heart n soul

(I guess it's this fascination with a romanticized idea of America that doesn't exist anymore...)

Prada Spring 2012
Rose McGowan
These amazing photos Chrissie White took for us at Rookie
Retrospace (the dress [waitress uniform?] in the car!)
Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland, unknown, Irma la Douce
Two unknowns, beauty school dropout in Grease
Rollerskates, Mystery Train
Via whoresatmydoor, Grease poster, unknown
Colette Saint Yves, Comme des Garcons PLAY ad
Eve and the Handyman, Dream Diary's You Are the Beat
Shannon and the Clams' I Wanna Go Home, Leeta Harding
Unknown via, Nina Leen, unknown
Canel's candy, county fair by Jerry de Wilde, Sleigh Bells' Treats, hearts

This was my beehive attempt. Normally I do half-up-half-down but I tried doing ALL of it, and without a hair rat and just by twisting and coiling and stuff, so it wasn't big enough and I kind of just looked like a semi-conehead. Also, having a big lump of hair on your head somehow changes your ATTITUDE. Also also, this skirt, gift from Miu Miu, is the perfect seafoamy mint color for everything I'm talking about here. I got the sweater at a Salvation Army that was not unlike the fourth flour of Pawnee's Parks and Recreation department in its atmosphere. Nurse scrubs with blood stains and the sounds of things breaking in the background. It was great and chock-full of gems and kind of sensory overload.
The left below is in Tokyo, on the right is in LA. Vaselines tee, vintage pants (you can't tell in the photo but they're lace and good and girl-gangy, and one of the only times I think I'll ever wear pants), and loafers gift from Rachel Antonoff for Bass.
More coming when I get more film developed. Having a disposable camera at all times has proved to be very useful. I feel like a jerk when I am already dressed in like, a peacoat, and I take it out to take a picture of like, a wall, but I guess it goes back to what I was saying about my handwriting above. I think at this point most creative things are pretentious or ambitious so it's just a waste of time to apologize for trying to develop your skills or eye or whatever. Everyone is so worried about seeming hipster but I dunno, I think caring about what kind of clothes other people wear or what kind of music they like is the most hipster. I would much rather be taking pictures and writing and be way in over my head and none of it even be that good than not do anything. Otherwise, I would probably be one of those people who puts all their self-perception in what their tastes say about them since they don't have anything they themselves make or do because they're afraid they won't be good at it because they believe you can't be creative just for yourself and that someone will say they are bad at it. Which just makes you think about what your tastes say about you all the more, which is that stupid mentality of people who are annoyed by hipsters. I just wanna like what I like! Where in this world is there any passion anymore! Any commitment! Once I didn't leave the couch for 25 hours except to go to Ihop. That took commitment.

Oh, and sorry for all the unknown sources here. They got lost in my hard drive and not even the new Google Images thing could help me. Please email me if you have any! Thanks.


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Ry said...

I love this post, oh my gosh, it's amazing! Your cat dog is amazing! Your beehive is amazing! Best post ever!


mademoiselle créative said...

The font and the little drawings are so cute! :)

mirae. said...

This is perfect, Tavi! I want to keep this post in a special pink sparkly treasure box. I love it so much!

Unknown said...

love that your handwritting :)

Suze said...

wow.. this post was the best!

Anna said...

I love this post because not only is it amazing but I bought GHOST WORLD dvd in a charity shop (quuiiirky!!) TODAY and I'm watching it TONIGHT with my boyfriend and we are so excited agh.

bloomsberrying.blogspot.com xxx

moiminnie said...

love the idea of a handwritten post! and i LOVE Ghost World, somehow it's super-inspiring for me as well.
xo, minnie @ moiminnie.blogspot.com

Suze said...

oooeeewwaaa this post got me so excited, the best! also your cat dog is very very cool.

meagan said...

tavi have you listened to the new album by the dum dum girls yet? i feel like it fit in perfectly with the moods you're discussing in this post - especially the albums's intangible sense of melancholia but its more tangible sense of longing. plus the album artwork is roses and ghosts and lace and it's really quite beautiful.

ps: miss you lots. xo

Anonymous said...

wow! great post, I really love the way you use your own handwriting, it gives your post an original feel, like nothing else, and the writing is kinda a vibe itself!

You may not post really often, but when you do it is so detailed and perfect, I wish I had your patience!I love the vibes, especially bubblegum and pale pink and kittens and fluffiness...

Dayzee styledynamite.blogspot.com
and my new website for teen fashion bloggers: www.wix.com/teenpeculiars.girls
(could you check it out? I was wondering if I could interview you for the website, you'd be inspiring towards other young style bloggers! Would that be OK? if you'd like to be interview get back to me at styledynamite@hotmail.co.uk

Dee said...

You have perfectly worded something I've felt for a while, about people being silly towards others who are just doing their thing and, not only being called hipster for it, but being hated on because they think it shows how "smart" and what "free thinkers" they are. Makes me feel better about trying out being more creative with my own things and it's a genuinely excellent argument for when people give you hell for it.A super awesome post indeed. :) (Hard to really comment about this without being so redundant. Bluh!)

mary van note said...

I love this post!!!

Anonymous said...

i love everything about this post but jfc, the last bit (i guess one could call it the conclusion?) is just... flawless. perfect. THANK YOU. AMEN. etc etc.

ps: enid is great and all, but there has to be someone out there who shares my undying love for rebecca?

