Angela Chase had two school dances in her high school experience that, like Freaks and Geeks, was too short. I preferred the trippy one in the Halloween episode over the one in the episode narrated by Krakow because he is a curly yellow ball of stalk.

The Virgin Suicides' scene is one after my own heart, though. That part when Bonnie says she's having the best time, how Trip and Lux are crowned king and queen, how it's kind of the only time in the movie when you get the feeling that they're happy...that is, til they all kill themselves, LOL! (I am a terrible person) (Yes I did understand that movie as about more than people killing themselves) (Thank you)

And now for photos with color editing almost as ADD as that of The Virgin Suicides itself: Rachel Antonoff's Fall presentation! It was really delightful. Her presentations are usually basically installations, really drawing you in and giving a feel for the ambiance (vocab word from English a few months ago, fancy seeing you pop up in my brain). But it's not like all the balloons and cupcakes were supposed to cover up the quality of the clothes, because there's nothing to cover up! They are beautiful all on their own. If we were in any of the movies or shows mentioned above that would be a line that I would tell my best friend who recently got her first hormonal wave of insecurity.

So many wonderful details! I decided to be annoying and pretentious and only post pretty pictures so this is like the only one where you can actually see the clothes, har har.

The tights were so good. I think knees are really ugly -- along with armpits, elbows, and ears -- so my attitude when it comes to decorating them with cats is not unlike that of Bryce Shivers and Lisa Eversman when it comes to everything with birds.

This actually took place the same day as my own school's dance, but it was the turnabout one so I wouldn't have been going anyway. I'll stick with the aesthetically pleasing and fictional kind as long as I can before facing body odor -- a truth that I fear the most. (I feel you, Elizabeth Taylor.) (RIP.)
Oh and today was my blorg's 3rd birthday. Happy birthday, blorg! I did the retrospective and introspective thing a few days ago so there's no need for that now (and thank you to those who got it for being cool and thank you to those who didn't for only furthering my point). I celebrated by eating cookies and googling bad birthday clip art.

