense that these images aren't specific to one time or decade. And I did mention California but I think it's because the California I've experienced (just LA, really) is such an exaggeration of the dreams that are stored everywhere else, these suburban houses that are NEON, and giant gold churches, super tacky and cheaply decorated motels and psychics with huge signs…and Salvation Mountain is a whole world of its own
Oh, and there are a lot of sources I couldn't find and Google Images got really slow for me so please email me if you know what any of the unknowns are! I'd like to be able to credit people properly and all.
clockwise from top left corner: darling dindon, unknown, jesse varner, internet k-hole, vincent j. stoker, luigi ghirri, unknown, claire milbrath for the ardorous, galaxie 500, and two unknowns
autumn de wilde, two unknowns, beck by spike jonze for interview
kim gordon by mark borthwick, three from internet k-hole
galaxie 500, unknown, mike mills for miranda july
galaxie 500, beth hoeckel, two unknowns
both unknown
jerry de wilde, fruit of paradise, unknown, shelley duvall with mystery 70s man, creatures of the wind headpiece
two unknowns
joseph cornell film still, angela
unknown, mariam sitchinava, rodarte at yellowstone by todd cole for pop magazine

rodarte at yellowstone by todd cole for pop, internet k-hole
all unknown! wahhhh
70s skater girl, petra collins, unknown, wim wenders
luigi ghirri, galaxie 500, turned out by maya, luigi ghirri
luiggi ghirri, unknown, luigi ghirri, sonic youth
internet k-hole, kurt cobain by unknown photographer, george plemper, tim walker's the lost explorer, internet k-hole
sonic youth and bruce davidson
unknown, galaxie 500, the pixies
unknown, galaxie 500, still from the trailer for mike mills' beginners, galaxie 500
swedish hasbeens, two unknowns, dean wareham of galaxie 500
Creatures of the Wind's fall 2012 collection kind of felt like the physical clothing embodiment of all of these ideas for me. Sheba described it as being from the past and future at the same time, and that's exactly it…it at once appears to have an untraceable origin, time and place-wise, but also contains so many tiny references and motifs, fuzzy sweaters and soft flannels and liberty prints in '60s colors and quotes from The Last Unicorn and Mexican tweeds and patchwork, that all together make up something so familiar. Images related to the '60s or the Southwest have always felt like old memories to me, even though I was obviously not alive in the '60s and when we visited my grandparents in California when I was little - my only experience in the Southwest - we spent the whole time inside their house. They did have a great little hill in the backyard with grapefruit trees on top, and I liked to go up the stone path and pretend I was looking out on the whole world even though it was literally just the rest of their retirement community. God, that's depressing. But that's what I'm saying! Where did that delusion GO? And where did it COME FROM? Maybe I traveled throughout the Southwest in the '60s in a past life or something. Maybe I'm tired and still delusional! Wah wahhhhh.

Basically what I'm trying to say is, I think this might be my favorite collection of all time. Seriously. I wish I had never complimented anything else before in my life so that this would all have a stronger effect. It has a perfect feminine/masculine balance, there are all those little details that have MAGIC in them, but the pieces don't feel too fantastical or out of reach, they're still comfy and practical and made for a woman and not a little girl playing dress up. And the fabrics are from all over…the patchwork is made from bags from the '30s that Chris and Shane got at a thrift store, the lace overlay on this skirt is from a couturier in France, but the fabric underneath is from the '80s, thrifted.

God. LIFE, AMIRITE? Here's a playlist I made for all this too.
Parking Lot - Galaxie 500
Broken Dreams Club - Girls
Do You Love Me Now - Breeders
I'm Not There - Bob Dylan
Ceremony - New Order
Wish Fulfillment - Sonic Youth
Used To Be - Beach House
Army Dreamers - Kate Bush
Walking the Cow - Daniel Johnston
Dreams - Fleetwood Mac
Here - Pavement
When Will You Come Home - Galaxie 500

It's such a satisfying feeling when things make sense together this way.


Sarah Lynn Knowles said...

now you've got my gears turning too! which i'm thankful for. of the collection, i think the patterned gloves may be my favorite :)

brown teen writes said...

I understand the way you feel about California. Is it possible to feel that way about some place you haven't visited but you just know that it exists? Because I certainly do. Its a very big part of me, I can relate all songs to this one place in my head and it just keeps me going, you know like I have to visit it someday for sure. So maybe I was a tree there in the past life?
It gets annoying when I can't collect all these images in my head and give it an address but at the same time, it just makes it more of a mystical experience, like this place is scattered all over the earth like fairy dust.
I don't know if I make much sense.

Tessa G. said...