Nea Jokinen said...

awesome post! it was so much fun reading this <3 I´ve been thinking about Ghost World for two weeks now and I just cound´t get the name into my head, so thanks fot that too! The movie is so inspiring, and the comic oh*

I was just listening this and I think U might like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCjufvdq_1c

Anonymous said...

Wow... Reading your writing in handwriting made your voice sound really different (in my head, at least). Usually, everything you say seems to have about a billion layers of sarcasm underneath it, but in handwriting, it was more like each layer was coated with frosting. Sort of like a sarcasm layer cake, instead of.... I don't know.... ..... I'm not a cake expert, so I think I'll just leave it at that.

olivia bee said...

ahhhh tavz i love this. so many good vibes

Helena H said...

PREACH tavi. love ya

A Norwegian said...

Super post, Tavi! This is not just a blogpost, this is a entire universe. Wow!

Have a nice weekend!


RubySaysMontana said...

"Atomic style" is what you call it and it is delicious in every way. Goes perfectly with your pastel-y LA Christmas. Check out "The Third From The Sun" episode from the original Twilight Zone. Right up your alley!

Pirate Smiles said...

I feel like the very beginning of Almost Famous really fits in with these vibes. It's Christmas of 1969 in San Diego and there are palm trees everywhere. Everything is flat and pale and boxy. You see girls tanning in front of an ugly house with wreaths on it and like, little kids in pastel outfits talking to Santa.

Anonymous said...

Your posts are so inspiring!

Emma x

MartaPalczewska said...

really inspiring & cool car!

Gun Street Girl said...

This post is epic!

I'm a photographer and I used to worry about looking like a tourist in my own city when I would be out taking photos of buildings, or the ocean, or whatever, but after awhile I decided it was more important to be happy with my photographs than to look like another indifferent Vancouverite to a bunch of people whom I'll probably never see again.

Unknown said...

love how you handwrote this post! great images:) xxx

Level Up! said...

I really love this post expecially what you said last. If liking what I like makes me a pretentious hipster then whatever...there's really no way to sort people out. You just like something or you dislike it and...this comment is getting distressingly long lol so, anyway- Great post.

anni said...

just love it! ♥


A said...

I love everything about this post (especially the handwritten words). I'm really into the vibes in this post!! : )


Anonymous said...

I posted this before but it disappeared.
What you're thinking of is called googie: http://www.spaceagecity.com/googie/

and it's weird to think you don't know about this (because I guess I take for granted that some of my cultural knowledge is more timing than how ubiquitous the information is) but have you seen Rocko's Modern Life?

nataliya said...

you're a genius! or a psychic one or the other...


Anonymous said...

This post is just endless fun - all the candy colours, 50's waitress uniforms, cotton candy and the pictures of Rose McGowan.
Also that point what you put at the end makes so much sense. Everyone is so cynical and critical towards people now who are just enjoying doing their own thing, whether it's dressing how they want and just all round experimenting. Seems like no one can get by now without being accused of trying too hard to be 'hipster' - whatever that is anyway!

Joy said...

wonderful meanderings here and there. i wish i was more creative. but i hate how school sucks the life and energy out of you (specially college!!!)

Maxens M. Finch said...

What about that girl in Lil' Elvis and the Truckstoppers:
The Prada pictures made me think of Spirou, and then I thought about that because of the glasses. That post felt like reading a diary!

Unknown said...

I've never actually heart of Ghost World before, but I really want to look into it more now! Love your attempt at a beehive!
(Enter my giveaway!)

Angie Park said...

I love your handwritten post! It's very Maira Kalman, but distinctly you. Your take on "California Christmas" is so interesting. I've lived in the Los Angeles suburbs most of my life, and your version of LA is more LA than I've ever experienced. I live in a street full of brown ranch homes, with lotsa mexican culture abound (which i love). We have strip malls, a drive-in bob's big boy, and the oldest standing McDonald's. But weirdly, i don't "feel" that mintgreen LA. It's funny, here, I think we are always wishing for the winter wonderland story. Whether you live in los angeles, or in the suburbs of Chicago, the LA dream always just feels like the LA dream. weird.

Lightning Heart said...

i love absolutely everything about this post!

none said...

Dear Tavi, I love this post! I think that hand-writing it was very appropriate and plus, if it felt right to you, then all the better! I live in California, and just this morning as I was driving to my sister's soccer match I was observing the way that the morning autumn sunlight was casting dramatic shadows on the simple and soft-coloured houses. Based on my recent fascination with suburbia and then the inspiration you've given me with this post, I definitely will be taking my camera with me everywhere I go so that I can document these lovely sights. Regretfully, I didn't have my camera with me this morning and I missed the opportunity to photograph this old woman wearing layers of pink and pastel green sweaters/coats while walking her little Chihuahua through the neighbourhood. It would have been such a great photo.

Cassie said...

you look awesome in that picture! btw, winnie cooper from the wonder years.

Unknown said...

This is such an amazing post.

ELM said...

Don't worry about pretension. You are not responsible for others' reaction to your art.

Christine @ Oh, Dinosaur! said...

except a socal winter is usually sunny and clear. it gets cold, but not too cold, and it hardly ever rains. i am from socal but now live in virginia, and i do miss socal at the holidays. there's just something about sunny days and then dark nights and palm trees and christmas lights and other city lights and lots of movement and people and shopping. also, since it's usually clear, you get more sun than somewhere where it's raining/snowing. the sunsets are great and the day lasts longer. for me, the movie that best feels socal xmas to me is "la confidential."

