I went to homecoming with friends in my Virgin Suicides dress, gold platforms that made it look like I was floating kinda (one guy said I looked like a scifi hero!), and dead rose petals bobbi pinned to my hair.

For Halloween I was Carrie, kind of? Bloody Mary? Unfortunately my lipstick goo blood was smudged by the end of the night, but I can assure you it will always be in my SOUL! Or something.

And the moodboard that ended up as our table of contents calendar thing:

Ah, such visual satisfaction! Here are all the things I did for the October issue.

Wrote my editor's letter! And looked mad with Petra in the process.

Styled a bunch of angsty teen witches, which Petra then shot!

Gave dating tips for middle schoolers! I mean, Chill McChillson did. But I helped him.

Interviewed Elle Fanning! And oh man, it was really sweet and fun.

Styled some photos Petra took when we went to Salvation Mountain! I am really pleased by these and really hope you like them.
Made a DIY video with Petra for making those crowns that popped up in our Salvation Mountain. More help/fun/inspiration at the post.

And lastly, wrote and illustrated a thing on why the 21st century is not as awful as one might think.
I recommend all things I did because if you are reading my blog I write, then you might like other stuff I write and style/illustrate/whatever, as well. But I highly suggest looking at other stuff on the site, too! Highly! There are wonderful contributions from Meadham Kirchhoff, half the Parks and Recreation cast, Autumn de Wilde, Kimya Dawson, and more awesome creative people. We are now in Issue 3, Girl Gang. If you join us, we will reward you with things that will make your head and heart happy. Like chicken soup for the soul. Not the book series of inspirational stories, but the actual soup.
I love those inspirational images. Wish I could see the whole homecoming outfit, it looks stunning from those 2 images.
Rebecca x
Amazing post!! You've been so busy! You're magazines amazing! And to the person above, If it's good, it's good regardless of it being mainstream or not. Who cares!
i think i read every single article on rookiemag.com in about a day. it crashed a while ago and the entire layout went nyaff for some reason (my laptop's about five years old and doing that frustrated old-lady bitchface all the time) and i may have cried when i couldn't read the new features. but we don't say that kind of thing on the internet, where anyone can read it. write me! i follow your blog obsessively. and the little witch is lonely.
I love the magazine! Wow, you're a busy little girl.... Too bad there wasn't a full body shot of your homecoming dress. :( and of course you would be carrie for halloween, carrie with style. I need start doing my inspiration boards as well. It can be so relaxing yet....well....inspirational doing those. It puts my mind at ease and I'm in a whole different zone... :P
greate post!
What you're doing with rookie is fantastic. I'm just going to encourage y'all to be more diverse with your models, moodboards, and other visuals--bodily diversity, racial diversity, etc. It's pretty much a sea of white faces right now. I figure, if you've got the potential to be revolutionary, why not go all the way?
OMG Loved you blog *-*
The Rookie is a perfect example of how a web site should work. The photo albums are elegant and much more efficient than the usual clunky flash sites. The articles are all first-rate. I was worried that your distinct personality might be lost in the new format, but that is not the case. Great work!
Amazing, I loved the interview with Elle!
To doni brown- yeah, that's true. I was thinking about sassy and how it declined when I wrote that but it most likely won't happen. yojre right the magazine's amazing.
sweet)love you blog)
I love your halloween costume! I was a dead prom queen. Since you live in chicago maybe we could meet sometime
Tavi, you are so fabulous!! Most of it is blocked at College, but when I can get round it I spend most of my "studying" on either your blogpsot or Rookie which is so beautiful!! I'm converting all my friends to looking at it too!
Elle is so freaking cool! I love the part when she talks about Marylin Monroe. I saw your Bitchfacing DIY on Rookie and I laughed, quite a bit. Teaching someone to bitchface is hard and you defo pulled it off. I am gonna try and make a crown, I have tons of old headbands lying around and bits of junk from when I was little.
November is my favorite month of year, because the 27th is my brithday. Also October has been very busy and I'm glad it's over.
I love your dress - when I might marry in a distant future I want to wear exactly the same.
Loved your work on Rookie, there's noone who looks more interesting while "bitchfacing".
First outfit is kind of an "outfitication" of late automn/early winter. I agree with Michelle, too bad there wasn't a full body shot of it!
Rookie is a great success; I think we find the same "energy" and empowerment and proud-of-being-what-we-are'ness, and the same kind of inspiration, reading Rookie as you might have felt reading Sassy. KUDOS! to the whole Rookie gang.
you're so lovely tavi!
your blog is awesome! I love it.
love the girl in loser t-shirt! and love your blog!
A great wrap up of everything you have been doing so far. Great job with Rookie mag. Must be exhausting!
