Part five, ish, also, the last one, i know you're so disappointed

This one isn't really an assortment of accessories or as moodboard-y as the others, but is mostly dedicated (a dedication! How fancy!) to my pal Laia, who gave me this record, and for whom these shoes were basically BORN, and...yeah. You needed to know all that also by the way, duh.
I kind of hate the way I took this picture because the shoes are arranged really awkwardly and pointlessly but they are also very shiny and satiny and I like seeing Kim Gordon's face sneaking around behind the right foot. You stop getting into trouble! Don't make me come back there!
And, y'know, cats! Free Kitten! DO I SENSE A THEME?


Elle said...

wow this is awesome. i love those shoes wherever did you get them all???

Stephanie Fereiro said...

I don't own any heels except my Grade 8 graduation ones... I think these would be the perfect way to make up for all the heels I never bought before. Hmm.

matthew roland said...

Lovely. I think number one was my favourite. Or number two..

... said...

I love those shoes so much. Miu Miu is my hero.

Catherine said...

I kind of wouldn't mind having cats all over everything in my closet. Oh and I definitely wouldn't mind having these shoes.


jb said...

Ughhh Tavi! They are amazing. Wherever did you find those?

xx jb

matthew roland said...

No no, now I think about it, my favourite is definitely number one.

andrea said...

although i kinda love kim gordon, i hate free kitten.

andrea said...

although i kinda love kim gordon, i hate free kitten.

Alixanne said...

Quite simply, wonderful.

andrea said...

tavi you seem like you might like heavens to betsy

Maria Konstantinov said...

I just died and went to heaven, came back and died again. I can't find these anywhere! I've looked all over the universe! WHY!!!!

Catherine said...

Way to take pic of my favorite pair and not give it out. . .


I am not that arrogant.

but yea, those are awesome, in case you haven't noticed xD

Erin said...

I wish I had those shoes. I love cats. I wonder if there is a white pair with black cats... it would be like my cats!

WendyB said...

That's a chic way of being a crazy cat lady.


need / want those shoes<3


need / want those shoes<3

px said...

I will be ebay searching these shoes for the rest of my life. Maybe when I am 80, I will finally get to have them on my feet. Glad you got to be in their presence if only temporarily!

Anonymous said...

Those shoooeeess~ Those are the shoes I dream of at night :D

fabiola talavera said...

ah i love those shoes, they looks so much like ones i saw in a miu miu runway, by the way tavi, ive just saw you on my vogue mag.

zoomslow said...

I've always been taught to concentrate more on the form and silhouette in fashion - but this collection has really made me appreciate the surface. The cats/birds/flower prints are really powerful. It really hit me when I saw those photos of you wearing the stuff. You really created an alternate kind of head-space with the way you looked, the setting, and of course the Miu... ("Just a minute, please, I'm coming!" was just a door to door salesman) Miu.

zoomslow said...

BTW I love saying "really".


I love the shoes. I love cats. I wish I could find them and buy them.

Carolina said...

I'm madly in luv with your shoes! I want a pair just like this so, so much!

Ps: Your blog is awesome! You're so stylish! I'm passionate about your outfits!

eesa said...

these are absolutely amazing

Emma said...

I am sad to hear this is the last Miu Miu moodboard! Those shoes are just too wonderful. If only I could touch those shoes. Anyways, great post. Miu Miu is the best, this collection is the best. Have you considered splurging a bit to buy a pair of these shoes, or even a piece of the clothing?
Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

i wnt this miu miu shooooooes! where did you get them?

Sleekit said...

I would definitely take these Kittens round the block, your composition is spot on

Sleekit x

laia. said...


i like sneaky kim gordon.

Rebecca Jane said...

I must admit I am envious of all the fantastic shoes in your last few posts - so great!

Meg said...

UGH. Why must you take hauntingly beautiful images to flood my dreams with on a daily basis? I'm dead.

Catarina Paulino said...

Uauuuuuuu is perfect!

Nedda Ebo said...

Lol I like the way you put the heel of the shoe in the other. So cute xx

Sheik-Chan said...