Red to Yellow said...

loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee this!!!!!!!!!


Emily Weeks said...

This is a great post! I especially liked the retro Christmas-ness.

Alison said...

Thanks for your post, Tavi!! I really love how you still take time to write and draw and share your thoughts and inspirations, even though you must be so busy.

Liam Góralczyk said...


Ellie said...

you're such a pretty brunette! Keep your hair colour :)


Laura Morrigan said...

I like all your little doodles. Ghost World rocks, and i really really really want that car! I love old muscle cars!


Alison said...

AH, I remembered my other comment: I love retro Christmas, too! But more-so wood-panel basements, Charlie Brown Christmas soundtrack in the background, those Christmas trees made out of glass jars lighting the room, dark blue evening skies, quiet snow, etcetc. (these things are totes not retro but I'm going with it)

Josephine Frances said...

Tavi you are amazing and I love that last paragraph!!! You're my hero, for reals :)

l'influence said...



Elysse said...

I think you should watch "Anita and Me". It's a British film so I don't think many would know about it at the other side of the pond, but it has enough 70s vibes, a good story and an awkward friendship you'd like.

Elena Lovecat said...

Okay, I'm going to slow down 'cos there's so much to comment that my head is, like, overhelmed.
First of all; dammnit Tavi, your metal images are SO difficult to figure out! It may be because of my "lack" of American culture, but I hardly can tell what you are talking about when you say "California Christmas". It's all very beautiful anyway, and the way you're dressing at the moment reminds me of my "pin-up/rockabilly" days.
I totally understand what you say about being fascinated by people! And I don't really know its matter...
That last paragraph, Tavi. THAT. PARAGRAPH. It has make you win a present for sure (wait for it, 'cos I promise someday I'll send you something). About being a hipster, it's such a crap caring for it. Truth is, it's even easier to "admit" you're a hipster (this automatically cancels being a true hipster) and keep on with your life. Or joke about it.
And, oh god, how right you are about not being ashamed of creating. I'm totally that type of person, who is afraid of being bad at what I like, and I'm working really hard on changing it.
And, well, may I have to apologise for writing this much? I just liked your post so much I thought it wouldn't be fair to write a crappy comment.

Regina said...

Gaahh Tavi. Coming here and reading your thoughts on subjects like these brightens my mood. I could copy/paste nearly everything you write here on my random .doc file and it wouldn't get old. (I would apologize for this sounding creepy but it wouldn't make sense after your last paragraph. Let me like what i like, world, goddamnit)
Maybe it's because I'm not American but i have this soft spot for US history/culture and so I specially love your (very passionate) input on America through all these different decades. It's refreshing.

our lady said...

yay, new stuff! I always like seeing people's handwriting. I can't imagine being in California for christmas... it would feel so wrong!
I like your end note on hipsters.- it's strange that it seems now anything you do or like that is a little different makes you a HIPSTER but then if you ask people to define a hipster they can't, really. It resonates because a few weeks ago one of my roommates said that he saw I used to have short hair, which he said was "pretty hipster" (??).

zoomslow said...

I’ve always liked reading what you have to say, and seeing the pictures that you show. But! (Is there such a thing as a one-word sentence?) When you ‘write’ what you have to say, and ‘draw’ what you have to show, then we’re getting a lot more of Tavi. And I for one do not think that’s a bad thing! <3

But then having said that I did earlier on try to cut and paste some of your handwriting! So now I’m going to have to, like, force my fingers to do a lot more work than push a mouse around and click my index finger! [;-))] But for that extra hit of Tavi, then it’s totally worth it!

“…where people had babies and yelled at each other and made up and kept secrets.” = I don’t think I could have ever articulated this, but it’s exactly how I feel. How do you know these things? <3

Style Stars said...

you manage to reference the most amazing things...you manage to put all of this together so well. i love the bit about the creepy thing because somehow it all makes perfect sense..


rikit said...

well this whole post was pretty much great. I admire your ability to turn anything into a fashion inspiration which I think a lot of people miss. And your handwriting is kinda cute and slanty and makes me want to make zines. ALSO THE LAST PARAGRAPH ABOUT THE HIPSTERS, thank you for articulating what lots of creatives are probably thinking. Or at least what I feel, but can't say because it's hard to put some ideas you have in the vaguest notions into a convincing argument. Like I feel most hipster critics use the word pretentious in the most contrary way.

Raymond Suny said...

Kids at my school are torn between hipster hating and trying to hard to be "indie".

Unknown said...

wow!super!like prada))

Julia said...



S said...

Don't worry about pretentiousness (which I am glad to see you're basically not!) You're awesome Tavi, don't let the bastards get you down.

Kailey said...

Lovely post - I love how you incorporated your handwriting, Ghost World stills, and all of these gorgeous pictures! Meanwhile, your beehive look is incredible. The woman on the right in the pictures captioned "Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland, two unknowns" is a Lolita inspired prostitute from the Shirley MacLaine movie "Irma la Douce" (1963) - one of my favorite films and one I would definitely recommend! ^^

Anonymous said...

#1- The '50s atomic age shapes you drew are usually found in Googie architecture out here in the West. So Google Googie and you will boogie.

#2 - I'm gonna have a handwriting analyst check out your post to see if you're crazeballs wackadoodle or not, okay?

