
I am in full Halloween mode right now, watching all the appropriate teevee specials and having premature candy feasts. I wore my costume to school today only to learn it's against the rules, but no one thought I was even dressed up because of how I normally dress. I can actually get away with a lot of ridiculousness because of this, even if I'm not being serious about, you know, foot-tall foam bunny ears.

My costume is Joey Ramone+Ramona Quimby=Joey Ramona Quimby. Hence, little girl dress, leather jacket, Converse, etc.
More elaborate explanation when I post the one I wear for Sunday since I got the chance to go thrifting today and get better cutesy-tomboy stuff for Ramona, but this post is really about shooting these photos by Leigh Johnson for Nowness...

...which totally got me in the right mood. Today I spent half of one class staring creepily at the kid behind me and his friend was all, "Dude, she's casting spells on you!"


Cold Toes said...

i never celebrate halloween but i would kind of consider it if i would be hanging out with you

this is quite pretty

Diana said...

Beautiful outfit. I love the bunny ears.
Unfortunately people in Germany don't really like Halloween. I think they hate it but I like it. I want to celebrate Halloween,too :)
Love this post.

50two said...

so your dressing up as the hypothetical love child of joey and ramona.

oh my thats so wrong!

Kaiami said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Tavi, I just love the first picture.
You are so inspiring.



Love this post!!))

KARLITO said...

Holy fuck, this pukes amazing all over!
Love the idea of combining both into one. You look fucking awesome but your school seems like a wet blanket. No dressing up allowed? Das no fuhn. But casting spells behinds peoples heads is. :)

Angelic said...

This is hilarious and amazing at the same time!

n p said...

hope you summoned the watchtower of the north to cast a spell on those douchebags. costume is real good: keep the ears & lose the clothes and you could go as the kid from gummo!

Kaiami said...

I'm looking forward to seeing your Halloween post! I've got no Halloween spirit left in me. Just dressing up for the sake of dressing up, and buying bags of candy to put by the door/eat all the extra.

Anonymous said...

Love the costume idea. And those photos are amazing! x

Anonymous said...

I wish I was your age when I was young/er. I think we could have had some fun.

Last year I went as Diane Pernet, but no one knew who she was so after a while I said I just was a widdow... This year I'm going as a asch cloud.

Girl said...

To me, Halloween is the superior festival of the year. I'm so so so excited, have bought in loads of candy & fake blood. This year, I'm going to be a zombie husband. Not very original, but fun nevertheless. Your costume rocks!

Offbeat Follies said...

I'm going as Holly Hobbie ~ or Anne of Green Gables, depending on your turn-of-the-century girl of choice.
Like the concept ~ I'm a huge fan of Beverly Cleary books (along with Katherine Paterson & Judy Blume, of course)
Happy Halloween!

Unknown said...

this is a great selection of pics, loved the bunny ears


The Mini Satorialist said...

Well I'm a year younger then you I just worked out! I just moved from New Zealand to France for 3 months and I was slightly confused as to whether they celebrated Halloween or not...? But looking at the Paris shop windows I felt tempted to rent an oversized gorilla suit from a costume shop so I guess they do. I think I'm going to be a grave digger beacuse I don't have enough cash for a gorilla suit. Now I'm depressed. :D


desertöse said...

like your costume and the way is has been photographed. very inspiring! if I would celebrate halloween, I would go for the rudolph jackson king look. pair of antlers on my head, shiny glove on my right hand and a great speech on the tip of my tongue.

Anonymous said...

bunny ears and leather jackets,how righter could you get?

follow me at

K. said...

in my country people don't care too much about halloween. but some people dress up.
sorry for my english.

Nolita said...

Have a scary Halloween!

--Nolita Vintage--

Anonymous said...

like gummo, i guess.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Metka: Matka said...

sweet rabbit ears

zoomslow said...

Taxi! It was indeed genius coming up with that name, and now it's like Einstein level of genius (and not just the ordinary run-of-the-mill, garden-variety genius) that you have so successfully combined the two looks! It's like you're morphing right in front of my eyes! It's black, it's white, it's double-u - singin' yeah yeah yeah :-)

P.S A bug sacrificed its life for this message. It got squashed between my index finger and the letter J.

Renee said...

Oh, Halloween... I'm just disappointed there is no Doctor Who special this year :(

lollie said...

well thats definately a unique costume idea!
i was max from the wild things last year.. im still stuck for this one! - argh!
most people in the uk just dress up as a slut with fake blood though, kinda takes the fun out of it

Camilla said...

