The thought of summer and its nearing end is causing me to make unnecessarily profound observations about the way the light is hitting all the crap on my desk while the sun sets. I feel ridiculous! But sincerely sad! Summer nostalgia is the worst kind because you're thrown into an entirely different routine so fast. You go from going to McDonald's barefoot whenever you want to having to get an education. (Some people might argue that the reverse of that would be the undesirable circumstance, but these people have obviously never felt the pure bliss of a stoner's spilled ketchup between their toes, or the sheer dread of a privileged teenager to have to listen to a smart adult who knows what they're talking about.)
Another part of it is summer itself. The yellow tint of old photos and the haze of blurry memories are inherent to its weather. Also, how readily romanticize-able the weather is when you want it to be. Like, it'll be December 26th, and you'll be like, I can't wait until the summer so I can look like Kirsten Dunst in the Virgin Suicides and dance in a field with a unicorn! Then it comes and you're like, oh, nevermind, that's cool I guess, I'll just continue to sit in front of the air conditioner picking at my scabs while watching Why Would You Wear That What The Hell Is Wrong With You: Gay BFF To The Rescue! Edition. (This also happens when you watch it and you're like, I am definitely going to have a crush on the next person I see! And then you're like, wow, everyone I know is way, way sweatier than Josh Hartnett, including myself.) (Note my use of a general "you" so no one knows that I am actually the sweaty one.)
Summer also comes with other pop culture that can really make a person sigh wistfully. Stand By Me, The Sandlot, The Wonder Years, Now and Then, Almost Famous; music like the Beach Boys and Cat Stevens. These can be referenced and momentarily revived with bike riding, ice cream trucks, the fourth of July, and people at Lollapalooza who say things like "This is our Woodstock!" while a nearby aging bearded sound guy gently weeps.
This dress was really important to my summer. I bought it at a vintage store with my friends and wore it when we performed spells in the park and drew pentacles on the pitcher's mound at midnight. It has 16 buttons and a good Mormon/70's vibe. Spencer took really nice smokebomb photos when I was wearing it when we went to Michigan in June. What a multi-talented young sir.

It also suited my mood quite well when my dad and I went to Los Angeles in July. Petra took this pretty picture when we were hanging out. I am so popular and I have so many friends and everyone just wants to take pictures of me all the time!!!!!!!!!!!
(Me: Do you think you could, um, take a picture of me in this dress, for like, my blog, or something? I don't know I just really want to um, capture this moment because like, I don't know I really like this dress and I feel like it has a lot to do with my summer, and so does LA, and I really like being here, and I really like California, and it makes me miss my grandparents, and um, do you think that would be possible?
Petra: Yeah sure?
Frankie: RELAX)

It's now very odor-ridden. I don't mind smells or stains on my clothes, it's like hiding flowers and stickers in all my books...I like having a lot of stuff that show some signs of life, mine and their own both. This is also why I like birth marks, pimples, rashes, and scabs.
And I really do love California. Its VIBES SPEAK to me. It's a good place to be bored.

I went to an antique store with Autumn and Arrow and got a lot of nice old photos and postcards. I couldn't believe this one a soldier or nurse wrote, or that it ended up in an antique store somewhere:

I wish I knew shorthand.
The acquired records:

I'm really excited about the recordings from Alan Lomax's trip to the south in the late 50's I got at Ooga Booga. Also, I never find anything like Carole King or Carly Simon at the thrift stores here! Always a lot of Barry Manilow and Barbra Streisand. This was basically my soundtrack to LA as well as the whole summer, or, "Movie Soundtracks!"