#3 - Did you get to swing by Marshall High when you were in L.A.? :)

Stay Gold, Tavi.


Andreya Casablanca said...

Good post Tavi ! Ghost World is truly a mekka of inspiration.

Love the scene when Enid defends her "original 1977-punk look"

("Oh god, haven't they told you ? Cindy Lauper is so out..")

haha. :-) as my teacher used to say: keep up the good work

Anonymous said...

Oh my, I just wrote an entry yesterdaythat includes the Japanese girl's leather jacket from Mystery Train. That's creepy.
(This plump from Japan, thank you)

Katya said...

I really like the beehive idea. Sometime I want to go to Japan, just to see the people dancing there. I've been reading your blog for ages but only just started my own.

Camilla Hay Jenssen said...

THANK YOU, you lovely girl, for giving me so much inspiration at once that I just want to explode in any way artistic possible. And yeah by the way you are like super-cool for writing half of this post in handwriting. You are, like, my idol or something, Oh god! <3

Unknown said...

Hey Tavi,

I think one of your "two unknows" - right after Mickey Rooney & Judy Garland - might be Sue Lyon, aka Lolita.

Loved this post. Keep on x

Belle Helene said...

Wooo, epic post. Refreshing and Original.


what a lovely blog post! I adore your unique way of blogging dear tavi! xx


Esmée said...

Pastel christmas..that instantly reminds me of Edward Scissorhands.
All the pastel houses and the retro christmas stuff like those white fake trees.

Mwandu said...

This is such an amazing post! I write in a journal regularly, and this kind of reminds me of it. I especially like the creativity of your drawings etc.
I also wondered if you'd ever seen Peter, Bjorn and John's music video which features the same yoyogi park dancing in it, it's been one of my favourites for a while but i never knew it was actually like, a thing! I don't know how to do links, but heres the url in case you wanted to check it out (which i think you should because not only is it a great video but the song is really good too...if you like that kind of thing anyway).

F said...

God Tavi you aren't the 'average girl next door'! You're so amazing its untrue. I wish I could be a millionth as amazing, beautiful, smart, stylish and brilliant as you are. This is so clever.

Anonymous said...

Agreed on the last part, just DO something.. and have fun while you're at.

Tavi said...

Esmee - AH! perfect reference!

mwandu - this is perfect. thanks.

dazzleships - I still have to!! Pretty in Pink dreams.

Kailey - thanks!!

Pirate Smiles - Totally! When Alvin and the Chipmunks is playing with the palm trees in the very beginning...

Meagan - YES! I love it. And the album art and anything too. I'm gonna text you about getting together again soon.

And thanks everyone else for the nice words and all the recommendations. I'm glad you like the handwriting, I think I will probably start doing it more, and more posts like these that are less frequent but chock-full. <3

Anonymous said...

This post is just endless fun - all the candy colours, 50's waitress
uniforms, cotton candy and the pictures of Rose McGowan.
Also that point what you put at the end makes so much sense. Everyone is so
cynical and critical towards people now who are just enjoying doing their
own thing, whether it's dressing how they want and just all round
experimenting. Seems like no one can get by now without being accused of
trying too hard to be 'hipster' - whatever that is anyway!

Oh, Hi said...

HUH? Looking at Kate Moss photos and saw this:

Quinn G. said...

Tavi...I just started reading your blog and Rookie mag(I actually made two apps on my phone for them). This post is magnificent...it changed my view on pastels. I've never liked them because they remind me of those "awkward prepubescent training bras" and tampon boxes. But you have just made me like them. You're fantastic!

Lovers, Saints & Sailors said...

You know, it was really enjoyable reading your handwritten stuff. I'm a huge fan of writing letters so it actually felt more normal than anything.

Anonymous said...

This is so cool that you are doing this. I was posting to tell you that, and also to tell you that I have a blog, too, not for competition, but you might like it. here is the link:
Good luck with your blog!

Carissa Clark said...

I love all of this, every single photograph. Lovely! :)

thwany said...

very nice! thanks for always keeping it fresh and interesting.

Marissa said...

you would really like the film Tokyo-Ga by Wim Wenders if you have not seen it--lots of footage of the Japanese rockabilly dancers, along with an inside look at how those fake food sample plates are made! and other stuff.

Gabriel said...

TAVIIIIIII get out of my head! If you ever want to step into Ghost World, come to San Jose. San Carlos Street & Bascom is the closest it gets imo. Also The Alameda near Race Street and The Flamingo Hotel. If yr ever in the area, check them out! You won't regret it I promise.

Anonymous said...

Love that you hand wrote this blog, there is something very special about it. You should do this more often :)


Anonymous said...

Love that you hand wrote this blog, there is something very special about it. You should do this more often :)


Dongaala said...

love u rookie!
every post of urs is a special one!

Sarah Cole said...

Tavi, you are a true inspiration!

Leah said...

there is this band you would really like called 'the pleasure seekers' this post spesh 'minds me of them. CHECK EM OUT

i think they only have like two songs (that i know of) all- girl rockin' sixties band


Judy said...

I think this is one of my favorite posts I've ever read on this blog. It's as if somehow you got inside my head and wrote it all down, and it's weird because I'm 27 and somehow I feel like we shouldn't be thinking about the same things, but then again, you're not a typical teenager, or maybe I'm not a typical 27 year old. Who knows. This is kind of a letter so I will stop writing now. I love the post.