tavi, you are SOOOO gorgeous! i've been blogging about your FOREVER! it's so interesting to watch you grow up.
Very nice mood boards! So creative as always!
Your halloween costume pic looks awesome! Especially with that cool pattern in the background.
Oh and why did I not think of wearing flower petals in my hair??? It's like a solution to instant perfection!
I really enjoyed your essay on depression, I'm sorry about your sister's friend. I don't necessarily think depression is without sense it just appears so on the surface.
A lot of the American culture is so much about being happy all the time. Medicating and finding some genetic problem when often there's a larger, deeper issue inside they aren't dealing with (or perhaps allowed to deal with). People just need someone to talk to and sometimes it's hard to know the right time to listen.
This came out more preachy liberal than I intended but it's all in there.
Fantastic that you went to Homecoming in your virgin suicide dress and gold platforms! Love the photo of that sleeve. Looking forward to reading all that you and the others have written.
Loulou @ Loulou Downtown
I love the dress! I have always loved Edward Gorey!
It is so cool you did a crown DIY! I did one on my blog ages back!
i always wanted to be a teen witch!
I already read Rookie, even if I'm way past my teens, I still enjoy it :)
Thanks guys!! I'm really glad you all like Rookie as people who liked my blog first...I'd like to think they're in a similar sort of spirit?
L - Nah, you're right, American culture is definitely very much about pretending nothing is wrong. Not a preachy comment at all. Express yo self~
Maven - We're aware of and working on more diversity, thanks for the comment :)
I so need to make a crown!!!!
I never knew how to describe you until I saw the picture of the girl with the cross on her forehead and a bubble gum bubble: Bubblegum occult. Love that inspiration board!
From the neck up your Halloween costume looks great! Was the rest of it like a dress?
I really have to agree with Maven's comment. When I was a young teen, it would have made _all the difference in the world_ to my self confidence if there were girls similar to my (overweight) self being confident in their fashion. I always tried to hide, to blend into the background. And yeah, some more racial diversity in the models would be nice, too.
Glad to see you are going to try and work it in to Rookie, and I hope it won't be a "special case" type of thing.
Either way, Rookie is wonderful, and I'm so glad it exists.
Tavi, you and your team are doing a fantastic work!
Your website looks great, and I can tell it's getting popular quick. Congratulations!!! I'm sure you put a lot of hard work into it
Keep it up
<3 Liza
U're sooo creative. I love how u tell us about fashion and ur own thoughts in the same time.
your blog is awesome! x
I agree with the first comment! You should post a picture of your whole homecoming outfit. It looks adorable. I remember spending weeks figuring out what kind of mood I wanted my outfits to bring to school dances (but then usually ended up looking like tia Esmerelda made the outfit in a basement sweatshop).
Taxi is so cute<3<3
I really love rookie mag. I really do!!!!
l really really love your diy video!
You are so cute Tavi ♥
Great work! And you went to Salvation Mountain. I´ve always wanted to go there. Now I´m going to enjoy checking out the magazine.
Pretty dress, and that's an awesome idea to put petals in your hair!
Oh! I love you Tavi! You're my big inspiration!!!
The Virgin Suicides dress is absolutley stunning and I love your Halloween costume!
I went as an evil valentine in a choker and vintage cape :P
I'd like to have an precious crown like that!!
I love your blog!!
Can't believe you didn't mention your appearance on one of my favorite NPR programs, "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me" (yes, I'm a nerd). I was thrilled to hear you on there!
God you HAVE been BUSY! Its all looking really good! weldone young one! xxx
wow, it's incredible how much u've grown up, u look so intellectual, u cute little girl!
Great post, your Halloween costume is scary- perfect! And rookie is doing so well!!
Please take a minute to look at my trunkshow;
I've been following Rookie, and it's great! Congratulations on making an incredible magazine. You're probably really busy, but if you get the chance, I miss your outfit posts and other short, personal posts on Style Rookie.
you should definitely do more videos
Wow, you've been so busy! IT sounds like you've been having tons of fun and I like what you wore to homecoming. My school's homecoming is always really lame, so my friends and I always skip on it.
hi! i want to invite you to meet my blog! It all about fashion and inspiration for our outfits!
I love to answer comments and i always follow back! = )
kisses from La Mode En Rose = )
Unknown - I miss them too! There are not enough hours in a day. I never thought I would be nostalgic for doing them but now I'm realizing keeping track of what I wore and was inspired by was routine for years and it's weird not to do that so much anymore. Everyone I talk to though has said that the first 3 months of starting a new site or project like Rookie are the hardest and most busy and then it just becomes easier, plus we're bringing on more people to help with the nitty gritty stuff, so I hope I'll have more time to take photos and write on here soon.
