Also, Allison's red dress at the end of Cry-Baby, and red and blue for 3D glasses.
These fall vibes inspired Rookie in September when I made the moodboard...

This is the (crappily made) moodboard I sent Petra for September, and she came up with all this brilliance! (More of the school spirit one at the link, these are just my absolute favorites.) (Which ended up being most of them.)

More of Petra's photos for Rookie are here. And, we change the background photo every day, and the September ones were also basically everything I've been babbling on about, all these vintage photos of weird after school clubs and chatty girls walking to class, and we posted all of those here.
Most of the real life fall vibes didn't get captured, which I am okay with, because you know what can be kind of nice? Not having to document/share/publish everything and letting some things just be really sweet private memories. It's all in my notebook, which of course is red.

From when I borrowed Miu Miu, with my Twin Peaks necklace and the Secret Diary of Laura Palmer.

These are from a day of Twizzlers and Crunch bars and listening to a 50s/60s girl groups mixtape and trying to find parts of our town that don't look like they exist now or here. My little button is a rainbow that says JESUS underneath, given to me by a true Catholic-raised teenager who now resents her father. Anaheed says I look a little stoned in this photo, so I can now add "on drugs" to my list of ways in which my face deceives people by telling them I am: angry, sad, cursing voodoo on them in my head while they are speaking.

And this is me being pensive, like our friend Joey here.