Shelly said...

Totally original! When I saw that you had a Judy Garland pic I think my heart stopped a beat. She is my all time favorite. I think the guy with her is someone else not Mickey Rooney and they must be doing the jive or the jitterbug. All the styles of those decades cannot be forgotten. You so have commitment! Rock it!

hannah, heart city said...

love it tavi. keep wearing pea coats and taking pictures of walls.

Lydia Armstrong said...

I need to write down that entire last paragraph and just carry it around with me.

Janet Kwon said...

Tavi, first off you are so rad. And second, the way that you structured this particular post (I don't know why it's this particular post, since a lot of them are like this), reminds me in the weirdest way of the aesthetic philosophy of Alfred Barnes, this super rad curmudgeon who was one of the first people in America to start collecting post-impressionist art (i.e Picasso, Matisse. Other side note: check out the documentary The Art of the Steal, which is about his foundation). He believed in viewing art for what it is is, by the content of its lines, shapes, forms, etc. Your analysis of all these seemingly disparate things is a really cool end product of noticing similar aesthetic sensibilities all around you. I find that really neat, and I completely agree with your last paragraph. I would rather seem like a huge dork talking really excitedly about something I am passionate about than just be ambivalent and jaded. Keep on keepin' on!

Audrey said...

I loved Japan too! I love how they revive American trends and reinvent them. :3

Blue Turtle said...

I love this post. I love the humor. I love that you handwrite this article. I love the photos you shared. I love all this stuff. I love this blog. I love it! I love it! I love it!

Jeavon @ Acne Treatment Reviews

Agnes said...

Tavi, if you're still into beehive hairdos next summer, you should come to Baltimore for Honfest: http://www.honfest.net/

Deer Drifter said...

You are Wicked radical Tavi. love what you do, say, think, make. Major thumbs up to you chicky! Keep it up. You're living it.

Anonymous said...

Excellent parsing of the whole 'hipster' dilemma. I know you mentioned in passing about the issue before but I'm glad you decided to finally address it more fully. There surprisingly isn't enough insightful commentary about it out there. (Probably because the whole issue is pretty much confined to a community of insecure teenaged/college-aged kids; but however unsubstantial that makes it, for those of us in constant contact with such a community, its unresolvedness (??) is unsettling.)

Unrelated: maybe it's because you were writing by hand and in pen, but it seems your writing has become a bit more uncertain (is it fair to judge on a single blog entry?). Though I really appreciate acknowledging one's own, well, gaps in knowledge, the amount of self-scrutinizing here felt a little troubling. (But perhaps I'm overly sensitive to that because I find myself constantly doing the same thing. Oh, there I go again..)

Oh, and: adoring the pic of you with the old Caddy (that is a Cadillac, right? No? Oh, well). It captivates me more, I think, than anything in the glossies does. Perhaps it's because I find fantasy more accessible the closer it is to reality. Or something like that.

hyp7 said...

Ew, why is my name like that? It makes me look like a spammer or robot or something. Well, it was supposed to just say 'Harry' if you decide to respond and don't feel like typing out a random string of numbers.

silence_snow said...

i love "Ghost World"!!!!!!
i love this post!

Sylwia Kruczek said...

Love "Ghost world", and your site is very interesting ;-)*


Flor Frutal said...

OH MY GOD! This post is not real! ♥

Anonymous said...


YOU - LOOK - SO - BEAUTIFUL. That big hair, make up ..makes you very feminine and I like what I saw here. You're a woman, girl!

xx indie by heart

cancercowboy said...

couldn't stand christmas without snow. just a sentimental habit but a die-hard one.
there's a connection between modern "hipsters" and L.A. snow: they feel fake. contemporary "hipsters" define themselves ultimately about what they consume, not what they do.
but i can understand their shunning and disgust towards people who go and claim to work in the "creative professions" cause nowadays that mostly means PR or advertising aka "telling lies or omitting parts of the truth to sell a product".
also, so much stuff has been done or tried that its hard not to feel like a copy-cat. but fuck that. new things are still created every day. you'll never find out what you're capable of if you don't try. on a universal scale you still might end up as a copy-cat but at least you gave it a whirl.
oh, and nice hair ^____^

Jill said...

omg i live in oakland!! so true about the grey sky christmas...

balkis said...

It always pleasantly surprises me with how insightful you are. The last part totally changed the mood of my day for the better/more ambitious. Thanks!


deborah said...

tavi you are beautiful, and this is your BEST POST YET!!!!!! xx

oona said...

oohhhh, pure awesomness.



Santiago. said...

HEYY TAVI ¡¡ I'm a spanish blogger :D I love your pohotos and spirit :3

listen this song, I know you like.

P.S : My english is so bad, sorry :(

see you soon xxx <3

Natalia said...

I'M SPEECHLESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! with this post ;)...anyway... I adore Ghost World movie...just catched it yesterday in a movie channel.

Natalia said...

yup! best post ever! Tavi you're awesome...and I feel so old :(

ani said...

Must of taken ages for you to do that!!! Amazing inspiration board! I love your girl gang style this month!!!

Mortal Sense of Beauty said...