Dazzleships - Don't worry, we won't have like, "The Curvy Issue."
Baimao - That was a lot of fun! I guess it feels weird now that I don't post as much to only talk about press I've done. Maybe I'll mention it once I can post more real creative stuff more often.
And thanks again to everyone <3
Awh Tavi, I love love love love Rookie. Not even kidding, I literally read it all the time.It's so inspiring! And I loved the bitch face diy, it nearly had me in tears and I did actually test it on annoying people hahaha
Anyway, I should quit sounding like a creepy stalker (I love you Tavi, I loooove you)
awesome post!!!^^
I love the leaves in your hair. It reminds me of that episode of MSCL where Angela and Jordan are sneaking off to the boiler room to make out all the time, and Angela says "You have a tiny leaf in your hair."
I really like your DIY because it reminds me my childhood, haha, I'm a little bit older than you but I see that we have the same references! :D Oh, And I love your make up, it suits you so well!
Apologize my english :)
That's an awesome Carrie look!!!
Must have been a really nice interveing Elle Fanning, she's such a mini star in the making!
By the way, love the way Rookie mag is going!
This stuff is so cool. I have been a follower for a long time and its so cool to see all your projects come together!
Nice hair colour!
I also like that gathered in girls
You want to enjoy the fashionable.
soo cute :)!
Could you girls possibly help me out and fill in this quick questionnaire about what magazines you like to read for my uni project? xx
please click the link below: it will only take you a couple of minutes - pinky promise <3
soo cute :)!
Could you girls possibly help me out and fill in this quick questionnaire about what magazines you like to read for my uni project? xx
please click the link below: it will only take you a couple of minutes - pinky promise <3
Your post inspire me a lot..
you do effin much stuffs...damn' at such tender age..
I am so inspired...seriously..
your blog leads me to a different world full of informations..that too intersting.. :)
I love you rookie...
i had to laugh when I heard you're voice on the DIY video. just fits so good to your posts.
i love your hair ♥
Hi Tavi! I knew your blog some time ago. I think it's wonderful, and it inspires me. What I like is that you created this space to express yourself personally and independently, many people have not been enjoying it. A big hug from VENEZUELA!!
I love this post so much and I love this blog so much. Anyways, besides just being a weird fangirl, I really love the Virgin Suicides dress, it's kind of a combination of Cecilia's wedding dress and the Lisbon sisters' homecoming dresses. The Virgin suicides = one of of the best movies ever. I totally follow Rookie now too. Admittedly I'm not a teen (which is the target audience), but even so, I still love the style articles, the eye candy, anything Petra is involved in, and of course, the articles written by the style rookie herself, Tavi. I really love the class photo pictures. I actually went and bought the "loser" shirt on the Subpop site after seeing the article. It's a really rad shirt, and it came with cool stickers too :). I don't think I'll be able to wear an inverted cross on my head with it, but I will wear it all the time. The style rookie is really an inspiration for me, and so is Rookie, and even though I'm 21 I still try to use the inspiration for my blog, what I wear, and my art. So keep rocking on like you do!!
hey! i'm sofi from greece!
i looove your blog and really admire your style!
i would like to invite you to visit my blog and i would really like to know your opinion about my creations!
oh man, there's just so much to see and read... how can you keep up with that speed? but I really like your interview with Elle! :) x
pls visit my own blog:
Your blog is amazing!!
Your blog is amazing!!
I love Petra's style of photography. It's so good! I have a blog too http://jumpingjac.blogspot.com/
Really really awsome!! i always love blogs like yours :)
we can follow ;)
Your blog is really lovely and inspiring!
14° Celsius over here till yesterday and i still catch a friggin flu and literally lose my voice...
whatever, don't know if you looked like a Science Heroine (don't see any evidence to the contrary, though), but your dress has a certain steampunk-y flair to it. and if you managed to maintain that depicted mien at every door on Halloween you sure made your way into some people's nightmares ;)
Rookie mostly is a damn fine read, though i'm clearly not the target demographic ^__^
i wasn't aware that you're also a talented draughtswoman; maybe you might wanna venture into that alley? cartoons and comics are an awesome medium. but i still don't know how you manage to juggle with/balance all these different parts of your life (school, homework, friends, hobbies, Rookie, this blog, time out to just be you and don't give a damn, fashion-related stuff, press, and you still might need to sleep every now and then... and nonetheless not putting out sub-prime stuff). from the outside it looks like an Herculean task. people might wanna try whatever you eat instead of snorting speed ^____^
