having fun isn't hard when you've got a library card

Oh, HIIII there. Now that life is a little less bothersome, why don't we get back into the groove? Fall is my favorite season, and it's when I'm most inspired.

This outfit was inspired by the Subway map colors from Prada Pre-Fall 2010, the cover of my math book, and the kind of librarians and teachers whose desks are adorned with things like cat figurines or New Yorker cartoon calendars that are sarcastic and dry so the teacher doesn't have to be.

My mom thrifted this shirt for my dad but I stole it, hand-me-down Gap sweater, and desertose brooches.

These glasses were sent to me by Thakoon and are super Enid Coleslaw.
Brand: Thakoon
Pros: Comfort and the subtley of the logo on the side, but the best thing is the versatility, which makes me want to make them my prescription pair. They're somewhere between black and brown and round and square, so they kind of become whatever color or shape looks best with the outfit.
The insides are snakeskin-printed which makes these such a niche thing. I know no one else sees it but it makes me feel like such a Funky Aunt when I put them on or take them off.

FAVORITE EVER, THESE HAPPY SOCKS. Clashed because I couldn't pick just one pair. I was torn between these thrifted orthopedic grandma shoes and my white Pierre Hardy for Gap ones, and while the Gap ones would've been way cooler these are SO comfortable and I like dressing frumpily and I couldn't have lugged that math book around in heels.


mysterymoor said...

I'm in love with this outfit.

Anonymous said...

Amazing, as always.

Gabrielle said...

its nice for you to be back. i somehow missed your little posts and the way they break up my h-dub infused days.
although i guess it meant i was less distracted....

brodie said...

I dig so much how that shirt has so much potential to be "embarrassing uncle" but becomes "sassy teen" on you.
PS That song was like the all-time theme of my 11th-14th years.

Louise said...

I have that Gap sweater! And I remember that math book. You look great.

Sarah Dee said...

you are too cute... ;)


Mitchie said...

I was waiting for a new post for so long!
Your posts always make my day.

Isabelle said...

the mismatched socks make me want to go out and buy one red sock and one blue sock.
from marc jacobs.
if only he made socks.

Ella said...

That Arthur clip brings back so many memories!

Isabel said...

But I LOVE funky aunts!!

Nat said...

my sister used to sing that song. it's stuck in my head now. haha

Deano SC said...

Love the library comment!

natalia said...



Also the SOCKS! Where are they from?

Soso said...

you're so sweet <3


Anonymous said...

I’ve never commented before but decided to because this outfit is newly my favorite. I can totally see the inspiration in what you chose. It's a sly nod to mathematics, but instead of being outright nerdy it's endearing and playful.

I wish I could have found math class to be this fun when I was in school.

Cheers, Tavi! I love your blog and love seeing how our thinking has evolved from Day 1 of Style Rookie.

Anonymous said...

Love. Love. Love it all. :)

Unknown said...

Hi :)

Very cuteeeeee*

Love the cardigan..and colors!!

Ivânia Diamond*


I really like this outfit on you!


Marlena said...

LOVE this outfit!
..and the Arthur reference! <3

TheShoeGirl said...

Funny fact about me that your socks reminded me of...

The summer before my Freshman year of high school I read an article in a teeny bop magazine saying stuff about how you should find a way to stand out in high school. Make yourself known for something like being the girl who collects something or the girl thats in a rock band. Stand out! Be an individual with your own funky style.
Well I decided I wanted to be "that girl with the cool socks"
So I went shopping with my mom and we bought all the wacky socks I could find and I remember thinking, this is it. This is my key to popularity and utter coolness.

Nobody really noticed my socks.


Angie. said...

I am SO GLAD you put that Arthur video on your post. That was always one of my most favorite musical numbers from Arthur! It made my day.

Doni Brown said...

This is a great post as always!


Kaiami said...

New post, yay! Cute outfit, Tavi.

That Arthur video made me laugh. It sure does bring back memories.

Algebra 1 was my favorite math class, but I couldn't do algebra2. I don't know why. Trig is kind of fun, though. Kind of. It's the only part I got 100% for on my math test.

Cheryl said...