Hi Tavi,

You seem to worry quite a bit about appearing to be a hipster in your aesthetic pursuits. I've never considered you a hipster because there's something unaffected, un-self-conscious, and wholly sincere about you (yes, you somehow manage to be un-self-conscious in your self-consciousness--don't ask me how you do it!). But there is an aspect of what interests you that some might consider characteristically hipster--and that is that you tend to like things in an ironic way. Please understand that this is not a criticism or my attempt to label you as a hipster. It's just that I've noticed that you'll often use references to "vomit pink" or "creepy" dolls or "pathetic" trinkets.... It's as if to have merit for you, an otherwise pretty/lovely/cheerful/bright aesthetic must be corrupted in some way, with an ugly story or bitter association or something dark. Again, this is just something I've noticed about your preferences, and I have to admit that it makes me a tiny bit sad in a way I don't fully understand. Please please realize that I have tons of respect for you and your work--I'm just fascinated with what drives other people's sense of the beautiful. I'm starting a blog soon in which I'll explore these issues...I hope to count you as a reader.

All the best,

Pia Bergman said...

LA Christmases are amazing. I grew up here, went to college in the Northwest, and recently moved back. I appreciate the intricacies of the city much more after I've been gone for 4 years. I love waking up every morning and feelings like I live in a David Hockney painting.

Much Love to you Tav.

N. said...

jeez, what a long post!
But you kept me interested the entire time.
Ghost World was a really good flick.
I suppose its refreshing to see the pale colors instead of brights that hurt your eyes or grays and dirty browns that depress.
The pales are comforting, indeed.

What you said about finding private homes more interesting than historic buildings...
Well, I can see where you're coming from...the mystery of unknown families inside their tiny homes doing god knows what...KILLING EACH OTHER.

For the past 2 years my parents and I have been looking for a house. We have gone to so many open houses, etc. Most people live poorly. I don't mean they are poor...but their homes are just disappointing due to their own negligence and the actual architecture. DON'T forget the SMELLS.

Thats actually a good idea, if you have time you should go with your parents and pretend to be interested in new real estate. Its almost like you're picking a person's brain simply by surveying their belongings and the probable mess of it all.


Amanda Rizkita said...

lovely, period.

✞Josephine✞ said...

I really like this post! Love the 50's/60's style. And I like The Style Rookie, in general!This blog is so different compared with all others. I've been reading this blog for almost 2 years now. Really good job.

Ravenna Moreira said...



Vega said...


this whole post is awesome


LC said...



Unknown said...



Micampanini said...

Hi Tavi!
We are a group of advertising students from the University of Galicia (Spain).
We are working about the repercussion of fashion blogs, so we think you are a good example. If you can answer these questions we will so grateful! Thank you!
- How did you advertise your blog? And now?

- When did you realize of the increase in visits? And why do you think that happened?

- How the fashion designers did contact with you?

- Are you thinking add advertise of clothes, designers… in your blog?

- What do you want to do in the future?

Thank you again; we hope your answer because it will be very helpful.
Sorry about our English.

Jennivi Jordan said...

You like pastels... you should visit Chefchaouen, Morocco. It's mostly in the shade of blue but it's the cutest town with the cutest people (and cats) by the mountains. (http://jennivi-likes.tumblr.com/post/13292108022/chefchaouen-morocco)

Anonymous said...

I *love* it that you actually wrote this post, and all the cute little doodles, love it. Reminds me of boring Math classes when you start scribbling and drawing on the side of the page. I still do it at work when I'm bored, I can't help it!

Sassy Filles said...

I love this movie! I want to be them...
I'm always watching movies you write about and I never regret... You have great taste.
Keep on!
Best wishes - Melania

Anonymous said...

You're too intelligent for your own good...

Lily said...

love it! <33 so cute!

Laura said...

Tavi, you crack me up! I love everything about this post.

Chimdi said...

ummm is that UFO sighting picture from Arnsdorf's scrapbook? Just wondering..

ohh and cool post :)))

Anonymous said...

wow, i love the idea of handwriting, great post!

Jason said...

I really enjoyed the replay of your interview on NPR today. Best wishes.

Trashy Student said...

The beehive really suits you.. that hairstyle has a way of making everyone look older though doesn't it?
and Christmas seems waaay different in the US much more sunny :) waaay too old for ice cream across the pond!

I totally get what you're saying about hipsters too.. its wierd how in doing something you like doing, people would judge you for doing it but after it would be really cool and creative. Like, no one thinks for themselves, and everything has to be put on tumbler, taking the interestingness and uniquness out of every moment and publishing it for street-cred.
We should appreciate small things from time to time. Im glad you recognise that too :) xx

SuSach said...

THAT, my friend, was an inspired post... quite inspiring as well. This is my version of some damn good Saturday night reading :) Thanks, as always.



rmcompton said...

I love this post- it made me happy for reasons below:
1.ghost world x20 and enid's style
2.hand written, seems lame, however it is much enjoyed by myself
3.reason #23 why I want long hair again.. I am obsessed with the idea od teasing my hair.. but alas it's too short.
4.the old t-bird & you picture
5.the prada spring collection. amazing

Allie Doersch said...

This is a repetitive thing to say, but the handwritten text is great. Even in digitally dominated mediums [like blogs!] I think it is worth a lot to retain that hand made feeling. Thanks for this!

Jenny said...

your last paragraph here and your "justification" for writing out on paper your post.... bravo!!! i couldn't have explained it better.

im said...

Actually your whole california christmas thing makes total sense. I live really close to oakland, and california gets really weird at christmas time because everyone has up their decorations and it is 70˚F outside and it's just woefully out of place. especially the horribly wonderful blow up santas. But the lights are just beautiful. The little tiny houses with just the strip of white lights are just magic.