Ørene var veldig kule!

Fata Morgana said...

I looove the bunny ears!

love, Fata Morgana

Unknown said...

Great post!

love it <3

Ivânia Diamond**

Anaivilo said...

You're so funny:)) Wish I'd do something for Halloween this year... but oh well.
Happy Halloween :D

Gabriela said...

i'm sure all you do at school is cast spells. high school would probably be too boring otherwise!

Alexi Frest said...

I love the Psycho-like photo. You really appear to have a knack for creepy things! Which I admire.

Lady San Pedro said...

You are ALWAYS so adorable Tavi!

Nikki said...

Gosh I love Halloween! It should be a world wide event, not only in the USA. Here there are some parties going on but as I noticed last year nobody dresses up :(

I'm going too dress up anyway! Nothing really wicked just a simple witch because I wanna wear my thrifted velvet maxi skirt!

xo Nikki

ps cheesy horror Halloweens specials rule!

Josemi. said...

perfect like always! :) you're so amazing!

Anonymous said...

that's a really strange and random yet awesome costume- WHERE did you think of it??
Those pictures are really scary-cool. I think you should be a model and start a revolution of 5" ATTITUDE. Yes?

Lyndranette said...

Ok ur costume is seriously creeping me out! Really cool though! I am gonna be Michael Jackson! So excited! Keep on keepin on!

my blog -

Anonymous said...

Being Romona, Joey, and Beezus Quimby is being a kid star! Today is my birthday and you do got in the mood. I can't nessarily celebrate halloween on sunday. But great exxageration. I am counting on you!

Ross said...

Oddly, this makes perfect sense. It plays up everything about you. off kilter in how much you are an adult, and playing up that most perceive you as a child. Go get your sugar rush on!

Sophie said...

Dear Tavi,
I love your costume idea.
Those pictures are terrific.
Bye now!


Your costume idea is perfect!

JIM Designs said...

Hmmm, maybe you need to go outside of your personal box... Here's an idea

New witch in town said...



Jill said...

ahaha i'm not the only one who does creepy stares!! sometimes i randomly widen my eyes at different people in class just to freak them out. it works. xD btw, i LOVE your costume, its the perfect combo of cute and punk!! have a candy-filled halloween!! :D

Rachella - said...

Great idea!

Sof said...

I just started reading your blog and my sister and I are obsessed. Love the costume. Also, creepily staring at people in class is wonderful. It's so very entertaining.

kelsea said...

love the last shot!!

Anonymous said...

the bunny behind the curtain looks real good. a bit scary.

Anonymous said...

love your outfit,
even if it is for halloween its bloody uhmazin' :]

tee said...

You know what I like about you? Your dedication. You dress up and you freak people out. That's the true spirit of Halloween. ;) Great shots.

Anonymous said...

Ha "She's casting spells on you" that's hilarious. I think your next post should include photos of Brad and BryanBoy in their costumes of you.

ólöf said...

Ah! nice..really funny that nobody actually thought you had dressed up

bitkin said...

agree with zoomslow--this costume idea is genius.

Charlotte said...

Wow... I havnt seen your blog before, its really beautiful, i would be amazingly happy if you would check my fashion blog
im only just starting out so its not really that great at the moment, but please leave a comment of what you think, it would really help, thanks xx

the real mia said...

Ha! That's fantastic.

Laura Sherriffs said...

i love the last photo.

Annushka said...

I consider ears of a rabbit as excellent idea, they darlings and amusing, it is healthy, when, possibly, to look not by rules!!!
Perfectly that you such as in a holiday and at week-days you are capable new and interesting to divide with people. Self-expression never leaves me indifferent!!! The clothes - mean to speak to people about me directly, I love them!!!)))

like fried chicken said...

Why can't you wear costumes to school?!

I want bunny ears! just hope they don't look like I got them from some playboy gift shop

A said...

It's got to be interesting observing people your age and their complacence with the "norm" when you're so clearly superior, intellectually and creatively. Also, why are they not allowing costumes in school anymore? That just sucks. American life is too sanitary by far without administrators sucking all the social joy out of the traditional holidays we have left, evolved and commercialized though they are.

Your bunny ears rock. I wish I had known at 14/15 that what you're doing was possible, not just actively pursuing your interests but actually thinking for yourself. I think my parents tried to teach me. I was too busy putting tequila in my milk chocolate carton.