Oogum Boogum by Brenton Wood Maybe Baby by Buddy Holly Breaking Up is Hard To Do by Little Eva Signed Sealed Delivered by Stevie Wonder Surfer Girl by Beach Boys Society's Child by Janis Ian Band of Gold by Freda Payne My One and Only Jimmy Boy by the Girlfriends America by Simon & Garfunkel Stand By Me by Ben E. King I Want You Back by Jackson 5 You're So Vain by Carly Simon I've Seen All Good People by Yes Congratulations by the Chantels Lollipop by the Chordettes Second Hand News by Fleetwood Mac Let the Good Times Roll by Shirley & Lee Magic Man by Heart Johnny Angel by Shelley Fabares House of the Rising Sun by Joan Baez That's the Way Boys Are by Lesley Gore Where Do the Children Play? by Cat Stevens Yakety Yak by the Coasters One Fine Day by the Chiffons Come to the Sunshine by Van Dyke Parks Tiny Dancer by Elton John Be My Baby by the Ronettes So Far Away by Carole King Summer Breeze by Seals and Croft Cactus Tree by Joni Mitchell.
But it's coming to a nice close. Ella and I found a spot of grass by the highway that doesn't feel like the streets next to it and spent some time singing there, and at Spencer's yesterday his cousin, mom and I looked at his mom's old diaries and letters from her friends from the ages of I think 9-16, in the late 60s and early 70s. Things like Peter Max stationary and a diary entry asking where a Harold from Harold and Maude-type boy was made me really weirdly sad, and want to utilize all this stationary I hoard.
And with that, I must now write in my notebook. It's 3:30 AM! So excited to start getting up at 6:30. Like, soooooo excited.
Ah, well. Thankfully, stoners spill ketchup on the floor of the school cafeteria, too. And while I have not been known to take my shoes off during lunch, perhaps I'll find myself feeling especially sentimental some day this year, and these babies will see the low-watt institutional light of day for just one moment of relived glory.
I like it very much!!! You look really awesome in those pictures!
like it!
I like it too.
i get summer nostalgia too. it is ridiculous and i end up wasting my last week not wanting to go back to school.
oh and nice photos :)
Gorgeous post Tavi! ^^
xx indie by heart
beautiful photos, and the whole atmosphere of the post is pure love <3
xx, anár // decadent essence of innocence
what a beauty of a blogpost!
I love this ode to careless, free summers (not that this summer was that for me, but I can relate). You look stunning in that dress, the pictures set just the right mood. I like the text on the postcard, (what I can read from it) funny that they have these things at a vintage store.
What a... beautiful post you have here. It made me all careless and wanting to spill some ketchup for you in your possibly new school cafetaria. The photo taken by Petra is just amazing!
Your post just made me look so differently to my official last weekend of summervacation. Next week it'll be my birthday, always on the end of summer. Today I will enjoy my possibly last day of sun and harvest one of the apple trees in my backyard! And maybe create a secret language between me and my best friends like the one on your postcard so I can send them myself and having someone wondering about it in the future too.
Have a lovely last summervacationweekend.. or week, maybe.
Oh dearie. I so understand the summer nostalgia. In fact, I made a post about summer nostalgia at one point, before summer had even officially began. Haha. .. Oh, feel free to take a looksee if you'd like.
summer solstice nostalgia,
I'm nostalgic for summer already having started back at school... my summers never serm to live upto my expextations, no dancing with unicorns sigh... love your posts as they always cheer me up and inspire me...
I can get wondrously lost in your writing, Tavi! What is simply summer vacation nostalgia, you have translated into such a beautiful sensory experience and a trip tunneled through vintage store treasures.
Hopefully your feet may have a glimpse of the florescent light of day as a cheerful reminder that summer is just around the corner.
♥, Jamie
I prefer to buy used clothes/objects that shows signs of life too.
Sometimes I can't decide on what to buy, I just smell the thing and look at it and imagine what its life was before, and that of its owner.
16 buttons? haha that's intense.
I love the photos with you as the model in this post! The smokebomb photos are having such a mystic mood, and I get the feeling the girl on the photos is just the ghost of a sad young lady from yesterday living in a large-scale château park and appearing every year at the day of her tragic death. And I also like the photo in front of the house, especially your countenance, can't exactly explain what it is. But you see, the photos were a big source of inspiration for my fantasy :D
Nice greets, Melina Cenicero
Awesome pics!
