film stills

An attempt at film stills-ing? But more trying to create a story/character out of whatever I was wearing than portraying stereotypical female roles in film. I've been trying to do them daily but it's hard! Plus I have finals to study for. Ugh, being a pretentious teenager is exhausting.


Taj said...

I really like the 1st one!

Taj said...

aall of them are good tho<3

Maddie said...

the first and last are beautiful

Nicole Elena Robertson said...

High school sucks. I think this new fashion direction is a great way to deal with it. Wish I had found a way to turn math class doldrums artistic and romantic.

Anonymous said...

these are beautiful and totally have the feel of sherman's stills. keep them coming!

Taj said...

yeah the 2nd one is so Cindy Sherman

X said...

Lovely photographs!

Audrey said...

The last photo is pretty cool~! ^^ ♥

Anonymous said...

Wow that is a very interesting effect! The third one is definitely my favorite! Your face is beautiful!
very impressive quality!

My style blog:

Riot Nrrd said...

YES! Cindy Sherman ftw!
I especially love the last one, with that little braid sticking out on to the pillow :) Such a lovely touch.

Anonymous said...

all pictures are nice but i really love the second one=)

Kaiami said...

The last one, YES. Looks so pro. Gosh, Tavi. I wish you could take my pictures. I also wish I could look good with short bangs. Too many wishes. Man.

Unknown said...

I always like your photos tavi (:♥


I definitely could see the influence of Cindy Sherman here. But the pictures are absolutely gorgeous, and leave a very surreal and whimsical aesthetic to them. Good job on that, I say! (:

WendyB said...

Check out my post today about these artists who do film and then turn it into deconstructed stills. Very cool.

alexis said...

insert Iron & Wine to these

Ella B said...

I like the idea of creating a character with your clothes.
Like when you think 'What kind of pweson would wear this?"
Hope exams go well for you. Blogging is a wonderful form of procrastination. :)

SORDESCO said...

"Ugh, being a pretentious teenager is exhausting."

hahah, you are my favorite. nice shots, you really rock that blue!

willi float said...

hint hint, some producer-man out there! ;)

come by sometime,
The Ballon Rouge

Anonymous said...

Really they aren't bad. It should be good once you hopefully get summer to work on it some more.

Niki said...

i LOVE the second one! you look soo beautiful!

N said...

i can definitely see a little bit of cindy sherman influence in these but i like that your photos especially the second and the third, seem to be more dream-like - i think of eternal sunshine of the spotless mind (maybe the blue hair) or even donnie darko or big fish. you should totally keep going with this - i think there is a lot of potential!

ps. this does not have to do with film stills, but a photographer i think you might like is mika ninagawa. check her out.

favio said...

these are lovely tavi, simplicity but you can read into them

Miss Molly said...

these are seriously awesome Tavi! good job!

Anonymous said...

Tavi, you are an inspiration to all.

Daily Sass said...

lovely lovely, a thousand times LOVELY

Aura + Vera said...

You look really good in blue hair ;)

LeSimple said...

very nice, all!

Rachel, Cold Knees said...

I especially love the second one, the expression on your face really could be from a film..

Violet said...

i like the idea of playing a girl in a film the photos are great. the first is my fave

Vi from Cali

Anonymous said...

Love the stills, especially the last one xxx

Anonymous said...

My favourite is the second. But, I think I may be prejudiced due to my love for that wig =]

Anonymous said...

These are all so lovely! x

Unknown said...

These are great photographs! You look amazing!

Giveaway when I hit 100 followers!!!!

Unknown said...

Beautiful photos :)

Ivânia Diamond
A fashion blogger portuguese*

Eran Evan said...

It's less the film stills, its more like sherman's "centerfolds" project. resebles in the colors and the cropping.
Love the expression on the middle photo!

Alina said...

I love the 2nd one. You'll do it!

cassie min said...

last one is the best. :)

cassie min said...

last one is the best. :)

boyunso said...

everytime, you bring amazing things!!! your amazing, and CHEER UP!!!

WNbla said...

pretty wig there . love it !

Leila said...

hi there tavi, last night I read your whole blog. just wanted to say that your lovely. greetings from croatia ;)

Anonymous said...

I love the 2nd & 3rd - blue hair, daisy print bedsheet & tiny plaits <3

Yanokk said...

Your photos are cool ^^

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful and sensual photos. We in Russia very few people know how good photograph.

Anonymous said...

That tiny hair clip in the last one is amazing. I can't get over how adorable and tiny that clip is. I want one!!!!!

Bárbara Roberta said...

