I am so stoked for Halloween. I think it'll be kind of supernatural this year. What're you gonna be?

This message was brought to you by The Craft, Couture, and the letter C.
Images via.

This message was brought to you by The Craft, Couture, and the letter C.
Images via.
If I were going out I would be an apple, and my partner would be a razor blade. The only holiday you can acceptably be morbid, yes?
(I'd like to invite you to enter a fine art giveaway over at my blog if you'd like -- for a giclee print of an eerie landscape from the wilds of Canada.)
im being pikachu! it's my first american halloween, i'm very excited
ich gehe als dicker Penis !
fairy princess (:
Not sure yet.
I know but I'm not telling. Everyone will have to wait for the pix.
id love to dress up as beetlejuice, such and epic halloween guy!
A Harajuku Girl.
Love the first photo haha
Karl Lagerfeld of course!
classy upper east side preppy nerds
Dead Princess Diana
I am going as my 'inner geek'.
With any luck, I will be a giraffe! As long as I can fit through doors, it will be awesome.
I want to buy Italian Vogue
I haven't thought about it, really. If I don't have a costume by Friday, I'll be red riding hood. Or something. As long as I can wear poofy dresses to school without people asking why I'm dressed up. Halloween is my excuse for wearing dresses.
on friday i will be a punk rock clown and saturday i will be stevie nicks :)
I'm so excited for Halloween this year. I'm dressing up as a cup of coffee!
xxxo Marcus
I'm gonna be a porcelain doll.
im going to be "el chavo del 8"
or maybe Frida Kahlo :D
A bear like this... http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=23141481
Lucky you I don't think I'm going out. No money and no parties to go to since I just got my plane ticket home for Christmas haha yeah I had to think about that far ahead. I hate it, but I have to go home so other things must be sacrificed.
Mia from Pulp Fiction after she's had the adrenaline shot.
I'm going as Minnie Mouse! Yay!
I'm going as Xena! :)
Lizzie Borden, complete with bloody axe. I love the contrast of uptight victorian and unrestrained violence.
I'm going as DARIA!!!
David bowie
I neglected to leave the blog address for anyone that might be interested in entering my giveaway for the fine art Giclee Halloween print!
Wednesday Addams is my costume of choice. My school has this ball called Moorebid, and its apparently crazy so I don;t want to wear a costume with a lot of parts.
Johnny and Plank form Ed Edd and Eddy. Did you ever watch that show?
wednesday from the addams family and kelly from saved by the bell!
can't wait to see your pictures! you should check out my halloween flicks next week too!
I'm going to be Magenta from Rocky Horror Picture Show!
I'm going as Twiggy. If I were a little more dedicated I'd dye my hair, but I figure the eye makeup will give it away well enough.
A magician!!! Assuming I go out, I even made a mini top hat and everything. I was having a party with my friends, but my boss scheduled me to work even though I asked for it off and she had said yes. While they party I'll be grumbling...
oh, i just love that cover, totally amazing and a little witch like
Daria one day and a fox the next
Terence Koh x Club Kid patient
This is a really dope editorial/cover! I'm going to be a bunny....we shall see how it turns out, haha.
I am going as a ghost- just a white sheet with two eye holes! and my hot pink doc martens!!!
I'm going as me - hoping the ghouls will drag me away with them;).
Oh. I really wish we were doing something for Halloween now. To be honest, it's not even that big here anymore x
I should go as the ghost of Banquo. He certainly seems to scare the bejeebers out of Macbeth:
"Avaunt, and quit my sight! Let the earth hide thee!
Thy bones are marrowless, thy blood is cold.
Thou hast no speculation in those eyes
Which thou dost glare with."
This play's getting interesting! :-)
Love the Vogue cover!
--Nolita Vintage--
The Craft is such good inspiration for Halloween! And the Vogue cover has the exacts same vibe! xxx
If only people in England got into Halloween above the age of 8...
I'm going as Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter!
But with dark hair. And I know she's not really that scary, but...
I'm mad excited.
I'm going to be a mime. I'm making a black and white striped boatneck mini dress with an exposed red zipper up the back and maybe at the cuffs too. Black tights, black oxfords, mime makeup. It's going to be rad.
I am going to cut a face in a pumpkin and put some white colour on my sons face if required and make his eyes black and draw on some teeth with some blood, in red colour.