I love the pictures, especially the smoke bomb effect on the first few! xx
Sirens and Bells
Hi Tavi, I just read over at that you are going to co-host an event with Ari Seth Cohen in September. Way to go girl! I appreciate your being part of the movement that is opening up(slowly) the too-constrained definitions of art, fashion and how they relate to one's life. Thanks for a great blog, hope you continue to enjoy putting it out.
All these photos are beautiful, especially the first few :) x
woaoo love these pictures, the dark side with this great...
I’ve been thinking for like, an hour how to respond to this post because my usual thing of picking out a few things to comment on is nowhere near enough here.
But then as I was starting to get really annoyed by some horror movie that’s on the TV, I looked back to the screen that was scrolled down to the middle of the last picture – and found myself looking at those lovely flowers.
So you know, in some weird virtual reality, my response to this wonderful post would be to pick-up those flowers and give them to you! :-)
Your photos are phenomenal. That dress is amazing!
You really hit the nail on the head about summer romanticism. The constant dreamy nature of summer and how the dreams are never quite the same, but that doesn't change how wonderful summer is. Summer is still the greatest, even when it isn't like the movies. The dreaming just makes it better.
Almost Famous! that movie changed my perspective entirely...
awesome.that dress is amazing and perfect for you, love the smoke bomb photos.
I love grown-up California Tavi.
That pile of records just made me totz emo and homesick! My mum loves Carly (she named my sister Karli after her) and Carole and has these 2 albums from when she was a teenager. Her name's Dawn and when she bought new records as a kid she drew a rising sun on all of them to make sure everyone knew they were hers. Tapestry is our family soundtrack. I hope you feel da earth move when you listen to them! xo
You start today?
This might be one of your best posts. Love the photos!
I feel the same way. I'm going into 10th grade. WHat grade are you going in? Could you do a first day of school outfit? These vibes are making me jealous!
You look so pretty with that dress on.
Thanks guys <3
lyrebirdgully, thanks! I'm really excited about that too.
Brodie, that's the sweetest thing I ever heard. Your mom and Spencer's mom need to share these things!
Bohemian Rhapsody, I am starting the 10th grade on Wednesday. I might post an outfit but I'm not sure.
oh hey, weetzie.
what a gorgeous post !!
this dress makes you so pretty ^^
I have very mixed feelings about summer ending. I love summer, I love living at the beach with sand in my hair and the sun in my eyes, but I also am super excited for my senior year. I just wish I could get the fun stuff without all the work I'm going to have to do.
But I guess that's not how the real world works, is it?
And I'm glad you enjoyed California! It really is a remarkable place.
TAVI! Hi. All of this is incredible and overwhelming and making me not want to go back to school/want to go back to school. Contradictory feelings.
Good luck with 10th grade! It won't slaughter you, I promise. Not like Parsons slaughters me.
I like summer, but I look foreward fall. I love the rain and sitting on the sofa having a nice cup of hot chocalate while watching dvds. I love knitted things and scarfs and all this stuff. Please summer, don't be so long!
But I know how much everyone loves summer, so...
Maybe I should move to Scandinavia when I finished school.
LOve Filia
ooh nice mix :)
loved these shots, absolutely stunning
Wow this looks great :)
Please take a minute to look at my trunkshow;
Poetic. All of it. Poetic.
I LOVE! Beautiful photos ♥
The smoke bomb photographs are very lovely, and I kind of really enjoy that extra blurry picture that is curvy on the side.
i can't wait for your book to come out..
you have such a way with writing.
wonderful post Tavi.
you put so much effort into your blog posts. each one is beautiful. I love the appreciation you have for life and small beautiful things.
i was so obsessed with buddy holly and the ronettes this summer too. this playlist is perfect.
Great post. I always look forward to reading your blog Tavi and your photo's are gorgeous!
Tavii , you are perfect <3 omg.
beautifull pic!
aww this is a lovely post Tavi. it is always so cad when summer comes to an end.