Liza said...

Such a good post. I know exactttly what you mean when describing your 'pale california christmas', the idea has always interested me as well. <3

Unknown said...

This post is AMAZING!! and INCREDIBLY entertaining!!!

I just stated a new fashion and style blog and I really think you would enjoy it! I would LOVE to know what you think!!!


I V Y said...

these are kinda really cool.

zebra and meerkat

enter my ambra giveaway here! xo

מיכל♥ג'וש said...

first time I'm commenting here - extreme thank you for that. the twisted sorbet theme (as you precisely showed with the prada pics) was really way out there @ s/s 2012 (I'm thinking phillip lim and mostly, most sublimely, jonathan saunders). anyway, the main thing here is the visual (+emotional) journal you so wonderfully created+curated here, and for that, again, thank you.

Thea said...

Amazing blog. So interesting, full of inspiring cues...


for real BOOKS LOVERS... are you one of them? :)

Anonymous said...

you're soo cool girl!!!!! love you're blog! so original chic!

hi, i'm doing a christmas giveaway, it would be grat if you'll partecipate!!

K said...

Hehe cute doodles :)
Oh and I love Prada collection
for it quirky car theme,and all that stuff!


Madame Leavesly said...

I just died.


D. LaFerry said...

I'm writing this from a candy-colored building in Oakland, CA... I'm originally from the Plains states, where winter is cold and snowy and windy and dark. Here, we have fog and Christmas decorations and temperatures warm enough to wear sweaters alone outside in the winter, which does allow for a dreamy sort of awesomeness. There is also the thing that a certain subculture of SoCal and NorCal retro-mods collect and display a lot of 50s and early 1960s Christmas things... lots of which involve pink and mint and kelly green and a lot of aluminum and glitter and flocking. I understand this post totally... and I think you could probably also reference the Christmas scenes from Edward Scissorhands, with the pastel houses of Burbank, CA a perfect backdrop to the darkness of banal suburbia.

DSTONE Magazine said...

I love this post!
Great Job!


Unknown said...

first time reader here. I have always wanted to watch Ghost World and i think when it first came out i was 20. Everyone told me not to watch it cos it was weird and boring so I didn't but after reading this post i really think i should give it a go. A long time has since past when I used to care what people thought about me and how my life just revolved around it. Now I embrace my "quirkiness" and I met someone who told me the reason why he fell for me was because I am a little odd :) awesome blog btw. you have another new follower :)

tame. said...

hi, just found your blog again. was looking here before some month but i didnt recoverd it. so now i did, yay!
im from germany and looooooooove your posts! biggest thumbs up!
keep it up!

Lauren M. said...

I've been reading your blog for years now, I guess, but never commented. This post is just too good! You're so right on. Thank you!

Etrala London said...

Wow!! It´s amazing!!!
I´m a blogger as well and love the way you write, draw & everything!
Congratulations ;-)


Anonymous said...

Wow, what a great post!! I love it!!

Hybrid Hunter

rachel kara said...

I tried to stop reading, really I did (gots sh*t to do yknow) but just kept scrolling and loving and drinking it up. Best post I've read in some time now

Unknown said...

Long Post, Super!!!
great job, concepts and ideas as always.
I invite you to visit my new work:
Copying Claudia Schiffer",yes I do, the world is connected. Sometimes we live the lives of others. Is something magnetic. I want to create a new being inspired by her. The catharsis in:

Unknown said...

loved this post, so creative... rose mcgowan looks fab in those photos

Unknown said...

LOVE it so amazing and inspiring :)




Bella said...

I love your handwritten posts! They give the blog a sort of nostalgic/retro/DIY vibe. Also...that photo of you in the girl gang pants and loafers...RAD. Loling at the fake beehive. At least you can sort of get your hair to cooperate. My hair is not having it. It collapses halfway through and I look like I'm in a bad sit-com.

nikki said...

what a fun and entertaining post! great work, girl.

nikki from http://carry-on-couture.blogspot.com

Millie♡ said...

Tavi your amazing and your blog is phenomenal!
I love every post and the interview you posted was fab!

Love it! Love it all!


Anonymous said...

Gosh, who would've thunk? This whole handwritten article is pretty neat :)

I especially liked the scenes from "Ghost World". Being a comic book enthusiast, I think it's great you included it here (seeing that I'm downloading the comic as of the mo'). I really like this entry. It's certainly interesting :)

doctorkquinn said...

Your thoroughness blows me away. I can't even imagine your day to day life of absolute absorption! And what impresses me most is your ability to churn this out in comprehensible FORM. I'm extremely inspired. Great taste, girl.

Romey said...

Love the beehive!! You should totally wear that as your everyday look lol! :P Trying to be like you, you are like my icon.... lol that sounds cheesy but it's true! We have a bit of different styles and ya, but check out my blog, and tell me if you think I'm on a good start... Please?


AND BTW, Ihop is sooo worth getting off the couch for any day! :)

Hanna said...


MUFFIN said...

you're sooooo pretty !

Anonymous said...

..I'm surfing in the internet and came across your blog.
..I'm quite impressed , with how it makes such good reading.

*_* nEnEng *_*
Buy and Sell

Julie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Interesting mood board, i've enjoyed it.
It's nice to see you're concerning about what you wear.