Beautiful Tavi, ever ♥

Anonymous said...

cute picturea!

lots of love,

Pamela Sfeir said...

i think you are beautiful tavi, the blue hair looks great, i've been meaning to wear a baby pink wig for some time now but i don't think i have the courage.

tttt said...
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tttt said...

The last one. Artsy,

abigale said...

the second one really looks like it's from a movie. probably my favorite of the 3.

Casie Jean said...

these are simply lovely, and do create quite the narrative x..x
Casie Jean

Anonymous said...

these are amazing! so inspirational!

Cara said...

I love those hair clips, they look cute with everything!

Awesome post as always :)

Francesca Robertson said...

haha ur hysterical


Le Kiss Kiss- Click Here!!

Rafael Franco said...


I love the last picture! It's just perfect!!!

kisses from Brazil*

e l i s a b e t h said...

soo beautiful.
you can literally pull off any hair color

Joey Becerra said...

wow love the second one :)
translucent blue eyes and a dreamy blue cant go wrong!


Cailin Klohk said...

you look sooo beautiful on the second one!

Pünktchen said...

They are pretty good. Keep doing it.
The first one is my fav... like the movement and the look. Lots of space for thinking.


Anonymous said...

love your little plait it so sweet xx

Maya said...

nice idea =)

I like the last one the best. But that blue one has detached optimism that I like.
good luck with you tests!

SMD said...

wow this is so cool

Meg said...

I love all the photos, the last one in particular. The blue wig really brings out the color in your eyes

Anonymous said...

These are beautiful. I love the colors and your eyes(!) in the second one. And the third one is just... incredible.

Anonymous said...

PS - the lighting is superb.

Anonymous said...

PPS - I really cannot stop looking at them. Like, seriously. They are infinitely more pleasing than the essays I am supposed to be writing. And most of the other things I could be looking at.

Jennifer Dawn said...

These are great!

Victoria no tiene Secretos said...

i love the last pic!
kisses from argentina!

Cat said...

Hey, I have a fashion site you might wanna look at tavi for vintage!
It seems your thing anyway :)

Moni said...

the last photo is amazing :)

Couture Carrie said...

Love that wig!


mar said...

Like the idea!!

Charlie said...

the last...perfection

Dagmarette Yen said...

Oh their beautiful! you look so calm despite having finals, good luck!

Check out my cooking show at

BexiestBex said...

Wow, beautiful photos! I really like the last one! Great blog - you have a new follower in me! :)

Plesae check out my blog and I'd love it if you'd follow back!

Bex xxx

Bijou said...

I absolutely love this!
You're my inspiration!

Sarah Grace said...

I love the 2nd one. The lighting is just wonderful, and the wig is so cute!!!

JIM Designs said...

Certainly don't look pretentious! Very artistic!

Chloe Tweeny said...

the blue wig is killing me. too good.

Jake said...

I need your wig in my life.

Anonymous said...

Nice post!
Give us an update on the magazine...howz it going? Make a post on it! :-):-) :-) :-) Goodluck on sounds awesome!

Anonymous said...

darling not pretentious.

Cailin´s Place said...

So cute...


Anonymous said...

They all look wonderful; you've definitely achieved the sense that they're only part of a larger story. They make me curious! I hope your finals are going well and that you're not stressing yourself out too much.

Anonymous said...

These are absolutely the third still going for a daisy head mayzie sort of feel? I just saw the little braid and the flowered pillow and thought of it immediately.

Frockspotter said...

I loved all of them, but my favourite was the second one - you reminded me of a really pretty mermaid! Wish I could take photography like this...

Alexander Daniel Designs said...

Posted 1-1-11

Happy New Year Tavi!

CorrinneJ said...

i wrote to a teen vogue person and sent her a link and

Arynn said...

I just was reading about you in teen Vogue. It must have been really great working with Gwen S. Congrats

Anonymous said...

All I can say is amazing! So perfect I lovew them!

Jessica said...

i love that last one! you look peaceful :)

Chloë said...

Hi Tavi!
Great pictures! I am obsessed with that blue wig!
Wow, can't believe I'm actually writing a comment to you- I've been such a huge fan of yours for such a long time now and have sort of been plucking up the courage to say the right thing at the right moment! I love your blog and have been reading it for almost a year I guess, but have only just started officially 'following' it as I've only just worked out how to do that haha. Your blog is my favourite one out there and it has inspired me to finally start my own. I love all your views on fashion and your insightful ways of looking at things! I know you must be super busy but if you ever get the chance to check it out it would be fantastic! It's:
Chloe xxxxxx

Katherine said...