seriously, i bow to thee. rock on!
Hey I love your blog :)
I've been completely addicted to RookieMag. It's just perfection, girly and clever and feminist, you've done an amazing job! I'm very interested in the December theme, I'm writing about it and putting together moodboards and I guess I just want to thank you for all the fun I'm having :)
This is absolutely what I love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm reading Rookie mag all the time. What I prefer is DIY rubrics! They are sooo cool. And Rookie mag has encouraged me to dye my hair in teal!! I'm doing it very soon. Thank you so much Tavi Gevinson for being alive, a blogger, a cute girl and a fantastic person. I'll send a picture of my hair to rookie mag soon. Anyway I love everything you do!
i like your virgin suicides look! very creative! :)
<3, Mimi
I can't imagine you haven't read Harry Potter! I grew up with HP. The final book came out right after I graduated from high school, and it really felt like my childhood was officially ending with the last book. Please read it! I can't imagine that you wouldn't enjoy it, and it's easy to fly through the books once you start. It's also relevant to your interests--I feel like Hermione is such a good feminist role model for girls.
The midnight book releases and movie premieres were probably the closest thing our generation will have to sentimentalized past events like seeing the Beatles or going to Woodstock. I mean, I'm not going to brag to my grandkids that I went to Warped Tour in 2004. But I'm sure as hell going to regale them with stories of what it was like to wait years in suspense for the next book, to gather with hundreds and thousands of people that night, and to freak out over reading. To dress up for events, see wizard rock bands, watch Wizard People, Dear Reader by Brad Neely (which is genius)--these are the events I'll romanticize to the youth.
Question anyone who puts Harry Potter on the same level as Twilight and thinks it is just fluff or a fad. I find Twilight pretty offensive. Harry Potter will be a classic. For me, the only fantasy books that lived up to HP were His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman (also wonderful, also not necessarily for kids).
I love your blog and Rookie! I hope you will let us know if you do read Harry Potter.
awesome post ;)
So nice:) The cats were lovely;) I have now a must-have-DIY:D
I couldn't figure out how to comment on your 21st century article - but wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed it and your blog. I actually grew up in the 80's and find it hysterical how romanticized it has become. It may seem weird that a 40-something woman reads your blog - but I so would have wanted you as my best friend in 1985! It is inspiring to know that young talent is out there and using this fantastic new tool - the INTERNET! - to grow, create, and just be themselves. Much success to you Tavi! And read Harry Potter - you will be glad you did!
great costume and mood board I will check out rookie x
I love love love the dress, and the outfit for the homecoming. Haha, I'm thinking more on the Bloody Mary side... But I have no idea.
Great post!
I love Rookiemag.com, the articles are always entertaining/interesting. I especially enjoyed the article you did on bitchfacing! lol! Great pictures too, the details of your dress look lovely! :)
♥ Check out my blog: Principessa Gabriella
love the crochet sleeves
I'm from croatia (small european country) and there is almost no male bloggers there so I started writing my blog about a month ago and you are one of the reasons why. <3 u!
Salvation Mountain is an amazing site to see...
Hi Tavi!
Agreeing with Maven up there about diversity - not only ethnicity, but also figures! Plump, skinny, short, super tall... everyday girls who haven't been chosen because they fit a certain idea of 'pretty'.
Loved the beginnings of Rookie.
Good luck with your work.
Tavi, you are the best blogger all over the world!
Great blog! Thank you!
Best regards
Really loved the 21st century article :)
Thea Natalie @ Creatures of Life
Check out my 'Low Luv' jewellery give away Here!!
I admire your creativity. This blog is amazing. I have so much fun going through. And I love those photos.
Jeavon @ Acne Treatment Reviews
When was this photoshoot in Niland?
I also visited Salvation Mountain this past summer (it was horribly hot) and some people were just wrapping up a photo shoot. I wonder if it was this one :)
When was this photoshoot in Niland?
I also visited Salvation Mountain this past summer (it was horribly hot) and some people were just wrapping up a photo shoot. I wonder if it was this one :)
I loved last month issue of rookie ( and this months and last months and every months) As I am a chicagoian myself i can feel myself retreating into the house with sweatpants and a boz set of all my favorite tv shows.
I love you homecoming dress
October was such a great month for all of the moods you posted about. I feel all warm and fuzzy just thinking about how inspiring and nice it was :}
Oh God you had Ginger here.
Adore the movie. Not that I know why, but it's the best
Hey. I tryed emailing u but u nevr replyed. I would lov to be friends but not if u dont reply ur emails!
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