Oh dear, Tavi. I had the exact same algebra/trig textbook, and I graduated from high school 15 years ago. Good old suburban Chicago schools...

Admin said...

I'm in love with this outfit. And the Arthur reference. Not that I'm 16 and still watch the show. Nope. But I was terrified of the jeckyll jeckyll hyde Brain segment when I was younger. I also really like the glasses. My favorite prescription pair were prada with a really subtle logo that I loved, but they got stepped on and when I went to get new ones, all the new pairs had the huge full round logo that I just can't handle on clothing or accessories. Sigh.

Malicious Mallory said...

1. I loved that Arthur flashback. In the future, my kid is gunna watch so much Arthur. He's legit.
2. I love this outfit. It seems perfect for school. The shoes were a good choice. And the different prints mix very well. You look great in that ponytail too :)

Shawn said...

We missed you Tavi, good to have you back!

I love Thakoon, I had know idea that we also produced eyewear though. Pretty cool..I know he will be one of the up and coming designers to keep an eye out for.

Check out my blog!

Sister Shirley said...

I think Max Headroom designed that Algebra textbook.

Emilie said...

I LOVE THIS. I don't really have anything else to add. Delighted to see a new post! I am sure you are busy. I hardly ever post during school. Far too time consuming given the amount of work/sports etc...

Marissa said...

Ha! I totally had that textbook when I was in high school. I thought you were a freshman? You must be in advanced math!

Especially love love the socks!

RMJ said...

I had that EXACT math book when I was in some middle/early high school class. It was old then, and that was probably almost ten years ago.

WendyB said...

Those socks make me happy too!

Anonymous said...

We missed you, Tavi. :)


Tessa G. said...

Perfect sock choice.

::slow clap:: Way to rock Arthur! Everyones favourite aardvark. I used to love Arthur...(who are we kidding, I still do.) I am a huge fan of Brain's song, "Jekyll/Hyde". Heh.

I am sorry that you are taking algebra, although I'm sure it's easy for you. I find math deplorable when it is anything except geometry. A Math book is something I could never pull inspiration from in any form. However, an English book might do the trick!

Keep pushing and shoving through those halls.

zoomslow said...

Hi Tavi! :-))

So much to like in this post – where shall I start? The maths book, is my answer! It’s a shame I was never really able to ‘answer’ any of the questions in a maths book, but I have to agree with you that the cover is pretty special!

I’m not familiar with this Arthur program – I wonder whether it was ever shown in Australia? Any way, I’ve really enjoyed the videos of it that you’ve been putting up lately! It seems to be a lot of fun, so I can see why ‘the kids’ would be into it, but then I can see quite a bit of educational value in it too (kind of buried within the content, like those strips of carrot that you try to pass off to kids as ‘orange spaghetti’).

Your outfit! Awesome! You’ve really controlled the colours well. And the strong sense of geometry (through texture and pattern) is off-set by the relaxed nature of your dress and cardigan. The socks pulled up, with the sensible shoes (that I really like and own many similar pairs) help pull it all together, with the very cute brooches finishing it all off.

I think you look great in those super Enid Coleslaw glasses, and would certainly recommend that you make them prescription!

Thanks for the great post, and I’m glad to hear you’re enjoying school this year :-)

Unknown said...

nice inspirations (: I love fall too, and love your outfit ♥:D

Johana Kafie said...

Hahahaha loving the wittiness of your writing style
I'm painting right now and had to stop to read Tavi once again


Emma said...

Love it !

Offbeat Follies said...

New reader here ~ love your narrative and personal style. You remind me of me when I was your age, minus the enthusiasm for the fashion world. Yup. My love for your blog is a narcissistic love.

Freaks and Geeks is love. I'm fortunate to see Linda ("Lindsay Weir") semi-regularly throughout the year.

Awesome work as usual, Tavi.

Amy said...

Arthur is THE greatest tv show in existence.

Also, those socks are incredible.

Fashionably Late said...

love the army printed dress


khdz said...

I might be totally shameless and steal your intentionally-clashing-socks thing. Because most days, I'm too lazy to match socks anyway.

Looks awesome, in any case :)

the real mia said...

I love your style, Little Miss Lovely. And that 'L' in Algebra is just fantastic.

