If one thing is gonna pull me out of a rut, it's these:
Super average leather brown clunkers, but with pentacle-esque stitching. Like the Christine O'Donnell witch malarky, in shoe form.The whole collection carried those kinds of motifs, which I loved except for when it got reminiscent of 7th grade notebooks. Eyes are awesome, pentacles are awesome, but wings and paisley are a bit too temporary tattoo-y and took away from garments that otherwise would've been way more intense.

I got more excited when the same effects were made using the fabrics themselves, especially in leather form.

Even though I'm really feeling witch vibes for the weather we're currently having, associating that kind of darkness with fall would be pretty obvious. Like the occasional use of brown leather as opposed to black, applying the gloom to sunnier days allows the pastel/witch contrast to reach a less simplistic place. This made the last look one of my favorites: a light, pure, modestly long slip held together by a caramel harness.
love the shoes
I love the vibrant colors in this collection
I need a side view of the shoe so I can check out the heels!
love the leather!=) btw, Tavi, you were featured in one of our Local magazine last march,=) I took some photos of the pages here: http://numberslettersandfashion.blogspot.com/2010/09/philippine-tattler-march-2010.html
the collection is amazing!
i love your blog a bit too much :)
yes! eyes are super awesome.
I like the second one from the right in the series...
Love the use of "malarky."
you're right on the money. satanic sacrifice.
haha oh gosh. Eyes by themselves kind of freak me out. I can imagine myself choking on spit every time I check my watch and find an eye starting back at me
this leather-one (the last)is the best and it's very sweet to combine this dress with a fur jacket!
Now, let's try to resurrect something.
Amazing details. The black lines so stark - I'm inspired to get DIY and take a pen to my existing clothes!
Sarah xx
I am in love with the black dress/skirt (drirt? skress?) on the far right...the flow is amazing.
Thanks for putting this up!
Awesome collection, very witchy! lol :)
Check out my blog: Principessa Gabriella
hey Tavi,
the black lines are swarovski. xxx
Those shoes are amazing to say the least x
the shoes are gorgeous!!!!!
the shoes are gorgeous!!!!!
Such beautiful pieces! Fantastic!
Actually I like the wings, even though they really ARE tatoo-y. Now I want the shoes dude, time to hit vintage shops eh? Meaow
very cool... the skirt looks gorgeus and... especially the shoes are very great!!!
i loooooooove those patterns, reminds me of stuff off charmed, god i used to love that show, those shoes are out of this world!
so sweet
love them TAVI!!!
check out my fashion blog at http://thetalesofselfindulgence.blogspot.com
I love your aesthetic my dear.Take a look of my collections at www.dimitrizafiriou.com.
love the detailing of the 2nd and 3rd photo.
Its halloween soon ..
love the brown leather, and love the doodle-like patterns they look great!
love the brown leather, and love the doodle-like patterns they look great!
i haven't seen marios schwab's full collection yet, i'm still trawling the lot!
the last dress is the best!
The 2nd photo, I was drawn to the eye on the sleeve - reminds me fondly of count olaf.
Love the colors and details <3
i love this collection!
incredible shoes.
I love those shiny orange boots - they remind me of my youth back in the middle nineties. Shiny boots with massive heels, in vibrant colours - I loved the nineties.
Tavi, as much as I adore your style in general, I usually don't like what you like when it comes to shoes.
These are an exception. I love them. G'jorb.
I love it. You're right, all the contrast makes it so much cooler.
The shoes are very unique!
Gorgeous collection! I like so much 3 pic and second, camel dress. (:
http://waronclothes.blogspot.com/ Inspirations: Lara Stone
Witchcraft and Paganism are religions.
Not style symbols.
A pentagram is not something for designers to use as such.
I love the last dress.
My last article talks about your blog. Check out the following address: http://carofashionews.wordpress.com/2010/10/09/la-future-anna-wintour/
I hope I have not written too many mistakes?
caro from geneva
the cognac brown leather dress is amazing
j'adore la 1ère robe, la rose pâle avec la dentelle noire et l'oeil sur la manche. Elle a un côté rétro-surréaliste archétypique qui me parle forcément !
love all of them!
check out my new post at http://thetalesofselfindulgence.blogspot.com
very cute clogs!
I totally agree with you. I like the clothes but some of the printing does not really have to be there.
nice pics!I like the shoes!
Kisses from Germany!
I like the political reference to Christine O'Donnel and her witchcraft ways.
Haha! Very nice shoes, I'm not wow-ed by the last dress. It's goddess like, but not enough wow factor :/
I absolutely adore all the shoes, and the first dress in the second row is my favorite, but you're right, the wings do detract from the overall design.
I love brown leather, and that last outfit is calling my name. The shoes are very "you" Tavi!
The fallopian pentacle made me laugh.