Wow. I'm enthusiastic to see these ones. October is a magnificent month (the very month when I was born), and, like I have said, I'm fond of supernatural.
wowowow I do Love Franca Sozzani's Idea!
Nice article; D
Come soon to visit my blog will have one new article "year 40 ~ 50" And let me your opinion with a comment; D if you have time of course, got my blog: D
Thank you: D ♥
halloween in Spain is quite crapy... no dressing up, no sweets, no pumkins....
my friend and I are being the "girly" versions of mario and luigi. i am very stoked about halloween myself! i love seeing all the fabulous costume ideas people come up with.
peace. love. create.
Hi Tavi
I LOVE Halloween and The Craft is a such good inspiration.
kisses from Brazil*
MARCELINE THE VAMPIRE QUEEN. I get to make a cardboard battle-axe-guitar. SO pumped.
I love the Vogue pic...ANd love your new pic!!!
im going to be dead Wilma Flinstone!!
Le Kiss Kiss- Click here!
I'll be a vampire:)))It's soo hot!!!:))
I'd really love to be the lady from Sweeny Todd that bakes people into pies. She's terrifying and think that my hair and pie baking ability fit the part. But I'll probably just end up being a mime, or making a birds nest out of my hair.
you're so amazing! :)
Margot Tenenbaum :o)
uuu you changed the top of your blog is it prada
Does Maggie Rizer ever age???
Anyway, I'm going to be Lisbeth Salander, AKA The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.
Everyone will marvel at how "ahead of the curve" I am with my pre-Hollywood movie appreciation, ha ha.
I wanted to poke a bit of fun with the whole "sexy" whatever costumes so from the neck up, I'm doing as close to Mao Ze Dong as I can (complete with bald wig) and the rest of it is kind of a slutted up Communist getup. I'll be going out with my buddy who is gonna be David Byrne in the giant suit.
I think The Craft and Couture go quite well together. Reminds me of the good ol days when my friends and I would watching that movie in middle school trying to be cool....Hmmm...me thinks that ages me a bit ;)
Last year I was supernatural alien with a third eye but this year I don't not yet this french people do not celebrate Halloween is kind of boring :-( !!! Have fun for me chica!!!
Adri M.
Hey guys! Were giving away 5 signed BMG tote bags to survey participants! It takes 5 minutes– promise!! All fashion and shopping questions!
To be own imagination, mood))) It will be necessary to afford exciting image!!!
All that looks is supernatural very much me inspires, as well as that I have seen in this picture, thanks!!!
amazing! just amazing. gotta love halloween!
ahmazing photos,
a caberet act with a dodgy twist to ;}
maybe a Missoni Pumpkin!
I don't live in USA, so where I live we don't do the " Trick or treat". It's sad, isn't it ? I won't have candy's this year !! :)
We don't "celebrate" Halloween here in Holland, so pore me! Can't dress up.. or well, why not dress up just because I like to?!
Oke I'll go as, my mother! No kidding.. I'm gonna go as Cruala De Vil XD. GnaGna!
heehee, you will like my costume, i hope! i am going as a marc jacobs disco queen..
check my blog for detail!! i am really excited and even BLEACHED MY BROWS for it!
Wow, so many commenters with cool costume ideas! I love it.
I'm almost 30 and I never really did Halloween before but I'm finally doing it this year. So I'm dressing up as Coraline and my bf as Wybie from the movie Coraline.
masquerade!! so excited!
Hehe. I'm going to be a modern take on the Mad Hatter.
a pirate. a woman pirate.
I'm gonna be Marilyn Monroe
A widow :) love Halloween!
Ash Fox, from Fantastic Mr Fox, of course!
I want to dress up as a tranny, but my school wouldn't allow it :P
check me out!
Pizza Chef
we dont trick or treat in our country ,nor wear costumes for halloween. bummer tho,but we celebrate by praying for our ancestors . anyways i love you tavi! ur soo insiparational to teens like us,follwo me pls :D http://nikkagaddi.blogspot.com/
This year I will be a powerful witch and I'm going to torment the bad ones, hihihi !
I have two parties to go to on halloween. First i'm gonna be a voodoo priestess and then a vampire. No, i haven't seen Twilight.
I am going to be a military inspired ballerina.
I am going to be Audrey Hepburn!!!
Love your blog!!!
cool pictures! and i'm gonna be an old-fashioned sort of rock star. kind of hard to explain.