Maya said...

Oh my gos, YES! Jeckyll jeckyll, hyde, jekyll hyde-hyde jecklle. jckyl, jeckyl, hyde, jeckly hyde!

I sing this all the time with my sister!

Lovely outfit, i adore waffle knit.

infinitezest said...

I hope you know that you're the coolest funky orthapedic aunt grandma in town. you inspire me, greatly.


I adore your vision!))

Anonymous said...

Yeah I hit play on the Arthur I miss being young....haha.

sissel said...

I love how you know where you get your inspiration from when dressing!

Yu said...

your hair ! so cute...

Nolita said...

The sicks rock!

--Nolita Vintage--

My name is Giacobba said...

definitely one of my favorite outfits!
love love love it

Penny Dreadful Vintage said...

Wahey! The inspiration behind this is so creative and those socks are fantabulous. It made me laugh, but with you not at you!


MELISSA Z. said...

love your red little cardi and those socks are amazing!


mo-mar said...

Great Outfit, love it!

Sarah said...

love the brooch

Peppermint Wink said...


Yup, it was sure was shown in Australia! I grew up with that TV show. In fact, the theme song still gets stuck in my head from time to time... "And I say, HEY! What a wonderful day to day!"

But Tav, your outfit is wonderful, and the shirt surely looks way better on you than it would on your dad. <3

KARLITO said...

Ten points for gram shoes!

Heta Bhuta said...

Tavi !! I m in luvvv with all ur looks !! I check ur blog like every single day ! I missed u !! :D Happy blogging !



hollywilde said...

Living in the UK means that we were always in school uniform. If we were allowed our own clothes however, this is definitely the kind of thing I would've worn (though I wouldn't have looked so cool)!

My school uniform was the only school with pink gingham blouses with navy blue skirts and jumpers, so at least I could feel unique in that sense :)

Roseparis said...

I luv it, it's kitch and fun !

kisses from Paris


S. Alice said...

i missed reading your posts! i just read and reread the marios schwab post and all the other old ones until this one came.

i love that arthur song. my mom and i used to sing along to it until i was twelve. i still love the dr. jekyll/hyde part the most.

i love the entire outfit. how DO you do it day after day?

Anonymous said...

Hello socks! They are awesome! I can see why you couldn't decide xxx


Selfsewn said...

Tavi~not really loving the shoes!
Everything else is b*tchin!


Alexi Frest said...

I love the models on the first photos - fabulously thin (thin like myself, just so much taller).

I'm glad that colourful socks are fashionable. I like them and always wore them.

desertöse said...

perfect match! L.O.V.E. IT!!

Memento mori said...



NorwegianWood said...

Love those glasses on you...new frames can change everything. Also, you probably need this for this outfit as well:

actually, everything from that shop really...


Dainty Librarian said...



Kezia Mariska said...

Great socks. Loveley colors.


Anonymous said...

Hi Tavi, I loved the post(as usual)and wanted you to check out my blog!

Gale said...

A month without Tavi posts has been like being sent to Siberia. Cute outfit - I like the sock on your left leg with it better.

kimiko said...

i love your socks, and shoes :D
and this is one of my best seasons too ^^
i dont like the glasses... i used to love your other glasses D: ^^
see yaa! and good luck with math U.U

Anonymous said...

lovely cardigan my dear!! :)

Steve said...

Hey, that's the smart kid's textbook! I never so much as saw the cover! It looks like there haven't been any major developments in Algebra and Trigonometry in the past... 12(?) years.

Rafael Franco said...

Hello Tavi, How are you?

I love your sense of style. You're looking great in this picture. I really like the colors, it's very fun.

kisses from Brazil*


Unknown said...

Love the library comment . soo true. love how you not only put amazing different outfits together you also explain what inspired you. great outfit once again


Unknown said...

So glad you put up another inspiring outfit post!
Love the mismatched socks!


Unknown said...

Prada made one of its best collection and you interpreated this trend and the spirit of the collection in a wonderful way!!


Jennythenipper said...

Love the thrifted granny shoes. But since when do you worry about looking like a funky aunt? I thought that was your whole schtick?

F!Pian said...