I totally agree with you about the print looking like a tattoo
And I love the other designs and looks
so cool. I love the brown leather dress and the black and blue lacey-upey one :) xx
Love the Christine O'Donnell comment.. I live in Philly and she has a commercial that goes " I am not a witch. I'm you!" too funny.. sounds like something a witch would say.
Anywhos,I love the pagan symbols throughout the collection. How original!
check out my posts today on TREASURE HUNTING and SUNDAY SUNRISES IN PHILLY @
Hello Tavi, how are you?
I love the leather, the shoes and the witch vibes.
kisses from Brazil*
i love the lines in this collection :)
This collection is genius, delightful!!!
Check out my blog..
мне очень нравится!))
Not related to yr post, but of general interest-
a fantastic new book about riot grrrl:
Olá...sou brasileira, e nesse momento está passando uma novela de grande sucesso no Brasil, "Ti-Ti-Ti", aonde tem uma personagem teen com um blog famoso que critica a criação de alguns estilistas, e, dizem ela foi inspirada em você.Você sabia?
Ahhhhh...Adorei o blog e favoritei.
who knew witches prefer mullets
Great blog!!!
Very mysterious and attractive post-modernism!!!))) I like it!!!)))
I've always been a fan of geometric shapes made with fabric. Unusually shaped blouses and cutouts and such. Never really been interested in prints. Or those tattooesque designs you mentioned. Blah.
-Alexandra Dare
I don'tlike the show it's a bit out of Schwab's style and I prefer the last collection of him!!
Taaavi, I'm pronouncing it the way I read it in the "New Yorker". Hit me with the name of the Chanel lipstick I saw you wear in one of of your posts. I still can't find it. Love love the shoes. Just love them.
I'm feeling the witchyness. Those shoes are to die for!
Tavi, I saw you in a French TV program and I found that you were incredible. And I really love these dresses. If you wanna see some artistic dresses I make, it will be a great pleasure to me.
Definitely witchy!
Maybe I will be the only one to say... I really dont like the shoes... They seem to me very heavy, ugly, and something a cleaning lady once used.
but, THE DRESSES are lovely.
Hey Tavi,
I've seen this collection come by Zana's blog yesterday. Personally I think it's a bit odd to see the topic conspirathy theory becoming a trend for 2011. I wrote a little motivation, but it would take me ages to describe the symbolism and what stands for what. But I sort of get the feeling that the fashion and music industry are embrasing the new world order. What I'm wondering about (as a conspirathy theorist) is if it's just artistic expression of the zeitgeist or an illuminati plan. Hmmm... nice food for thought.
x Lena
The last picture looks like they stole the leather harnass idea from Zana Bayne, however her work is in it's turn also inspired on fashion designers. She made an almost identical leather garter in tan a while back and she uses same shapes in her work.
love your blog
Love the shoes and your blog!
I smell pentacle DIYs.
But, after your homework.
Or, on it, you know, to scare the teachers.
I smell parent-teacher conference...
wow, those shoes!
you are absolutely amazing! omg omg omg i love this!!! ahhhh!!!!
this is totally unrelated but i thought you might be interested in this:
Hello my name is victory tavi love fashion and I read your blog every day I am inspired by you think you want a lot more to make friends with yourself when living in Brazil victory kisses
You are so cute and sassy, check out my kitschy blog at fashionbaggage.com
You are so cute and sassy, check out my kitschy blog at fashionbaggage.com
Those shoes are quite interesting. I really like the clutch though :) Check out my blog! It just turned one today ;)
I like the last look too! I think the harness part could actually just be a print or a different fabric or something and it would still work (because of that sense of structure, with the proportions, the symmetry etc.) – but the fact that it is an actual harness – really increases the effect.
And it’s for a similar reason that I like the middle look in the 1st row. The snugly (Speaking of witch, aren’t those Snuggie things just the greatest! I’d love to fund a documentary on their history if I could just find someone to make it!) fitted bodice with the high-waisted lacy black skirt element, and then the black strips create another impression of structure (but this time I’m pretty sure it’s more about illusion).
love the final dress. im doing stuff on spring '11 check it out.
I was in my grans retirement home and saw the French Vogue there, so random. Anywho, I'm not fluent in French, but i saw some pictures that made me smile. YOU.
Shame not a lot of people know about you, as personally I think you should be a star.
The black dress in the middle is cool.
I like the eye detail on the sleeve. Not a fan of the other stuff, but I see what you mean by tattoo-y motifs. They remind me of one brand I LOATHE with a passion - Ed Hardy.
Leather harness is genius. Need one in my life if I can figure out how to wear it right! XO Valerie
P.S. checkout my makeup post today; dedicated to anyone who's ever lost their entire case before.
those shoes are seomthing else (in a good way :) your so gifted with words, you summed it up perfectly and beautiuflly.
beautiful blog! <3
The last dress is pretty spectacular though.