You are growing into such a beautiful woman!
lovely! visit me :)
Damn, this is definitely the best one yet. The lace socks, cheerleader skirts and pink hair are amazing. And you look stunning. Like, freakishly stunning.
yes, you are so pretty and love the eyeliner, seems that you are so inspired with 80-90's fashion style
teen burnout tavi is my favorite iteration of you that isn't real
absolutely perfect. LIKE ALWAYS!!!!
diggin' all the red vibes and digging your eyeliner. you are so beautiful Tavi. so so beautiful.
God you're so freaking cool.
John Bender! <3 <3
This whole fall vibes thing is just great, precisely the way I am feeling at the moment. and rookie is just fantastic it turned out soooo well.
Love your colour diagram. Still think you should check out The Tracey Fragments. Would fit in nicely with your discussions.
I've been meaning to watch that!!
this is wonderfulllllll. i want to live in your blog.
Great fall vibes inspiration collection. I am contemplating doing my own but of course it's COMPLETELY different from yours. Love every part of the post.
the colors + patterns notebook drawings are great. I think you're beautiful.
god i love this blog so bad
i love the outfit! you look great!
so obsessed with Twin Peaks now. I keep saying The Owls are not what they seem and Damn good coffee to myself!
great moodboards!
i love your blog, it's so inpsiring! and Rookie mag!
I have enjoyed reading your posts on Fall Vibes so very much... so much that I even got a back to school crave! Memories of being back in high school...!
Re. Fall vibes part 3
I have you to thank for introducing me to The Royal Tenenbaums. I think you normally use that, “I have you to thank…” in a negative way, like, “I have you to thank for my broken ankle!” But in this case it’s all good <3
Margot is a huge inspiration! It’s: that consistency/insistency of her style (but always cool), her individuality/independence, plus her early love of plays/play-writing.
I’m not really familiar with Bill and ‘Freaks and Geeks’ – but that’s a heart-warming clip. Reminds me of an Andy Warhol quote about how anyone anywhere drinking Coke, experiences exactly the same thing – it was something like, “All Coke’s are the same and all Coke’s are good.” But in this case we have young Bill at home (?) watching a successful comedian (Gary Shandling?) on TV. Their worlds could not be more different, but they are both thoroughly enjoying the joke :-)
Re. Fall vibes part 4
The lists are amazing! I can kind of see how you might be piecing it all together in your mind [ALL THIS COHESION GIVES ME SUCH SATISFACTION = Yay, Tavi! :-)]. And I think I’m starting to now as well! I’m just really getting into the general vibe that’s emerging from it all. So thanks for letting us see, and at least in my case, take inspiration from this process :-)
And the kind of school photos… I like how you focus in on the colours, the patterns, the prints, the poses etc. You seem to have a very clear vision and understanding of all this…I must have walked around my school with my eyes shut (clueless) :-/
Photos of Tavi: Especially like that second last one of you. With respect to Anaheed, I really don’t think you look drug-affected. I just think you look particularly kind of accessible and interesting here. I could imagine myself sitting opposite you, as you look at me and kindly reach into your red duffle bag to get a Crunch bar for me??? :-))) And of course I really like the last one because you just look very pretty!
P.S Not to be creepy but I could seriously print out your notebook pages and hug them. The ‘Colors and patterns’ pages are particularly beautiful.
Love this :)
The craft is deffo what I wished I dressed like in high school, alas I wasn't that cool.
Love the shots!
Great post!
damn, i was going for thoughtful.
Swooning. SWOONING!
lovely :)
Everything in this post makes me want to cry tears of happiness! All of this is so spot on to what I've been feeling this fall.
And you are the most incrediblebeautifulsmartlovely person on earth.
Yours is my favorite blog. True inspiration, and I have really been appreciating the fall vibes posts, not to mention the one about The Virgin Suicides. Thank you for such a great blog.
It's so nice to find more twin peaks grease cry baby heathers geeks in the world!
Have you seen Dream a Little Dream?
Reality Bites? Rushmore?
I think you would like them.
Also- I know Dirty Dancing is too dorky for some, but the mood is autumnal to me- what do you think?
Yes, I was a teen in the 90s - and it was good times;)
Love the colour overlapping diagram/chart thing!
You really are so beautiful...I know you don't like being called "conventionally pretty" but your not stereotypical pretty, its a different kind...yeah so I sound pretty creepy...anyway great post!
You like Flog gnaw! I read the new Rookie everyday... even though I am a boy. I still like it a lot!
The diagrams are a teacher's dream. Think, pair, share.
Acid wash!
I'm glad to see that you're embracing red and blue because I always want to wear those colors together, but I feel so Fourth of July. Now I see the possibilities! Also, everyone needs to see Heavenly Creatures.
On a final note, this post was a thing of beauty. Everything is so cohesive and my eyes are celebrating.
so inspirative!!!
I love all your fall vies posts, even though I've never watched most of the things you talk about...
You're so gorgeous. :)
But wait... I must be reading your venn diagram wrong. Last time I checked, pizza was not red blue and green. Unless that's not a picture of pizza.
You are truly mesmerizing. Totally stocked about all things gingham, striped, and plaid. Oh, and knee high socks, of course.
Omg these pictures are so lovely!! :D
Your are so beautiful!! I like you so much!
I love this post. The pictures are awesome, and so are yours. And those scans are amazing! I mean, your whole visions of the world around you right now through colors and "vibes", and the movies... great idea... it's so nice and pleasant to read them!
You are so gorgeous it's ridiculous
Oh Tavi. You are one-of-a-kind sublime.
Oh my stars. Tooo KOOOK for SKOOL!
...new addiction'...TAVI!!!!..im a rOOkie fAn'...;)
it reminds me of you...
You can Twin Peaksy it all you want, but those last two photos of you are so Yeh Yeh girl to me. Love it.
p.s. I love the ketchup and mustard drawing.
I love the Red sparkling glasses!!
I love all the detail you always go into in your posts. It must take you aagges to finish a post! you're really inspirational. the pictures were all cool but the ones of you were stunning, you loked amazing and i love your unique sense of style :D
I loooooove your style. You really inspired me!
Pls visit my Blog