Love the socks... beautiful


come visit me... and follow me!


Annushka said...

You are the beautiful and ironical girl in the world!!!))) To have such look on a thing, it is a large value!!!))) I love your style!!!)))

Anonymous said...


Maggie said...

Very nice "Pullover"XD
I like your Style!

Kisses from Germany!


When you have time,you can look at my blog!

namita said...

love the waffle-y knit of the cardi and the prada sweater.


namita said...

love the waffle-y knit of the cardi and the prada sweater.


agent 0017/shay said...

looove the socks and the uber cool glasses :)

Unknown said...

i love seeing the indpiration in your outfit!


chelsey. said...

I love everything about your outfit--so perfect.

every time I go to the library I think of arthur.

KtKittyKat said...

I am absolutely obsessed with your socks :) and the brooches are adorable!


Anonymous said...

you are a silly goose.

JIM Designs said...

That book looks old... Maybe it was mine! Since it was a requirement, I didn't appreciate the artistic cover, nice catch!

Anonymous said...

i had the same textbook! ps-the mismatched socks make your outfit.


Laura Sherriffs said...

I LOVE the shoes and socks combo,absolutely adorable as always.

and Arthur! ohmygoodness I forgot how amazing he was/is!!


Louise Somerville said...

Tavi, I love you. haha
also: I also had the same text book... it brought back very sentimentle feelings for me.. mine had a tiny picture of two girls who used to go to my school hugging in a photo booth glued in it... I always wondered as to why it was there, and whether or not they were lesbians... yeah.
Hardie har har, anyway its good to have you back.
much blogger love,


Louise Somerville said...

Tavi, I love you. haha
also: I also had the same text book... it brought back very sentimentle feelings for me.. mine had a tiny picture of two girls who used to go to my school hugging in a photo booth glued in it... I always wondered as to why it was there, and whether or not they were lesbians... yeah.
Hardie har har, anyway its good to have you back.
much blogger love,


Louise Somerville said...

Tavi, I love you. haha
also: I also had the same text book... it brought back very sentimentle feelings for me.. mine had a tiny picture of two girls who used to go to my school hugging in a photo booth glued in it... I always wondered as to why it was there, and whether or not they were lesbians... yeah.
Hardie har har, anyway its good to have you back.
much blogger love,


firefly said...

do you take Algebra 2 Trig? Is it hard? :P I like you outfit by the way. Glad to here you got your creative juices back!


buttryflowr said...

i use that textbook too!!

Six Six Sick said...

ah! I have the same pair of Happy Socks. I need to pick up some more--I can't wait for the Happy Socks x Giles collab to come out!
Anyway, love your outfit as always, and really thought your Gap sweater was from the Prada show.

kayla said...

I took a look at your other posts and I think your sense of style isn't the greatest.

There was one post where you posted pictures of you and your friends individually... I think only ONE person out of your group actually dressed tasteful and she was the one wearing heels, skinny jeans, a lace tank top with a black tube top underneath the lace. i thought her outfit was cute.

That's it.

Diana said...

I love this outfit. Your dress and the broches are gorgeous!


Katherine said...

OHHH that math book, I haven't seen it for years.

love the geometrical shapes and patterns, and the colors.

Katherine said...

Also, missed your posts, wehweh.
And I totally thought you were the librarian.

Tess said...

Tavi, I totally have that algebra book from 9th grade in my book case! Love that you used it for outfit inspiration.. so clever.

Check out my vintage fashion photos I posted today!



boyunso said...

u made me to fall in love with this outfit :) very cute!!!

Guilherme Saviñon said...

Tvai u is so cuti ... I love u ... visit my blog www.mundochanel5.blogspot.com ok ... kiss ....

Katherine said...

Love the socks!


Арина said...

You have an interesting blog! I read it every time I see the update! Thanks for a good time!
I also love fashion! Therefore, I lead blog about fashion:

hope505 said...

Dear tavi: I'm going to bite your style and wear two different socks. I wear socks all the time with my skirts and dresses, and I'm pretty sure I can pull it off, so, just letting you know. *haha! ok? As if you care...I am a total stranger, plus I'm a thousand years old, plus I live far away from you in a totally different state and we're not likely to ever be associated or mix social circles or whatev., so, I figure it's ok. ok? ok.
Have a swell day!
* : )

Anonymous said...

sock/shoes combo - double win.