It's like the starting of a shoe staircase!! XD I love it.

Hal E. Liebling said...

the print on these mius was probably my favorite from this collection .. you can't beat the satin.

Pretty Shiny Sparkly said...


Mirusqa said...

These black shoes are very very cool and beatiful.So cute...

Rachel Estrada said...

These shoes are gorgeous! My feet are jealous just looking at this picturee, fun post!


Anonymous said...

Love those heels!

chwalisz. said...

Yeah, totally disappointed. These shoes are one of my favorite pair from Miu Miu.

Unknown said...

Those Miu Miu's are indeed the biz!

So is Kim Gordon.

Come see fashion westie if you feel like scoring some Karen Walker free kittens, just free shoes!

Anonymous said...

참 많은 구두를 가지고 있군요! :)

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Insomnia said...

Stop making people jealous with your amazing Miu Miu stuff :p

Alban Giudicelli said...

I'm jealous. There's no justice in this world !

statement said...

It breaks my heart a little to see how the fashion industry is harnessing you. I hope that at least you have reaped great benefits from selling your soul so easily.

Lucka ;-) said...

Cats are not the shoes fault! luv luv luv this blog :D

Izzen said...

So lovely. Want all these Miu-Miu shoes for myself, already. Jeez.

Maia said...

I love this one!xx

cancercowboy said...

@ statement: wow, that really is a statement... bit harsh, don't you think? might even call it insolent, if you pardon my French. to allege someone has sold his/her soul might be considered an insult, you know? on your behalf i'll assume the true meaning of your words was lost in translation.

@Tavi: Sorry, just had to say that. you don't need anybody to speak for you.

anyway, nice method to stow away shoes ^_^
if i had the money i'd let me tailor a suit with this pattern. *sigh*

Jade Andersen said...


Sid xx

Bird said...

shoes are cute!!! kitty cats!!

Anonymous said...

too bad it's the last one :) AND I still think that the one with "Hitchcock barbie" was the best :)

Mi Armario En Ruinas said...

I really need that shoes!!

Glam Glam Janeth said...

'll add you to my blogroll on my blog I love everything you do what you think and as far as your young teinvito has come to my blog.

Bianca said...

i cry everythime i see these shoes because i know i cant have them...:) ahhaha

mary said...

I love this blog!♥♥♥
tavi gevinson ruleys!

Enke said...

ohh, wow. you`re fantastic. really, I love your blog and your posts.
and: I love theese miu miu shoes, wish they were mine...

Cherie said...

I love Laia! She's so cool. I know I sound like a broken record, but I must mention again how amazingly amazing those shoes are.

Anonymous said...

absolutely in LOVE with those shoes. GORGEOUS.

Casey said...

haha i actually love the way you styled the shoes in this photo.

UshiSato said...

i lurb it dahlin'...


UshiSato said...

i lurb it dahlin'...


UshiSato said...

i lurb it dahlin'...


UshiSato said...

i lurb it dahlin'...


UshiSato said...

i lurb it dahlin'...


km. said...

Loved the moodboards! And yes, sad that they're over!!

Dudù (Schimera Antonio) said...

Wonderfull... the miu miu shoes are amazing

Molly Gertenbach said...

you've been given the sunshine award!

Hi, I'm Ely. said...

sniffles. it's killing me that you get to play with all of those beeeautiful items. you totally deserve it tho lol!

keira antoia rose said...

No way do you have those Miu Mius. I am SOOOOOOO jealous. You don't even know.

xoxo Isabella Clarisse xoxo

Anastasia said...

you're ridiculous...
in a good way ofcorse

check out:

Anastasia said...

you're ridiculous...
in a good way ofcorse

check out:

Maia said...

also heres the link to my blog that you wilnt visit
dont be dirty ice cream, you know you want to visit

Alisa said...

Those heels are awesomee! Where'd you get them?

The Young Radicals said...

gorgeous shoe tavi...i dont think you are a rookie anymore....girl, you have graduated.

Anonymous said...