'K, I'm babbling now. Happy Halloween.

Anonymous said...

Those bunny ears are just too cute!


Unknown said...

I would be trying to cast spells on fellow students too.

These photos inspire meeeee...

Unknown said...

I love this pictures, great idea like always.
Bunny ears forever :)
Regards from Utopia blog!

Rafael Franco said...

I love the idea!

kisses from Brazil*

Rafael Franco said...

I love the idea!

kisses from Brazil*

Anonymous said...

symbiosis with plants is in fashion this Halloween....

Tess said...


Fashion Baggage said...

Girl, you better stay away from those candles hair spray is highly flammable! Have you smelt burn hair before, not pretty!

eva louise. said...

lady, i just saw on the 'news' that brad goreski went as you for halloween and i nearly peed myself.

hope505 said...

~ wooptee!~ those came out GREAT!! !! hope your night(s) are fantastic!! !!

Erica Love said...

i love your costume!! the ramona series was one of my favorites when i was younger.

Hazel from Hazel Loves Design said...

LOVE the photos! Wouldn't it be great if you could cast a spell by simply looking at someone! :) Hazel

Anonymous said...

I've made ears like that before. Love these photos! And like your new blog header too. I'm in Scotland, so it's total sweater-frenzy time here (and all year, just about!)

Eline said...

I really love the photos!
They are beautiful!
I wish they celebrated halloween in the Netherlands.. :(

Anonymous said...

i adoreee the ears! x

Dooshi said...

when i saw your photo behind the Curtain its immediately reminded me this urban outfitters Scary Shower Curtain(
by the way cool costume!

Luna Tiger said...

Beautiful pictures, I love the one with the shadow !

Nene said...

beutiful pictures :D

Anonymous said...

Ramona! Favorite childhood book ever, that and sylvester and the magic pebble.

Click on Styles said...

Great post!!!! the last picture is great...I also love those bunny ears!!

Angelica Ng said...

Haha! Loving the one behind the curtain. Quite creepy actually.

khdz said...

those last two pictures are awesome.
love love love.

WendyB said...

I hope you're sticking to white magic and not dabbling in black, young lady!

Anonymous said...

OH HAY LOOK ITS RAMONA. I love Ramona as a child, because I could really relate to her. Spoiled and screaming and demanding. And I know the question was rhetorical but I shall answer it anyway. I was /going/ to be a Yayoi Kusama piece, but then my friend decided I just wasn't fun enough to spend Halloween with so I got to be Grumpy Girl In Sweatpants Giving Out Candy and Frowning. Wow I'm so chatty when it comes to strangers

Heather said...

I'm pretending there's a little nod to Donnie Darko floating around those (lovely) photos.

S. Alice said...

Love the ears, Tavi!

Tessa G. said...

Unfortunately I was in a car for a good amount of my Halloween night, but still wore some Halloween funk. I originally wanted to be Margot Tenenbaum, but couldn't find a faux fur in time. Ultimately, I'm more disappointed that I couldn't find anything with Crazy sleeves fast enough so I could go as "Sleevie Nicks".

the 90s will never die said...

That is an AWESOME costume idea. You rock.

Audrey said...

love your costume! (mainly the ears, they remind me of Fifi lapin) I was fantastic Mr. Fox for halloween.

cancercowboy said...

this kinda epic series of photographs overcharges my arsenal of comparisons. lets just say i really like your costume ^__^
and on behalf of that poor fella in your school i hope you finally reveal yourself to be a good witch, not the successor of the Wicked Witch of the West ;-)

oh wait, i wonder if Hitchcock ever considered bunny ears for Norman Bates...

Tess Jessica said...

ah the first photo of you is just so immense, really inspiring. great post great everything.

Violet E. said...

love it!

Cheers said...

Very cute

Hayley Lauren said... rabbit silhouette

A Beautiful Fiasco said...

You do realize it's Beezus that's wearing the dress, and not Ramona, right?

toile la la said...

A very artistic photo of you in the rabbit ears behind the spiderweb foliage. Very good photo.

Anonymous said...

cute rabbit ears! :)

MOVI !!! said...

VocÊ é bem estranha, mas gosto muito de suas ideias.

Unknown said...

The photo of you behind the curtain is haunting and beautiful. Lovely!

Rukayat said...

the BOMBest bunny lol.sorry i just love bunny headpieces and ears haha:)

p.♥ said...

i just love ur pics!!!

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hb88 said...

It was very interesting and informative, thanks so much for sharing