Bonita said...

I like your nerdy look and colourful socks!

walrus said...

wowe. i have not seen Arthur in tres forevers, and the socks shall be declared deities.

Cara said...

That video just made my day.

(those glasses really suit you. but I do love your transparent ones.
I seen an old lady in Tesco today wearing glasses like your transparent glasses and thought of you. that's a great thing)

Anonymous said...

Dear Tavi,
Oh yeah! I remember watching Arthur as a lonely 6-year old. You have a very chic inspiration for me to wear crazy socks monday. I appreciate your blog post and your outfit as always.I hope you enjoy your fashion inspirations!

Luna Tiger said...

oh Tavi I missed you so much these days, thanks for coming back in the blogosphere, your new outfit is gorgeous !


Lyndranette said...

OMG! just that post title brought back so many childhood memories! I luv arthur! ur outfit is wicked creative and cool as always.luv the mismatching socks and the cardi is cute. have been following ur blog 4 like 2 years and still luv it! Rock on and Jesus luvs u!

my blog - lyndranette.blogspot.com

dimitra said...

hhaha awesome !


Anonymous said...

Haha, I think the grandma shoes help the librarian effect. So basically this outfit is awesome. The mismatched happy socks were a nice touch.

misselisak said...

You are my inspiration Tavi. Keep up the good work.

Nicole said...

Could we get a better look of you in the glasses? :)


Angelica Ng said...

Cute outfit! And WOW is your chem textbook ever interesting! ;)


Lovers, Saints & Sailors said...

Your dads thrifted shirt as a dress.

Erica said...

Jeg elsker deg!

thwany said...

i love the smell of library books

hannbokhi said...

Love this retro outfit

a l e x i s perlman said...

hahahah! this was the title of my first blog entry ever, about a year ago!

great insight, love the socks, not that I'd ever be able to pull them off!


Kristian said...

I TOTALLY get the Funky Aunt reference. It is the ugly duckling of funny stereotypes that is on the brink of international stardom. just sayin.

Punkykupcake said...

I love the socks, Tavi. I think I'm going to start wearing mismatched socks and show them off! XD I always steal stuff that my mom thrifts for my Dad its kinda bad! XP love this outfit!

Life As I Show It said...

Adorable as always...

Tess Jessica said...

what an idea haha great

Josemi. said...

really love you and your blog! you're amazing!
congratulations! :)


Ana B. said...

Love the socks! I think I used that same math book like ten years ago when I was in HS. Good thing math never really changes.

keep up the fab work doll!

Anonymous said...

The men there can def pull off the cardigan and skirt look a lot better than most women can! haha amazing
and you look amazing!

Miss Neira

Anonymous said...

Hey guys! Were giving away 5 signed BMG tote bags to survey participants! It takes 5 minutes– promise!! All fashion and shopping questions!


isabelle said...

Big fan of the mismatched socks.

Eire said...

Love the dress!


cancercowboy said...

Yeah! for the outfit. to voice a serious opinion about the glasses i'd need to see a full frontal shot of you wearing them. but in combination with your currently red hair (which is fading, i see) they just might look a tad too obviously Daria-esk. just sayin.

[RICK] said...



but I like the outfit =]

Anonymous said...

love this look! i like how the socks tie in with the coloured cardi to give it all pops of colour!

hannah, heart city said...

omg stop being me!! i love that arthur episode. i know every fing word. i wish i was 5 years younger and went to your school and could make clubs with you an stuff. also, sick socks. I USED TO WEAR UN MATCHED SOCKS. Now i am way too boring for that.

hanny arianty gultom said...

kindda a regret that i can not play colors in my young age like you.. i like your style of being your age.. inspirations for other kids your age.. well done Tavi.. ^^

Anonymous said...

agree about the glasses. too bad about the snakeskin.

the socks remind me of Max Headroom backgrounds.

Livey said...

I have the same textbook. It's so old I think it belongs in a museum.

Hanna said...

I LOVE that song!

Janet Locane said...

It's interesting, thanks!