Lovely shoes, you have a great style of writing too. Keep it up!

edenly jewellery blog

Kamilla said...

Haha, you are funny :) and Kim Gordon's face does fit in very well right there.

paler faces said...

oh hellaa yush! i love free kitten you genius!

Anonymous said...

Newest post: Colorful Band
Click here:

bricemour said...

Great blog. I admire you:) You have an original style. I have a request ... Give me the platform from Miu Miu from a photo <3 They are fantastic! Sorry for any mistakes, just learn your language. Greetings from Polish; * Feel free to me:

Camilla said...

flipping heck Tavi, I scrolled down to your photoshoot with the mui mui items (how lucky you are) you look so pretty!

and by jesus those shoes are gods.

statement said...

@ cancercowboy :
Reacting like a shocked vestal or shilly-shallying on the subtleties of English language will not remove the facts that ads -even disguised as mood boards- remain ads, and the time when a smart blogger like Tavi could share her opinions with integrity and independance, and had the elegance to save us from smelly sponsored posts, is now over. Saddly.

Mirka said...

aaaaah, i'm soo in love with theese shoes ♥♥ wonderful, yay

and i like "", i mean that dot com, no blogspot dot com, haha :))

Gen said...

When I saw this shoes it was a kind of love at first sight. Unfortunately I can´t afford them

Dewi said...

You're amazing, I really love your blog, style, hair and shoeees..!!

Ollie Crafoord said...

I want these shoes so bad. They are the only shoes I will ever need again.

Unknown said...


MIRACULOUS shoes, all are great but most of the pink


guus van vugt (owner) said...

love it so much

Miss. Ore said...

i think i want those shoes lol!

cancercowboy said...

don't want to use this comment section for personal and kinda pointless chitchat but what you mistake for the reaction of a "shocked vestal" was envisaged as a (obviously failed) tongue-in-cheek attempt to say that i think its a bit thick to accuse a 13 year old of selling her soul for a pair of shoes. yeah, the companies probably had the additional advertising in the back of their heads. so what? thats neither Tavi's fault nor is it her responsibility to save us from something or other. simply not her job.
its solely the reader's responsibility to take care of oneself. and i doubt that the rookie gets paid millions to lure us into buying stuff many of the readers would buy anyway, if they could afford it.
you seem to think she committed some sort of treason or got 'corrupted', respectively 'sold out'. you must know someone pretty well to make such a statement without sounding (or actually being) presumptuous.
you feel like she violated your standards? maybe your standards weren't her standards to begin with. or maybe you are way too huffy and just a tiny bit paranoid? maybe you are just jealous? who knows? i certainly don't.
please just remember that Tavi seems to write this blog for fun and you have the choice to completely ignore it.

no offence, but i don't see the necessity to discuss this any further. if you do, feel free to do so via mail.

Beatrice said...

First of all, Miu Miu makes me CRY because I want all of it. ALL OF IT.

Secondly, this blog makes mah day! I've said it before, but I'm sayin' it again!

Anonymous said...

Cutest shoes ever!

M said...

Luv those shoes! I need pls tell the peeps @Prada you need a shoe giveaway asap

girlaxia said...

my gosh you're adorable!

Anonymous said...

So, cute! Realy nice shoes XD

Thnks, for your blog Tavi, wait new posts ;)

Tegan said...

"You know, Tavi, like her or don't like her, she's 13 — whether she even really writes it herself, the idea that she has gotten all this attention, it's because of the Internet, not because of anything else. [At Elle] we're talking about people who have really done this their entire lives, who've really covered fashion, who really understand fashion ... understand the history of fashion, can critique it from a point of view, [can] actually relay it back to something they've experienced and understand. I don't think Tavi even knows what happened five years ago. She has every right to [post] on the Internet, she has every right to have the following she has ... everybody can follow her and find her creative or funny or quirky or inspiring, but the idea is there are people here [at Elle] who do know the history and I think that Anne [Slowey] stresses this. It's absolutely true: if you don't know what you're talking about, then do you really have the credibility to talk about it?"