I just discovered your blog in a list of the best fashion blogs. I really love it, come visit me at
Stellar post! Love the dress by the way! Especially those sleeves!
Lots of love,
There has to be SOMEONE SOMEWHERE in the internet that knows shorthand-
you are an amazing writer! that dress looks great on you.
hate to sound like one of those relatives, but gracious, you're getting tall! or at least that picture makes you look tall.
also, this pretty much sums up my feelings on summer. i've been trying to stare at the sunsets as much as i can before they get all bland and fall-ish. not that fall isn't a good season, it's just a difference kind of good.
i love the picture of you in front of the house in the dress. very virgin suicides-esque. and your writing is great! im getting my mfa in creative writing and used to be a journalist. you're pretty far along for being so young! :)
I can only tell you that I love the summer, and actually generates nostalgia when starting end.
I love your vintage dress is adorable ... and the pictures are very beautiful.
Mariana xx
Photos are very beautiful!
your dress is awesome! usually i'm not into flower pattern, but this overflow on your dress seems right.
i'm feeling kinda bewitched right now, must be your vibes. :3
and as for any nostalgia: SO glad this damn summer's almost over. can't stand the heat. =_=
Summer ending is always a source of depression for me. I cannot wait for the next one. (And how I hated school when I was a student...)
The second picture looks great! It is like The Ring's Samara.
you've made me delightfully excited about summer...adore the dress chere.
that dress is ridiculously cute.. *suddenly every article of clothing i own looks less cool* :P
You're in my list people full of awesomeness...
In the postcard, some of the words look Arabic, even though I know they are not! ( I'm not Arabic but I learned how to read that in school)
My school starts on September 1st so I still have 10 days to break my skull over 'what I can achieve in 10 days'. What can I do with my time left? Any suggestions?
Your summer sounds perfect. I wish I had done such wonderful things, but I mostly watched Friends reruns and ate ice cream.
Let us know if you find someone able to translate the rest of the post card!
These photos are PERFECT to showcase that dress, which is just absolutely stunning. I'm quite's just so elegant and edgy at teh same time, especially with the great photography.
<3 Cambria
Hi TAVI! I finally finished reading your post. It's great that you're blissfully enjoying your summer or maybe not. And I was beyond WOWED by your vintage dress and your pics. I enjoyed it so much that it scared me. There'es this dark side to your second photo. and I definitely love the way the sunlight hits on you, it gives you this model-on-editorial VIBE.
Fashion speed Tavi
Lovely post title.
Nest time your in California its a must you send this strage reader a heads up and i will show you around the best spots! <3
This year I'll try and think of summer that way, instead of complaining about it being RIDICULOUSLY hot all the time. Guess that's what you get for living in Australia...
Your Hair is looking good!
You remind me of being young... and that is so refreshing ;)
HI! I love you blog and i think it's more influent than much others.... any way it' very interesting and original !! I opened one too... it' about fashion ... what else ?! :D any way if yoy want you can see it at
You can comment my post and say me what you think about... thank and compliment !!!! xo xo
You're post pretty much sums up how I feel about summer, too.. I love the way you articulate these kinds of feelings that people usually keep in the back of their minds.
Dreamy beauty...
You have friends who can take some pretty great photos!
Great photos, and you are such a good writer at your age! That's so nice to see and it reminds me of me when I was younger. I also like that you don't care about fitting into a cookie-cuter style and dress as if by haphazard. :)
Beauty, Lifestyle, Empowerment
Augh this post encapsulates EXACTLY how I feel about summer. I tried to make a "summer" playlist once, but if you're not listening to it as the wind blows around and you are boiling hot and sweaty, it just isn't the same. I haven't ever posted a comment before (god knows why! I am busy sitting in my room thinking, "OH GOD OH GOD I AM NOT PART OF THE CULTURAL ELITE I AM NOT WORTHY OH GOD OH GOD") BUT here I am now! Oh and by the by, I see you are once again in my SPIN magazine! I don't know why I subscribe to SPIN, they are just annoying people who think they're down with the kids because they use words like "mainstream" and "indie" and "accessible" Ah well. Anyways, I am very glad they interviewed you, brightened up the whole reading experience! Thanks!
oh my god, the first three pictures are so amazing and beautiful!
i love your way of creativity and your style.
kiss, luise
it would be a honor for me if you would visit my blog ♥
A ha-lariously well-written post, Tavi. Wonderful images.