i so DO NOT miss high school.
I wish you let us see the clothes!
I luvv this post. School dances dance parties, and concerts all get pretty awkward and smelly, but, they're fun. The pics are great. I love the tights with the cathead on the knees. A pair of nude nylons with a heart at the knees would be my dream. :)
The Halloween episode of MSCL will always be my favorite <3 <3
And Oh My God those cat head tights are brilliant! I definitely need a pair.
I love this post. Freaks & Geeks will forever be my favorite canceled show, followed up by My-So called.
Hahah oh awkward school dances. I remember those from middle school. As a senior, I've only been to one high school dance ever, and it was the yearbook dance that I have to go to because I'm in yearbook and it's part of my grade.
I'm kind of tempted to go to senior prom just because I want to blow my money on a bombtastic dress (aka excuse to buy designer), but I also get seasick and will probably end up spending the whole night throwing up on a boat. Yeah. Tavi, I hope you will post about your school formal dresses if you go.
I'd prefer to just forget highschool althogether. Congrats on the 3 years!
Glass of Fashion
Happy 3rd birthday for your blog!
Rachel Antonoff is a woman after my own heart. Never mind the fact that she's BFF with Maeby Funke, her presentations are, without doubt, the most fun anyone has ever had with fashion ever.
Fantastic post! I'm a big fan of Rachel Antonoff, and anyone's good in my book if they're fans of the Like (I don't think you'll appreciate how hard it was to not say, "like the Like").
I love this post.
Congratulations on the 3 years!
happy blog day bebe
Happy birthday to your blog <3
xxxx jazz
3 years must be a very long journey, i am a newbie in blog and has been admired yours. started to blogging this year one of my inspire is you!
happy birthday to tavi's blog :)))
oh. How much I love Freaks and Geeks!
LOVE the 'carrie' reference, Stephen King AGFEEHGHEIGG! We actually never had a prom, the management was left up to us and the steering committee was too high to actually get anything planned (thatswhathappenswhenyougivestonersresponsibility...) but no-one would've turned up anyway. We were all to cool to do that
The clothes look really cool, and I seriously LOVE the installation presentation concept, very cool :)
Happy Blog-Birthday!
Well, I guess I got 4 more years of highschool. And 4 more years of suffering and akward dances were you drink too much juice and tap your shoes. :( ON a lighter note, Happy Birthday Blorg!
Dankeschön. :)
Happy Blogday!
Aww we don't have dances at my school :( great post as always Tavi !
I'll never be to a school dance cause schools singapore never have school dances! Plus, i'm in a girls school, and girl don't just dance with girls. HAHA
Tavi, how could you forget to mention Brian Krakow stalking Jordan Catalano and Rayanne Graff!?!
Prom. He he he. Love the perfect vibes, especially in that Virgin Suicides and Pretty in Pink vibe.
Cats make the world go round.
i love this. i too am in high school and i love this group of photographs. so cool. thank you for sharing tavi.
Oh, Freaks and Geeks, always makes me smile!
Am I glad I didn't attend high school in the US though! :)
Happy Blogbirthday! Yours was the first style blog I started to read, thanks for all the great inspiration you share!
The heart pattern and cat silhouette tights are super cute. I agree, high school dances are awkward.
Congrats on your blog's 3rd birthday!
much love.
great post! awesome clothes <3
love you
honestly i wish my school had more formal dances and less drunken stumble fests.
Happy birthday blorg! When I discovered you earlier this year, I went back through and read a bunch of your older posts. Your writing style especially has grown so much since you started. You're so popular in the blog world, and in the fashion world, not just because you're a young wunderkind, but because you're actually really awesome. Oh, and I miss Angela Chase so much. I need to find that DVD box set.
Whha!?! Ears are so cute and where would we be without the phrase, "The bee's knees.!" Please Tavi. Armpits on the other hand...
Oh, and Happy Birthday!11!!1
a trombone skirt?!?! i played trombone for 10 years and was in marching band and was a total band geek and whatnot, so this is exceptionally appealing to me. also appreciating the printed tights for the same reason you are.
TAVI I'M IN SHOCK. Pixar is making a totoro movie. Unless this is a april fools prank...
Happy Birthday Blorg! :)
High school dances though - quite over-rated. I forgot mine the next morning :/
xx G
Look who's Wearing (LwW)
Happy Birthday Blog!
My high school Prom was memorable only because all the teachers got drunk and a fair few of them decided to try and pole dance. I lol'd.
happy b-day stylerookie
i've uploaded first april post up too :)
Tawi baby, you are very talented girl)
you inspire me and you have a kind eyes;)
I loved high school. I was so into crazy fashion, running around the halls in Gumby suits, and workin it on the dance floor at all the school dances. I wish I could have utilized myself differently during that time, but I think we would have been best friends in high school.
Also, so glad you watch Portlandia. That show has my heart. I'm dying to move to Portland to immerse myself with that whole culture they've got going over there.
Those tights are incredible! So inspiring!
Happy 3rd blogging Birthday for yesterday!
I love looking through your posts. You have an awesome personality.
Happy 3rd blogging Birthday for yesterday!
I love looking through your posts. You have an awesome personality.
the decor is kinda weird, but so cute in the same time!
I just saw the Virgin Suicides for the first time last weekend! I cried the entire way through! So sad and so beautiful!
i recently had a John Hughes 80s party...a "prom" inspired by school dances (with spiked punch, natch) and the guests dressed as their fave JH character. I was Andie!
Freaks and Geeks is my one true love thank you for also loving it.
tavi, i agree with you about knees, but you must reconsider ears---ears can be fabulous! also, just think of the softness of cats' ears or dogs' ears.....
best portlandia clip ever. except maybe the femenist bookstore. no no... this is my fave. and yes knees are ugly. and yes I am still resisting following your blog for no real reason apart from a small amount of jealousy at the fact that your so fucking cool. I still hit it up on a regular basis though :)
re smelly dances: often by jr. yr. guys have discovered the joys of showers and start smelling much better! also, if your high school has a swim-team, check out the swimmers--hardworking, very clean, and usually exuding a faint eau de chlorine!!
esme noir
thank god these kinds of events haven't made it in Germany. i had to withstand one right after abitur (general qualification for university entrance over here), and it's been awful enough.
funny vid; luckily they didn't draw squids on it...
and i know its not my place to say this (and i hope it doesn't sound too creepy or insolent or intrusive) but i'd bet serious money that some people did miss you at the dance.
Freaks and Geeks, My So-Called Life and The Virgin Suicides... You are so on it! Just watched all of these within the past three weeks... So good :)
dances..oh yes. my last prom of high school is on the horizon actually. prom strangely is not as cringe-worthy/awkward as the regular dances and semi-formals were when we'd have balloon arches and cheap decorations. I'd much prefer a Virgin Suicides-esque one. though I've always wanted to be able to do the handjive and 50's-style dancing, a la Grease. too bad the 50's are over and there's not much hope of that happening now.
Rachel Antonoff's presentation looks so charming and magical. the cat tights are too adorable! that Portlandia video was hilarious. I ought to watch the show. the bird toast is the best of all of it I think.
happy 3rd birthday to your blog! can't believe you've been going for that long..I remember reading your very early posts. I remember thinking 'wow, she's so cool! I love the way she dresses'
I want those cat tights so bad!!
Brian Krakow is a GOOD GUY
good article :)
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