CELESTE said...

u're really fabulous on this blog and the pair of shoes is so nice!

Helen said...

woww what interesting looking shoes!

helen x

statement said...


"please just remember that Tavi seems to write this blog for fun"
For fun only? please don't be so naive...

"and you have the choice to completely ignore it."
Considering the fact I can see much more outspoken adertising campaigns in fashion magazines, yes I will.

Alyssa said...

Miu Miu... amazing as always. Especially loving this season!! Style Council would love love love and know how to wear it...

Loveable Scamps said...

These shoes are godly!!!

Laura said...

I'm quite obsessed about these gorgeous miu miu shoes. for me, the best design this season, i'm so jealous about your wonderful shoes ;-)

have a nice day and by the way...

may take a look at my new blog

Gabby K. said...

I love the Miu Miu shoes since I saw them for first time.
Very floral for the season.

Take care.
Visit my new blog? Classurê?

rachel said...

I love that song!!!! And cats :)

Anonymous said...

I absolutely ADORE those shoes ;) so kitsch and I deffo want a pair <3

thwany said...

the shoes look like they're floating!

Julia said...

Oh, gosh, I WANT those shoes!


Im giving away this dress that i designed on my blog.. you should go and comment; i think it would look great on you!

Tora said...

De skoene er fantastiske! Jeg vil spise dem, så fine er de!

Jeg visste ikke at du snakket norsk!

:D Men nå ble jeg vel glad!

Hilsen Tora

Chrissy said...

mew mew catformz :D

Joan said...

MIU MIU is forever...

Style and Fashion said...

The shoes look fabulous!!!
I love miu miu shoes and that photo epitomises their unique chic element!

Please check out:

Idiom Row said...

i drew you!

Caresses sur Paris said...

So lovely shoes and blog also..
Love you!

Anonymous said...

those shoes are truly delicious!

Various Projects said...

Sonic Youth & Miu Miu. Ah, you're speakin' to me! ;)

Riot Nrrd said...

Darn good song!

Jess-Gab said...

i think the word AMAZING can't really describe these shoes by miu miu!i totally love love love them!i want them soooooooooo bad!

Anonymous said...

i'm fairly new to your blog... and by fairly i mean the other day my friend left a comment on my facebook telling me to look up tavi the thirteen year old blogger because she said i reminded her of her... or you.
it kind of threw me off because i'm 19.
but then i looked your blog up!
and i was still confused because it's a fashion blog and well, i do admire the industry, but i mean... my major is civil engineering. design is involved but of a different sort. :p
then i started reading and i realized she meant more personality-wise i think. haha and i was by no means offended. i also look 13 so that could have been the implication. not important!

anyway this comment is really to ask you a question.
you said this all started off spontaneously for the most part. it was only recently (now a few of years) that you had gotten into fashion. you definitely know what you're doing when it comes to design and coordination, which can be learned but that doesn't seem to be the case for you.

...ok i'm going to skip straight to the question...
do you see yourself doing this (broad, i knoooow) with your life, something else, both? do you think your ~passion for fashion~ (yeah i'm prty lame) will stick with you? is that a stupid question?

apologies for my book of a comment.

Anne♥ said...

WoW! I really LOVE this shoes!!!

Ckeck out my blog :

Initials.CC said...

superbe !!


Grina4Ever said...

Hello Tavi!!!!!!!You are THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would like to do my blog like you.
I live in italian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My blog is: http:\\
By grina

jess said...

those shoes are absolutely to die for, i can't believe you were actually able to breathe in the same air space as them! forever jealous!

jp xx

complete with cuteness said...

I. NEED. THESE. SHOES! Must. Have. them!!!!!!

becca said...

In response to your kitten theme... have you seen this video? Kittens inspired by kittens? Kind of goes with your theme haha

Great post!

Anonymous said...

I love your shoes!
Kiss, Vicky.

Rachel said...

How do you walk in those shoes???!!!

Anonymous said...

those miu miu are sick. SO LOVELY

Anonymous said...

<3, Poppy

Unknown said...

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