I'm going as Rita Hayworth, she's a 1940's movie star.
I'm being a Lady Against Women!
I just throw on some glasses and some of my vintage duds, carry the "tenets" around on a sign and I'm good to go!
Love the new banner. Speaking of The Craft, whatever happened to Fairuza Balk? She was in a bunch of movies when I was your age...not so much anymore.
Nr. 100 - the upper photo IS from Neve Campbell's "Craft", a classic!
As for your question - I'm going to be Mina Jade in my usual black and creepy attire, I guess it would do.
Too bad I'm French because we don't really celebrate Halloween... I spent my first Halloween party in the US last year and it was amazing !!!
I think it's time for a new vlog. Make it spooky.
Brilliant pictures- especially on Vogue.
Can't wait for halloween!
I was going as this classy 40-style whatever and got these stockings with suspenders to just get into the mood and all. I just realised that you can see the suspenders through the dress so now I guess I'm just going as a tart =/ yay.
The girl on the very left of the Vogue cover looks like she is anorexic. Sigh.
holy creepy. that vogue cover. in happier news, I want to dress up as Gallianoooooo!
My husband and I are gonna be Donna and David! Flashback. Woohoo. XO Valerie
P.S. check out my Halloween post today; an ode to Sarah Jessica Parker's many movie costumes!
Your posts are very perfect! I watch your blof for a long time and you never disappointed me ... :)
A can of Purple Four Loko
Hey, I've been reading since I saw Widdicombe's article in The New Yorker last month, I just came across a song that reminded me of your current aesthetic:
Anyway, I adore this blog. I can't wait to see all the new incarnations so I hope you stay inspired!
Well,I always have lot's of ideas for coustumes and then it's time for halloween and I can't decide what to wear. So,I end up wearing some boring coustume,but, this year I decided to be as many as I could. So for each halloween party and every time we go trick-or-treating I'm wearing somnething different(yes I'm going trick-or-treating twice, More candie!). So far I was a Super kawaii harajuku girl a gothic lolita harajuku girl. Yesterday I was a shiny rainbow witch with huge eyes painted on my eylids so when I close my eyes It looks like theyer still open. Today I plan on being BenJammin the super hero who saves the world from the evil villans the fashion fux paus but I'm not sure what I'll be on the official halloween.
What are you going to be tavi?
This reminds me of Hokus Pokus - great cover!
Sarah of Steel City Street Style:
Hi !
I love this blog and I have just made a new blog, one with a friend and another only one, can you visit them and to say to me of what you think of it by leaving a comment? Thank you in advance, by Shooting Door and ShootingOfLadyGaga.
Kisses, by Natacha.R
Wow, that Vogue cover is absolutely magical!
I'm gonna be the devil, I suppose.
Please visit and follow!
I was going to be lady gaga, Twiggy, someone from the omo vally, a creepy doll and I thoughtr about being Karl Lagefeild. but then I ended up with something different. I'v got some wounderfull inspiring halloween pictures at my blog and pictures of my different costumes for parties I went to.
A crayon. Because I am just that cool.
I'm going as a molding moss covered forest witch/shaman.
I'm going as Bellatrix Lestrange. Helena Bonham Carter is a goddess.
A raven.
not likely to be replicated in a world of lady gagas, cristine o'donnell witches, and mama grizzlies.
it's also homemade, which adds an extra dimension of rad.
Photo of costume
At a party last week I was a Mime!
But I think my costume for this weekend is going to be "Woman in blonde wig" from the 1994 Chinese film 'Chungking Express'.
Picture here:
Girl, You are so damn cute that it makes me jealous with all those bows and extras! Look forward to meeting you at fashion week in feb.! I hear your friendly with Jane A. from D?
I love Vogue Italia. Has one of the best photos.
I went as Bunnicula. It was sort of amazing.
we can tell you what we won't be..
I was a little bit different each night...friday and sunday I did the skeleton thing and saturday I was a mime :) xx
i dressed as a somewhat chubby version of Baron Samedi.
link related, its a pic of me in my makeup.
please excuse this act of vanity ^__^
despite my facial expression i had quite some fun. sadly the black lip gloss didn't survive the second beer.
the makeup design i stole from Karin Dreijer Andersson.
that coverrr is pretty major!
oh god BEEZUS.
I remember the cover with her in the very saggy ballet outfit. I wanted that outfit so badly.
love the craft
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