YES. I love this and I think you are completely right about the music. I have been saying this for years. We just have to FIND our music at the right times. It's like when I get an album because I'm going crazy over three songs on it and then I play those out and move on to something else, sometimes I don't give that whole album a chance and then it will be like tuesday at 4pm and I will have my playlist on shuffle and a song will infiltrate my ears and hit my like a punch. It will be a song I skipped a thousand times to get back to my favourite of the time. Sometimes music just needs to FIND YOU at the right time, when you need to hear it, when you're r e a d y for it.

I also get what you're saying about wanting to create a world to fall into and live through, not just something to remind yourself you love that character. Creating it and living through that is the best...very Lana Del Rey perhaps, yeah?

Also, I dig this Fall 2012 Creatures of the Wind so hard as well. It was absolutely fantastic and funky and it's exciting they are local. I hope they stay working in Chicago and keep pumping out the greatness.

This was a wonderful post!

Claire said...

This is just such an incredible post. I can't even find the proper words, or really string together a coherent thought. But everything here really speaks to me. And it's just so beautiful.

Sarah said...

By god, I like you so much.

The music thing is totally correct, there have been so many albums that sat in my iTunes library for eons until I listened to a song on shuffle and my life completely changed.

Bombay Bicycle Club was like that for me, I really hated the singer's voice for the longest time but kept the music, and heard it one day and my heart just overflowed, ya know?

SO i guess that's one for the hoarders out there... you never know what's going to inspire you later.

Is it better to be cluttered and inspired at some time in the future or neat and able to focus on what you're doing now?

Just some food for thought.

China Lily

Simie said...

This collection is awesome. Tavi I think you are really good at collecting and presenting ideas that really encompass nostalgia at its finest. For me, some of the greatest memories are going through my grandparents closets and looking at all of their vintage pieces, or being at my friends ranch (which is pretty much an explosion of all the ideas here in clothes, electronics, home decor, ect.) Have you ever thought of presenting some mens collections that encompass some of these concepts?

maya.autumn said...

ffvghhfsfhdhdhdhdbaooascvnuooi! I love this....i am lost for

Anonymous said...

You always come up with these great collections of images. I had to look through the post for 5 times. You really got an eye for such things. The funny thing is, and it made me chuckle alone in my room, in front of the computer, that you put Girls on the playlist. Their music started playing in my head right after I started reading the post. That kind of music is what I'd listen to all day long if I lived in California.

Kato said...

This is kind of random, but I think you should know about Los Amparito:

I think you'll like them.

I really enjoy reading your blog.

Anonymous said...

Probably my favourite brand from America, I prefer British designers - so creative and unique

Anonymous said...

I'm kind of a nervous first time commenter breaking my silence because I really want to recommend to you The Crying of Lot 49 by Thomas Pynchon, as something that might compliment the mood described in this post!

It's set in 60s/70s California and it's filled with these themes of mysticism and paranoia and exaggerated characters who are all kind of obsessive about their own areas of interest. In particular this post reminded me of the bit where the heroine looks down on the town of San Narciso and thinks it looks like a circuit board.

The first time I read it I hated and could not finish the thing, but the second time I thought it was amazing and couldn't stop visualising how cool a film of it could look.

Hope this info is useful!

Fiamma said...
i didn't know the name but it totally caught my attention. here it is.

hollybrick said...

The "unknown" between Galaxie 500 and Luigi Ghirri is from Turned Out by Maya:

Shanene said...

Everything looks so nice in your posts :)

The photograph of the yellow van at sunset, top left, (8 groups down?) is by David Montes:


Eryn said...

Oh Tavi, you're everything thats right with the world. You inspire me and make me see things in a light that I never knew existed. We can all agree your poetic inspiration is the perfect stimulation to renew a day! (I think that rhymed.)

Rachel said...

Have you ever been to San Francisco?

I do believe you'd fit in perfectly here, it seems as if you're a native San Franciscan at heart.

Clara Turbay said...

i enjoy this blog.

Elizabeth said...

I don't know much* but I do know that the lady bending over with the bowling balls is from the Swedish Hasbeens S/S12 collection lookbook.

*That is, I don't know where dreams go or where they come from or if Bruce Springsteen is right when he asks, "Is a dream a lie if it don't come true?"But wouldn't knowing these things rob them of their preciousness? We need !something! to constantly temper and tip reality.

Anonymous said...

yr blog is the shit~

x Peter

Manon said...

Embody the embrodery yow : -)
So much beauty, love the booksstuff wow!

DSTONE Magazine said...

So inspiring!

Anonymous said...

I love the way you synthesize imagery. Lovely!

Anonymous said...