French eco-friendly fashion

Jenifer said...

Tavi you're the most gifted girl ever, you really make me think in how everything is no longer how it should be, UGH you're my hero grrrl and so is your cat.

so jelly you went to Japan, have you thought of Korea? is really one hell of a country, I wish you could talk about it so more people could see how awesome it is.

love from Mexico, you rock Tavi.

Our Youth said...

''Which just makes you think about what your tastes say about you all the more, which is that stupid mentality of people who are annoyed by hipsters. I just wanna like what I like! Where in this world is there any passion anymore! ''

Oh my! So trueeeee! Thank you for this post.

Samira Phoenix said...

really special blog.
really fascinating.
I just don't know what to say anymore!
Check out my blog and smell my blogging stuff.
maybe it smells good for u.

greetz from fvkkin rainy germany.

Bella said...

I can't even think about Spring stuff now though...I'm busy listening to the She & Him Christmas album and waiting for it to just snow already.

Great post, though. I love everything about this.

bookworm9822 said...

Best post EVEEEERRRR. I love the idea of a handwritten post!
I know what you mean about the being surrounded by boring, old, ugly buildings though, because I live in a Chicago suburb too! Why is it that in so many places in the world the buildings are so beautiful and old, but here in America the only motive for architecture is to make it cheap? No one knows what beautiful architecture is. I walk around my town looking for beautiful things to photograph, and it looks so ugly.

Sóley said...

Ahh Ghost World. I remember when I saw the movie first. I can hardly recall the story, one of those films I need to see again, but I remember a sad, empty feeling... But in a good way?
Anyway, Steve Buscemi will always be Seymour to me.

I love the last part of the post. The one about the fear of being seen as a hipster, really just the fear of being exposed I guess.
We're all supposed to know that we're no less interesting than anyone else and we should just do/write/scream whatever feels right to us, but I guess we just need a reminder sometimes. That's what you did, and I love that.

Anyway, looking forward to whatever you bring us next.

Tora said...

You're in Norwegian newspapers, Tavi.

We take all the credit for you being famous, obviously.


Unknown said...

Very interesting. I'll follow.

Follow my blog?

Anonymous said...

Wow this post is absolutely AMAZING. Following you now.
I've just opened a GIVEAWAY, join HERE if you want (:

xoxo ♥♥♥

Lily said...

great post♥♥
love the drawings haha(:

follow me?

twanks guys!

Tracy said...

Love this!

Ela Iliesi said...

You gave me a wonderful idea with this half handwritten post, thank you

Maria Garcia Pita said...

i realyy like your website :) check my blog i'm portuguese

Kathryn Ross said...


thecityfolklore said...

Congratulations on the most CREATIVE post I've ever found online! Mind-blowing stuff, really!

Love Ghost World and have seen it a billion times already but couldn't obviously go without watching it yet another time after this!

Woww really impressive. Well done!

Mary Rose

Julia said...

Tavi you should definitely watch 'But I'm a cheerleader'. It goes so well with this kind of vibes!

SK said...

Such a funny and wicked idea to handwrite a post!

Aimée said...

Pale Califotnia Christmas theme. Genius
What have u been up to
Almost a whole month and new post

nikki said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
nikki said...

hey tavi, I read your blog and rookie allllllllll the time like a stalker (i promise i'm not though)...but i never leave comments. HOWEVER...I wanted to leave a comment so I could show you this pinboard I found, it's too good and seemed right up your street to me. full of 80s and 90s teen girl awesomeness :)


hope you like! ps. ROOKIE IS AWESOME. thank you for all of your inspiration and energy.

Rachel Beth said...

Ahh the bad seed is the scariest movie! I had nightmares as a child and I still can't watch it! Great post!

Anonymous said...

Hello-I am not sure if someone already mentioned this but I believe the style you are referring to is googie. It originated in southern california during the 40s and up through the 60s. The whole kind of space age/50s vibe. I have really been feeling that lately as well.

Anonymous said...

Hello-I am not sure if someone already mentioned this but I believe the style you are referring to is googie. It originated in southern california during the 40s and up through the 60s. The whole kind of space age/50s vibe. I have really been feeling that lately as well.

Karina Salsabila said...

cieee iPhone baru met yawww i love your style dude!

Sally Smith said...

I really like this post.You really like vintage and I find it amazing too seeing those pictures you have shared..Keep it up!And oh by the way,I just want to share this really cool shopping app called "Should I buy it?", http://bit.ly/sibifm33 for fellow online shoppers which you can download at iTunes that allows you to get instant feedback from your Facebook friends on whether you should buy something or not (either for yourself or as a gift).I have tried it and it is really amazing..:D

Unknown said...

funny !
take a look !

Chesney said...

I love when you were talking about the whole hipster thing. haha, so true. you get it so honest :) mint seafoam is my favorite and you look quite lovely in it!

Julie said...

Ohhhh, you so good girl :D This post is amazing)


Jessica said...

umm how about best post ever!!
this was so fun to read you have a beautiful handwriting! cheers :)

Unknown said...

Your blog is very nice :)


Max said...

I adore the Prada Pictures. I like how you are dressed very vintage and then take the picture with an iphone. Very Cool contrast. Great Post!

Iida Pohjolainen said...

I love the pictures you have collected! If your interested, take a look at my illustrating and fashion drawing blog:

Sadee Says said...

I loved Freaks and Geeks!

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