Haha I love how you never take yourself too seriously! "Pretentious teenager" You are anything but!

VHBT said...


I am an all around ambitious artist looking for viewers to my blog of all my art :) I would appreciate your 5 minute visit, comments, and awesome following of my blog containing all my creative artwork that includes FASHION above all, paintings, illustrations ( blogger portraits done too ) drawings, magazine pictures of Vogue ESPAÑA, photography, and more!! :D Especially because how it is so hard for an artist to get noticed and gain fame and have success with their career I would LOVE IT


Jinnyd said...

Those photos are wonderful! I couldn't help but notice that your head is tilted in all of them. Was that intentional, or did it just sort of happen?

Anyway, that wig is awesome. It reminds me of Gilda Joyce. Have you ever heard of those books?

Maccy and Libby said...

Yes I love trhe first one! Nice work! :) X

Jake said...

I love the necklace.. Etsy hunt!

like fried chicken said...

these are soo good. I don't know if it's because it's written in your post title, but they do look like film stills as opposed to other photographic snapshots. What did you do/think special?

I.M. said...

i like your idea of making characters out of what you're wearing. the first one really works with that idea. all three stills are lovely; please keep pushing this!

toridawn said...

what a great idea! i love the bravery of the second one. it's not easy looking up, showing full face in a shot! and you captured a beautiful expression in it as well.

Vera Lē said...
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Sophie Frances said...

I love this outfit! I like all of the contrast you have with the different layers under the dress! I love Joni, very popular at my sleep away camp ;)

chuck n. said...

being a pretentious teenager sure as hell is exhausting. you know what's even harder, being a hipster. so many stereotypes to live up to. man, life's hard.

(your use of sarcasm made me laugh in a good way)

biscuits said...

the smallest braid on the daisy pillow is brilliant. looking forward to more.

-Sunshine. said...

Hi dear, i love your blog and your style, your photo are very amagazin.
I love it and i love your style.
baci dall'italia.
Lots of love.

Kim Finley said...

Makes me think of Cindy Sherman, Untitled Film Stills.

A said...

you have a really cool look, reminds me a bit of Jodie Kidd.

Hannah said...

Ay Tavi, we are twins when it comes to the first one!

Hannah said...
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spoon said...

these are fabulous.

Melissa said...

You are so cute, Tavi.

Anonymous said...

They are nice pictures, well composed, and demonstrate a good understanding of some basic design principles, but they are ultimately just that. You don't have to make the images about femininity (a la Sherman) to take them to the next level. Think about developing this idea of "character" more-- what mise en scene can you add to the scene to give us a sense of narrative? Maybe consider zooming out more and giving us a fuller picture (harder, yes, but when done right ultimately more fulfilling). Look up Jeff Wall for some ideas of how to pack narrative into a photograph.

They are nice and pretty photographs though, don't get me wrong. Just trying to help you make the best photos you can.

Brian Cliff Olguin said...

Real nice work and successfully showing different expressions!

Anonymous said...

I luv your eyebrows

Anonymous said...

Nice outfits!! SO FASHION FORWARD!!!!

Mia said...

Woaw I really like this idea of stills.... You always take very creative photos, and think about every tiny object within that shot. Please do some more of these shots when you have time, I would love to see some more.

Mônica said...

Tavi gevinson you is a girl beautiful and fashion
for it i love you so much!you have's a blog cool very fashion!i want my blog equal to you and i want you coment my posts

Mônica said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mônica said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mônica said...

Tavi gevinson you is a girl beautiful and fashion
for it i love you so much!you have's a blog cool very fashion!i want my blog equal to you and i want you coment my posts!!!!!!!!!!!

Nurul Fitriani said...

u grown up into a very beautiful young lady :)

cancercowboy said...

fascinating bloom. your eyes in No. 2 are pure magic. and that little braid...

Anonymous said...

you are a fantastic photographer and I love how unique you are!

Melania said...

Hi Tavi , i've published somthing that is in part inspired by your work , i've used one photo of yours , hope you don't mind.
hugs from Milan


moustachic said...

i particularly love these shots! xx

Sarah said...

That totally made me cackle like a super villain! Thanks for the bright humorous start to my day, or, er, the continuation of yesterday since my health issues are acting up which = zero sleep for a sum total of -crazy sarah in the morning, frightening her various pooches -

Unknown said...

These are great. I love photography inspired by film stills! You did well with these. Good luck with the finals.

Rebekah Ruby said...

Precocious, not pretentious.

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