Oh my god I bet no one else here cares about the Lomax record but that is SO special! I had an internship working with the record sleeves from some of his recordings, transcribing his notes and such. Very cool. Happy summer!
Do you have a download link for that mix? It's pretty awesome!
so talented, love the photgraphy!
check out and follow my new blog
look forward to seeing more of your work!
yeah, summertime, when the livin' was easy... personally i prefer to be nostalgic about things i did or didn't do in spring and fall, because i can't cope with high humidity ;)
words, dress, pics and music are good, as almost always here. the first three photos have a slightly zombie-esque feel, like you just dug your way out of the Louisiana swamps ^^
How do you manage to constantly upload so many beautiful photos? It gives me clothes envy and I bow down to your patience. Gorgeous dress and you're right about the 1970's thing. It looks like something a drug-fuelled alternative indie singer would pull on for a gig while they're hungover and STILL look good.
creepy/haunting photos- in a good way! :p
Hi Girl!
Great pics as always!!!
I love your concepts and creativity. Congrats and regards from Utopiablog ;)
I also use colored smoke:
and I want my summer to pass fast!!!
You are like the marriahhhj of carrie and the virgin suicides with a hint of children of the corn. I like it.
This is SO gorgeous! I'm thrilled to see you posting more personal looks.
I like it very much!!! You look really awesome in those pictures!
wholesale clothing
what a lovely post !
awesome summer recap. I love this long 70s dress on you. your Summer playlist was dope. I love the Alan Lomax compilations from his travels in the deep south. Get them all. They will all blow your mind. On them you will find shape singing (sacred heart singing)(America's earliest mode of singing before people could read), field working songs, sitting on the porch playing the juice harp songs. I hope you enjoy the transport to these simple, soulful days. I want to burn you a cd cause you're just the most entertaining, thoughtful youngin out there. If you feel inclined, you can email me with your address to
Crystal Lee
nakedcowgirl vintage
I just can't say goodbye with my summer outfit that's why I'm glad browsing your blog. Your summer style looks awesome!
Ms. Goodrich | men tuxedos
How can i tell you that you are my goddes??? Just like that.
Love your style and you are my fave witchy girl.
You have a thought process that i wish others around me had as well, finding the beauty in the little things. This is the first summer that I realized doing nothing could be so fun. To be at peace with simplicity and enjoy the warmth of the sun.
Good luck with grade ten! I am going into grade 11 myself. I found grade 10 to be the slowest year so far. I wasn't even a matter of it being boring or difficult just the the days felt magically longer. But it became the kind of year that you want to last longer. Have fun!
I love the photography!! Please visit my blog at and let me know what you think!
Frock Star xxx
Amazing photos again!
Best of wishes for you from Finland!
lets be friends
Best song ever! Oogum boogum, boogum boogum... haha.
Hi Tavi, these photos look great. They really made me think of the Vancouver photographer Karin Bubas. You might find her work interesting:
I particularly love this dress Tavi...beautiful and interesting. I'm going thrifting this weekend to see if I can find anything interesting!
You are slightly amazing missy!
These pics are amazing! so perfect for the tone of your musing!
I love the pictures. You really should become a model.
I loved this blog entry. It really did capture the whole essence of summer.
this is stunning
ich mag deine verruchten bilder! wirken allerdigns vielleicht besser im Hellen. Ist so dunkel bei mir....gruuuselig....!
besucht doch mal meinen Blog stil.werk, ich freu mich auf euch! :P
Oh, hi Tavi! I really like your style and I wish I was like you! By the way, your pictures are amazing!
September 09, 2011 7:34 AM
i want to see your closet
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