I wish I could be teleporting through these holes in the universe. :)

cancercowboy said...

well, i for one can't claim to understand whats going on in your head ^___^ but its always fun to try and figure out.
these impressions of atmospheres you mention don't go anywhere, they are, as you know, inside your head, and thus they change as you change. one cannot step into the same river twice. but fear not, dreams are buggers to kill ^__^
and thats quite good, cause their burial ground is the human heart.
waaah, won't finish on that tone. lemme explain: its a frigging good mix you put together but i had Wish Fulfillment on heavy rotation in 2001 and i wasn't the happiest of lads back then. got me kinda ambush-style here. the human brain's an odd trickster sometimes.

celeriacpuree said...

bruce davidson - is the photographer of the image of the smoking girl fixing her hair

Anonymous said...

This post is one x-ray of what I feel everyday. I'm just a guy from Chile, a far away country which not so many people know about. I guess you can imagine how someone like me feels every single day when watching a movie, reading interesting stuff and going through amazing blogs like this one. I struggle everyday with fate, just for the fact of being South American and less fortunate than people who can access the world's best stuff right away.
Greetings from Santiago, Chile.
@cristianpavezd on Twitter.

Pia said...

Bonjour Tavi !

That photo (

comes from Bruce Davidson's art work. Cool job, cool guy. Passionnante histoire.

Actualy, that pic is the cover for the french edition of Melanie Rae Thon's first novel "IONA MOON", too. Good dope, I must confess.


the chilicool said...

Great collection I like it so much!




nataliya said...

epic quilting!!!


maya.autumn said...

so many amazing pictures and ***inspirational or what?!!***

your posts are always so detailed and chockablock with brillness:D it's so enjoyable to read!

liz said...

Fantastic collection of images, Tavi and that clothing collection...amazing! Your blog posts are always inspiring! Happy sigh!

Sophie May said...

Tavi you blatantly have a tallent for finding the COOLEST images ever. I love all the ones you found on google...a kind of radnom selection but that just makes them even cooler :)

Bella said...

California is my favorite place. Ever.

Our Youth said...

I want to go to California now... Lovely post as usual.

Nell said...

Tavi...why must you be so cool? Come on, man. Your cool-capacity is overwhelming.

RA said...


Maren said...

Tavi. You are UTTERLY AMAZING. LOVE all of the pictures, I like the gloves and the pink sweater the best!

Unknown said...

consider my english sort of still sucks, and I cant pull jokes or play puns, I don't have anything insightful and i don't want to sound silly. I think I will just make my comment short and understandable (you probably get this a lot, but...):
you are such a great talent, pls keep doing what you are doing! Rookie Mag is a great success!

Scarlett B said...

i love your blog tavi!


Anonymous said...

i don't think you are crazy... or tired or high. lol. i have these types of conversations with my friends all the time. from my experience tho, i think it's best never to comment on the ideas, because they are so delicate that a light influence / opinion can take it somewhere else. none the less...

the hole you are speaking about it is presence, as in the the here and now, the timelessness plane of all that ever was and will be. waaahhhh.... it's starting. haha

i truly love that collection. i love how universal it is. it transcends all identities: sex, culture, age... oh i wish i had the monies.

anywho... love what u do & with rookiemag.


bruises and bellcurves said...

love galaxy 500 yessss

congrats on 4 years, dont stop!

xx from australia!

-Katya- said...

The clothes are amazing. I love how you put everything together.

Unknown said...

Really good post, California now seems all Roswell-ish (alien) and mystic- I need to go!
Also, one of the sources for that famous photo of a girl smoking was Bruce Davidson's photos of the Jokers in Brooklyn, a teen gang. Here's a link :)

Unknown said...

You are welcome to visit my blog :)

Unknown said...

really Nice <3 it visit my blog...

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taylor said...

ez said...

you will love this song

Bacon said...

Hello Tavi,

The picture of the girl in the Kurt Cobain t-shirt is from my friend's blog, .

Nice post!!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures!

JojoStylee said...

this is the first time i have read your blog...youve left me speechless! So much inspiration...
thank you

Anonymous said...

Love your collection, the patterns and colors are so cool! Your blog has so much inspiration!


Anonymous said...

I am also fascinated by, what I think of, as the spaces in between. The people who exist in a sort of purgatory between...standards, or what we understand. By beautiful, lost ugly places. Down and out, strip mall Ohio - where my college happens to be - is very much that sort of place. PS i imagine you are a fan of Greg Araki's films?

x Peter

Tavi said...

Thanks for all the nice comments, recommendations, and photo sources! <3

Jane said...

You may well have mentioned it before, but have you seen Altman's 3 Women? It fits so perfectly with everything else here.

Anonymous said...