hahaha love this post because I´m an absolute fan of 10 things I hate about you!
have you seen the movie paris texas?? definitely seems like you would like it considering your aesthetic.
Me ha gustado mucho la entrada, todo lo americano con temática de instituto y su repercusión en la moda me parece muy interesante! cool pics and nice outfit, this entree has been put together very nicely!
your schemata are getting more and more elaborate, clear evidence that you're sporting the stoner tunnel vision ^____^
i once had this great idea to reorganize my cd collection whilst high as a kite... i don't recommend it ^__^
at least your eyes seem to cope with the light, one of the worst nuisances when stoned in the daytime, as reliable sources are forced to admit ;)
have a nice weekend.
Swell photos, especially the photo with the metal fence. Blown away by your 10 things I hate about you reference. How do I love thee
love your post...visit mine!
Love your hair, love your make up xx
you're growing up so well!!!! and red suits you..
but why are you so interesting in 80's and 90's???
love your pics at the end
damn didn't even know laura's diary
was available in hardback
and there's a necklace too?!!
street style: what are you wearing? (who are you listening to?)
I can pretty much relate to your entire high school list. A page right out of my own diary back in the day. LOL
Cute and stylish striped <a href="http://www.loudstarbazaar.com/shop/brand-ben-sherman/ben-sherman-eyelet-skirt/p_46.html>Ladies skirts</a>.
You have (another) new fan! I read your interview in Spin Magazine, loved it, checked out your blog, loved it even more. How the heck are you only 15 and already chock-full of so much awesomeness? Keep up the fabulous work!
adore this.
i so wish we had been friends in high school.
also, you are missing ghost world! (maybe purposely?) seems like it would jive with your inspiration.
Digging the hair color. It's perfect for fall.
I love your blog,it's always beautiful i must find some lace socks and practice looking pensive in my mirror
Hi Tavi, wanted to tell you that I admire your work and your blog! You were one of the first to made it and there are such a lot of people as me who made their own blog after inspired by your! So well this is my blog if you agree to just go on it for 2 minutes it would be an honor!
they are such amazing pictures
I love your make up and hair hun
Rosie xxx
check out my blog
Nice photos very beautiful! You are so creative, the drawings are cool!
Best Solution For A Healthy Body
Where did you find your Twin Peaks necklace?
This old school era really so, sob
so remember once when I was a school if you see the photo above
omg john bender!
Great photos! Very '90! You're awesome girl! visit me :)
Very cool pictures!!!!!I love it!~
Seriously.? You are awesome. You remind me of a much stronger, braver and pensive me when I was your age. I am only 27 now, but it is so encouraging to see your young talent recognized on a global scale, the interwebs! Holy mackerel!
I know you will keep true to your message. Girls and teenagers everywhere need good female role models to help support them. Too many times, this will prove opposite with girl's jealousy or straight up competitiveness. It won't stop in the workplace until woman make it a point to stop. There is the glass ceiling that the men CEOs set and then there is the ceiling that women set for our counterparts. I believe in solidarity and I believe that is what you support even though you may not know it yet. Please keep it up! Girls need a good independent girl as their role model. :)
Beware of money and slick CEOs
You've inspired me to do some calender making. Again, I love the photography and the two toned hair
These little lists and notes you've been posting are so precious, I used to do the exact same thing, during classes, listing everything I was into, trying to define myself, putting together an identity in between Math and English.
wonderfulllllll. i like it your blog.
I love those stripey socks I bought some just to wear and be like those pictures.. YOu look so pretty in those last two pictures and I remember reading the original post of that jacket -its still marvellous! x
Hei=) Tøft at du tørr være deg selv i klesveien. Det skal mye til av en tenåring. Skal ganske mye mot til på din alder, da de fleste vil kle seg likt alle andre, for å passe inn. Hva er vitsen. Vær deg selv. Vær unik.
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Wow, I haven't visited your blog in a while and its like you've already grown into such a lovely woman. Your new hairstyle and makeup really suits you. You look like a rad retro adolescent than uh...well sorry to say but a grandmaish teenager.
where did you get the girls thing on the back of your jacket from? i've been wanting one for sooo long :o
Great article
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Best known as the founder and original leader of the Rolling Stones, Brian Jones net worth was an English musician and composer. Initially a slide guitarist, Jones went on to play a wide variety of instruments on Rolling Stones recordings and in concerts, from lead and rhythm guitar and sitar to various keyboard and wind instruments.
After he founded the Rolling Stones as a British blues outfit in 1962, and gave the band its name, Jones's fellow band members Keith Richards and Mick Jagger began to take over the band's musical direction, especially after they became a successful songwriting team. Jones and fellow guitarist Richards also developed a unique style of guitar play that Richards refers to as the "ancient art of weaving" in which both players would play rhythm and lead parts together. Richards continued the style with later guitarists, and the sound became a Rolling Stones trademark. Jones, however, did not get along with the band's manager, Andrew Loog Oldham, who pushed the band into a musical direction at odds with Jones's blues background, and with whom he got into many fights.
When Jones developed alcohol and drug problems, his performance in the studio became increasingly unreliable, leading to a diminished role within the band he had founded. In June 1969, the Rolling Stones dismissed Jones; guitarist Mick Taylor took his place in the group. Less than a month later, at 27 years of age, Jones died by drowning in the swimming pool at his home. Jones’s death was referenced in songs by many other pop bands, and Pete Townshend and Jim Morrison wrote poems about it. Referring to Jones, the Rolling Stones' Bill Wyman lamented the waste of a great innovator. In 1989, the Rolling Stones, including Jones, were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
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