You inspire me beyond belief. You have made me realize that i can be doing so much more at my age. So i have started a blog, and i hope to find sucess. Thank you for the inspiration and the blog.
By George, I think I've found it. It was by Tom Ford - not Coco. How could I have been so wrong? Unless, there was another post? I could have sworn.. Anyway I can add the link now. Thank you for the inspiration.
Med Vänlig hälsning
geometry is sexy. look at those angles! well done, marios, well done.
Great items! Thank you for sharing. I like your blog. I hope you will take a look at my blog too (hope you like it) and give your opinion about my outfits. :)
Great post tavi, all these illuminati-esque designs however give me the creepers :)
Day By Diva
Day By Diva
Day By Diva
very nice shoes yes!!
Love the eyes!!!!!...mmm the collection is good......i love some dresses...specially the colors!
kisses Lady Tavi
Auwchie mama! That's some awesome stitching you're showing here!
I also really adore this collection, the lines on the dresses are so simplistic yet so complex, and this collection really questions and challenges silhouettes.
DUDE those shoesss. I mean, they are soo witchy/rad/perfect. That dress (the tan leather one with the black triangular details) is also perfect. Mannn this collection is great!
I love it! it has a slight christopher kane feel about it, yet with a very interesting colour palette. You are an amazing blogger and I love reading your work, keep it up :)
love ur blog, great post;)
please visit
It looks like the VPL show isn't it?
Wes Anderson is so....2000's. Pleeaasseeee.....
The dress with a caramel harness, is very simple but perfect.
Hey Tavi, I made some drawings of you because I really like the way you dress!
I would be very glad if you take a look at it: http://flic.kr/p/8K6izE
All the best wishes,
the harness is fantastic! I want I want!
http://rubykarelia.blogspot.com/ Check out my blog! I really like you, Tavi. Your style is so alike to mine! Thanks!
shoes r hot
the orange dress remind me a halloween pumpkin :D
i agree, @surinami
but i love the shoes and the bag ;)
please follow:
Robert Anton Wilson would've loved this collection. they should give it out with copies of "Everything Is Under Control". ^___^
amazing blog! I was wondering, since you're partly from Norway, do you speak Norwegian?
Some really hot stuff!
clickity click-> (and follow :))
oh cool :) we love the variety of different materials <3
Cute :)
love this! I need to have those shoes..
Love Ur Blog if interetd in blogroll link exchange with My Face Hunter email myfacehunter@gmail.com
Clunkers is a great word! I love all of the outfits here and especially the stitching.
So loveeee this!!
Like ur blog too!
Very nice shoes!
Sehr schöne Schuhe!
A lot kisses from Germany!
Viele Küsse aus Deutschland!
LG(liebe Grillfleisch) Mag
cool.. :) I think, then you have really good style.. :) :) I want to be as you.. :)
I want that harness! And the leather dress!
There were some very interesting details to the collection - I like all the leather work and the criss-cross effect on the front of the blue dress. I just finished customising a dress with a twisted spine, and there's something about the lines of this collection that remind me slightly of it..
Just love the shoes...I wonder if they come in different colors as well!
Tavi you and your blog are A DO RA BLE!!!
these looks are unbelievable and totally chic, loved the edgyness and the colour selection is spot on
Tavi! Lily Mentioned you on their top blogger's list
amazing dresses, amazing bags!!!!!
really love the post! :) you're amazing!
I haven't been on your blog in a while... Trying to catch up!
hahahah 7th grade notebooks. brilliant! great post :)
Umm, is it only me or anybody sees the weird illuminati, thelema, satanist thing here? Not that there's anything wrong with it.
tavi come back! any kind of fool could see..
So many lines in these clothes
The details on accessories look great and appropriate. All the artwork on dresses looks like it's a bit too much.
Some really inventive pieces, bewitching! :)
nice details. . .great shoes! very cool
the fashion suggestion
Yes Please!
Celebrity Bandage Dresses for Less @ http://www.merelycouture.com/
This post from the glamourai kind of made me think of you... maybe come 2 or 3 years from now...
those leather clogs are amazing. i am looking to any spring 2011 collection to add some sunshine to the week!
-Editors at Style Section LA
This collection is brilliant, I look forward to your next post!
I seen you on Teen vogue Magazine and I wanted to say cogradulations for being on the magazine.
It's The Style Child
amazing collection!
I love everything about this post :)
Love those outfits
I love your Style.
Sorry my english is very bad,
i am from Germany.
I think the glasses is the best of the Outfit. ♥
I've been meaning to post about this collection ever since I saw it - I LOVE the witchy pentacles with the Joan Jett hair with the turquoise. I will be channelling this come warmer weather, I feel. Minus the mullet.
PS You totally are a pint-sized fairy godmother, aren't you?
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