I am in love with your Ted video. I am obsessed with those and they always have the most wonderful speakers, I was so excited when I saw YOU were one of them. Brilliant. Inspiring as always.

Anonymous said...

I think you're great & this post is awesome. You obviously write from the heart.
However, I'm not one of those super religious ppl... but I don't really think it's appropriate that a 15 yr old girl is posting topless women on her blog- whether she is in vogue or ny fashion wk or not. Be careful that one day you don't look back & wish you were more of a girl while you had the chance. :/

Anonymous said...

i love your blog!

Linda Lateb said...

This collection is kind of mystical, it's hard to describe it and you did it very well but if i try to analyse, i think of a lot of pictures , in a spiritual way. I draw clothes so it's very sensitive for me. Here is my blog, you can see my drawings, please visit thank you

Hannah said...

.....Honestly, I used to love this blog, but now I don't. Why are there so many topless ladies and little girls smoking? And all of the clothes posts look like they're from 1980, not 2012. It's very tacky. Sorry Tavi, but you've lost a fan until you stop posting things like this.

Nadine said...
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Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

Fabulous collection just loved most of the pieces... idea of quotes on clothes is so lively and expressive...

Love your blog...


nuraa said...

good blog and i rally like your blog tavi

nuraa said...

good blog and i rally like your blog tavi

LA Street Fashion said...

As a young fashion designer that road trips incessantly up and down the west coast every summer, a lot of your most recent inspiration posts have hit really close to home. Even though you haven't experienced much of California you seem to so thoroughly understand the unique brand of Americana that California has, and essentially, what keeps me on the move to experience as much of it as I can.

If I could choose one person, alive or dead, to take a road trip up and down California with, it'd be Tavi Gevinson.

Keep up the good work!

[P.S. I'm so glad someone else is gushing over Creatures of the Wind.]

ming said...

the minerals poster is from Dover...I have it in my room along with an X-Files poster :)

also, I absolutely love these mega-posts of yours.

Jamshaid Ayaz said...

I went into Doll House for a Sherri Hill dress and I had the worst time. The staff was rude and no help to me – they made me feel as if I didn’t belong into their store. I well never return there and I am glad I didn’t purchase my dress from that store.

Riley Ellise said...
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Riley Ellise said...
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Riley Ellise said...

Your blog and style is truly inspirational.

Shakilaaa said...

I LOVE the pink stripy woolly jumper !!
That sure is one awesome collection of
vintage clothes : )

LB said...

Whatever we say, you know yourself that your blog is just one of the best. So inspiring!


Anonymous said...

love the fleetwood mac quote, and I've always felt that in some strange past life I was in the 60's and 70's. Full of music and colour.It sounds wierd but I really know what you mean x

Unknown said...

amazing blog !
I love it !

Unknown said...

nice blog

Anonymous said...

Hey Tavi!

I really like the little worlds and movies you see sometimes. There are hundreds of stories happening within your images and words... I wonder what these stories mean to you.

When looking through your blog post, I thought of this passage from a book called "Story" that I read some time ago:

"Second, once inside this alien world, we find ourselves. Deep within these characters and their conflicts we discover our own humanity. We go to the movies to enter a new, fascinating world, to inhabit vicariously another human being who at first seems so unlike us and yet at heart is like us, to live a fictional reality that illuminates our daily reality. We do not wish to escape life but to find life, to use our minds in fresh, experimental ways, to flex our emotions, to enjoy, to learn, to add depth to our days."

Unknown said...

I just LOVE "Holes in the Universe" TulleTulle (sp?)


Anonymous said...

bravo,to you, you are an angel!

Unknown said...

You love flowers and lace, I love flowers and lace too. That makes me happy XD

AnaJb said...
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AnaJb said...

I love your blog!!!

Ana (spanish blogger)

Lapse said...


This is beautiful. I love the way it looks kind of 40's, almost home made kinda, like they used to do in the war. However, looking at these clothes you can only know that there is no way these could be copied or made yourself. This has so many layers and is so complex that I find it amazing. It is something so rare these days - usually in a collection it's just SEXY or GOTHIC or GIRLIE, and because of this categorisation brands stick to boxes and collections end up being flat and one dimensional, which I hate. Also, this collection sort of brings out ... nostalgia? it's strange yet wonderful.

Unknown said...

All are splendid i.e. Design, photography & The Collection. Moreover Art is not life, nor a reproduction of life, but a representation carried out within the specific terms, conversions and limitations of the particular art used. Hence absolute truth, with reference to objective fact, is not to be found in the business. The most realistic art is considerable removed from reality. Art does not give real things or imitations of real things. The thing that art gives is strained first through the artist’s selections and judgments, and then through the specific techniques with he used to present them. If you are to enjoy an art, you must first accept its terms.

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